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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


No author. Ėkonomicheskai︠a︡ karta I︠A︡kutskoĭ oblasti. 1982. Original map at Russian State Library. Digital image available available through the Library of Congress website.

The division holds maps illustrating economic activity and economically valuable resources in Russia at the national, regional, oblast, and municipal levels. Economic maps, like the one above, tend to stress centers of production, extractive industries, agricultural output, regional advantages, and transportation networks. Those that are cataloged can be searched on the Library of Congress online catalog via standard terms such as "Soviet Union economic conditions maps" or "Tul'skaia oblast Russia economic conditions maps" or "Saint Petersburg Russia economic conditions maps" or similar iterations. The division's collection of uncataloged economic maps is described below.

Single Maps

The division holds sixty-three uncataloged maps in two drawers depicting economic activity in Russia and the former Soviet Union. They range in date from 1906 to 1969, and are arranged chronologically. A few are described below.


Piatiletnii Plan Narodno-Khoziaistvennogo Stroitel'stva SSSR. Skematicheskaia karta novogo stroitel'stva sostavlena pod red. N. A. Kovalevskogo A. V. Strel'bitskim // The Five Years Plan of the Building Up of the USSR. A Schematic map of new industrial construction compiled by A. W. Strelbitzky, edited by N. A. Kovalevsky. (Leningrad: GGKVSNKh SSSR, 1928). Offset lithograph, colored. Scales vary. Filed under USSR -- Economic -- "Five Year Plan" -- 1928 -- 1:5,000,000 -- Strelbitzky

Soviet map depicting projected industrial development under the first Five-Year Plan, 1929-33. Two maps on one sheet: "European Part of the USSR" (1:5,000,000) and "Asiatic Part of the USSR" (1:15,000,000), both showing the locations of oil wells, coal mines, metallic and non-metallic mines; chemical plants; textile mills; miscellaneous enterprises and factories; oil refineries; pulp and paper mills; steam and hydroelectric stations; saw mills; fisheries; sugar refineries; sheep and grain collective farms; river canals; oil pipelines; Trans-Siberian and great trunk railway lines; and railways under construction. Also shows cities and towns; state boundaries and administrative subdivisions; railroads; and rivers. Includes extensive legend. Title, legend, and text bi-lingual in Russian and English. Includes insets depicting industrial sites in Leningrad, Moscow, the Donets Basin, and Kuznets Basin. Map published by the Publishing House of the State Planning Commission of the USSR.

International Company of Harvesting Machines in America. ([Saint Petersburg]: s.n., [193-]). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:12,600,000. Filed under USSR -- Economic -- [193-] -- 1:12,600,000 -- Osborn

Map by the American corporation, International Harvester, showing the locations of its offices and factory warehouses in Soviet Russia. Nine company locations indicated by red dot. Also show towns and settlements; place names; railroads; rivers; and relief by land form drawings. Includes legend. Includes five illustrations of company sowing and harvesting machines. Two copies of map, one with the name "Osborn" and the other with "Champion," presumably the names of two company products.

The Soviet's Amazing Industrial Experiment: Under the Five-Year Plan the Bolsheviki are Striving to Increase the Output of Factories and Farms -- Past, Present and Future of Russian Industry. From The New York Times, Sunday January 26, 1930. Newsprint map. Scale not given. Filed under USSR/Russia -- Economic -- Five Year Plan -- 1930 -- NY Times, January 26, 1930

Map, accompanying the article, shows the location of the Soviet Unions' chief natural resources, i.e. gold, iron ore, copper, platinum, coal, petroleum, and phosphates, and several of the great industrial regions to be established under the Five-Year Plan. Article describes for the American reader the implementation of the plan, and its major constituent industries. Includes comparative industrial statistics of the United States and the USSR, and photographic illustrations of a rolling mill and tractors on a collective farm.

