Voluminous quantities of Russian materials exist in the Library of Congress collections in microfilm and/or microfiche formats. The materials range from newspapers and serials to books and archival documents. Many of these are the result of the Library's own preservation programs, whereby deteriorating materials from the general or special collections are microfilmed to preserve the content. For instance, a number of long and complete runs of serials have been preserved in this fashion such as the important historical journal Istoricheskii viestnik. Other titles have been purchased from commercial micropublishers. This section of the guide to the LIbrary's Russian collections introduces some of the larger microfilm sets of specialized content for Russian, but is by no means comprehensive.
Microformat materials are available in a number of different reading rooms. The European Reading Room holds many Russian newspaper titles on microfilm. See the guide covering Russian Newspapers for more information. The European Reading Room also holds a number of large sets such as the 1937 and 1939 Soviet censuses of population and the Russisches biographisches Archiv. Materials may be requested at the European Reading Room reference desk.
In addition to the European Reading Room, the Microform and Electronic Resources Center (MERC) has many thousands of volume equivalents of Russian print materials (books and journals). MERC houses an excellent collection of the most important commercially-published microform projects and sets, such as the Inter-Documentation Company's microfiches of the Russian holdings (primarily serials) at the Helsinki University Library; the Russian History and Culture series issued by University Microfilms; and the Russian Revolutionary Literature series published by Research Publications, Inc. The Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room is another research center at the Library which holds significant Russian content on microfilm such as Russian newspapers from the diaspora. Regardless of where the materials are housed, each reading room has a number of microfilm reader/scanners available for use.
A special microform set of note is the collection of American dissertations in MERC. The Library of Congress holds decades of undigitized dissertations from United States institutions of higher learning in an uncataloged collection. To access the content, use the subscription database Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global to find desired titles on Russian studies and show the database records to staff in MERC. They can verify which titles are held and retrieve the microform from offsite storage.
Microform records appear in the online catalog interspersed with materials in print format. The keyword "microform" may be added to a keyword search to identify materials in this format. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Additional links to online content are provided when available. All microfilm located in the European Reading Room (Eur) and the Microform and Electronic Resources Center (MERC) are eligible for interlibrary loan. Microfilm held in the Manuscript Division must be used onsite.
This page has the following organization:
Microfilm sets annotated in this section all contain original documents held in archives from Russia, other countries, or in non-governmental institutions in the United States. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The microfilm sets described in this section contain reproductions of original documents produced by the United States Department of State and held in the National Archives and Records Administration in Maryland. Many additional sets have been published by NARA and are available for use in other libraries or in NARA itself. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The microform sets listed in this section contain biographical entries or information on noted individuals from all eras of Russian history. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The Library of Congress holds many census publications from Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation. Most are held in the general collections, but some have been reformatted into microfilm. The set of published results from the 2010 All-Russian Population of Census is held in the European Reading Room Reference Collection and in electronic format as part of the Russian e-book collection. In addition, the results of the 2002 All-Russian Census of Population are available via an onsite only database Universal Database of Russian/NIS Statistical Publications. Below are descriptions of several microfilm collections, but this list is far from a comprehensive list of all Russian census publications available in any format at the Library of Congress. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The Library of Congress has hundreds of Russian newspapers on microfilm. Besides the collections described below, individual Russian newspaper titles and holdings on microfilm are listed in three guides Russian Newspapers in the Library of Congress, Soviet Independent Press 1987-1992 and Russian Newspapers Published in the United States. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The microform sets detailed in this section are reproductions of historical card catalogs of significance for Russian studies research. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The microform collections listed in this section are reproductions of published and/or archival materials that do not fit under one of the above categories. In the descriptions below, titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.