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Eniseĭskiĭ statisticheskiĭ komitet, compiler. Karta Eniseĭskoĭ gubernīi Krasnoi︠a︡rskago okruga : sostavlena 1859 goda. 1859. G. V. Yudin Collection. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.
Russia is plentiful in both metallic and non-metallic mineral resources, and the Library has maps supporting that fact. The collections includes both cataloged and uncataloged maps of mines and mineral deposits throughout the country, as well as those illustrating specific regions or deposits. A few are unique, such as the one at right illustrating gold concessions in Krasnoyarsk okrug, Yenisei Oblast, produced several years after the Siberian gold rush. Those that are cataloged can be searched via the Library of Congress online catalog by the term "Mines and mineral resources Russia maps" or by more specific variations, such as "Mines and mineral resources Russia Federation Russian Far East maps" and "Mines and Mineral resources Russia Federation Ural Mountains Region maps" and so forth. Uncataloged maps are described below.
There are forty-nine uncataloged maps depicting mines and mineral deposits in Russia and the former Soviet Union for the period 1872-1969. Though arranged chronologically, they combine a mix of national and local coverage. The nature of their contents are reflected in the few described below, which also includes one cataloged item as an example.
Plastovaia Karta Donetskago Kammenougol'nago Kriazha Sostavlennia Rasporiazheniiu Ministerstv" Voennago Finansov" po Resul'tatam" Rabot" Proizvedennikh" s" 1864 po 1870 god". Akademika Gel'mersena. (S.n.: izdanie gornago departmenta, 1890). Chromolithograph, colored. Scale 1:420,000; one English inch to 10 versts. Filed under USSR -- Mines and Minerals -- Coal -- "Don Coal Basin" -- 1872 -- 1:420,000 -- Izdanie Gornago Departmenta
Well-drawn geological map illustrating deposits in the Donetsk Coal Basin in 1872. Map shows nine deposit types, as well as other geological features, i.e., seem directions, strikes, strata, etc. Also shows towns and villages; place names; churches, monasteries, and mosques; factories and customs houses; forts; roads; railroads; rivers; and canals.
Map of the Russian Empire showing the regions of the precious metals. A. Jlyne. ([St. Petersburg]: s.n., 1890). Lithograph, color. Scale 1:16,500,000. Filed under LC call number G7001.H1 1890 .J5 TIL.
Map showing the distribution of precious metals throughout Russia in the late nineteenth century. Depicts the location of gold mines, as well as the amounts of gold, silver, and platinum produced in 1890. Figures on map are in pouds (about 36 English pounds). Also shows place names, rivers and lakes, and relief by landform drawings. Includes a longitudinal profile of the road belt for the Great Siberian Railway from Chelyabinsk to Vladivostok.
Map available as a digital image on the Library website.
Karta Polezhnyk Iskopaemykh Urala. (Leningrad: GUGK, 1930). Set of three maps. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Mines and Minerals -- 1930 -- 1:1,000,000
Set of three maps identifying deposits of up to sixty economically useful minerals in the Ural Mountains. Also identifies villages, place names, rivers, and roads. Includes extensive legend.
Glavn'ie Polezn'ie Iskopam'ie SSSR. Uchebnaia, dlia srednei shkoly. (Moscow: GUGK, 1955). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:6,000,000. Filed under Russia -- Mines and Minerals -- 1955 -- 1:6,000,000 -- GUGK, and by unverified call number G7001 .H1 1955 .R8
Soviet school mineral map showing the locations of deposits of economically useful metallic and non-metallic minerals and resources, including oil and gas, in the the USSR in the mid 1950s. Identifies twenty-nine minerals and resources, and further identifies the largest deposits of major resources. Also shows cities and settlements; railroads; rivers and starting points of river navigation; navigable canals; and borders and administrative subdivision. Includes legend.
The division holds seven uncataloged maps depicting mines and minerals in European Russia. They range in date from the late nineteenth century up to 1921. One is described below.
The division holds a single uncataloged map illustrating mines and mineral resources in Estonia in 1939, and it is described below.
Eesti Zalezhi Iskopaemykh, Valovaia Produktsiia Krupnoi Promyshlennosti Chislo Rabotaiushchikh v 1939 g. i Vazhneishie Puti Soobshchenia v. E.S.S.R. ([Tallinn]: Eesti Geodeetide Ühingu, 1939). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under Estonia -- Mines and Minerals -- 1939 -- Estonian Geodesic Society,
Wall map compiled and published by the Estonian Surveyors Association in 1939 showing the distribution of mineral deposits, gross production of heavy industry, the number of workers, and main communication routes in Estonia. Map depicts the locations of thirteen categories of industries, including mining, metals, chemicals, textiles, paper and pulp, and electrical; the locations of deposits of various natural resources, such as gypsum, clay, and calcite; and the locations of industrial sites for cement, lime, phosphorous, brick, glass, alcohol, and dairy production. Map indicates the number of workers in each industry, divided among nationalized enterprises, cooperatives, and private enterprises. Map also shows cities and towns; place names; churches and chapels; farms; town halls; factories; forest ranger stations; railroads; highways and roads; rivers and lakes; and state, county, and municipal borders. Includes legends.