Russia' Export Policy Stirs the World: Intent on Carrying Through an Industrial Revolution Under the Five-Year Plan, Moscow Authorities Have Thrown on the International Markets Exports Necessary to Pay for What they Must Import. From The New York Times, Sunday September 28, 1930. Newsprint map. Scale not given. Filed under USSR/Russia -- Economic -- 1930 -- NY Times, September 28, 1930

Map, accompanying the article, depicts Russian agriculture showing projected belts of specialized production, i.e, wheat, forest, fur, industrial, etc. Article describes for the American reader the problems attending the Five-Year Plan and the impact of trade on its intended success. Includes photographic illustrations of peasants sowing with the aid of tractors and the process of threshing on a cooperative farm.

The Five Year Plan of Economic Development of the U.S.S.R. ([London]: John Bartholomew, 1933). Photolithograph, colored. Scales vary. Filed under Russia/USSR -- Economic -- 1933 -- 1:4,500,000 -- Bartholomew

Two maps on a single sheets: European Part of the Soviet Union (scale 1:4,500,000) and Asiatic Part of the Soviet Union (scale 1:15,000,000), both showing the locations of oil wells, coal mines, and iron mines; chemical plants; textile mills; oil refineries; factories of building materials; pulp and paper mills; industrial and hydroelectric stations; saw mills; iron and steel mills; fisheries; grain and sheep farms; and other facilities. Also shows cities and towns; place names; state boundaries and administrative subdivision; railway lines; roads; and rivers. Depicts existing Trans-Siberian and trunk lines, and railway lines under construction; river canals; and oil pipe lines. Includes a pie chart of estimates of capital investments during the five years 1928-29 to 1932-33; charts of principal indices of the plan and rates of employment and unemployment; and bar graphs indicating capital construction, and the total area devoted to grain production on state, collective and individual farms. Includes a list of some of the larges new factories and plants completed in the first two years of the five-year plan. Includes a table of industries keyed by symbol. Includes an inset of the Kuznets Basin.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics June 1941. (New York: American Russian Institute, 1941). Photolithograph, colored. Scale 1:8,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Economic -- 1941 -- 1:8,500,000 -- American Russian Institute

Map of the Soviet Union published in the United States in 1941 by the American Russian Institute, an American arm of the communist party, showing the nation's major industrial areas, as well as locations of several industries, i.e. iron, coal, oil, heavy industry, and cotton. Also shows cities and towns; place names; single and double-track railroads, and those under construction.

The division holds thirty-two maps depicting economic activity in European Russia for the period 1842 to 1973. One especially informative item is described below.


Ekonomichesakaia Karta Evropeiskoi Chasti S.S.S.R. sostavlili: M. B. Volf', V. E. Den, i G. A. Mebus. G. I. Brovkin. (Moskva-Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo gazety "Ekonomicheskaia Zhizn'," 1927). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:2,000,000. Filed under Russia -- European -- Economic -- 1926 -- 1:2,000,000

Large wall map illustrating the Soviet economy in the mid 1920s a few years prior to the implementation of the First Five-Year Plan. Consists of one large map of European Russia and several smaller maps indicating production values in various industries. The primary map illustrates gross exports and imports; amount of traffic in and out of ports; the most important useful minerals; seven categories of lands; and the main industries in various areas. It also depicts seven levels of urban settlements; road; rivers; oil pipelines and oil fields; and raions with large fishing and hunting industries. Includes an extensive legend with symbols keyed to locations and industries. Smaller maps depict output in specific industries, such as the amounts of rye, wheat, barley, and oats planted per 100 hectares of cultivated areas in 1925; population density; heads of cattle and livestock; projected and special agricultural stations; foreign exchange levels in 1924/25; and number and distribution of home workers. Includes a booklet of explanatory text.

There is one uncataloged map depicting economic activity in Estonia for the year 1971 and one in Lithuania for the year 1965.

The division holds nine uncataloged maps depicting economic activity in the RSFSR for the period 1955 to 1962. One unusual item covering Moscow Oblast is described below.


