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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress

Power and Energy Resources

T︠S︡vetkov, M. A. (Mikhail Alekseevich), 1875-1960. Ėlektrostant︠s︡ii. 1933. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.

The Soviet Union excelled at developing its power and energy resources, especially during the 1930s, while the petroleum and energy industries dominate the nation's economy today. Cataloged maps and atlases relating to the nation's power and energy industries are listed and described on the Library of Congress online catalog. Searches for these materials can involve a variety of terms, as in the following examples: "Power resources Soviet Union maps"; "Electric power Soviet Union maps"; "Power resources Former Soviet republics maps"; "Pipelines Former Soviet republics maps"; "Pipelines Caspian Sea region maps"; "Energy industries former Soviet republics maps"; "Electric power-plants Soviet Union maps"; and so forth.

A few uncataloged materials are listed below.

Single Maps

The division holds fourteen uncataloged maps illustrating power and energy resources in Russia and the former Soviet Union for the period 1934 to 1966. One is described below.

Energeticheskie Resursy S.S.S.R. (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Energeticheskoe Izdatel'stvo, 1934). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:5,000,000. Filed under Russia -- Power -- 1934 -- 1:5,000,000 -- Gosudarstvennoye Energeticheskoye Izdatelstvo

Map categorizes and identifies six major sources of power and energy in the Soviet Union in the mid 1930s, namely coal, shale oil, petroleum, natural gas, peat, and forests, and various subcategories thereunder. Map also depicts nine levels of settlements, from major cities to villages; place names; state borders and administrative subdivisions at the republic, oblast, autonomous republic, and okrug levels; railroad lines operating and under construction; dirt roads; and rivers accounting for energy production. Includes keyed legend.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting power and energy resources in European Russia, and that is dated 1934.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting power and energy resources in the Caucasus from 1933.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting power and energy resources in Ukraine, and that is a 1929 perspective view of the Dnieper River hydro-electric power station near Zaporizhzhia.

Set Maps

Mineralische Rostoff u. Energie Wirtschaft der unbesetzten U.d.S.S.R. ([Berlin]: bearbeitet von O.K.H. In. Fest. Geol. Sacharbeiter, T.K.V.R., Dr. Jungst, [1942]). Five printed maps annotated with colored inks, lead-pencil, and colored pencils. Scale 1:10,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7001 .H1 s1000 .G4 Vault

Set of five printed German Army maps heavily annotated in ink and pencil to illustrate mineral resources and energy industries throughout the USSR during WWII. Sheets one through five depict, respectively: fossil fuels and pipelines; electrical energy and its sources; iron, steel, refined steel, and light metals; non-ferrous metals, rare metals and earths, and natural gas; and various raw materials. Base map is political-administrative map of the USSR, and includes a table of administrative division names. Base map also includes cities, towns, and villages; five levels of boundaries; railroads; roads; rivers and canals; and place names. Four of the maps have manuscript legends affixed to cloth backing versos. Sheet five has printed labels and mailing address label affixed to verso. Maps accompanied by loose-leaf text "Schriften zur Wehrgeologie. Heft 1. Dir mineralische Rohstoff- und Energie-Wirtschaft der unbesetzten U.d.S.S.R. Heruasgegeben der leitenden Heeresgeologen beim Oberkommande des Heeres. Bearbeitungstand vom 10.4.42."

Stroitelʹstvo Kuibyshevskogo gidrouzla / Otdel Inzhenernoi Geodezii. ([S.l: s.n.], 1939). Maps, uncolored. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under LC call number G7063.T4N33 s100 .S7

Set of topographic maps from the late 1930s depicting the area selected for the construction of a dam on the Samara Bend of the Volga River in the late 1930s. The project was suspended in 1940 with the finding of oil near the site. Project later relocated to Zhiguliovsk and became known as the Kuibishev Hydroelectric Station (now Zhiguli GES). Maps depict towns, villages, and settlements; place names; roads; railroads; streams; and relief pictorially, as well as by contours, spot heights, and isolines.
