The Library of Congress has only one online newspapers in Russian from the United States. Unfortunately, that title, Novoe russkoe slovo [New Russian Word], is available only via a subscription database that must be used onsite. Novoe russkoe slovo was published in New York from 1920-2010 and arguably was the most important Russian diaspora title from the United States. It is described below. Its predecessor, Russkoe slovo [Russian Word], appeared from 1910 through 1920, but no issues from these ten years are available in the database at this time.
Other online resources for Russian newspapers from the United States are described in the sections for "Digitized Historical Diaspora Newspapers" and "Current Diaspora Newspaper Websites."
Subscription resources marked with a padlock are available to researchers on-site at the Library of Congress. If you are unable to visit the Library, you may be able to access these resources through your local public or academic library.
Included in this section are sites with historical newspaper titles that have appeared first in print and have been digitized at a later date. Most of the titles have ceased in print. The list is not meant to be comprehensive, because more digitized titles appear every year. In addition, some sites remove content or disappear altogether.
This section is not meant to be comprehensive, because websites frequently change locations or even disappear. Instead, several websites of Russian diaspora newspapers are described as examples of what might be found on the Internet.