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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Russiae, vulgo Moscovia, Pars Australis. 1647. From his Le theatre du monde, ou, Novvel atlas. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.

Maps depicting waterways in Russia essentially emphasize the transportation network of navigable rivers, inland waterways, and canals, and can sometimes include information on coastal and international shipping routes. A few identify water basins. Several are listed on the Library of Congress online catalog under the search terms "canals," "navigable rivers," "waterways," and "inland navigation." Others are cataloged under the term "transportation Russia." Those that are uncataloged are described below.

Single Maps

There are eight uncataloged maps depicting waterways in Russia and the former Soviet Union for the period 1917 to 1961. One especially informative map is described below.


MRF Skhema Vodnykh Putei SSSR 1955g. (Moscow: Ministerstvo rechnogo flota SSSR, 1959). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale not given. Filed under USSR -- Waterways -- 1955 -- no scale -- Russia Ministerstvo rechnogo flota, and by unverified call number G7001 .P5 1955 .R8

Large and detailed wall map illustrating the major waterways throughout the USSR in the mid 1950s. Map depicts rivers with regular and irregular shipping; navigable and unnavigable canals; marine and river tariff ports; rivers ports and pier stops, between which tariff distances are noted in kilometers; marine and river authorities; damns; sea ports; steamship routes; and rail and trucking routes. Also shows cities and towns; place names; and state and republic boundaries; and the polar limits of the USSR. Includes various smaller maps and insets showing the western sea route from Archangelsk and Leningrad to Odessa; shipping routes approaching Leningrad from the Gulf of Finland and the Neva; the mouths of the western Dvina and Lielupe rivers; the mouth of the Neman River; the course of the Moscow River through the environs of Moscow; the Rybinsk Reservoir; the Volga Delta; the lower courses of the Dnieper and the southern Bug; the middle course of the Ob River and its tributaries; the southern sea route from Odessa to Vladivostok; and the middle and lower courses of the Amur River. Includes legend.

The division holds nineteen uncataloged maps depicting waterways in European Russia for the period 1833 to 1952. One is described below. Another is from the division's vault.


Plan of the Open New Ladoga Canal Constructed by the Command of the Emperor Alexander II. / Plan' Otkrytago Novago Ladozhskago Kanala Sooryzhennago Povelniem' Imperator Aleksandra II. Velerium Chirginnoff, Chief Engineer. (Saint Petersburg: Velerium Chirginnoff, [186- ]). Manuscript, pen-and-ink and wash. Scale 1:680,000. Filed in the G&M vault under the unverified call number G7012 .L352 1866 .P5 Vault and by location Russia -- Ladoga Canal -- [188-] -- 1:168,000 -- Chief Engineer.

Undated, handsomely-drawn manuscript plan of the New Ladoga Canal connecting Novaia Ladoga on the Volkhov River and Schlisselburg on the Neva River on the southern edge of Lake Ladoga. Map depicts both the old and the new canals, towns and villages, place names, vegetation pictorially, and bathymetery by shading and contours. Also includes various cross-sections: a longitudinal levelling of the flute of the canal; a comparative depth of the canals in respect to the level of Lake Ladoga; and cross sections of the new Ladoga Canal at the large and small flutes. Includes illustrations of monuments of the construction of the new canal at the mouths of the Neva and Volkov rivers. Signed by the cartographer / chief engineer. Map title and text in both Russian and English.

Gidrograficheskaia Karta Evropiiskoi Rossii Glavnym' Upravleniem' Putii Soobshcheniia Sostavlennaia i Uzdannaia. Opisanie sydokhodnykh' kanalov'. (Saint Petersburg: G.U.P.S., 1833). Chromolithograph. Scale 1:3,700,000. Filed under Russia -- European Russia -- Waterways -- 1833 -- ca. 1:3,700,000 -- G.U.P.C.

Map illustrating the major waterways in European Russia in the early 1830s, with descriptions of the shipping channels. Map depicts three kinds of waterways: canal and rivers systems open to navigation; canal and river systems under construction; and waterways under consideration. Also shows rivers and lakes; place names; state and water district boundaries; gubernia and raion seats; villages with piers; forts; naval ports; commercial ports; piers; rapids; and markers. Includes legend. Includes lists and descriptions of the main shipping channels, waterways under construction, and rivers used for navigation.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting waterways in Estonia from the 1930s.

