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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress

Oil and Gas

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Oil infrastructure of the Caspian and surrounding areas. 1996. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.

Given Russia's position as the holder of the largest reserves of petroleum and its status as the largest exporter of natural gas, it is natural that there are materials depicting various facets of the Russian oil and natural gas industry, such as reserves, exploration, distribution, and export. Cataloged maps and atlases regarding the Russian oil and natural gas industry, as well as pipelines and leases, can be identified on the Library of Congress online catalog via a variety of search terms, such as "Petroleum pipelines Russia Federation maps," or "Oil and gas leases former Soviet republics maps," or "Oil fields Russia Federation maps," or "Pipelines former Soviet republics maps," or "Gas fields Russia Federation Sakhalin Region maps," or "Natural gas former Soviet republics maps," and so forth. Uncataloged materials are described below.

Single Maps

The division holds seventeen uncataloged maps illustrating oil and gas reserves in Russia and the former Soviet Union for the period 1900 to 1964. One is described below.

There are three uncataloged maps depicting oil and gas reserves in European Russia, and all are dated 1963.  

There are two uncataloged maps depicting oil and gas reserves in the Caucasus for the years 1900 and 1942. One of them is described below. There are also four uncataloged maps of oil and gas reserves in Azerbaijan from the early twentieth century, 1933, and 1942. Those four, as well as two cataloged items, are described below. Additional maps depicting oil and gas reserves in Azerbaijan are described under the category of oil and gas set maps.



Karta Neftianykh" Mestorozhdenii Kavkazkago Krai. St. Gulishambarov". (Saint Petersburg: A. Il'ina, 1900). Chromolithograph. scale one English to sixty versts. Filed under USSR -- Oil & Gas -- Caucasus -- 1900 -- various scales -- St. Gulishambarov

Several maps on one sheet depicting oil deposits in the Caucasus Territory at the turn of the century. Main map identifies locations of oil deposits throughout the Caucasus. Other maps show locations of oil deposits in Tsnori Uezd in Tiflis Gubernia, Georgia, the Apsheron Peninsula, and the Kuban; the Bibi-Eibat oil fields; the Balakhano-Sabunchi-Ramaninskie oil fields; the Georgian oil fields in Dagestan; and petroleum facilities in the port city of Batumi. Also include statistics and text regarding oil production.



Karta Apsheronskago poluostrova s oboznachenīem neftianykh istochnikov, fotogenovykh zavodov, nefteprovodov i pr. = Map of the Apsheron Peninsula showing petroleum wells, oil refineries, pipe lines, etc. / sostavil inzhener-tekhnolog St. I. Gulishambarov. Gulishambarov, Stepan Iosifovich. (Tiflis : s.n., 1886). Map colored. Scale 1:84,000; 2 versts to an in. Filed under LC call number G7142.A6H8 1886 .G8

Map of the Apsheron Peninsula showing the locations of oil fields, petroleum wells, oil refineries, pipe lines, and petroleum geology. Includes a bibliography, as well as table of statistical data and stratigraphic column of "Nobel's oil well no. 31." Relief shown by hachures.

Karta Apsheronskago poluostrova Bakinskoi gubernii i uiezda : s oboznachenīem granits po sudebnomy mezhevaniiu, a takzhe i drugikh sviedienii. Dmitrīev and Ilʹina. ([Baku] : Bakinsk[oe] upravleni[e] gosudarstvenny[kh] imushchestv, 1899). Colored lithograph. Scale 1:42,000. Filed at G7142.A6G46 1899 .D5

Late nineteenth century map of the Apsheron Peninsula depicting oil and gas leases, real property, and land use. Also includes towns and villages, roads, railroads, various categories of oil lands, cultivated and uncultivated lands, rivers, boundaries, and some relief.

Map is available as a digital image through the Library of Congress website.

