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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


Veni︠u︡kov, M. (Mikhail), cartographer. Ėtnograficheskai︠a︡ karta Azīi︠a︡tskoĭ Rossīi. 187-?. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.

There are maps depicting ethnicity, ethnic populations, and language distribution in Russia and the former Soviet Union. Most employ a somewhat similar scheme of colors and patterns to capture the general distribution of various groups and subgroups of languages and/or ethnic populations, such as the one illustrated above. Also, given German interest in identifying populations of German peoples in Eastern Europe and Russia prior to World War II, a fair amount the materials were compiled on behalf of German authorities. Cataloged maps depicting ethnography are listed on the Library of Congress online catalog, and can be searched by standard subject terms, such as "Ethnology Russia Federation maps" or "Ethnology Asiatic Russia maps" or "Caucasus, South Languages maps" or "Ethnology -- Russia Federation Komi maps" or "Ethnology Ukraine maps" and so forth. Uncataloged maps are described below.

Single Maps

The division holds twenty-six uncataloged maps depicting ethnology in Russia and the former Soviet Union for the period 1897-1963. One of them, in addition to another filed under a different category, are described below.


Etnograficheskaia Slavgiskikh Narodiostii. M. F. Mirkovicha and A. F. Rittikhom'. (Saint Petersburg: izdanie Otdela Slavianskago Blagotvornitel'nago Komiteta, 1877). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:4,200,000. Filed under Russia -- European -- 1877 -- 1:4,200,000 -- M. F. Mirkovich / 3rd ed.

Ethnographic map depicting the Slavic and non Slavic-speaking population groups of Russia, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Turkey. Compiled and published in 1877 by the Slavic Benevolent Committee of Saint Petersburg. Various groups distinguished by color and pattern. Includes legend identifying nine Slavic-speaking groups and seventeen non Slavic-speaking groups. Also shows cities, towns, and villages; railroads; roads; monasteries; place names; state borders; and rivers and canals. Includes two statistical tables, one indicating the populations of Slavic language groups in ten countries, and the other indicating the populations of various religious groups according to their written and spoken languages.

Narodnosti Rossii po Guberniiam" i Oblastiiam". Sostavlena po Zaiableniiam" o Rodnom" Iazyke pri pervoi bseobshchei perepisi 1897 goda. N. P. Peshtichem" (Saint Petersburg: Kartograficheskago zabedeniia A. Il'ina, [1897]). Chromolithograph. Scale not given. Filed under USSR -- Ethnology -- 1897 -- N. P. Peschtichem

Map and tables based on the first Russian national census of 1897. Schematic map illustrates the predominant nationality in each gubernia and oblast, with key that references nationalities by color and gives population figures for each. Map includes table identifying the population of each ethnicity for every 10,000 Russian inhabitants, while another table identifies the prevailing ethnicity by region. Sheet includes a set of sixty-eight statistical tables identifying the predominant ethnicity, by gubernia, in European Russia, and a set of twenty-eight statistical tables identifying the predominant ethnicity, by gubernia and oblast, in Asiatic Russia. Includes an indexed alphabetical list of gubernias and obalsts in European Russia, Finland, Asiatic Russia, and the Caucasus. Includes an additional indexed list of nationalities by color.

There are seventeen uncataloged maps depicting ethnology in European Russia. They range in date from 1851 to 1946. Several, which are of German origin, reflect that nation's obsession in identifying German populations in western Russia. Many of those, including two informative cataloged items, are described below.


Ethnograficheskaia Karta Evropeiskoi Rossii. Sostavlena A. Il'inym". ([Saint Petersburg]: A. Il'ina, [18--]). Colored map, 49 x 44 cm. Scale 1:7,350,000. Filed at USSR -- European -- Ethnography - [185-] -- A. Ilin.

Nineteenth century map illustrating ethnography in European Russia. Identifies thirty-six ethnic groups by color.

Ethnograficheskaia Karta Evropeiskoi Rossii sostavlennaia Petrom' Keppenom' izdana Imperatorskim' Russkim' Geograficheskim' Obshchestvom'. S. Petersburg' 1851 goda. (Saint Petersburg: Imperial Russian Geographical Society, 1851). Colored map, 105 x 104 cm., on four sheets, 53 x 55 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,960,000. Filed at USSR -- European -- Ethnography -- 1851 -- Imp. Russian Geog. Soc.

Large map on four sheets by the Imperial Russian Geographic Society depicting ethnography in European Russia. Map identifies thirty-eight ethnic groups by color and number. Indexed legend in both Russian and German. Contents of legend are repeated below neat line on sheets 1 through 3. Also shows towns and cities, churches and cathedrals, streams and rivers, administrative boundaries, and place names.

Etnograficheskaia karta Evropeiskoi Rossii sostavil' po porucheniiu Imperatorskago Russkago Geograficheskago Obshchestva dieistveiel'nyi chlen' onago A. F. Rittikh' pod' nabliueniem' spetsial'noi kommisii ez' Vitse-predsl'datelia Imperatorskago Russkago Geograficheskago Obshchestva P. P. Semenova i chlenov': A. I. Artem'eva, E. G. Veidenbayma, M. I. Veniukova, A. A. Kynkika, P. I. Lerkhe, L. N. Maikova, V. N. Mainova i I. V. Khristiani. (Saint Petersburg: A. A. Il'ina, 1875). Colored map, 160 x 130 cm, on six sheets, each ca. 54 x 65 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,500,000. Filed at USSR -- European -- Ethnography -- 1875 -- 1:2,520,000 -- A. F. Rittikh'.