The division holds five uncataloged maps of waterways and water basins in Siberia for the years 1888 to 1936. One is described below.


Karta Vasseinov' Okeanov', Morei, Rek' i Ozer' Aziatskoi Rossii i Sopredel'nykh' Stran', sostavil Senator', General'nogo Shtaba General'-Leitenant' A. A. Tillo. / Carte des Bassins des Oceans, Mers, Fleuves et Lacs de la Russia d'Asie et des Pay Limitrophes, dressée par le Sénateur, général-lieutenant, d'Etat-Major, A de Tillo. (S.l.: Ministere des voies et communications. Direction des voies navigables, 1905). Colored map. Scale 1:4, 200,000. Filed under USSR -- Asiatic -- Water Resources -- 1905 -- 1:4,200,000 -- Tillo

Early twentieth century map illustrating the major water sheds and water basins of the rivers, lakes, and seas in Siberia, the Russian Far East, and Russian Central Asia. Map shows water shed and water basin boundaries; cities, towns, and villages; place names; railroads; roads; and state and oblast boundaries. Map issued as a supplement to Aleksei Tillo's memoire, Ischislenie porvekhnosti Aziianskoi Rossii (1905).

There is a single uncataloged map depicting waterways in Sakhalin Oblast from 1906, as well as two maps depicting Sakhalin Oblast's water supply in 1945.

There are three uncataloged maps depicting waterways in Belarus for the period 1939-43.

A single uncataloged map depicts water supply and resources in the Moldavian S.S.S.R in the 1940s.

Set Maps

[Map of the Lower Course of the Angara River in Irkutsk Oblast]. (S.l.: Shtab Irkutskago Voennago Orkuga, Topograficheskaia chast, [1849]). Photocopies. Scale 1:21,000. Filed under LC call number G7272 .A5 s21 .R8

Set of forty-four sheets covering the lower course of the Angara River from its origin at Lake Baikal to an undetermined point. Maps show the course of the river and tributary streams; depths of river channels; roads; settlements along the river; vegetation pictorially; and relief by hachures and shading. Title supplied by cataloger. Set is not accompanied by a graphic index or list of sheets.

The division holds five sets of navigational charts of the Dnieper River from 1886. Each set covers a specific segment of the river, but not necessarily at a uniform scale. Segments were compiled and drawn by the Department of Highways and Waterways, Ministry of Railways, according to the research of the Dnieper survey party from 1875 to 1886, and then published by the statistical department of the Ministry of Railways in 1886. The five sets are filed under slightly different LC call numbers. The Library holds photocopies in lieu of originals.

By and large each set of charts depicts the same information for navigating the Dnieper. They convey a wealth of information concerning the river and its banks, especially relevant for those sections submerged during the Soviet era. With regard to the river itself the charts show riverbed characteristics; flow direction; depths at various stages; rapids; bank characteristics; obstructions; piers; ferries; and tributaries and connecting streams. They can depict multiple types of bridges. Among cultural features they can show cities, towns, and villages; churches, monasteries, and mosques; factories and plants; telegraph lines and stations; railroads; and roads and highways. Along the river banks they can depict densely populated areas; cultivated and uncultivated fields; gardens; meadows; marshlands; and forests. Each set includes a graphic index map to coverage and a detailed legend sheet.

Their titles, scales, and filing locations, as well as abbreviated descriptions of each, are noted below.


Podrobnye plany uchastka rieki Dniepra ot Smolenska do Loeva : v masshtabie 50 sazh. v 00,1 [sic] sazh. / Ministerstvo puteĭ soobshcheniia, Departament shosseinykh i vodianykh soobshchenii; po izsliedovaniiam Dnieprovskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v' 1875-1878 g.g. (S.-Peterburg: Izdany Staticheskim otdielom M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1886) 114 maps : photocopies. Scale [1:5,000] or 50 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7012.D55P53 s5 .R8 MLC

Set of 114 nautical charts covering the upper course of the Dnieper River from Smolensk to Loyew, Belarus.

Podrobnye plany uchastka rieki Dniepra ot Loeva do Kieva : v masshtabie100 sazh. v 00,1 [sic] sazh. Ministerstvo putei soobshcheniia, Departament shosseinykh i vodianykh soobshchenii; po izsliedovaniiam Dnieprovskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v' 1878 g. (S.-Peterburg: Izdany Staticheskim otdielom M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1886) 29 maps : photocopies. Scale [1:10,000] or 100 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7012.D55P53 s10 .R8 MLC

Set of twenty-nine nautical charts covering the middle course of the Dnieper River from Loyew, Belarus, to Kiev, Ukraine.