Moskovskaia guberniia : liechebnye, veterinarnye, strakhovye i agronomicheskie zemskie punkty k nachalu 1915 godu / chertezh V.A. Krulʹ ; grav. N. Kalʹmian. (Moskva : Tipo-lit. t-va I.N. Kushnerev i ko., [1915?]). Typo-lithograph, color. Scale1:420,000 / 10 versts to an English inch. Filed under LC call number G7063.M6G15 1915 .T2

Unique map of Moscow Oblast depicting its network of rural extension services. Shows towns and villages; place names; local administrative divisions (uyezds and volosts); state and zemtsvo highways, and zemstvo highways planned for construction by 1918; roads and railroads; local hospitals with beds and local hospitals without beds, insurance agents, agronomic centers, and veterinary clinics. In old orthography Russian.

Available as a digital image through the Library website.

The 1916 edition of the map is also available as a digital image through the Library website.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting economic activity in the Caucasus for 1941 and 1957, and one in Azerbaijan from 1967.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting economic activity in Kazakhstan from 1965, and a single map of economic activity in Tajikistan from 1968.

The division holds seventeen uncataloged maps depicting economic activity in Siberia that range in date from the 1890s to 1976. Two are described below.


Carte de la Russia d'Asie Dressée par Comptoir Franco-Anglo-Russe (Paris: R. Martens & Cie., [189-?]. Printed map, hand-colored. Scale 1:5,400,000. Filed under USSR -- USSR in Asia -- Economic -- [189-?] -- 1:5,400,000 -- R. Martens

Possibly late nineteenth century map of Siberia, hand-colored to indicate areas of economic activity, including agriculture, cattle breeding, agriculture and cattle breeding, reindeer, creameries, and fisheries, as well as lands set aside for hunting. Includes hand-drawn legend.

Ekonomicheskaia Karta Aziatskoi Chasti S.S.S.R. M. I. Silishchenkii and A. F. Belavin. ([Moscow]: s.n., 1926). Colored map. Scale 1:10,000,000. Filed under Russia in Asia -- Economic -- 1926 -- 1:10,000,000 -- Silischenskii, M.I. for Gosudarstvo Izdatelstvo

Informative and engaging pictorial map depicting Siberia's economic resources in 1926. Map identifies the region's economically useful minerals; stocks and outlets of natural resources, including coal, oil, gold, and ozokerite (naturally occurring paraffin), with relative tonnage of coal and gold deposits; forest reserves (in cubic meters); regions of agricultural production for various products, such as barley, rye, cotton, cattle, horses, and reindeer; fur and fishing industries; railroads; roads; ports; rivers; cities, towns, and villages; and relief and bathymetry by shading. Includes a descriptive list of major resources. Includes insets depicting Siberia's soils, ethnic groups, and climate. Includes legends.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting economic activity in Kamchatka Krai from 1944. There is also a single uncataloged map depicting land use in Sakhalin Oblast from 1917.

A single uncataloged map depicts economic activity in Belarus from 1968.

There is a single map depicting the Moldavian A.S.S.R.'s economy dated 1922, and it is described below.


Harta Administrativa si Economica a Basarabiei . . . intocmita de Eugeniu N. Giurgea. (S.l.: Directorul Statisticei din Basarabia, 1922). Map, colored. Scale 1:300,000. Filed under USSR -- Moldavian SSR -- Economic -- 1922 -- 1:300,000 -- Directorul Statisticei din Basarabia

Map illustrating Bessarabia's administrative divisions and economic output in the early 1920s. Map depicts provincial and county capitals; towns and villages; railroads; local and county road; paths; provincial and county boundaries; and subprefectures. Map includes illustrations of various economic sectors, such as beekeeping, forestry, industry, fisheries, and livestock; and includes graphs and diagrams indicating total agricultural output, areas under cultivation, proportions of cereal production, and general distribution of land in Bessarabia, Moldova, and Bukovina.

The division holds seventeen uncataloged maps depicting economic activity in Ukraine for the years 1920 to 1966.