Wall map on six sheets compiled by the Imperial Russian Geographical Society depicting ethnography in European Russia. Legend identifies forty-six ethnicities, which are categorized under one of fourteen ethnic groups. Ethnicity identified by color and pattern. Also shows cities, towns, and villages; roads; boundaries; swamps; streams and rivers; and place names.

Etnograficheskaia Karta Slavgiskikhz Narodnostei M. F. Mirkovicha. Dopolnena A. F. Rittikhom' S. Petersburg 1877 goda. (Saint Petersburg: Otdela Slavianskogo Blagotvoritel'nogo Komiteta, 1877). Colored map, 84 x 67 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,200,000. Filed at USSR -- European -- Ethnography -- 1877 -- 1:4,200,000 -- M. F. Mirkovich.

Ethnographic map published by the Slavic Welfare Committee depicting the distribution of Slavs throughout European Russia. Ethnicity denoted via color and pattern. Population divided between Slavs and non-Slavs, with nine ethnic categories of Slavs and seventeen ethnic categories of non-Slavs being identified. Two statistical tables indicate Slavic population figures by both nationality and religion. Also shows cities, towns and villages, as well as monasteries and churches, railroads, roads, boundaries, and place names.

Die deutschen Mennoniten-Kolonien in Russland. M. F. F. Wilhelmsdorf. (Munich: K. Beil, [19--]). Negative photostat map, 32 x 37 cm. Scale ca. 1:5,500,000. Filed at USSR -- Ethnology -- [19--] -- ca. 1:1,500,000 -- Wilhelmsdorf.

Map of southern Russian identifying the Mennonite settlements primarily in the regions of the Volga, Kuban, and Tauride. Also includes insets at larger scales that depict the Mennonite settlements in Yekaterinoslav and western Siberia.

Karte der deutschen Siedlungen in Neu (Süd)-Russland. Bearbeitet im Auftrage des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart von Dr. K. Stumpp, 1921. (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 197-). Map, 40 x 65 cm. Scale 1:1,500,000. Call number G7101 .E1 1921 .S8.

Map depicting the Schwarzmeerdeutsche settlements in Bessarabia, Kherson, Ekaterinoslav, Don Gebiet, and Crimea as compiled by Dr. Karl Stumpp in 1921. Also identifies Russian settlements in region. Map depicts railroads, roads, borders, rivers, and place names.

Der Deutschen Siedlungen in der Sowjetunion. (Berlin: Sammlung Georg Leibbrandt, 1941). Colored maps and photocopy, sizes and scales vary. Call number G2111 .E3D4 1941.

Five Nazi-era topographic maps identifying the locations and population sizes of German settlements and communities in Russia. The titles of the five sheets indicate their coverage: 1) Umgegend von Petersburg; 2) Wolhynien und die unmittelbar angrenzenden Gebiete (SSR Ukraine); 3) Ukraine mit Krim (SSSR Ukraine und ASSR Krim); 4) Kaukasus und Transkaukasus; and 5) Deutsche Wolgarepublik. Maps are accompanied by a gazetteer identifying each community by its place name, administrative affiliation, population, and its location on the map. Gazetteer also identifies cities with German inhabitants, their administrative affiliations, numbers of total and German inhabitants, and their map locations.

Die Verbreitung der Russen im Nordwestlichen Europäischen Russland. F. A. Doubek and K. v. Maydell. (Berlin: Reichsministerium des Innern, 1941). Offset lithograph. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Ethnology -- "der Russen" -- 1941 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Doubek & Maydell -- Reichsministerium des Innern

German Interior Ministry map of European Russia from 1941 showing the distribution of Russians in northwestern European Russia. Color shading indicates the proportion of Russians relative to the total population (excluding Jews). Also shows towns and settlements; state borders and administrative subdivisions; and altered borders since the beginning of 1941.

Die Verbreitung der Letten und Litauer im Nordwestlichen Europäischen Russland. F. A. Doubek and K. v. Maydell. (Berlin: Reichsministerium des Innern, 1941). Offset lithograph. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Ethnology -- "Letten und Litauer" -- 1941 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Doubek & Maydell -- Reichsministerium des Innern

German Interior Ministry map of European Russia from 1941 showing the distribution of Latvians and Lithuanians in northwestern European Russia. Color shading indicates the proportion of Latvians and Lithuanians relative to the total population (excluding Jews). Also shows towns and settlements; state borders and administrative subdivisions; and altered borders since the beginning of 1941.

Die Verbreitung der Weissruthenen im Nordwestlichen Europäischen Russland. F. A. Doubek and K. v. Maydell. (Berlin: Reichsministerium des Innern, 1941). Offset lithograph. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Ethnology -- "Weissruthenen" -- 1941 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Doubek & Maydell -- Reichsministerium des Innern

German Interior Ministry map of European Russia from 1941 showing the distribution of Belarussians in northwestern European Russia. Color shading indicates the proportion of Belarussians relative to the total population (excluding Jews). Also shows towns and settlements; state borders and administrative subdivisions; and altered borders since the beginning of 1941.

