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Most of the division's maps and atlases of cities and towns in Russia have been cataloged, and thus are searchable by way of the Library of Congress online catalog. Set search limits by location to "Geography & Map" and search by city or town name in the title field.
Researchers are asked to keep in mind that many maps of cities and towns in western Russia, the Baltics, the Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine, Russian Central Asia, Siberia, and the Russian Far East are not cataloged. Most of those items were produced by Germany's Wehrmacht before and during the Second World War, and indicate that nation's interest in occupying and ruling the Soviet Union. Until they are cataloged, they can be searched by reference staff upon request.
Below we list a few maps and atlases representative of the collections.
Plan imperatorskago stolichnago goroda Moskvy. Sochinennoi pol' smotreniem' Arkhitectora Ivana Michurina v' 1739 godu. (S.l.: Ivan Fedorovich Michurin, 1739). Engraving, hand-colored border. Scale ca. 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7064.M7 1739 .M5 Vault HL 22-18
Essentially the first geodesic plan of Moscow and its environs surveyed and compiled under the direction of Ivan Michurin. Shows existing and projected city streets, subdivisions, buildings (especially in the Kremlin), rivers and streams, lands under cultivation, and vegetation pictorially. Numbers on the map indicate it was accompanied by a table of references. Cartouche illustrates an unidentified female figure holding an urn that serves as the source of the Moscow River and a medallion with the coat of arms of Moscow City.
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Plan stolichnago goroda Moskvy / sochinial irisoval nakhodiashcheisia v sluzhbe priuprave blagochiniia arkhitektury pervago klassa pomoshchnik podporutchik Ivan Marchenkov 1789-go goda ; pr. L. Florov. (Moscow: Gravirovan i pechatan naizhdivienii moskovskago kuptsa Nikity Kalʹchugina, [1789]). Engraving, uncolored. Scale [ca. 1:22,000]. Filed under LC call number G7064.M7 1789 .M3 Vault
Impressive and handsomely-drawn map of Moscow by premier architect Ivan Marchenkov. Map shows streets (double-lined), buildings, wards, parks, open areas, fortified walls of the Kremlin and Kitai Gorod, the old White City and Earthen Rampart, rivers and canals, bridges, vegetation pictorially, and relief by hachures. Map includes notes; an index of city wards; an illustration of the coats-of-arms of Moscow Province at lower right with index of same at upper left; below the neat line a large index of buildings and points of interest classified by districts; and illustrations of imaginary columnar ruins and the double-headed Imperial eagle and coat-of-arms.
Plan de la ville et des faubourgs de Moscou : indiquant, d'après les renseignemens fournis par des officiers attachés à l'Etat Major général Impérial de la Grande Armée, les parties de cette ville, que les Russes ont incendiées lors de l'entrée de S.M. l'Empereur Napoléon, le 14 Septembre 1812. (A Paris : Chez P.G. Chanlier, [after 1812]; A Paris : Chez Ch. Picquet, [after 1812]). Engraved print, hand-colored. Scale approximately 1:10,800. Filed under LC call number G7064.M7S5 1812 .C4 Vault Oversize
Large, visually striking French map of Moscow, its neighborhoods, and environs illustrating, per reports supplied by officers attached to the Imperial General Staff of the Grand Army, the parts of the city burned by the Russians after Napoleon's entry on September 14, 1812. An extremely well-executed city plan, it depicts streets and street names; various buildings throughout the city; faubourgs or neighborhoods; city walls; administrative divisions; parks; rivers; and cultivated and uncultivated vegetation pictorially. The large portions of the city that burned are colored pink, while those that survived are colored dark red. Includes an indexed "Tableau indiquant les Deux Espèces de Divisions De Moscou, l'une par Villes et l'autre par Quartiers," as well as numbered references to parish churches and those financially supported by the tsar.