Podrobnye plany uchastka rieki Dneipra ot Kieva do Ekaterinoslava: v masshtabie 200 sazh. v 00,1 [sic] sazh. / Ministerstvo putei soobschchenniia, Department shosseinyky i vodianykh soobshchenni; po izsliedovaniiam Dnieprovskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v' 1878-1889 g.g. (S. -Petersburg: Izdany Staticheskim otdielom M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1886). 26 maps: photocopies. Scale [1:20,000]. 200 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7012 .D55P53 s20 .R8 MLC

Set of twenty-six nautical charts covering the middle course of the Dnieper River from Kiev to Ekaterinoslav (Dnipro), Ukraine.

Podrobnye plany uchastka riek Dniepra ot Ekaterinoslava do Aleksandrovska: v masshtabie 100 sazh. v. 00,1 [sic] sazh. / Ministerstvo putei soobshcheniia, Department shosseinykh i vodianykh soobschchenni; po izsleidovaniiam Dnieprovskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v' 1880 i 1881 g.g. (S. -Petersburg: Izdany Staticheskim otdielom M-va putei soobschcheniia, 1886). 19 maps: photocopies. Scale [1:10,000]. 100 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7012 .D55P53 s10 .R7 MLC

Set of nineteen nautical charts covering the lower middle course of the Dnieper River from Ekaterinoslav (Dnipro) to Aleksandrovsk (Zaporizhzhia), Ukraine.

Podrobnye plany uchastka rieki Dniepra ot Aleksandrovska do Limana: v masshtabie 200 sazh. v 00,1 [sic] sazh. / Minsterstvo putei soobeshcheniia, Department shosseinykh i vodianykh soobshchenii; po izsliedovaniiam Dnieprovskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v' 1881-1883 g.g. (S. -Peterbug: Izdany Staticheskim otdielom M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1886). 23 maps: photocopies. Scale [1:20,000]. 200 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7012 .D55P53 s20 .R7 MLC

Set of twenty-three nautical charts covering the lower course of the Dnieper River from Aleksandrovsk (Zaporizhzhia) to Limana (Dniprovs'ka Gulf), Ukraine.

The division holds two sets of nautical charts of that cover the middle course of the Don River between khut. Kalach (Kalach-na-Dony) and khut. Olen'kova () from the late nineteenth century. Both sets are at 1:50,000 scale, and were compiled and drawn from surveys undertaken by the Don survey party in 1891-93. One set covers the Don from Kalach to the mouth of the Boguchar River in Voronezh Oblast, and the other from the mouth of the Boguchar to Olen'kova (). The charts were published by the Statistical Department of the Ministry of Railways in 1897-98.


Sokrashchennye plany uchastka rieki Dona : ot khut. Kalacha do ust. r. Boguchara : v masshtabie odna versta v 0,01 sazh. / po izsliedovaniiam Donskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1891 i 1892 g.g. = Plans réduits du fleuve Done : partie comprise entre Kalatch et l'embouchure de la rivière Bogoutchar. (St. Pétersbourg : Izdanie Statisticheskago otdiela M.P.S., 1897). 12 maps, photocopies. Scale 1:50,000. 1 verst to 0.01 of a sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062.D65P53 s50 .R8

Set of twelve nautical charts depicting the Don River from Kalach-na-Dony to the mouth of the Boguchar River. Charts showriver-craft navigational channels, distances in versts (numbered sequentially), settlements, place names, vegetation pictorially, relief by spot heights, and depths by gradient tints (grey). Each sheet includes notes, a statistical table, and a scale bar. Title sheet in Russian and French.

Sokrashchennye plany uchastka rieki Dona :ot ust. r. Boguchara do khut. Olenʹkova : v masshtabie odna versta v 0,01 sazh. / po izsliedovaniiam Donskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1891 i 1892 g.g. = Plans réduits du fleuve Done : partie comprise entre ;embouchure de la rivière Bogoutchar et Olenkovo. (St. Pétersbourg : Izdanie Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, 1898). 7 map, photocopies. Scale 1:50,000. 1 verst to 0.01 of a sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062.D65P53 s50 .R9

Set of seven nautical charts depicting the Don River from the mouth of the Boguchar River to Olen'kova. Charts show river-craft navigational channels, distances in versts (numbered sequentially), settlements, place names, vegetation pictorially, relief by spot heights, and depths by gradient tints (grey). Each sheets includes notes, a statistical table, and a scale bar. Title sheet in Russian and French.

