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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg. Moscovia Urbs Metropolis Totius Russiae Albae. [1612-1618]. In Civitates orbis terrarvm. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.

There are both maps and atlases depicting population and demography in Russia and the former Soviet Union. Uncataloged maps and a few atlases are described below. Cataloged maps and atlases can be searched via the Library of Congress online catalog by standard terms, such as "Soviet Union population maps" or "Russia population atlases" and so forth.

Single Maps

There are fifteen uncataloged maps depicting population in Russia and the former Soviet Union for the period 1926 to 1966. One is described below.


Obzornaia Karta Plotnosti Nacelenia S.S.S.R. V. A. Kamenetskii. (Moscow: Komissia General'nogo Plana Gosplana SSSR, 1929). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:10,000,000. Filed under USSR -- Population -- Density -- 1929 -- 1:10,000,000 -- Gosplan SSSR

Survey map of population density of the USSR published in 1929 by Gosplan. Population information based on 1926 data. Indicates population density in rural areas by color tinting, and by graded symbol size in towns and cities. Shows cities, towns, and villages (and their relative population levels); place names; state borders and administrative subdivisions; state planning areas; steamship lines; and canals. Includes two insets: one of the average population density of the USSR's economic regions; and the other a population density dot map of the USSR. Includes a double-hemisphere world map of global population densities. Includes legend and hypsometric population scale bar.

There are eleven maps depicting population in European Russia. They ranged in date from the mid nineteenth century to 1941.

The division holds two uncataloged maps depicting population in Lithuania from the years 1923 and 1935.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting population in the Caucasus from 1941 and 1959.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting population in Russian Central Asia from 1958, and a single uncataloged population map of Kazakhstan from 1958.

There are six uncataloged maps depicting Siberia's population that range in date from the 1920s to 1944. One is described below.


Karta Chasti Raoina Deiatel'nosti [ ] Kolonizats. Pereselin. Partii s Pokazaniem Pereselinchekikh Uchastkov, Otkrytykh dlia Khodachestva v 1928 gody. (Tomsk: zavednie Tomsk Kolonits. Peresil. Partii, 1928). 4 maps, colored. Scale ca. 1:840,000 or one English inch to 20 versts. Filed under USSR -- USSR in Asia -- Population (settlements in Irkutsk, etc.) -- 1928 -- ca. 1:840,000 -- Kartograf Zavenye Tomsk

Set of four maps depicting areas available for immigration and resettlement in 1928 in Tomsk, Omsk, Krasnoiarsk, and Irkutsk Oblasts. Each map depicts okrug and raion centers, as well as villages; resettlement districts; railroads and railroad stations; highways and roads; okrug, raoin, and resettlement district borders; postal-telegraph stations; post offices and postal superintendents; lakes and rivers; river piers; various geo-reference control points; and place names. Each map includes a legend, an indexed list of resettlement plots by okrug, and an indexed list of administrative raions. Includes text.

There is single map depicting population and settlement in the Russian Far East in 1929, and it is described below.


Marshrutnaia Karta Vladivostokogo i Khabaroskogo Okrugov Dal'ne-Vostochnoi Oblasti s Pokazaniem Pereselencheskikh Uchastkov, Otkryvaemykh dlia Zaselnia v 1929g. (S.l.: s.n., [1929]). Map. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under USSR -- USSR in Asia -- Population -- Location of new settlers in Amur, Khabarovsk, etc. [R.S.F.S.R. SE] -- 1929 -- 1:1,000,000 -- no author

Map of the Far Eastern Region districts of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, i.e Primorsky Krai and Khabarovski Krai, showing resettlement plots opened for settlement in 1929. Inset shows plots opened for settlement in Nikolaievsk and Sakhalin okrugs. Map identifies sites for collective farms; individual farms; population settlements; superintendents of settlement; rivers and lakes; roads and tracks; state, okrug, and raion boundaries; rivers; and place names. Includes legend.

A single uncataloged map depicts population and other information in Ukraine possibly in the 1920s, and it is described below. One other map in the division's vault indicates student populations in teacher training institutes within Ukraine at the outset of the Second World War..


Die Ukraine - Land u. Volk. (Berlin: Simon Schropp'sche, [192-?]). Colored map. Scale 1:8,000,000. Filed under Ukraine -- [192-] -- 1:8,000,000 -- Simon Schrop'sche Verlag

German map and three insets on a single sheet depicting Ukraine's population, in addition to economic and resource advantages, which may have been published in support of Ukrainian claims subsequent to the nation's incorporation into the Soviet orbit in 1922. The map itself illustrates the Ukrainian People's Republic as a unified ethnographic territory with probable borders. Insets depict the total population of former Russian Ukraine with regard to populations of other countries; its total area in comparison to other European lands; and its increase in population in contrast with other European and Near Eastern countries. Text comments on Ukraine's natural and economic resource advantages; while statistics compare Ukrainian and Russian wheat and sugar production, as well as their iron, steel, and coal production.

Karta pedahohichnykh navchalʹnykh zakladiv URSR / vyhotovlena v Naukovo-doslidnomu instytuti heohrafiï za materialamy NKO URSR na 1-1 1941r. ; sklav mol. naukov. robitnyk Pinich O.T. ; kartohraf O. Liaskoronsʹka. (S.l.: Pinich and Liaskorons'ka, 1941). Map, india ink, colored inks and watercolors, annotated in lead-pencil. Scale 1:1,500,000. Filed under LC call number G7101 .E68 1941 .N3 Vault

1941 Ukrainian map showing the locations of types of teacher-training colleges/institutes and related pedagogic institutions, including library schools. Various graphic symbols identify the kinds of schools or institutes, with their sizes corresponding to student body populations. .