lliustrirovannyii novyi plan stolichnago goroda Moskvy s dostoprimiechatelʹnymi zdaniiami Kremlia, kremlevskikh i drugikh moskovskikh soborov, monastyrei, izviestnykh tserkveĭ, dvortsov kremlevskikh i zagorodnykh znamenitykh, okrestnosti eia, Kremlia i drugikh chasteĭ, goroda Moskvy razlichen. Risoval chertezhnik Orlovskii. (Moskva: s.n. [1882]). Chromolithograph. Persepctive map, not drawn to scale. Filed under LC call number G7064.M7A3 1882 .O7
Impressive bird's-eye view of Moscow from the 1880s that illustrates the Kremlin and other major buildings pictorially. Shows streets and street names; wards; parks and plazas; churches, cathedrals, and monasteries; and vegetation pictorially. Margins include illustrations of buildings, while an inset depicts Moscow's Art and Industry Exhibition in 1882. Annotated in ink. Includes statement "approved by the censor, Moscow, July 25, 1881." Includes the emblem of the city of Moscow, surmounted by the coronation crown of Catherine the Great.
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Plan' Goroda Novgoroda sniatyi v' 1862 g. ([Saint Petersburg?]: khromolitografirovannyi pri Voenno-Topograficheskom Depo., 1862). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:8,400 or 100 sazhen to an English inch. Filed under LC call number G7064 .N6 1862 .R8
Finely-drawn and softly tinted plan of Novgorod from 1862. Map illustrates streets; churches and monasteries; stone walls; embankments; the Volkhov River and tributaries; stone, wooden, and non-residential structures; parks; fruit and vegetable gardens; meadows; bridges; and relief by hachures. Includes two indexes to points of interest in the commercial and St. Sofia sides of the city. Map oriented with north to left.
Plan gubernskago goroda Orla / chertil chertezhnik V. Popov. (S.l.: s.n., 1842). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:8,400 or 1 English into to 100 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7064 .O52 1842 .P6 Vault
Softly-colored manuscript map of Orël from the mid nineteenth century depicting streets and street names; wards and block numbers; settlements; the Orlik and Oka rivers; some feature names; and relief by shading. Includes legend indexed to points of interest, as well as two distance charts, text, and the city's coat of arms.
Plan goroda Pavlovska. Khromolitografirovannyi pri Voenno Topograficheskom Otdielie Glavnago Shtaba. 1866. ([Saint Petersburg?]: s.n., 1866). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:8,400 or 1 English inch to 100 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7064 .P39 1866 .R8 Vault
Well-executed and softly toned plan of the city of Pavlovsk, the palace, and the park. Illustrates buildings; streets; railway line and station; paths through the park; bridges; rivers, lakes and ponds; canals; cultivated and uncultivated vegetation pictorially; place names; and shaded relief.
Plan' Petergofa i Aleksandrii, ispravl. v' 1897 gody. (Saint Petersburg: s.n., 1897). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:8,400 or 100 sazhen to an English inch. Filed under LC call number G7064 .P47 1897 .P4
Vibrant and detailed plan of Peterhof, Aleksandriiskii Park, and their environs as they appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. Map illustrates streets and roads, street and place names, gardens and parks, structures, canals and ponds, wharves, vegetation, and relief pictorially. Includes an indexed list of buildings, churches, ponds, cascades, and fountains.
Topografische Vorstellung der Neuen Russischen Haupt-Rlsidenz und See-Stadt St. Petersburg. (Nuremberg: J. B. Homann, 1718). Engraved print, hand-colored. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S2 1718 .H6 Vault
Lavishly decorated map of Saint Petersburg published within fifteen years of its founding. Depicts streets, canals, buildings, fortresses, cultivated and uncultivated vegetation, and hachured relief. Includes an elaborate cartouche illustrating a deity holding a portrait of Peter the Great, the shipwright Argus with a large man-of-war, various muses, and classical ephemera. Includes an inset of the Neva River titled Charte des Neva-Stroms von der Ladogischen biss in die Ost See allwo St. Petersburg, dem Heil Apostel Petro zu Ehren, von Czar: Majt. angelect worden; an illustration of Crohn Schlot (Kronstadt Fortress); and an index to points of interest.