Die Verbreitung der Finno-Ugrischen Völker im Nordwestlichen Europäischen Russland. F. A. Doubek and K. v. Maydell. (Berlin: Reichsministerium des Innern, 1941). Offset lithograph. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under USSR -- Ethnology -- "Finno-Ugrischen Volker" -- 1941 -- 1:1,500,000 -- Doubek & Maydell -- Reichsministerium des Innern

German Interior Ministry map of European Russia from 1941 showing the distribution of Finno-Ugrians in northwestern European Russia. Color shading indicates the proportion of Finno-Ugrians, including the proportion of nine subgroups, i.e. Karelians, Lapps, etc., relative to the total population (excluding Jews). Also shows towns and settlements; state borders and administrative subdivisions; and altered borders since the beginning of 1941.

Baltic States

There are two uncataloged maps illustrating ethnology in the Baltics in 1934-35. Both are described below.


Die Bevölkerung Estlands und Lettlands dargestellt in ihrem nationalen Gefüge nach dem Stande von 1934 (Estland) und 1935 (Lettland) von K. von Maydell. (Leipzig: Verlag von S. Hirzel, 1940). Colored map, 48 x 46 cm. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at Baltic States -- Ethnology -- 1940 -- 1:1,000,000 -- K. von Maydell.

Map showing population and ethnicity in Estonia and Latvia. Populations identified are Germans, Swedes, Estonians, Setukesens, Ingrians, Livonians, non-Catholic Latvians, Catholic Latvians and Lettgallers, Russians, White Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, and Jews.

Die Verbreitung der Deutschen in Estland und Lettland auf Grund der amtlichen Volkszählung von 1934 (Estland) und 1935 (Lettland) bearbeitet von K. v. Maydell und G. Bornkam. (Leipzig: Verlag von S. Hirzel, 1940). Colored map, 45 x 46 cm. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at Baltic States -- Ethnology -- 1940 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Maydell & Bornkam.

Map showing German populations in Estonia and Latvia. German populations denoted by red circles, which by size indicate population levels. Map also depicts borders, forests, swamps, lakes, and rural community and municipality numbers.



There is a single uncataloged map depicting ethnology in Estonia dated 1940, and its described below.


Karte von Estland. Administrative Einteilung nach dem Stand vom Jahre 1934, bearbeitet von K. v. Maydell und G. Bornkam herausgeben von der Publikationsstelle, Bin.-Dahlem, 1940 // Verbreitung der Deutschen (auf Grund der amtl. Volkszählung von Jahre 1934). (Berlin: Leopold Kraatz, 1940). Colored map, two sheets, 106 x 129 cm. Scale 1:300,000. Filed at Estonia -- Ethnology -- German Population -- 1940 -- 1:300,000 -- Maydell & Bornkam.

Map of Estonia depicting the distribution of the German population based on the 1934 Estonian census. German populations denoted by red circles, which by size indicate population levels. Table lists the names of rural communities and municipalities, which are categorized by eleven Kreisen, and indicates their relative location by indexed number. Map also shows boundaries, forests, swamps, and lakes.



All ethnolinguistic maps of Latvia have been cataloged, but one especially informative item is described below.


Latvia, map of memorable places of Jewish history : synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, burial places of the Holocaust victims / project head Rabbi Menachem Barkahan = [Latviia, karta pamiatnykh mest evreĭskoĭ istorii : sinagogi, evreĭskie kladbishcha, mesta zakhoroneniia zhertv Kholokosta / rukovoditelʹ proekta ravvin Menakhem Barkagan = Latvija] / LR Valsts zemes dienests, Kartogrāfijas pārvalde. (Riga?]: The Jewish Religious Community "Shamir", Museum "Jews in Latvia", 2005). Colored map, 48 x 79 cm. Scale 1:600,000. Call number G7041 .E43 2005 .L3.

Map of Latvia indicating places associated with Jewish history, especially the Holocaust. Identifies synagogues, Nazi concentration camps, ghettos, Jewish cemeteries, designated and non-designated burial places of Holocaust victims, roads, and railroads. Includes text identifying Jewish cemeteries and burying places of Holocaust victims; while verso includes numerous illustrations and text on sites prominent in Jewish history. Text, legend, and cover title are in English and Russian; title within map border, statement of cartographic attribution, and place-names are in Latvian.

Copyright: Menachem Barkahan, 2005.



There are eight uncataloged maps illustrating ethnology in Lithuania for the period from the early 1900s to 1941. Several are described below.


Die Verbreitung der Deutschen in Litauen, auf Grund der amtlichen litauischen Volkszählung von 17. September 1923 dargestellt von Werner Essen unter Mitwirkung von F. Doubek und E. Horn. (Berlin: Publikationsstelle, 1935). Colored map, 96 x 117 cm. Scale 1:300,000. Filed at Lithuania -- Ethnology -- Germans -- 1923 -- 1:300,000 -- Essen.

Map depicts the location and number of Germans in Lithuania as of the 1923 Lithuanian census. Settlement population size indicated by symbol, while the German population of each Kreis is indicated by number.

Die Bevölkerung Litauens dargestellt in ihrem nationalen Gefüge nach dem Stande von 1923 (Litauischer Staat) und 1919 bzw. 1921 (Wilnagebiet) von Erna Horn. (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1941). Colored map, 33 x 40 cm. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at Lithuania -- Ethnology -- 1923 -- 1:1,000,000 -- E. Horn.