Karte der Wasserstandsschankungen an Flüssen und Seen in Gebiete Petersburg - Ilmnasee. (Berlin: Germany, Wehrgeologenstab, Wannsse, 1943). Maps, colored. Scale 1:300,000. Filed under LC call number G7062 .L4C3 s300 .G4

World War II-era German maps depicting water level fluctuations in rivers and lakes in the Saint Petersburg - Ilmen lake areas, presumably to aid navigation during the siege of Leningrad. Maps show major streams and lakes in the area south and east of Leningrad, with data overprinted in blue indicating highest and lowest water level differences recorded at various gauging stations. Each sheet includes cross sections and text indicating water level changes during the year for various streams.

Podrobnye plany uchastka rieki Kamy ot ustʹiar. Bieloi do vpadeniia v r. Volgu : v masshtabie 200 sazh. v 00,1 [sic] sazh. / po izsliedovaniiam proizvedennym Kamskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1881 i 1882 g.g. (Saint Petersburg:Izdany Statisticheskim otdielom M-va pute isoobshcheniia, 1886). Photostats. Scale [1:20,000]. 200 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062.K2P53 s20 .R8 MLC

Set of twenty-two nautical charts of a section of the Kama River between its tributary, the Belaia River, and the Volga River. Charts include information regarding the river and its banks, such as flow direction, depths along the prescribed course, distances by versts, settlements, cultivated and uncultivated fields, place names, vegetation, and relief by isolines. Set includes legend sheet and graphic index.

There is an incomplete set of nautical charts covering that stretch of the Northern Dvina River between the Vychegda and Vaga rivers. Like the others, it was published by the Ministry of Railways in 1878, in this case by surveys performed by the Northern Dvina survey party.

Its title and filing location below are taken from the LC catalog.


Uchastok r. Siev. Dviny ot ustʹia r. Vychegdy do ustʹia r. Vagi / sostavleno po izsliedovaniiam Siev. Dvinskoi opisnoĭ partii, proizvedennym v 1877-8 g. ... pod rukovodstvom Inzhenera Florina 1go ; sostavleno ... v 1878 g. ... Florina 1go[St. Petersburg?]: Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1877-1878]. Scale [1:50,000]. 1 verst to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062.N65P53 s50 .R8 MLC

Podrobnye Plany Reku Obu ot' g. Biiska do g. Novo-Nikolaevska (g. Biisk' Lezhit' na R. Bii v' 23 ver. vyshe soedineniia eia s' R. Katyniu). V mashtab' 100 sazhen v' 0,01 sazh., po izsledovaniiam', proizvedennym' opisnoii partii pri Upravlenii Tomskago okruga p. s. v' 1897 i 1898 gg. ([Saint Petersburg]: otdela Statistiki i Kartografii M-va putei Soobshcheniia, 1905). Originals. Scale 1:10,000 or 100 sazhens to .01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7272 .O2 s10 .R8

Set of twenty-three navigational charts of a section of the upper course of the Ob River from Biysk to Novo Nikolaevsk (Novosibirsk). Sheets show course of main channel; depths along the main channel; tributaries; riverbed and river bank characteristics; incremental distances in versts and sazhens; settlements; roads; cultivated and uncultivated vegetation along the river bank; and place names. Each sheet includes an indexed table of obstructions and other features along the river and a scale bar. Set accompanied by graphic index. Includes separate legend.

Sokrashchennye Plany Reku Obu ot' g. Biiska do g. Novo-Nikolaevska. (g. Biisk' Lezhit' na R. Bii v' 23 ver. vyshe soedineniia eia s' R. Katyniu). V mashtab' odna versta v' 0,01 sazh., po izsledovaniiam', proizvedennym' opisnoii partii pri Upravlenii Tomskago okruga p. s. v' 1897 i 1898 gg. ([Saint Petersburg]: otdela Statistiki i Kartografii M-va putei Soobshcheniia, 1905). Originals and photocopies. Scale 1:50,000 or 1 verst to .01 sazhens. Filed under LC call number G7272 .O2 s50 .R8

Set of twenty navigational charts of a section of the upper course of the Ob River from Biysk to Novo Nikolaevsk (Novosibirsk). Sheets show course of main channel; tributaries; riverbed and river bank characteristics; incremental distances in versts; settlements; roads; cultivated and uncultivated vegetation along the river bank; and place names. Each sheet includes an indexed table of obstructions and other features along the river and a scale bar. Set accompanied by graphic index.