Nova et accuratissima urbis St. Petersburg à Russorum Imperatore Petro Alexiewiz ao. 1703 ad ostium Nevæ Fl. conditæ et regionis circumjacentis delineatio / per Matth. Seutter, Chalc. August. = Neue u. accurate Abbildung der von dem grossen Russ. Kaiser Petro Alexiewiz Ao. 1703 an dem Aussfl. dess Neva Stroms erbaueten Statt St. Petersburg samt d. umligend. Gegend / heraussgegeb. von M. Seutter. // Abbildung der neuen russischen Haupt-Residenz und See Statt St. Petersburg. (Augsburg: Mattheaus Seutter, 1734). Engraving, hand-colored. Two maps on one sheets, scales [ca. 1:25,000] and [ca. 1:200,000]. Filed under LC call number G7064.S2 1734 .S4 Vault : HL 44-113
Two impressive and colorful maps of Saint Petersburg on one sheet by Augsburg map publisher, Mattheaus Seutter. The top map, Nova et accuratissima urbis St. Petersburg à Russorum Imperatore, depicts the city and its environs, including the Gulf of Finland and southern Lake Ladoga. It shows a few place names, roads, a few buildings, and vegetation pictorially. The bottom map, titled Abbildung der neuen russischen Haupt-Residenz und See Statt St. Petersburg, illustrates the city proper. It depicts streets, place names, canals, subdivisions, buildings, gardens, fence/lot lines, and cultivated and uncultivated vegetation pictorially. Includes an indexed list of references. From Seutter's Grosser Atlas worinnen enthalten alle die jenige geographische Universal-Special- und Particular-Mappen, Augsburg, 1734.
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Topographia sedis imperatoriæ muscovitarum Petropolis, anno 1744 designata jam publici juris facta. Plan der kayserle. Residentz Stadt St. Petersburg, wie solcher A. 1744 gezeichnet worden. (Augsburg: Tobias Lotter, 1744). Engraved and printed map, hand-colored. Scale ca. 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S2 1744 .L6 Vault
Handsome map of Saint Petersburg from the mid eighteenth century by Augsburg publisher and engraver, Tobias Lotter. Map shows streets, the river, docks and wharves, canals, fortified areas, public buildings, parks and vegetation pictorially, Includes illustrations of ships in the Neva River and the Gulf of Finland. Includes descriptive index to points of interest in Latin and German. Includes an embellished coat of arms suggesting the city's origins and purpose via a double-headed Romanov eagle, a decorative semi-circular enclosure with royal monograms, the coat of arms of Saint Petersburg, cannon and cannon balls, bales of goods, an anchor, three-dimensional models of fortified towns, surveying instruments, a port gate, and a ship at harbor.
Novoi plan stolichnago goroda i krieposti Sanktpeterburga. Nouveau plan de la ville et de la forteresse de St. Pétersbourg. Grid: Kh. M. Rot. Par C. M. Roth. (S.l: s.n. 1776). Engraving, hand-colored. Scale ca. 1:20,000. Filed under LC call number G7064.S2 1776 .R6 Vault
Vibrantly colored and well-executed plan of Saint Petersburg from the mid-1770s. Map depicts streets, buildings, subdivisions, gardens, and vegetation pictorially. Marginal indexed legends, pasted on in French, identify various faubourgs and rivers/canals, buildings, and streets throughout the city. Table of text, in both French and Russian, references the applied colors. Subtitle informs us of the map's sources: "Originalʹnoi chertezh sego plana nakhoditsia v arkhivie glavnoi Politsii. Exécuté exactement d'après l'original qui se trouve dans les Archives de la Police." Cartouche contains the emblem and insignia of Catherine the Great.