Map depicts the ethnic composition of Lithuania as of the 1923 census. Major ethnic groups identified are Lithuanians, Poles, White Russians (Belorussians), Germans, Russians, and Latvians.

Mapy Rozsiedlenia Ludnosci Polskiej na Terenie Republiki Litewskij i na Obszarach Polnocnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. // Les Cartes de l'Etablissement de la Population Polonaise sur le Territoire de la Republique Lithuanienne, et dans les Regions Nord-Est de la Republique Polonaise. (Warsaw: Instytut Badan Spraw Narodowosciowych, 1929). Colored map, 46 x 61 cm. Scale 1:750,000. Filed at Lithuania -- Ethnology -- Polish Population -- 1929 -- 1:750,000 -- Inst. Badan Spraw Narodowos.

Ethnographic map in both Polish and French produced in Warsaw by the Institute for the Study of the Minorities Question. Map illustrates the density of the Polish population of Lithuania and the region surrounding Vilnius. Population percentages and densities indicated by gradient shading. Map also shows roads, highways, railroads, towns and villages, boundaries at the national and administrative sub-division levels, and place names.

Mapy Rozsiedlenia Ludnosci Litewskiej na Terenie Republiki Litewskij i na Obszarach Polnocnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. // Les Carte de l'Etablissement de la Population Lithuanienne sur le Territoire de la Republicque Lithuanienne et dans les Regions Nord-Est de la Republique Polonaise. (Warasaw: Instytut Badan Spraw Narodowosciowych, 1929). Colored map, 45 x 60 cm. Scale 1:750,000. Filed at Lithuania -- Ethnology -- Lithuanian -- 1:750,000 -- Instytut Karto. Warszawa.

Ethnographic map in both Polish and French produced in Warsaw by the Institute for the Study of the Minorities Question. Map illustrates the density of the Lithuanian population of Lithuania. Population percentages and densities indicated by gradient shading. Map also shows roads, highways, railroads, towns and villages, boundaries at the national and administrative sub-division levels, and place names.

Politische Gliederung, Bevölkerungdichte und Nationalitätenverteilung in Litauen. ([Berlin]: [Oberquartiermeister Miltargeografische, Heer Generalstab, 1939]). Colored map, 39 x 48 cm. Scale 1:750,000. Filed at Lithuania -- Ethnography -- 1941 -- 1:750,000 -- Germany. Heer Generalstab.

National Socialist map depicting the political complexion, population density, and ethnic distribution of Lithuania. Population figures are noted for each district office, indicating total population and the percentages of each nationality relative to the overall population. Ethnicities identified are Jews, Poles, Russians, Germans, Lithuanian, Tartars, and White Russians, whereas population densities of each district office indicated by gradient shading.

There is a single map depicting ethnography in the RSFSR from 1959. There are likely others filed by name of oblast or republic, such as the one from 1934 depicting ethnography in the Udmurt ASSR, which is described below.


Ethnograficheskaia Karta Udmurtskoi ASSR. ([Leningrad]: Vse. Kartograf. tresta G.G.G.G.U.N.K.T.P., 1934). Colored map. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Udmurtskoi ASSR -- 1934 -- 1:200,000 -- N.K.T.P.

Map compiled in the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute by C. P. Zhuikovym. It depicts the locations of populations of Udmurts, Russians, Besermians, Tatars, Mari, Kriashens, and Chuvash. Also shows sovkhoz, kolkhoz, and flax factories; towns and villages; raoin and soviet headquarters; industrial centers; existing railway lines and those under construction; major and minor roads; state and raoin boundaries; rivers; forests; schools; medical clinics, hospitals, and veterinary clinics; and place names. Include legend. Includes an indexed list of raions. Includes population graphs indicating population percentages among ethnicities for 1933, and literacy levels for Udmurts, Russians, Tatars, and others as of January 1, 1934. Table indicates the number of educational institutions in the Udmurt ASSR as of January 1, 1934.

The division holds twelve uncataloged maps depicting ethnology in the Caucasus dating from the early twentieth century to 1948, and a single uncataloged map of ethnology in Armenia from 1919. Several are described below.



Uebersichte Karte des Gebietes der Chewsuren, Tuschen,und Pshawen, nebst Vertheilung und relativer Grössen Angabe der Bevölkerung nach Feuerstellen nach der 5 werst: Generalstabs Karte gezeichnet von G. Radde. (Cassel: Verlag vo Theodor Fischer, [19--]). Photostat map. Scale 1:207,500. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus --Ethnology -- (19--) -- 1:207,500 -- G. Radde.

Map of central Caucasus depicting the homelands of the Western Japhetic (Georgian) Khevsur, Pshav, and Tush.

The Caucasus. (New York: American Geographical Society, [1918?]). Set of six maps, colored. Scale 1:3,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- 1918 -- 1:3,000,000 -- no author.

A set of six maps depicting various aspects of ethnography in the Caucasus. Map one depicts topography and place names. The second map depicts Armenia in Transcausasia, and indicates the location of Armenian, Tartar, Turkish Kurd, and probable Armenian majorities, as well as Armenia's historical boundaries. Map three depicts the location of Russian and Ukrainian populations in the Caucasus. The fourth map indicates the republics of the Caucasus by way of the Turko-Caucasian treaties of 1918, including the North Caucasian Republic, the Georgian Republic, the Azerbaijan or South Caucasian (Tartar) Republic, the Armenian Republic, and the provinces ceded to and/or seized by Turkey. Map five depicts the apparent claims of the South Caucasian Republic in June 1918. The sixth map depicts the Mohammedan majority and minority populations of Transcaucasia and Ciscaucasia by districts, including those inhabited by Tartars (Shiah), Turks, and Mountaineers.

