When looking for listings of smaller towns in Slovenia, keep in mind that most telephone directories from the country feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city. Regarding the microfilm sets, a list of all localities covered on a reel appears at the very beginning of each reel.
Telephone directories for Slovenia are located in three possible places in the Library of Congress -- Deck 5S of the closed stacks in the Adams Building for uncataloged directories; -- in the Microform and Electronic Resources Center (MERC) for the titles in the microfilm set; or in the general collections for cataloged directories. For uncataloged items in the general collections a researcher may request the items in the European Reading Room. The finding aid designates these two locations as MRR/GC or MERC. All volumes held on Deck 5S are filed under Yugoslavia, not under Slovenia.
City (or Region) | Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
1963 | Telefonski imenik PTT podjetij SR Slovenije. | Both | "Sluzbeno izdaja po stanju dne 1. aprila 1963." Includes an insert with additional numbers. Organized by city. | MRR/GC | |
1964 | Telefonski imenik PTT podjetij SR Slovenije. | Both | "Po stanju dne 1. aprila 1964." Organized by city. Includes an insert with additional numbers. | MRR/GC | |
1965 | Telefonski imenik PTT podjetij SR Slovenije. | Both | "Sluzbena izdaja po stanju dne 1. februrarja 1965." Includes an insert with additional numbers. Organized by city. | MRR/GC | |
1976 | Telefonski imenik SR Slovenije. | Both | "Službena izdaja po stanju 15. marca 1976." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 28. | MERC | |
1977/78 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 3. SR Slovenija. | Both | Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 15; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC | |
1979/80 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 3. SR Slovenija. | Both | Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reels 5 and 38; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC | |
1983/84 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 5. SR Slovenija. | Both | Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 47; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC | |
1985/86 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 5. SR Slovenija. | Both | Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 54; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC | |
1987/88 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 5. SR Slovenija. | Both | Arranged by city. LC holds 2 copies of this title. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 64; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MRR/GC/MERC | |
1989/90 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 6. SR Slovenija. | Both | Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 76; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC | |
1991/92 | Telefonski imenik Slovenije. I. Knjiga. Ljubljana, Maribor, Ravne na Koroškem. | Both | "Uradna izdaja po stanju 15. 1. 1991." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 79. | MERC | |
1991/92 | Telefonski imenik Slovenije. II. Knjiga. Celje, Kranj, Nova Gorica, Koper-Capodistria, Postojna, Novo Mesto, Murska Subota, Trbovlje, Krško. | Both | "Uradna izdaja po stanju 15. 1. 1991." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 80. | MERC | |
1991/92 | Dodatak k telefonskemu imeniku Slovenije. | Both | "Uradna izdaja po stanju 1. 7. 1991 in načrtovanimi spremembami telefonskih številk v avgustu 1991." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 81. | MERC | |
2020 | Telefonski imenik Slovenije. | Both | Covers Kranj, Koper, Nova Gorica. | MRR/GC | |
2020 | Telefonski imenik Slovenije. | Both | Covers Maribor, Murska Sobota, Celje, Trbovlje. | MRR/GC | |
2020 | Telefonski imenik Slovenije. | Both | Covers Ljubljana, Novo Mesto. | MRR/GC | |
Ljubljana | 1951 | Telefonski imenik. Direkcije poste, telegrafa in telefona Ljubljana. | Both | Also includes numbers for other towns in Slovenia. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1952/53 | Telefonski imenik direkcije poste, telegrafa in telefona Ljubljana. | Both | "Po stanju 20. X. 1952." Includes an insert with additional numbers. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1954 | Telefonski imenik direkcije poste, telegrafa in telefona Ljubljana. | Both | Includes an insert with additional numbers. Also provides listings for other cities in Slovenia. Numerical index. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1955 | Telefonski imenik podjetja za PTT promet v Ljubljani. | Both | "Po stanju dne 31. marca 1955." Fold-out map of the country. Also includes listings for other towns in Slovenia. Numerical index. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1956 | Telefonski imenik podjetja PTT promet v Ljubljani. | Both | "Po stanju dne 20. junija 1956." Numerical index. Also includes listings for other towns in Slovenia. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1958 | Telefonski imenik podjetja za PTT promet v Ljubljani. | Both | "Po stanju dne 1. marca." Includes a color fold-out map and listings for other towns in Slovenia. Numerical index. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1959/60 | Spremembe k telefonskemu imeniku za leto 1959-60. | Both | Additions to the telephone directory for 1959-60. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1961 | Telefonski imenik skupnosti PTT podjetij LR Slovenije v Ljubljani. | Both | "Po stanju dne 15. maja." Includes listings for other cities besides Ljubljana. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1966 | Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. | Both | "Sluzbena izdaja po stanju dne 1. junija 1966." Also includes entries for other cities in Slovenia. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1967 | Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. | Both | "Sluzbena izdaja po stanju dne 10. junija 1967." Also covers other towns in Slovenia. Includes an insert with additions. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1969/70 | Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. | Both | Organized by city with Ljubljana first. | MRR/GC |
Ljubljana | 1973/74 | Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. | Both | "Sluzbeno izdaja po stanju 1. avgusta 1973." Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 15; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC |