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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress

Forests and Forestry

Resettlement Department of the Land Regulation and Agriculture Administration. Karta lesov Aziatskoi Rossii..1914. From the Atlas Aziatskoi Rossii. Original held by the Russian National Library. Digital image available through the Library of Congress website.

The division holds a number of maps depicting forests and forest resources in Russia and the former Soviet Union. Some emphasize forests and forestry per se, while many combine forest information with other subjects, such as vegetation, tourism, and administrative and political divisions.  Those that are cataloged can be identified on the Library of Congress online catalog via search terms such as "Forests and forestry -- Russia Federation -- maps" or "Forests and Forestry -- Russia Federation -- Amurskaia oblast -- maps" or "Forests and forestry -- Russia Federation -- Karelia -- maps" or "Forests and Forestry -- Russia Federation -- Baikal Lake Region -- maps" and so forth. Uncataloged materials are described below.

Single Maps

There are seven uncataloged maps depicting forests and forestry in Russia and the former Soviet Union. They range in date from ca. 1900 to 1955. One impressive item is described below.


Karty Lesov SSSR. (Moscow: GUGK, 1955). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:2,500,000. Filed under Russia -- Forests and Forestry -- 1955 -- 1:2,500,000 -- GUGK

Map on twenty-three sheets in three folders depicting forests and forestry in the USSR in the mid-1950s. Each sheet, at 1:2,500,000 scale, identifies the primary forest types by color, and includes a color reference index. Each sheet also shows cities, towns, and villages; state and republic boundaries; railroads; rivers and lakes; irrigation and shipping canals; submerged lands; and relief by spot heights; and each includes a schematic diagram of political and administrative boundaries, with an indexed list of subdivisions. Overview sheet at 1:15,000,000 identifies fifteen major forest types by color, in addition to cities and towns, and boundaries, and includes color reference index. Forest types identified include pine, linden, fir and spruce, aspen, silver fir, beech and hornbeam, spruce, other leaf-bearing trees, larch, juniper, cedar and dwarf cedar, oak, saxaul, and tundra vegetation.

The division holds five uncataloged maps depicting forests and forestry in European Russia for the period 1927 to 1931.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting forests and forestry in Lithuania dated 1926 and 1938.

There is a single uncataloged map illustrating Siberia's forests from the early 1900s.