Carte Ethnographique du Caucase. (Berne: Institut Geographe Kummerly & Frey, [192-]). Colored map, 44 x 46 cm. Scale 1:2,600,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- [192-] -- 1:2,500,000 -- Kummerly & Frey.

Map depicting ethnicity of the Caucasus, among them Circassians and Dagestanians, Turks, Georgians, Kurds, Armenians, Russians, Ukainians, and mixed groups. Also shows railroads and boundaries

Karte der deutschen Siedlungen in Transkaukasien. (S.l: S.n., [193-],). Map. Scale ca. 1:3,600,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- [1936] -- 1:3,600,000 -- Th. Hummel.

Undated map shows the location of German settlements in the Caucasus, probably during the 1930s.

Karte der Deutsche Siedlungen im Nord- u. Südkaukasus. Bearbeitet von Dr. K. Stumpp. (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, [197-]). Map, black and white. Scale 1:1,750,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .C3E1 1940 .S8

1970s reprint of Karl Stumpp's map of German settlements in the north and south Caucasus prior to World War II. Shows towns and cities with German inhabitants, German settlements, including those founded in the Soviet era; Evangelical, Catholic, and Mennonite settlements; and mother colonies and extinct colonies. Also shows borders, rivers, and railroads. Includes inset showing German settlements along part of the Terek River in Dagestan. "Reprinted with the permission of K. Stumpp and the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, Stuttgart, Germany" by the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.

Der Deutschen Siedlungen in der Sowjetunion. (Berlin: Sammlung Georg Leibbrandt, 1941). Colored maps and photocopy, sizes and scales vary. Call number G2111 .E3D4 1941.

Five Nazi-era topographic maps identifying the locations and population sizes of German settlements and communities in Russia. The fourth sheet covers the Caucasus and Trans-Caucasus (Kaukasus und Transkaukasus). Coverage on the remaining five sheets is indicated by their titles: 1) Umgegend von Petersburg; 2) Wolhynien und die unmittelbar angrenzenden Gebiete (SSR Ukraine); 3) Ukraine mit Krim (SSSR Ukraine und ASSR Krim); and 5) Deutsche Wolgarepublik. Maps are accompanied by a gazetteer identifying each community by its place name, administrative affiliation, population, and its location on the map. Gazetteer also identifies cities with German inhabitants, their administrative affiliations, numbers of total and German inhabitants, and their map locations.

Völkerkarte des Kaukasus und Seiner Vorländer bearbeitet von der Statistischen- und Kartenabteilung des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts. Stuttgart 1941 under beratender Mitwirkung von Dr. Findeisen, Prof. Dr. Louis, Dr. Plaetschke, Dr. Winz. (Stuttgart: Deutschen Ausland-Institut, 1941). Colored map. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnology -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Deut. Aus. Inst.

National Socialist map of the Caucasus and adjacent areas depicting ethnicity. Categorizes population according to five major ethnic groups, including Indo-Germanic, Caucasian, Turkish, Finno-Ugric, and Semitic, and identifies forty-six ethnicities thereunder. Ethnology indicated by color and pattern, while percentages of population by ethnicity in certain areas are noted by stripes and checkers. Percentage ratios of ethnicity of twenty-five locales whose names are framed on the map are included. Map also identifies borders, railroads, roads, streams and rivers, and various cultural features.

Schematische Völkerkarte des Kaukasus. (Berlin and Stuttgart: Deutsches Ausland-Institut, 1941). In Die Völker des Kaukasus und Seiner Vorländer. Map. Scale not given. Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnography -- 1941 -- no scale -- Deut. Aus. Inst.

National Socialist map, within booklet, identifies major ethnic groups in the Caucasus.

U.S.S.R.: Caucasus Area. Ethnic Groups. (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1948). Colored map. Scale 1:3,000,000 Filed at USSR -- Caucasus -- Ethnography -- 1948 -- 1:3,000,000 -- no author.

U.S. map of the Caucasus categorizes inhabitants by five major groups, including Indigenous Caucasians (Western Japhetic Georgian, Eastern Japhetic, and Western Japhetic other), Indo-Iranians, Indo-Europeans, Semitics, and Turkics, and then by various ethnicities thereunder. Ethnicity noted by color.



Carte Ethnographique de l'Arménie Présentée au Congès de la Paix Dressée par K. J. Basmadjian Professeur d'Histoire Paris 1919. (Paris: K. J. Basmadjian, 1919). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:4,000,000. Filed under Armenia -- Ethnography -- 1919 -- 1:4,000,000 -- Basmadjian

Map prepared on behalf of the Paris Peace Conference by Armenian historian, K. J. Basmadjian, to illustrate ethnic composition within Armenia's historical territory and adjacent to it. Legend identifies ten ethnic groups, and emphasizes areas denuded of Armenians during the genocide. Notes include Armenian population numbers in diaspora nations, and identify data sources consulted.

There are five uncataloged maps depicting ethnology in Siberia for the years 1927 to 1956. One is described below.


