Boxes 7-12: Folders Калужский областной совет through Рабочее движение
[Flyer]. Защитим Интересы Подростков [Protect the Interests of Adolescents]. [Box 7]. Library of Congress European Reading Room.
This section of the guide describes the contents of Boxes 7-12 of the Russian and Post-Soviet Ephemera Collection. The item count for each folder is in brackets next to the subject folder. Subject headings are translated into English in parenthesis. All material must remain in the European Reading Room at all times. A short form must be filled out with researchers name and research topic prior to being served the desired boxes. Please use pencils only for note taking. Taking photographs of material is permitted and a table is available for this purpose. The reference librarian on duty will assist you at the front desk.
Box 7
Калужский областной совет народных депутатов (Regional Council of Peoples' Deputies, Kaluga) [1]
Кино. Телевидение. (Cinema, Television Networking) [7]
Комитет социальной зашиты (Committee of Social Protection) [2]
Коммунисты (Communists) [8]
Конгресс гражданских патриотических сил (Congress of Civil Patriotic Forces) [2]
Консервативная партия (Conservative Party) [7]
Конституция РСФСР (Constitution of the RSFSR) [16]
Конференция обшественных сил России (Conference of Civil Forces of Russia) [5]
Концлагерь (Concentration Camps) [1]
Координационный совет демократического лагеря Запада (Coordination Council of the Democratic Camp of the West) [2]
Критика марксизма ленинизма (Criticism of Marxism-Leninism) [4]
Крым (Crimea) [28]
Латвия (Latvia) [10]
Box 8
Лезгины (Lezgins-people of the Caucasus Area) [1]
Лениниана (About Lenin) [3]
Либерально-демократический партия (Liberal Democratic Party) [2]
Либеральный союз (Liberal Union) [1]
Листовки (Leaflets) [300]
Литва (Lithuania) [12]
Малые предприятия (Small Enterprise) [1]
Махно (генерал) (Makhno. General) [1]
"Мемориал" (Memorial) [3]
Медицина (карательная) (Medicine-punitive) [3]
Международный фонд "За обшество равных возможностей" (International Foundation "For a Society of Equal Opportunities") [1]