There are two uncataloged maps depicting mines and minerals in Ukraine from 1900 and 1921. Another map from the division's vault is described below.
Geognosticheskaia Karta Okrestnostoi Luganskago zavoda. (S.l.: s.n., [18--]). Manuscript, pen-and-ink, with color on tracing linen. Scale ca. 1:420,000 or 1 English inch to 10 versts. Filed under unverified LC call number G7012 .G63 18-- .G4 Vault
Likely twentieth century manuscript tracing on linen of a nineteenth century map depicting mining and mineral resources in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in Ukraine. Shows areas with mineral deposits; coal strata; iron ore beds; lead deposits; mining operations; cities, towns, and villages; rivers; and place names. Includes legend.
There is a single uncataloged map depicting mines and mineral resources in the Caucasus from 1926, one in Armenia from the twentieth century, and one in Georgia from 1958.
There are two uncataloged maps depicting mines and mineral resources in Kazakhstan for the years 1939 and 1941. One is described below.
Karta Mestorozhdenii Poleznykh Iskopaemykh Vostochnago Kazakhstana. N. G. Kassina. (S.l.: NKTP-SSSR GGY, glavnaia redaktssia "Geologii SSSR," 1939). Colored map. Scale 1:3,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Soviet Central Asia -- Kazakh SSR -- Mines and Minerals -- 1939 -- 1:3,000,000 -- G.G.U.
Map depicting the mineral deposits of eastern Kazakhstan in 1939. Map identifies the locations of over sixty-five economically useful minerals and natural resources, including coal, gold, iron, copper, chrome, nickel, graphite, phosphorous, salt, and others. Also shows roads, railroads, settlements, rivers and lakes, and place names. Includes legend.
There are fourteen uncataloged maps depicting mines and minerals in Siberia ranging in date from the early twentieth century to 1953. One is described below. Also described are two maps housed in the division's vault.
Karta IAkutsko oblasti chasti Olekminskago okruga i Irkutsko gubernii Kirenskogo [sic] chastʹ okruga s pokazaniem zolotosoderzhashchikh priiskov razrabatyvaemyia : gg. chastno promyshlinikami [sic]. (S.l.: s.n., 1853). Manuscript map, india ink and colored inks. Scale 1:840,000 or 1 inch to 20 versts. Filed under LC call number G7064 .O43H2 1853 .K3 Vault
Map showing riverine gold mining concessions in Siberia's Olëkminsk Region among the tributaries of the Chara and Lena rivers. Also shows towns and villages; routes; rivers and streams; and place names. Includes notes and index of gold deposits with names of the respective mining companies, and keyed by number to map. Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Karta Chasti Altaiskago Okruga s' pokazaniem' shurfovanykh' rechek'. (S.l.: s.n., [19--?]). Map, colored. Scale 1 English inch to a verst. Filed under LC call number G7062 .A4H2 19-- .K Vault
Large wall map depicting part of the former Altai Okrug (central Altai Republic) and the courses of its rivers. Rivers and streams are color coded to indicate those bearing gold, those suspected of having gold, and those with no gold resources. Shows numerous rivers and streams, okrug and oblast boundaries, place names, and relief (mountain ranges and peaks) by shading. Map also indicates what could be either gold mines or villages along a stretch of the upper Tom River and its tributaries. Map oversized, mounted on linen, folded, and damaged.
Gornopromushlennaia Karta Aziatskoi Rossii s' Pokazaniem' Gornykh' Zavodov' i Mestorozhdenii Poleznykh' Iskopaemykh'. (S.l.: izdanie Redaktsii "Gornoe Dyblov' Rossii," 1903). Colored map. Scale 1:4,200,000. Filed under Russia in Asia -- Mines and Minerals -- 1903 -- 1:4,200,000 -- Editors of the Mine Industry in Russia periodical
Early twentieth century map depicting mineral and smelting industries, as well as useful mineral deposits, in Siberia, published by the editors of the periodical "Mine Industry in Russia." Map includes two legends, one indicating the locations of profitable minerals and smelting/mining industries, and the other identifying general features. Industries identified are iron and steel, silver and lead, copper, salt, sulphur, and cement. Among the mines identified are iron, manganese, silver, and zinc. Among the useful minerals identified are sulphur, coal, graphite, gold, oil, and salt. Map also identifies cities, towns, and villages; place names; monasteries, churches, and mosques; monuments; telegraph lines; steamship courses; railroads; highways and roads; rivers and canals; state, oblast, gubernia, and uyezd boundaries; and sands, tundra, and submerged lands.
The division also holds ten unique manuscript wall maps, all from the personal library of G. V. Yudin. All but one show Siberian riverine gold mining concessions in Enisei Gubernia, Irkutsk Oblast, and Tomsk Oblast. Their titles and filing locations are listed below, with two further being described as examples of their contents. Three of the maps of Enisei Gubernia are available as digital images on the Library of Congress website under the terms "Gold mines and mining Russia maps."
