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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


F.S.G.K, Rossii. Birobidzhan : K 60-letii︠u︡ goroda..1997. Original at Russian State Library. Digital image available through the Library of Congress website.

There is quite a substantial number of maps and atlases depicting roads in Russia and the former Soviet Union at the national, regional, oblast, and city levels. All of the atlases and most of the maps are cataloged, and can be searched via the Library of Congress online catalog by standard search terms such as "Roads Russia Federation maps" or "Roads Caucasus maps"or "Roads Saratovskaia Oblast maps" or "Roads Novosibirsk maps." Uncataloged maps are noted below.

Single Maps

The division holds four uncataloged maps depicting roads throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union. They range in date from 1885 to 1941.

There are twenty uncataloged maps depicting roads in European Russia, and they range in date from 1854 to 1970.

The division holds eight uncataloged maps depicting roads in Estonia for the period 1929 to 1957, as well as six uncataloged maps depicting roads in Lithuania for the period 1929 to 1969.

There are three uncataloged maps depicting roads in the Caucasus for the years ca. 1900 to 1941, two uncataloged road maps of Armenia from 1961 and 1968, and three of Georgia for the years 1930 to 1958. A few are described below.



Kavkaz'' Prodol'nii Profil' Voenno-Gruzenskoi Dorogi ot' Gorodo Vladikavkaza Cherez' Krestovii Perebal' do Goroda Tiflisa. // Plan' Mestnosti Voenno-Gruzenskoi Dorogi. I. N. Kushnerev' (Moscow: Moscow Co., [19--]). Chromolithograph. Vertical scale 1 verst = 2 English inches; horizontal scale 5 versts = 1 English inch (1:210,000). Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Military -- [19--] -- ca. 1:210,000 -- Kushnerov & Moskova Co.

Visually striking and well-drawn set of two maps on a single sheet featuring the Georgian Military Highway between Vladikavkaz, Russia, and Tbilisi, Georgia. Although undated, the maps appear to have been produced in the late nineteenth or early twentieth centuries. Along the top there is a longitudinal profile of the highway across the Great Caucasus from Vladikavkaz over the Krestovy Pass to Tbilisi. The profile includes vertical indicators of prominent peaks and passes, some noted in versts; a legend of distances between post stations; iron, stone, and wooden bridges; distance markers; barriers; parapets; and a panoramic view of the mountain range. Along the bottom there is a topographic plan of the highway and its immediate environs on either side. The plan depicts the highway; paths; towns and villages; place names; rivers; bridges; snow obstructions; pictorial representation of vegetation; relief by shaded tinting and hachures; and a list of eight snow obstructions keyed by number.

Dorozhnaia Karta Kavkaskago Kraia / Sostavlena i Lithografirovana v Voenno-Toporaficheskom Otdielie Kavkaskago Voennogo Okruga. (Tbilisi: Kavkaskii voennoyi okrug, 1903). Chromolithograph, map on six sheets. Scale 1:840,000. Filed under LC call number G7121 .P2 1903 .K3 MLC

Detailed road map on six sheets of the Caucasus Region, including eastern Anatolia, compiled and printed by the Military Topographical Division of the Caucasian Military District in 1903. Depicts towns and villages; place names; roads and trails; railroads; monasteries; Cossack villages and settlements; custom houses; strongholds and fortified towns; post and telegraph stations; rivers and lakes; boundaries; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Hand-colored to show boundaries of Georgia. Two copies of map; one incomplete, both brittle, torn, and missing sections. Printed Georgian legend on title sheet of one copy annotated in ink to identify in German the boundary according to the Peace of Paris, 1919, and the historical boundary between Imperial Russia and the Kingdom of Georgia in 1783. Title enclosed within an ornate cartouche illustrating various standards, the coronation crown of Russian tsars, the imperial Russian double-headed eagle, railroad bridge and tunnel, a stagecoach, and a factory on a river against a city on a bluff.

Kaukasian (mit Gebiet Rostow und ASSR Kalmükien) Strassenkarte. (S.l.: Abt. f. Kr. Ku. u Verm. W., 1941). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:1,400,000. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Roads -- 1941 -- 1:1,400,000 -- Germany Generalstab

Germany Army General Staff road map of the Caucasus from 1941. Shows highways; roads; multi-track and single track railroads, as well as those under construction; national borders and limits of the depicted area; place names; and rivers and lakes.



