Multiple items (the booklets, bookmark, flyer, leaflet, ribbons, pocket calendar, and posters) carry a slogan that reads "Rossiia trebyet peremen" / Россия требует перемен ('Russia demands changes')
All three booklets describe Iabloko's political platform. The party's environmental program booklet contains 8 photographs capturing events held by the party activists in various parts of Russia. For example, two nationally publicized campaigns – against storing nuclear waste from Western Europe in the Saratov region / Саратовская область, and the campaign for protecting Khimkinskii Les / Химкинский Лес in the Moscow region, as well as some campaigns of local importance – in the St. Petersburg region / Ленинградская область, the Nizhnii Novgorod region / Нижегородская область, and Meshchera National Park in the Riazan region / Национальный парк «Мещёрский», Рязанская область.
One flyer doubles as a car window sticker. The text on the front side is a slogan playing on the meaning of the word "iabloko" (Russian for "apple"): "Nadoeli ovoshchi? Vybirai iabloko!" (Tired of vegetables? Then choose apple!) Here, the word used for the name of the party "Iabloko" (apple, a fruit) is juxtaposed to "ovoshch" (collective for "vegetable") – a colloquialism meaning a brainless individual, not capable of any intellectual activity. The message on the reverse side reads: (Skoro vernus'! Esli moi avtomobil' zatrudniaet proezd, pozhaluista, pozvonite! / Скоро вернусь! Если мой автомобиль затрудняет проезд, пожалуйста, позвоните! ('I will be back right away! Call me if my car is in your way!') and has a printed blank form for providing a cell phone number. The intended audience here is not the older generation, which rarely has cars and or cellphones.
The leaflet is a short version of Iabloko's political platform. Notably, of the four pages of text, the first one is a list of what the party is against, namely - the illegal merger of political power and business, corruption, social inequality, xenophobia, revival of Stalinism and totalitarianism.
One newspaper with a print run of 500,000, dated Oct 31, 2011, is for distribution in Moscow only. The topics include ways of improving communal services in Moscow, ways of solving ecological problems in the Moscow region, and an article on fighting corruption - "12 udarov po korruptsii" / 12 ударов по коррупции ('12 strikes against corruption') signed by the party leader Sergei Mitrokhin.
The second newspaper (1,200,000 copies) features short interviews of eighteen public figures that support Iabloko. The list of names includes politician Liudmila Alekseeva, scientists Aleksei Arbatov and Aleksei Iablokov, actor Oleg Basilashvili, ballerina Alla Osipenko, rock singer and songwriter Iurii Shevchuk, film director Aleksandr Sokurov, writer Boris Strugatskii, journalists Andrei Bil'dzho and Dmitrii Muratov, as well as some activists from the Iabloko party -- Valerii Borshchev, Evgenii Bunimovich, Sergei Ivanenko, Olga Kolokolova, Anatolii Leirikh, Galina Mikhaleva, and Aleksandr Shishlov.
A noteworthy poster (the only self-adhesive one of the four) is about the post-election protest. It calls for people to take part in a protest rally on December 17, 2011 on Pushkinskaia ploshchad' / Пушкинская площадь in Moscow to challenge the results of the elections believed to be fraudulent. Among the demands are the resignation of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia Vladimir Churov, cancellation of the election results, and scheduling new elections.