Karta Eniseiskoi Gubernii Razdielennoi na Piat' okrugov sostavlena 1858 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1858). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:672,000 or 1 English inch to 16 versts. Filed under G7273 .E5H2 1858 .K4 Vault
Large and impressive manuscript wall map, divided on twelve sheets and mounted on linen, showing riverine gold mining concessions in the five okrugs of Enisei Gubernia. Illustrates concession sections by color. Includes seven extensive indexes of names of personal and corporate concession holders, and identifies each by number keyed to map. Also shows towns and villages; civil centers; town and settlements with and without infirmaries; Cossack settlements; steppe dumas, infirmaries, and yurts occupied by foreigners; transport and postal routes; trails and nomad routes; potential gold deposits; state, gubernia, and okrug boundaries; rivers and tributaries; and place names. Includes legend and a descriptive list of state and okrug boundaries.
Karta Eniseiskoi Gubernii i Okruga Eniseiskago, sostavlena 1858 goda. (S.l.: s.n. 1858). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:672,000 or 1 English inch to 16 versts. Filed under G7273 .E5H2 1858 .K3 Vault
Large manuscript wall map, mounted on linen, showing the riverine gold mining concessions in Enisei Okrug in Enisei Gubernia. Illustrates sections of concessions by color. Also shows towns and villages; civil centers; villages and settlement with and without infirmaries; transport and postal routes; trails; rivers and tributaries; and place names. Includes legend and a descriptive list of boundaries. Includes two lengthy indexes of names, one of personal and the other of corporate concession holders.
Karta Eniseskoi gubernii Achinskago okruga : sostavlena 1859 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1859). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale [1:504,000]. 1 English in. to 12 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273.A2H2 1859 .K2 Vault
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Karta Eniseskoi gubernii Achinskago okruga : sostavlena 1859 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1859). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale [1:504,000]. 1 English in. to 12 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273.A2H2 1859 .K3 Vault
Differs from the other 1859 ms. map of the same area/subject in having different handwriting (esp. in the index), bar scale located in lower central panel, different coloration of concession areas, and slightly different name identification of the indexed streams. Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Karta Eniseiskoi gubernii Kanskago okruga : sostavlena 1859 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1859). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:672,000 or 1 English in. to 16 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273.K3H2 1859 .K3 Vault
Karta Enisesko gubernii Krasnoiarskago okruga : sostavlena 1859 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1859). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale [1:336,080]. 1 English in. to 8 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273.K73H2 1859 .K3 Vault
Available as a digital image through the Library website.
Karta Eniseiskoi Guberni. Minusinsk Okruga sostavlena 1859 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1859). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:672,000 or 1 Enlglish inch to 16 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273 .M5H2 1859 .K Vault
Karta Eniseiskoi Gubernii Turukhanskago Otdelenia sostavlenia 1858 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1858). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale ca. 1:2,500,000. Filed under LC call number G7273 .T7 1858 .K Vault
Map does not show riverine gold mining concessions.
Karta Irkutskoi Gubernii, Verkhdudinskago i Seleninskago okrygov' Zolotosoderzhashchikh' priiskov' razraba tuvaetuia []oepodami Zolotopramygi lenikami Sostavlena 1854 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1854). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:860,000 or 1 English inch to 20 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273 .V4H2 1854 .K Vault
Karta Tomskoi Gubernii Tomskago i Mariinskago Okrygov' sostavlena 1859 goda. (S.l.: s.n., 1859). anuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. Scale 1:210,000 or 1 English inch to 5 versts. Filed under LC call number G7273 .T59H2 1859 .K Vault
The division holds three uncataloged maps depicting mines and mineral resources in Kamchatka Krai for the period 1901 to 1921; one uncataloged map of mines and mineral resources in Khabarovskii Krai from 1921; one map of Primorskii Krai from 1919; and two maps of Sakhalin Oblast from 1934 and with no date.
Karta Poleznykh Iskopaemykh SSSR / Ministerstvo Geologii SSSR. (Moskva : Vsesoiuznoe aerogeologicheskoe nauchno-proizvodstvennoe obʺedinenie "Aerogeologiia", 1955-1985). Scale 1:200,000. Filed under LC call number G7001 .H1 s200 .S6
Set of maps at 1:200,000 scale depicting deposits of economically useful minerals in parts of the Soviet Union. Each sheet illustrates the geology of a specific area, in addition to the locations of deposits and manifestations of useful minerals. Sheets also show relief by contours and spot heights; while bathymetry is shown by contours and soundings. Each sheet includes a legend illustrating lithology by color and standard geological nomenclature, as well as contacts and faults. Sheets also include geologic profiles and tables, with names and symbols, of deposits of useful minerals.
Set is incomplete and is not described by a graphic index. Nevertheless, sheets were issued uniformly at 1:200,000 scale and arranged according to the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system common to maps of the Soviet Union. Each sheet bears a series name and sheet number, i.e., "Seriia Chingiz-Saurskaia M-43-XVIII," "Seriia Chingiz-Saurskaia M-43-XXIII," etc., in addition to a schematic index of adjacent sheets. Researchers are urged to contact reference staff to ascertain availability of desired coverage.