Podrobnye Plany Uchastka Reki Oki ot' Kashiry do Riazani. Sostavleno po izsliedovaniiam Okskoi opisnoii partii, proizvedennym v. 1879 g. (Saint Petersburg: izdany Staticheskim otdielom M'va putei soobschcheniia, 1886). Colored maps, some photocopies. Scale [1:10,000] or 100 sazhens to .01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062 .O4P53 s10 .R7 MLC

Set of twenty-one (21) charts prepared for navigating the Oka River between Kashira and Riazan. By and large the charts show riverbed characteristics; flow direction; depths at various stages; rapids; bank characteristics; obstructions; piers; ferries; and tributaries and connecting streams. Among cultural features they can show cities, towns, and villages; churches, monasteries, and mosques; factories and plants; telegraph lines and stations; bridges; railroads; and roads and highways. Along the river banks they can depict densely populated areas; fields; meadows; marshlands; and forests. Set includes a graphic index map to coverage and a detailed legend sheet.

Uchastok r. Oki ot Riazani do Nizhniago Novgoroda / sostavleno po izsliedovaniiam Okskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1879 g. [or: ... 1880 g.] ... pod rukovodstvom Inzhinera Boguslavskago 1go. ([St. Petersburg?]: Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1879-1880]). Maps, colored. Scale [1:10,000]. 100 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062 .O4P53 s10 .R8 MLC

Set of sixty-five (65) charts prepared for navigating the Oka River between Riazan and Nizhny Novgorod. By and large the charts show riverbed characteristics; flow direction; depths at various stages; rapids; bank characteristics; obstructions; piers; ferries; and tributaries and connecting streams. Among cultural features they can show cities, towns, and villages; churches, monasteries, and mosques; factories and plants; telegraph lines and stations; bridges; railroads; and roads and highways. Along the river banks they can depict densely populated areas; fields; meadows; marshlands; and forests. Set includes a graphic index map to coverage and a detailed legend sheet.

The division holds four sets of navigational charts of the Western Dvina (Daugava) River from 1886-88. Coverage is incomplete. Two sets at 1:25,000 scale cover that stretch of the river from Vitebsk (Viciebsk) , Belarus, to Dinaburg (Daugavpils), Lithuania, and from Dinaburg to Klein Iungferngofa (Ķengarags). The other two sets at 1:5,000 scale cover that same stretch of the Western Dvina.


Sokrashchennye plany uchastka r. Zapadnoĭ Dviny ot Vitebska do Dinaburga : v masshtabie 250 sazhen v 0,01 sazh. / Ministerstvo putei soobshcheniia, Departament shosseinykh i vodianykh soobshchenii ; po izsliedovaniiam Zapadno-Dvinskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1886 i 1887 g.g. ([St. Petersburg?]: Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1886-1887]. ([St. Petersburg?]: Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1886-1887]). 19 maps, originals and photostats. Scale [1:25,000]. 250 sagenes = 0.01 sagene. Filed under LC call number G6967.W4P53 s25 .R8 MLC

Set of nineteen nautical charts at 1:25,000 scale of the Western Dvina from Vitebsk to Dinaburg (Daugavpils). Charts include information regarding the river and its banks, such as flow direction, depths along the prescribed course, distances by versts, settlements, cultivated and uncultivated fields, place names, vegetation, and relief by isolines. No graphic index to coverage or legend of features.

Uchastok r. Zap. Dviny ot Dinaburga do Klein IUngferngofa : (vyshe g. Rigi na 8 verst) / sostavleno po izsliedovaniiam Zap. Dvinskoi opisnoĭ parti, proizvedennym v 1887 g. ; sostavleno ... v 1888 g. ([St. Petersburg?] : Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1887-1888]). maps. Scale [1:25,000]. 250 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G6967.W4P53 s25 .R9 MLC

Incomplete set of original nautical charts at 1:25,000 scale of the Western Dvina from Dinaburg (Daugavpils) to Klein IUngferngofa (Ķengarags). Library holds only sheets VI and XIII.