Map of Balahanay, Sabunchi, Zabraty and Digia. ([Baku]: S.n., [19--]). Blueprint map. Scale 1:16,800. Filed under Azerbaijan -- Balahany (city) -- Oil & Gas -- (19--) -- 1:16,800 -- blueprint

Blueprint map, possibly from the early 1900s, showing oil and gas concessions in the vicinity of Balaxani, Sabunchu, and Digah. Lease-holders identified include the Baku Petroleum Company, Russian Naptha Company, S. I. Rilsky, Ter-Akopof, and Benkendorf. Legend keys concessions by color.

Sheet of Surahany, Romany, Zyhk. ([Baku]: S.n., [19--]). Blueprint map. Scale 1:16,800. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan SSR -- Surahany -- [19--] -- 1:16,800 -- blueprint

Blueprint map, possibly from early 1900s, showing oil and gas concession in the vicinity of Surakhani, Zigh, and Bulbula. Lease holders identified as Baku Petroleum Company, Russian Naptha Company, S. I. Rilsky, Ter-Akopov, and Benkendorf. Legend keys concessions by color.

Obzornaia Karta vykhodov gaza Bakinskogo raiona. C. A. Kovaleskomu and V. V. Vebera. (Leningrad: s.n., 1932). Map. Scale 1:420,000. Filed under USSR -- Azerbaijan -- Oil & Gas -- Bakinsk region -- 1933 -- 1:420,000 -- Kovaleskomu and Vebera

Survey map of the gas outlets of the Bakinsk region, including the Apsheron Peninsula and off the shore of the Caspian. Shows the locations of six different types of gas outlets, as well as railroads, rivers, and place names. Includes an index of names and descriptions of each outlet, keyed by number to map. Accompanied Vebera's "Bakinskii Raion."

Apscheron-Halbinsel. (S.l. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und Rüstungs Amt, 1942). Photo lithograph, color. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under Caucasus -- Oil & Gas -- Baku -- 1942 -- 1:100,000 -- OKW

Nazi map, prepared by the Wehrmachts Office of Economics and Armaments, depicting the oil and gas fields of the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan, in 1942. Map apparently produced in preparation for an invasion of Azerbaijan and the seizure of the Baku oil fields. Depicts oil fields in exploitation; oil fields under exploration; pipe lines in operation; unconfirmed pipe lines; and crude oil production under 500,000 tons, between 500,000 and 1 million tons, over 1 million tons, and unknown amounts. Also shows roads; wide and narrow gauge railroads; canals and rivers; salt marshes, sand dunes, and asphalt pools; power stations; factories; airfields; and elevation by contours and shaded tinting. Inset depicts "Stadtausschnitt v. Baku" indicating the location of refineries and cracking facilities in Baku. Two legends identify, via symbols, oil field capacity, and geographic and cultural features.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting oil and gas pipelines in Siberia from 1963.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting oil and gas resources in Sakhalin Oblast from the twentieth century.

The division holds six uncataloged maps depicting oil and gas resources in Ukraine for the years 1921 to 1935.

Set Maps


There are five sets of maps illustrating geological features pertaining to petroleum extraction in five major oil fields on Azerbaijan's Apsheron Peninsula. The sets are described below.

Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Bibi-Ėĭbat : masshtab 1:4200 / D.V. Golubiatnikov = Geologische Detailkarte der Halbinsel Apscheron : Bibi-Eibat : Massstab 1:4200 / D.W. Golubjatnikow. D. V. Golubiatnikov. (S-Peterburg [St. Petersburg] : Izdanīe Geologicheskago komiteta, 1914 / V S. Peterburgie [St. Petersburg] : Kartograficheskoe). 5 maps and 4 sheets of diagrams, color. Scale 1:4,200. 50 sagenes to the inch. 50 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6

A set of five maps and four sheets of diagrams depicting geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Bibi-Eibat district of southern Baku city on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are geological maps of the Bibi-Eibat oil fields, cross sections of well bores with operational horizons, cross sections of oil wells and their shafts, and geological cross sections of the Apsheron Peninsula and the Baku metropolitan area. Also shows relief by contours, spot heights, and rock drawings, as well as depths by contours. Some maps include color-coded geological legend.