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Plan S. Peterburga : sostavlennyi po novieishim sviedeniiam. (S. Peterburg : Izdanie Kartograficheskago zavedeniia A. Ilʹina, [188-?]). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:19,320; 230 sazhen to an English inch. Filed under LC call number G7064.S2 188- .I4
Handsome, precisely drawn, and finely engraved map of Saint Petersburg by the cartographic firm of A. Ilyin. Map illustrates streets and street names; canals; military, government, and commercial buildings; plazas, parks, and gardens; trolley lines and local railway lines; wards; police stations; and cultivated and uncultivated vegetation pictorially. Includes diagrams of fire alarm signals for twelve locations. The prolific publishing house, A. Ilyin's Cartographic Establishment, was founded in 1864 and run by the Ilyin family until its nationalization in 1918. According to the National Library of RussiaExternal, the enterprise reached its zenith in 1882, producing up to 6 million impressions that amounted to about 90 percent of all civilian cartographic products published in Russia. Its owners were also unique in that they served as the primary authors, compilers, and editors of numerous publications ranging from teaching atlases to basic cartographic products.
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Plan goroda TSarskago Sela. Khromolitografirovannyi pri Kartograficheskom Zavednii Voenno-Topographicheskago Otdiela Glavnogo Shtaba. (Saint Petersburg: Kartograficheskom Zavednii Voenno-Topographicheskago Otdiela Glavnogo Shtaba, 1867). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:8,400 or 1 English into to 100 sazhens. Filed under LC call number G7064 .P85 1867 .R8 Vault
Finely-drawn and softly-toned chromolithograph of the village of Tsarkoe Selo and its environs. Map illustrates streets and street names, buildings, the palace and its grounds, cultivated and uncultivated vegetation, and place names. Indexed to points of interest for churches, buildings and houses of the palace, state and public buildings, and summer residences (dachi).
Plan g. Tuly. 1891 g. (Tula: izdanie Tul'sakago Gubernskago Statistitcheskago Komiteta, 1891). Map, colored. Scale 1:12,600 or 150 sazhens to the inch. Filed under LC call number G7064 .T84 1891 .T8 Vault
Late nineteenth century map of Tula. Shows streets and street names; densely settled areas; stone quarters; judicial and police districts; railroad, cast iron, and wooden bridges; railway lines and horse-drawn railways; churches; police headquarters; regimental camps; rivers; ravines; vegetable gardens and orchards; and relief by hachures. Inset depict the provincial city of Tula as of August 20, 1779. Includes legend. Indexed to points of interest, including churches, military institutions, civil institutions, hospitals, schools, welfare agencies and alms houses, and shelters.
Plan Goroda Ufy. ([Ufa?]: B.U.S.N.Kh., [192-]). Map, uncolored. Scale 1:16,800. Filed under LC call number G7064 .U3 192- .B3
Possibly 1920s city map of Ufa, capital of Republic of Bashkortostan. Map shows streets and street names; existing and planned neighborhoods; railroads; streams; bridges; parks; churches and mosques; militia boundaries; gardens and parks; wooded areas; docks along the Belaya River; and dachas and farms. Inset depicts Ufa and its environs. Feature information on the map is in Russian, but the key is in both Russian and what likely is Bashkir (in Arabic script).
Plan' Oblastnogo Goroda Vladikavkaza Terskoi Oblasti. Izdanie 1911 g. Oblastnogo Staticheskogo Komiteta pod' redaktsiei Sekretaria Komiteta Pod'esaula M. A. Karylova 2go. (t. Petersburg: A. Il'ina, 1911). Chromolithograph, colored. Scale 1:8,400. 100 sagenes to 1 English inch. Filed under LC call number G7064 .V54 1911 .T4
Detailed city plan of Vladkavkaz from 1911. Shows, via color and symbol, developed areas, public and private buildings in areas served by water utilities, gardens and parks, and areas awaiting development. Also depicts streets and boulevards; railway lines; city blocks and block numbers; rivers and stream beds; embankments; dams; river features; bridges; city limits; churches and mosques; and relief by hachures. Includes legend. Includes two insets, one depicting the Georgian Military Highway, the other the environs of Vladikavkaz and a portion of the military highway to the Devdoraki glacier.