Etnograficheskaia Karta Sibiri Sostavlena po dannym perepisi 1897 g. i pozdneishikh mestnykh perepisi. / Carte Ethnographique de la Sibéria dressée d'après les données du recensement de 1897 et des recensements locaux postériors. (Leningrad: Akademiia Nauk Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialticheskikh Respublik, 1927). Colored map on eight sheets. Scale 1:4,200,000. Filed under USSR -- USSR in Asia -- Ethnography -- 1927 -- 1:4,200,000 -- Academie des Science l'URSS

Detailed ethnographic map of Siberia on eight sheets compiled and issued by the commission for the study of the peoples of the USSR and neighboring countries under the auspices of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Information based on the 1897 and previous Imperial Russian censuses. Map illustrates ethnic groups by color, pattern, and number. Also shows place names and rivers. One of the sheets includes a comprehensive indexed legend, but each sheet has a legend corresponding to its coverage. Title and legend in Russian and French. Separate index.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting ethnology in Kamchatka Krai from 1944.

There are three uncataloged maps depicting the ethnology of Belarus for the period 1903 to 1940. They are described below.


Etnograficheskaia Karta Bielorusskago Plemeni, sostavl v" 1903 g. Bielorusskie Govory. (Warsaw: Verzhbitskii & Co., 1903). Colored map. Scale 1:1,750,000. Filed at USSR -- Belorussian SSR -- Ethnography -- 1903 -- 1:1,750,000 -- Verzhbitskii & Co.

Map of Belarus illustrating six dialects of the Belorussian language by color and pattern. Also shows boundaries, roads, rivers, and place names.

Stosunki Narodowosciowe na terench v. Zarzadu Cywilinego Ziem Wachodnich wedlug spisu z 1919 roku. T. Szturm de Sztrem and W. Wakar (Warsaw: E. Wende i S-ka, 1921). Colored map. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Belorussian SSR -- Ethnography -- 1921 -- T. Szturm de Sztrem and W. Wakar.

Polish map of Belarus, based on the 1919 census, depicting percentages of the region's Polish population, as well as areas that are predominately Catholic, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and Jewish. Numbers indicate the percentage of the Polish population for each commune (gmina). Shows the Polish-Russian border agreed upon on October 12, 1920, and the Lithuanian-Russian border agreed upon on July 12, 1920. Includes legend.

Die Neuen Abgrenzungen der Weissruthensichen Sowjetrepublic, ihr Verhäalnis zum weissruthenischen Volkstumsgebiet und zu älteren politischen Grenzen, dargestellt von F. Doubek. (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1940). Colored map. Scale 1:2,000,000. USSR -- Belarussian SSR -- Ethnography -- 1940 -- 1:2,000,000 -- Doubek-Hirzel.

Nazi-era map of Belarus depicting the areas under Russian and German spheres of influence following the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. Shading identifies the core area of the White Russian language, the Polish-influenced area under Soviet jurisdiction in which White Russian is spoken, and a designated area of predominately White Russian peoples of Polesia.

The division holds ten uncataloged maps depicting ethnology and population settlements in Moldova/Bessarabia for the years 1897 to 1940. Three are described below.


Etnograficheskaia Karta Sel'skogo Naseleniia Bessaarbii. Po dannym V. N. Vutovicha 1907 g. i drugim istochnikam sostavel L. S. Berg. (S.l.: izdanie Komissii po izucheniiu plemennogo sostava Rossii pri Rossiskoi Akademii Nauk, 1907). Map, colored. scale 1:420,000. Filed under USSR -- Moldavian SSR -- Ethnology -- 1907 -- 1:420,000 -- Vitovicha

Early twentieth century map identifying eleven ethnic groups in Moldova by color. Also shows towns and villages, place names, rivers, and roads. Includes legend.

Basarabia. Harta Etnografica intocmita de Alexis Nour. (S.l.: s.n., 1916). Map, colored. Scale 1:460,800. Filed under USSR -- Moldavian SSR -- Ethnography -- 1916 -- ca. 1:460,800 -- Alexis Nour

Map illustrating Bessarabia's ethnicity by Romanian journalist and activist, Alexis Nour, who advocated for a union between Bessarabia and Romania. Map depicts ethnic distribution by color, with the intent of demonstrating a Romanian majority. Ethnicity of rural settlements indicated by one or two colors, whereas ethnicity of cities indicated by a compass of colors. Map also shows ten levels of settlements, including cities, towns, villages, and monasteries; boundaries between "voloste" (parishes) and boundaries between districts; railway lines, stations, and bridges; rivers; and place names. Map includes legend, as well as a note on sources; a table of population, economic, social, and ethnic statistical data for the years 1908-15; and a scale bar indicating the number of inhabitants by nationality as of January 1, 1916. Map also includes a vivid cartouche within the title featuring two crossed and unfurled Moldavian flags on poles; a mosaic of an auroch's head circled by star, flower, and crescent within a tiled frame and a garland; and a crown.

Bessarabia. Ethnographical Map. (S.l.: s.n., 1916). Map, colored. Scale 1:460,800. Filed under USSR -- Moldavian SSR -- Ethnography -- 1916 -- 1:460,829 / English ed.

An English language edition of Nour's ethnographical map of Bessarabia. English version omits the decorative cartouche, but includes the note on sources, legend, table of statistical data, and a scale bar indicating the number of inhabitants by nationality as of January 1, 1916.

