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Saudi Arabia: African and Middle Eastern Reading Room Country Guide

Journals and Newspapers

When researching Saudi Arabia using the collections at the Library of Congress, the selected journal and newspaper materials presented on this page are a great place to start. Most Saudi serials are not digitized. Researchers can access bound Saudi periodicals and newspapers on microfilm in Arabic in the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room (LJ-229). For journals and newspapers in English and Romanized Languages, consult the Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room in the Madison Building Room (LM-133).

Access to current and older Saudi serials in Arabic is provided in the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room. In the first tab below are selected subscription print and e-journals with onsite access only. The second tab below, "Newspapers on Microfilm," lists Saudi newspapers that have been microfilmed and are available onsite or through interlibrary loan.

Below are selected subscription print and e-journals related to Saudi Arabia available only onsite at the Library of Congress. The e-journals may also be available through subscription databases at your local library. The titles link to fuller bibliographic information in either the Library of Congress Online Catalog or the E-Resources Online Catalog.

The Library of Congress receives newspapers from Saudi Arabia. This webpage, Foreign Newspapers Currently Received at the Library of Congress, provides information about newspapers in English, Arabic and the Roman alphabet languages. On the webpage you will find a link to a table of foreign newspapers that the Library of Congress continues to acquire for its collections (PDF, 296KB).

The newspaper titles linked below provide fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog, including holdings on microfilm.