Ordshonikidse. ([Germany]: Heeresgruppe A Ia Mess. Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black and white. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .V54 1937 .G4
German Army map of Vladikavkaz from World War II. Map shows generalized land use and densely populated areas; streets; railway lines; and some major buildings and and possible military objectives, i.e factories, schools, bridges, headquarters of the war commissariat and the district commissioner of the party, air force flight school, etc. Note indicates that street names were taken from a 1:10,000 scale confiscated map dated 1937.
Ordzhonikidse 1:25,000 (Original). Karta-Skhema (Ordzhonikidze). ([Berlin]: Germany. Heer. Abteilung fur Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen, [1942]). Photolithograph, colored. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .V54 1941 .G4 MLC
1941 Russian topographic map, with German overprint in red, depicting Vladikavkaz and its environs from the early years of the Second World War. Map shows cities and towns; place names in Russian and German; roads and trails; a railroad; rivers; cultivated lands; vegetation pictorially and by color; locations of various cultural features, i.e machine tractor stations, factory, clay pit, schools, burial mounds, etc.; and relief by contours, hachures, spot heights, and land form drawings. Includes a list of German words and abbreviations for local features.
Plan goroda Irkutska. E. R. Bender. (Irkutsk: izd. "Ves' Irkutsk," [1915?]). Colored map. Scale [1:7,400] or 1 inch to 125 sazhens. Filed under LC call number G7064 .I7 1915 .B4 MLC
Pre-revolutionary plan of the city of Irkutsk. Map depicts streets and street names; parks and gardens; existing and planned developments; cemeteries; Trans-Siberian railway line; the Angara and its tributaries; five city districts; country roads; tram lines; and some relief by hachures. Includes legend. Indexed for ninety-two points of interest.
Available as a digital image through the Library's website.
Umbegungskizze von Magnitogorsk -- Sonderausgabe IX.41. (Berlin: Generalstab des Heeres, Abt. f. Kriegs. u. Ver., 1941). Black and white map. Scale 1:22,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .M23A1 1941 .G4
Germany Army plan of Magnitogorsk, major source of Soviet steel during the Second World War. Indicates the locations of various foundries and industrial sites, as well as streets, railroad, raions, and layout of residential area.
Plan' Goroda Omska s' okrestnostiami. (Omsk: sostavlen' b' 1917 g. pri Voenno-Topographicheskom Otedel' Omkago voenn. okruga, 1917). Elektro-lithograph, colored. Scale 1:16,800 or 400 sazhens to an inch. Filed under LC call number G7064 .O45 1917 .R8
Finely-drawn and detailed plan of the Siberian city of Omsk at the time of the Russian Revolution. Map shows highways, freight roads, and paths; railway lines; public buildings and institutions; telegraph and telephone lines; hedges, enclosures, and barbed wire fences; meadows; orchards and gardens; brush; sands; steam mills and water pumps; private establishments; city, district, military, and militia boundaries; and relief by form lines. Includes inset of the Omsk fortification and adjacent structures as of May 31, 1803. Map includes legend, as well as indexed lists of streets and points of interest.
Plan goroda Tomska s prilegaiushchei k nemu zhelieznodorozhnoi vietvʹiu. Syrtsov, S. A. (Tomsk, Rossiia, Izd. Tipo-litografīi M.N. Kononova i I.F. Skulimovskago. 1898). Chromolithograph. Scale Scale 1:16,800; 200 sazhens to an English inch. Filed under LC call number G7064.T72 1898 .S9
Late nineteenth century map of Tomsk with a branch of the railway line. Shows streets and street names; major buildings; squares; wards; fire districts; vegetation pictorially; and relief pictorially. Includes table with index to points of interest, and illustrations of fire symbols.