Karte der Deutschen Siedlungen in Bessarabien bearbeited von Dr. K. Stumpp herausgegeben vom Deutschen Aussland-Institut Stuttgart 1940. (Stuttgart: Deutschen Aussland-Institut, 1940). Map, colored. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- Moldavian SSR -- 1940 -- 1:600,000 -- Stumpp

Map by the Deutches Aussland-Institut identifying populations of German settlements in Bessarabia during the Second World War. German populations are colored blue, while non-German populations are black; whereas varying population levels are denoted by symbol size. Map also identifies wretched communities, less-wretched communities, Catholic communities, district boundaries, district cities, and communities temporarily inhabited or abandoned by Germans. Also shows community names, railroads, and rivers.

The division holds twenty-two maps depicting ethnology in Ukraine for the years 1848 to 1966, but most are concentrated within the period ca. 1910-66. Several are described below.


Deutsche Siedlungen in Galizien gezeichnet von Josef Schmidt in Prezemysl. / Herausgeben vom "Deutschen Volksblatt fur Galizien." (Wien: Freytag & Berndt, 1908). Map, 40 x 55. Scale 1:1,200,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukrainian SSR -- Galicia -- Ethnology -- 1908 -- 1:1,200,000. -- Schmidt.

German map depicting the location of German settlements in Galicia, western Ukraine. Identifies large and small settlements, emigrant and Polonized German communities, non-German communities, borders, and railroads.

Polacy w Galicyi. (S.l., S.n., [1910]). Colored photostat maps, 30 x 44. Scale not given. Filed at USSR -- Ukrainian SSR -- Galicia -- Ethnology --

(1890-1910) -- no author.

Two maps indicating the number of Poles in Galicia. The first map indicates. by way of shading, the percentage of Poles to total population. as well as the percentage of Poles by locale. The second indicates, by way of figures and shading, the percentages of Poles by powiat.

Deutschum in der Ukraine. Mittlere deutsche Besitzgrösse nach Kreisen. Stand von 1914. ([Berlin]: Gez. DAI, 1943). Map, ozalid print, 45 x 71 cm. Scale 1:1,240,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- 1914 -- 1:1,240,000 -- Gez. DAI.

Map shows German population in Ukraine as of 1914, and gives average population figures by district. District sizes also noted in the old Russian metric units of Dessjatines and in hectares.

Karte der Deutschen Siedlungen in Neu (Süd) - Russland. Bearbeitet im Auftrage des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart von K. Stumpp 1921. ([Stuttgart]: Deutschen-Ausland-Instituts, 1921). Map, 41 x 65 cm. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine (Black Sea Area) -- Ethnology -- 1921 -- 1:1,500,000 -- K. Stumpp.

Map identifies the locations of German settlements in southern Russia and Ukraine, specifically Bessarabia, Kherson, Ekaterinoslav, and the Don area. Also indicates relative settlement sizes, roads and railroads, borders, and streams and rivers.

Ethnografichna Mapa Ukrains'koi Sotsiialistichnoi Radians'koi Respubliki. (Kharkyv: Narodn'ogo Komisariiatu Vnutrishnikh Sprav U.S.R.R., 1925). Colored map, 116 x 152 cm. on four sheets, each 58 x 76 cm. Scale 1:750,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- 1925 -- 1:750,000 -- People's Commissariat of Interior Affairs of the USSR (NKVD).

Map of Ukraine on four sheets compiled and published by the Cartographical Section of the NKVD. It depicts the distribution of eleven ethnolinguistic groups in Ukraine. Pie-graphs indicate relative population size and constitution of ethnicities in major towns and cities. Table indicates ethnic population figures by guberniia and okrug. Also identifies administrative boundaries, roads, streams and rivers, and place names. Includes a booklet with explanatory notes and statistics on each guberniia. Administrative boundaries are those drawn before August 1, 1924, with the addition of those boundaries of guberniias and okrugs that were drawn before September 1, 1925.

Nationalitätenkarte der Ukraine und benachbarten Gebiete. I. In Punktdarstellung. Wolodymyr Kubijowytsch. (Berlin-Dahlem: Selbstverlag der Publikationsstelle, 1938). Colored map, 44 x 83 cm. Scale 1:2,500,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- 1938 -- 1:2,500,000 -- W. Kubijowytsch "A", and at unverified call number G7101 .E1 1938 .K8.

Map depicting ethnolinguistic groups in Ukraine and surrounding areas. Map identifies the distribution of sixteen ethnic groups by color point density; with ethnicity in cities over 25,000 inhabitants denoted by pie-graphs. Inset identifies six major religious groups by color. Although the map is in German, its author, Volodymyr Kubijovyc, was Ukrainian.

Nationalitätenkarte der Ukraine und benachbarten Gebiete. II. In Flächendarstellung. Wolodymyr Kubijowytsch. (Berlin-Dahlem: Selbstverlag der Publikationsstelle, 1938). Colored map, each 44 x 83 cm. Scale 1:2,500,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- 1938 -- 1:2,500,000 -- W. Kubijowytsch "B" and at call number G7101 .E1 1938 .K9.

Polish map depicting ethnolinguistic groups in Ukraine and surrounding areas. Map identifies the distribution of twenty-two ethnic groups by use of color. Although the map is in German, its author, Volodymyr Kubijovyc, was Ukrainian.

