The few materials in this folder were not directly issued by Putin's election campaign, but rather seem to have been produced by "grassroots" movements in support of Putin's presidential candidacy.
The author(s) of the flyer cannot be identified. The opening statement reads "Tseliatsia v Putina, a razvalivaiut ROSSIIU" / Целятся в Путина, а разваливают Россию ('They are aiming at Putin but are destroying Russia') and later, "Oppositsiia gotovit v Rossii gosudarstvennyi perevorot" /Оппозиция готовит в России государственный переворот ('The Opposition is preparing a takeover in Russia'). The general theme is a rationalization of Putin's policies and criticism of the opposition at large. One statement refers to a widely criticized meeting of the opposition leaders with then Ambassador Michael McFaul on January 17, 2012. Noteworthy is the verbiage used to describe the event ". . . McFaul vyzval k sebe agentov vliianiia USA . . ." / Макфол вызвал к себе агентов влияния США ...(' . . . McFaul summoned a meeting with U.S. agents of influence . . .').
Both newspapers, Psikhiatriia: Nit' Ariadny, are monthly publications of the Moscow professional club of psychiatrists. They are 12-pages long, of tabloid size, with a print run of 13,000, dated August 2011 and September 2011. Only one has an article related to Putin. The article is an editorial titled "Trud kak schast'e" / Труд как счастье ('Work as a blessing') and describes a "round table" held by Putin, then the head of the Russian government, with representatives of various organizations of disabled veterans, as well as medical organizations responsible for providing medical support to physically and mentally impaired patients.
Associated with this topic was the social media discussion on the ER party's questionable methods of< getting votes: it is known that the highest percentage of votes in favor of the ER (up to 93%) in Moscow were at psychiatric facilities. Disagreement with this practice took various forms and was largely covered in the social media.