Also available as an atlas under LC call number G2156 .C5G63 1914 folio

Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Atashkinskii Raion : masshtab 1:21,000 / D.V. Golubiatnikov = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Atashka Oil Region: D. V. Golubiatnikov. (Leningrad: Izdanīe Soveta Neftanoi Promyshlennosti Geologicheskogo Komiteta, 1926). 3 maps and 3 sheets of diagrams, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes to the inch. 250 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6

Set of maps and diagrams illustrating geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Atashka Oil Region west of the city of Bibi-Eibat on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a hypsometric map of the Atashka Oil Region; geological and topographic maps of the Region; two sheets with series of geological cross-sections along various lines across the Region; and a sheet of detailed sections of bore wells. Topographic map includes legend, and geological sheet includes color and symbol coded legends.

Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Kirmaky-Binagadinskii Raion : masshtab 1:8,400 / P. Volarovilsch i N. Lenev = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Kirmaku-Binagady Oil Region. (Leningrad: Izdanīe Geologicheskogo Komiteta, 1929). 5 maps and 1 diagram sheet, color. Scale 1:8,400. 100 sagenes to the inch. 100 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6

Set of 5 maps and 1 diagram sheet illustrating geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Kirmaku-Binagady Oil Region north of the city of Bibi-Eibat on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a hypsometric map of the Kirmaku-Binagady Region; two topographic maps of the Region; two geological maps; and a sheet with geological cross-sections. Topographic maps includes legends, and geological sheets include color and symbol coded legends.

Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Khyrdalany-Binagady : masshtab 1:21,000 / D. W. Golubiatnikov et al. = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Khurdalany-Binagady / D. W. Golubiatnikov et al. (Moskva: Geologicheskoe Izdatel'stvo, Glavnogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniia, 1931). 3 maps and 3 diagram sheets, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes to the inch. 250 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed at G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6

Set of 3 maps and 3 diagram sheets illustrating geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Khyrdalany-Binagady Oil Region northwest of the city of Bibi-Eibat on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a hypsometric map of the Khyrdalany-Binagady Oil Region; topographic and geologic maps of the Region; two sheets of geological cross-sections; and a sheet with detailed sections of bore wells. Topographic map includes legend, and geological sheets include color and symbol coded legends.

Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : List Otman-Bozy-Dag : masshtab 1:21,000 / B. V. Weber = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula: Otman-Bozy-Dag Folio / B. V. Weber. (Moskva: Geologicheskoe Izdatel'stvo, Glavnogo Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniia, 1931). 1 map and 2 diagram sheets, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes in one English inch. 250 sagenes in an inch. Filed under LC call number G 7142 .A6C5 svar .R8

Set of one map and two diagram sheets illustrating the geology related to petroleum extraction in the Otman-Bozy-Dag Oil Region southwest of the city of Baku on the Apsheron Peninsula. Included are a geological map of the Otman-Bozy-Dag Region; a sheet of geological cross-sections across various lines; and sections of well bores of the Apsheronian stage and along the slopes to the southwest of Mount Otman-Bozy-Dag. Geological sheets include color and symbol coded legends.

Detalʹnaia geologicheskaia karta Apsheronskago poluostrova : Kalinskii Heftenosnyi Raion : masshtab 1:21,000 / B. V. Weber = Detailed Geological Map of the Apsheron Peninsula : Kala Oil Region : scale 1:21,000 / B. V. Weber. [(Moskva: Glavnoe Geologo-Razvedochnogo Upravleniia, 1931). 1 map and 1 diagram sheet, color. Scale 1:21,000. 250 sagenes to the the inch. 250 sagenes in 1 English inch. Filed under LC call number G7142.A6C5 s4 .G6

A set of one map and one diagram sheet depicting geological features relating to petroleum extraction in the Kala Oil Region on the Apsheron Peninsula. Includes a geological map of the Kala Oil Region, geological cross sections of the Region, and detailed sections of bore wells. Also show relief by contours. Sheets include color and symbol coded geological legends.