Ethnographic map of Ukraine (pre-World War II). Original map by Wolodymyr Kubijowytsch, Lemberg, 1938 ; redrawn by Stephen Rapawy and Robert Shlanta, Washington, 1992. [Suitland, Md.?]: Center for International Studies, U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1992.) Colored map, 25 x 40 cm. Scale not given. Call number G7101.E1 1938 .K7.

Ethnographic map of Ukraine as compiled in 1938. Twenty-two ethnic groups identified by color, with pie-graphs indicating relative percentages in major cities.

Transnistriana Carte Éthnographique des Minorités éthniques de l'Ucraine de Sud-Vest (Provinces-"Gubernies": Herson Podolie et leurs limitrophes) avec le territoire de la République Soviétiste Moldave (ancienne région, nommée "Zadnièstrovie") limitrophe de la Bessarabie par le Dnièstre (Nistru) et habitée par les Roumains-Moldaves. Alexis Nour. (S.l, S.n). Colored map, 65 x 79 cm. Scale 1:700,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- [194-] -- 1:700,000 -- Alexis Nour.

Map, in French and Romanian, illustrates the distribution of the separate ethnic groups of Trandniestria: Ukrainians, Poles, and Gypsies; Russians; Rusenes, Lipoveni (Old Believers), Bulgars, and Serbs; Romainian-Moldovans; Germans, Czechs, and Swiss; Jews; and Greeks and Armenians. Major ethnic groups denoted by color and geometric pattern.

Ethnographische Karte der Ukraine entworfen von W. Kubijowytsch - N. Kulitzkyj (Berlin: Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, 1941). Colored map, 48 x 86 cm. Scale 1:2,500,000. Filed at Ukraine -- Ethography -- 1941 -- 1:2,500,000 -- Reich. fur Landes.

Ethnographic map showing population density of Ukrainians in Ukraine.

Der Deutschen Siedlungen in der Sowjetunion. Ausgerarbeitet un herausgegeben von der Sammlung Georg Leibbrandt. Teil 3: Ukraine mit Krim (USSR und ASSR Krim). (Berlin: Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme, 1941). Colored map, 83 x 103 cm. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukrainian SSR -- Ethnography -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Reich. fur Landes.

National Socialist topographic map of Ukraine identifying the locations and names of German settlements. Also shows roads, railroads, streams and rivers, various cultural features, and place names.

Ethnographische Karte der Ukraine. Darstellung nach kleinen Verwaltungsbezirken. (Berlin: Geographische Dienst des Auswartigen Amts., 1942). Colored map, 44 x 70 cm. Scale 1:2,000,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnography -- 1942 -- 1:2,000,000 -- [Geog. Service of the Foreign Office].

National Socialist map of the Ukraine prepared by the Geographical Service of the Foreign Office. Map illustrates twenty different ethnic groups by color. The colors of each administrative district correspond to the population percentage of the constituent ethnic groups, while stripes of varying thickness also indicate percentages of ethnicity. Pie-graphs indicate population figures for towns and cities.

Ethnographic Map of Ukraine. ([Vienna]: S.l, [194-]). Colored map, twelve (?) sheets, each 76 x 52 cm. Scale not given. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- 1943-44 -- W. Krallert.

Incomplete map, consisting possibly of twelve sheets, of Ukraine ascribed to SS-Obersturmführer Wilfried Krallert that depicts ethnographic population clusters. Division holds copies of six of the sheets covering the environs of Woloczyska, Kameniec, Tscherkassy, Krementschug, Nikolajew, and Chersson. Circles and semi-circles represent rural population clusters by size and ethnicity, while pie-graphs indicate population size and ethnicity of towns and cities. The absence of a keyed legend hinders the identification of ethnic groups by color; however, black may represent Jews, red may denote Germans, purple for Romanians, dark green for Russians, and light green for Ukrainians. In design and style the map resembles others drawn by Viennese geographer, Hugo Hassinger, a geographical determinist and an expert in the ethnic geography of South Eastern Europe.

Ethnografichna Karta Pivdennozakhidn'oi Ukraini (Galichini) / Ethnographic Map of South-Western Ukraine (Halycyna-Galicia). (London: Association of Ukrainian Former Combatants in Great Britain, 1953). Colored map, 129 x 140 cm. Scale 1:255,000. Filed at USSR -- Ukraine -- Ethnology -- 1939 -- Assoc. of Ukrainian Former Combatants in Great Britain.

Wall map in Ukrainian and English depicts ethnic distribution of Ukrainian Galicia as of 1939. Rural communities are represented by pie-graphs, which areas are proportional to population size, while their colors denote six major ethnic groups: Ukrainians, Ukrainians using the Polish language, Poles, Polish colonists, Roman Catholic Ukrainians, and Jews. Includes insets depicting the westernmost part of Halycyna, the location of Halycyna relative to the years 1938 and 1952, a schematic ethnographic map of Halycyna, and a population table of Ukrainian Halycyna according to ethnic groups as of 1939. Map also depicts boundaries, railroads, rivers, and place names. Includes a keyed legend, and accompanied by a booklet.

Ethnographical map of the Ukrainian SSR: 1959. [Toronto]: s.n., [1968]). Colored map, 23 x 33 cm. Scale 1:4,000,000. From Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia. Call number G7101.E1 1959 .E8.

Ethnographical map of Ukraine as compiled in 1959. Identifies seventeen ethnic groups by color, with pie-graphs indicating percentages of population in major cities.