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Defenses of Vladivostok prepared by the 2nd Division General Staff (Military Information Division) War Department April 1905. ([Wash., D.C.: U.S. Army, M.I.D., 1905). Manuscript map. Scale ca. 1:25,000. Filed under unverified LC call number G7004 .V56R4 1905 .U Vault
U. S. Army map depicting military installations and defenses in the vicinity of Vladivostok in 1905. Shows forts and enclosed defenses, batteries for emplacements, abattis, barbed wire, trou de loups, marine mine fields, ditches, infantry trenches, search lights, railroads, roads and trails, place names, and relief by contours and spot heights. Includes legend and some notes on military installations.
Plan of the city of Vladivostok. ([Vladivostok?]: Young Men's Christian Association, 1918.) Colored map. Scale [ca. 1:21,000] or 1 inch = 250 sagenes. Filed under LC call number G7064 .V56 1918 .Y6
Tourist map of Vladivostok designed and published by the local Y.M.C.A. but possibly used by British or American troops during the Russian Civil War, as it includes an attached type-written list identifying points of military interest and distances between them. Map depicts streets and street names; wards; various buildings; a cemetery; vegetation pictorially; relief by form lines; and the Golden Horn and the Amur Gulf. Includes an index to 112 points of interest, a street index, and a letter-key to wards. Map is in English but printer's statement in Russian.
Map is available as a digital image through the Library website.
Stadtplan von Kishinew (Chișinău). (Berlin: Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, 1941). Map, black-and-white. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7114 .C5 1941 .G4
German army street map of Chișinău from the Second World War. Shows streets and street names, settled areas, prominent buildings, cemeteries, a railway line, and surrounding areas. Includes a directory of public buildings, such as police station, barracks, hospitals, city hall, train station, water and electric works, cathedral and synagogue, etc.
Barysaŭ : mashtab 1:10 000 / 20-XII-36 h. VKamaraŭ. (S.l.: V. Kamarau, 1936). Manuscript, pen-and-ink, with lead-pencil annotations. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7094.B4 1936 .K3 Vault
Manuscript topographic map of Barysaw, Belarus, and its environs. Depict streets and street names; rivers; Jewish cemetery; vegetation pictorially; and relief by contours and spot heights. Does not show buildings or densely settled areas.
Tobu soryo shgaizu. (S.l.: Japan, Rikugun, Sambo Hombu, Showa 16- [1931-]). Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .A1 s25 .J3
Japanese set of city plans in the Russian Far East. Plans show urban street patterns, densely settled areas, locations of buildings, roads, railroads, rivers, submerged lands, vegetation pictorially, and relief by contours and spot heights. Place names are in Japanese. Various editions of most sheets. Some of the sheets are reprints produced by the Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. No legend accompanies the set.
Sheets are arranged alphabetically. Inexpert transliterations of Japanese place names include Aruhara (Arkhara), Balstovo, Biginskaya, Birobidzhan, Bureya, Chernishevka, Dubinsky, Dukhovskoye, Guberovo, Gvozdyaevka, Iman, Ippolitovka, Khabarovsk, Manzovka, Molchanova, Obluchye, Pozdeyevka, Raychikha (Raichikhinsk), Raychikha (Raichikhinsk) Coal Mine, Razdolnaya, Rozengartovka, Spassk (Spassk-Dalny), Syobodny (Svobodny), Sysoyevka, Uglovaya, Ussuri & Ruzhino, Vladivostok, Voroshilov, Vozzhayevka, and Zavitaya (Poyarkovo).
[City of Khabarovsk and its Environs.] (S.l.: s.n.,1944). Photocopies. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .K44 s10 .J3
Set of six large-scale maps of the city of Khabarovsk and its environs made by the Japanese Kwantung Army at the end of the war. Maps are photocopies, source of originals not cited. Sheets show streets, buildings, roads, railway lines, and relief by contours and spot heights. Keyed index to maps, on verso of sheet one, in English identifies military installations; administrative institutions; educational, cultural, and amusement institutions; economic and industrial installations; health facilities; transportation, communication, and electrical installations; and miscellaneous institutions. Sheets in Japanese, but occasional annotations in English.