Uchastok r. Zap. Dviny ot Vitebska do Dinaburga / sostavleno po izsliedovaniiam Zap. Dvinskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1886 g. ; sostavleno ... v 1887 g. ([St. Petersburg?] : Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1886-1887]). Maps, colored. Scale [1:5,000]. 50 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G6967 .W4P53 s5 .R8 MLC

Incomplete set of original nautical charts at 1:5,000 scale of the Western Dvina from Vitebsk to Dinaburg (Daugavpils). Library has only sheets I, II, and III. Charts include information regarding the river and its banks, including flow direction, distances by versts, settlements, cultivated and uncultivated fields, vegetation, and place names. Charts include statistical table and scale graph.

Uchastok r. Zap. Dviny ot Dinaburga do Klein IUngferngofa : (vyshe g. Rigi na 8 verst) / sostavleno po izsliedovaniiam Zap. Dvinskoi opisnoi partii, proizvedennym v 1887 g. ; sostavleno ... v 1888 g. [St. Petersburg?] : Izd. Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia, [1887-1888]). Maps, colored. Scale [1:5,000]. 50 sazhens to 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G6967 .W4P53 s5 .R7 MLC

Incomplete set of original nautical charts at 1:5,000 scale of the Western Dvina from Dinaburg (Daugavpils) to Klein IUngferngofa (Ķengarags). Charts include information regarding the river and its banks, such as flow direction, depths along the prescribed course, buoys, obstructions, distances by versts, settlements, cultivated and uncultivated fields, place names, vegetation, and relief by isolines.

Plany ozera Ilʹmenia : s istokom r. Volkhova i ustʹiami riek Msty, Lovati i Sheloni, v masshtabie 500 sazh. v 0,01 sazh. / po izsliedovaniiam Ilʹmenskoi i Mologo-Mstinskoi opisnykh partii, proizvedennym v 1885-1888 g.g. (S.-Peterburg : Izd. Statisticheskago otdiela M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1892). 6 maps, photocopies. Scale [1:50,000]. 500 sazhens = 0.01 sazhen. Filed under LC call number G7062.I5P53 s50 .R8 MLC

Set of six nautical charts depicting Lake Il'men, the source of the Volkhov River, and the mouths of Msta, Lovat, and Shelon rivers. Depths shown by gradient tints and soundings. Accompanied by title sheet and index map. Includes notes and statistical tables.

Researchers should note that this set was unavailable for examination during the compilation of this guide.


Memelstromaufnahme 1917/1918. (Berlin: Regierungsbaumeister, 1920). Four atlas volumes. Scales vary. Filed under LC call number G2117.M37 M4 1920

Set of three volumes of maps of the Memel (Nemen), Wilia (Neris), and Szara (Shchara) rivers in Belarus and Lithuania, and one volume of aerial photographs of the Memel (Neman) River in Lithuania. The purpose of the materials is unclear. The maps indicate stream course in blue, red dots placed intermittently along the stream, dashed lines placed at intervals across the stream, and kilometer markings. They also include towns and cities, vegetation, roads, place names, and relief. The volume of aerial imagery illustrates a section of the Memel (Neman) River in Lithuania, and depicts the stream course, settlements, roads, and vegetation, and has manuscript annotations of place names in blue ink.

Volume one, nos. 1-7, is a set of Stromkarte at 1:25,000 scale of the Memel (Neman) River, Belarus, from its confluence with the Szara to the Belarus-Lithuania border.

Volume two, nos. 1-9, is a set of Flugbild at 1:10,000 scale of a section of the Memel (Neman) River, Lithuania, from Ponjemuniki (Panemuninkai) to Zwiry (Zvyriai).

Volume three, nos. 1-3, is a set of Stromkarte at 1:25,000 scale of the Wilia (Neris) River, Lithuania, from its confluence with the Zheimiana (Zeimena)to its confluence with the Memel (Nemen) at Kaunas.

Volume four, nos. 1-3, is a set of Stromkarte at 1:25,000 scale of the Szara (Shchara) River, Belarus, from Lake Vygonovskoe (Vyhanashchanskaye) to its confluence with the Memel (Neman).