Karta Voenno-Sukhumskoi Dorogi (Karachai-Abkhaziia). Sostaveli: Svishchev, V.N., Simonov, P.V., i Giubiev, A.N. (S.l.: Severokavkazkago Kraevogo Sovets OPTE, 1933). Photostat. Scale 1:200,000. Filed at USSR -- Georgia -- Roads -- 1933 -- 1:200,000

Photostat of original 1933 map, source not cited, of the Sukhumi Military Road (the Ancient Abkhaz Way) in Karachai-Abkhaziia from Sukhum-Kaje on the Black Sea coast to Krasnagorskaia in Karachai-Cherkessia. Map shows towns and villages; the highway; roads and paths; tourist route; passes; glaciers; camp sites; place names; and relief by shading and spot heights. Includes legend.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting roads in Russian Central Asia from 1893 and 1943. One is described below.


Dorozhnaia Karta Turkestanskogo Voennago Okruga (Izdanie 3e.) Sostavlena i Litografirovana pri Turkestansk. Voenno Topograficheskom' Otdel' v' 1893 gody. ([Tashkent?]: TVTO, 1893). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:1,680,000. Filed under USSR -- Soviet Central Asia -- Roads -- 1893 -- 1:1,680,000 -- Turkestan Military Topographical Section

Informative road map of Russian Central Asia by the Turkestan Military Topographical Department in 1893. Map depicts cities, towns, and villages, as well as okrug, oblast, and uyezd seats; neighboring khan principalities; forts; railroads; post roads; wagon roads; pack roads; passes; rivers and river crossings, as well as lakes; railroad, telegraph, and post-telegraph stations; deserts; and relief by landform drawings. Includes legend and table of abbreviations. shows the route along the Amy-Daria River from Petro-Alexandrovsk to Kerki, the limit of navigation.

There are five uncataloged maps depicting roads in Siberia ranging in date from 1895 to 1958. One is described below.


Voenno-Dorozhnaia Karta Aziatskoi Rossii, Sostavlena pri Voenno-Topograficheskom' Otdel' Glavnogo Shtaba v' 1895 gody. ([Saint Petersburg]: izdanie Korpusa Voennykh Topografov, 1895/1919). Lithograph, uncolored. Scale 1:2,100,000. Filed under USSR -- Asiatic Region -- Roads (Military) -- 1895 (publ. 1919) -- Voennoe-Topograficheskoe Otdel

1919 edition of large map on fourteen sheets, originally published in 1895, depicting military roads throughout Siberia and the Russian Far East. Map depicts ten levels of inhabited settlements; state, gubernia, and uyezd boundaries; postal, transport, and county roads, with distances in versts between stops; winter and pack roads; existing railroads and those under construction; fortifications; postal-telegraph stations; river and ocean piers; mountain passes; rivers and streams; and place names. Includes legend on first sheet. Includes index sheet.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting roads in Sakhalin Oblast for the years 1920 and 1922. One additional map of a road in the Russian Far East filed in the division's vault is described below.


[Map of a Road from the Mouth of the Amur to the Mouth of the Anadyr]. (S.l.: s.n., [18--]). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink. Scale not given. Filed under unverified LC call number G7321 .P2 18-- .M Vault

Possibly a nineteenth century manuscript map depicting three roads: a proposed route from the mouth of the Amur River in Khabarovsk Krai to the mouth of the Anadyr River in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug; a sledge road from the interior to Okhotsk to the settlement of Markara (Markovo) on the Anadyr River; and a smaller sledge road from the Lena River across the Dzhugdzhur Mountains to the coast near Ayan. The map also shows Russian and non-Russian settlements along the coast; important landmarks; place names; rivers; and relief by landform drawings and shading. Includes a brief legend.

There are two uncataloged maps depicting roads in Belarus from 1941 and 1957. One is described below.


Weissrussland Strassenkarte. ([Berlin]: Generalstab des Heeres, Abt. f. Kriegskarten u. Vermessungswesen, 1941). Map, colored. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under Belarus -- Roads -- 1941 -- 1:1,000,000 -- Generalstab des Heeres.

Germany army map depicting roads in Belarus in 1941. Map shows automobile roads, highways, streets under construction on new routes and over existing routes, other streets, distances between locales, railroads, and borders of the Soviet Union, the Belorussian Republic, and administrative areas. Includes locational inset.

There are ten uncataloged maps depicting roads in Ukraine for the years 1941 to 1945.


Most road atlases of Russia and the former Soviet Union, as well as their constituent parts, have been cataloged. They include coverage at the national, regional, oblast, and municipal levels. The bulk are relatively modern, ranging in date from around 1990 to 2008. Both road atlases and road maps can be searched and identified on the Library of Congress online catalog in a variety of ways. Examples of search terms include "Roads Russia Federation maps"; "Roads Former Soviet Republics maps"; "Roads Russia Federation Caucasus maps"; "Roads Russia Federation Nizhegorodskaia Oblast maps"; and "Roads Russia Federation Saint Petersburg Metropolitan Area maps."