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Resettlement Department of the Land Regulation and Agriculture Administration, 1914, publisher. Pochvennaia karta Rossiiskoi imperii..1914. Original map at National Library of Russia. Digital image available through the Library of Congress website.
The division holds a collection of maps and atlases depicting soils throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union. Most include legends identifying standard soil classification schemes, and illustrate various gradations in soil types. Cataloged maps and atlases of soils can be searched on the Library of Congress online catalog via such terms as "Soils Russia Federation maps" or "Soils Russia Federation Novosibirskaia oblast maps" or "Soils Kyrgyzstan maps" and so forth. Uncataloged maps of soils are described below.
The division holds twenty-three uncataloged maps depicting soils throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union. They cover the years 1900 to 1968, and are arranged chronologically. One is described below as an example.
Pochvennaia Karta SSR. Uchebnaia dlia srednei shkoly. L. I. Prasolov. (Moscow: GUGK, [194-]). Colored map. Scale 1:5,000,000. Filed under Russia -- Soils -- [194-] -- 1:5,000,000 -- GUGK
Informative Soviet middle school map from the late 1940s illustrating the nation's soils. Map depicts the distribution of twenty categories of soils by color and pattern. Also depicts salt marshes and salt beds; the southern limits of permafrost; limits of sea ice; glaciers and permanent snow; rivers; cities and towns; and some place names. Includes a set of vertical profiles of major soil types (with depths in centimeters). Includes indexed legend.
There are twenty-one uncataloged maps illustrating soils in European Russia that range in date from the late nineteenth century to 1951. Another, filed in the division's vault, is described below.
Model of a soil map on a scale of 1:126,000 according to prof. N. A. Dimo's investigations in Saratov government. ([Moscow]: Moscow Committee on Pedology, [19- ]). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor on printed topographic base map. Scale 1:126,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .S3 J3 19-- .M Vault
Map, in English, illustrating the soil composition of Saratov Oblast at some point in the twentieth century after the researches of Soviet soil scientist, Nikolai A. Dimo. Includes two legends, one identifying fifteen soil characteristics by color and pattern, and the other classifying over one hundred types of soils, i.e. zonal, intrazonal, incomplete azonal, and sub-type thereunder by color and pattern. In addition to soils, map also depicts towns and villages, roads, railway line, drainage, and place names.
There is one uncataloged map depicting soils in Estonia from 1928, and four uncataloged maps of soils in Lithuania for the period 1937 to 1947.
There is a single uncataloged map depicting soils in the RSFSR from 1893.
The division holds a single uncataloged map illustrating soils in Armenia in 1962, and one in Georgia from 1957.
The division holds three uncataloged maps depicting soils in Russian Central Asia for the years 1925 to 1954, and one uncataloged soil map of Kazakhstan from the early twentieth century.
There are six uncataloged maps describing Siberia's soils for the years 1923 to 1953.
There are six maps illustrating soils in Ukraine for the period 1902 to 1942. Another map from the division's vault is described below.
Model of Soil Map on a scale 1:42,000 according to A.M. Porubinovsky's investigation in Chernigov Government. (Moscow: Moscow Committee of Pedology, 191-?). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor on printed topographic base map. Scale 1:42,000. Filed under LC call number G7104 .H5J3 191- .M6 Vault
Twentieth century manuscript map illustrating soils in the Hlukhiv region in Ukraine. Illustrates distribution of five soil types by color and pattern. Includes legend. Also shows towns, railroads, roads, rivers, place names, and relief by hachures and spot heights. Map title and text in English.