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Slovenia: Address and Telephone Directories

List of Directories

When looking for listings of smaller towns in Slovenia, keep in mind that most telephone directories from the country feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city. Regarding the microfilm sets, a list of all localities covered on a reel appears at the very beginning of each reel.

Telephone directories for Slovenia are located in three possible places in the Library of Congress -- Deck 5S of the closed stacks in the Adams Building for uncataloged directories; -- in the Microform and Electronic Resources Center (MERC) for the titles in the microfilm set; or in the general collections for cataloged directories. For uncataloged items in the general collections a researcher may request the items in the European Reading Room. The finding aid designates these two locations as MRR/GC or MERC. All volumes held on Deck 5S are filed under Yugoslavia, not under Slovenia.

Directories on Microfilm

Print Directories

City (or Region) Year Title Type Notes Location
  1963 Telefonski imenik PTT podjetij SR Slovenije. Both "Sluzbeno izdaja po stanju dne 1. aprila 1963." Includes an insert with additional numbers. Organized by city. MRR/GC
  1964 Telefonski imenik PTT podjetij SR Slovenije. Both "Po stanju dne 1. aprila 1964." Organized by city. Includes an insert with additional numbers. MRR/GC
  1965 Telefonski imenik PTT podjetij SR Slovenije. Both "Sluzbena izdaja po stanju dne 1. februrarja 1965." Includes an insert with additional numbers. Organized by city. MRR/GC
  1976 Telefonski imenik SR Slovenije. Both "Službena izdaja po stanju 15. marca 1976." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 28. MERC
  1977/78 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 3. SR Slovenija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 15; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1979/80 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 3. SR Slovenija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reels 5 and 38; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1983/84 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 5. SR Slovenija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 47; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1985/86 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 5. SR Slovenija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 54; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1987/88 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 5. SR Slovenija. Both Arranged by city. LC holds 2 copies of this title. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 64; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MRR/GC/MERC
  1989/90 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 6. SR Slovenija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 76; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1991/92 Telefonski imenik Slovenije. I. Knjiga. Ljubljana, Maribor, Ravne na Koroškem. Both "Uradna izdaja po stanju 15. 1. 1991." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 79. MERC
  1991/92 Telefonski imenik Slovenije. II. Knjiga. Celje, Kranj, Nova Gorica, Koper-Capodistria, Postojna, Novo Mesto, Murska Subota, Trbovlje, Krško. Both "Uradna izdaja po stanju 15. 1. 1991." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 80. MERC
  1991/92 Dodatak k telefonskemu imeniku Slovenije. Both "Uradna izdaja po stanju 1. 7. 1991 in načrtovanimi spremembami telefonskih številk v avgustu 1991." Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 81. MERC
  2020 Telefonski imenik Slovenije. Both Covers Kranj, Koper, Nova Gorica. MRR/GC
  2020 Telefonski imenik Slovenije. Both Covers Maribor, Murska Sobota, Celje, Trbovlje. MRR/GC
  2020 Telefonski imenik Slovenije. Both Covers Ljubljana, Novo Mesto. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1951 Telefonski imenik. Direkcije poste, telegrafa in telefona Ljubljana. Both Also includes numbers for other towns in Slovenia. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1952/53 Telefonski imenik direkcije poste, telegrafa in telefona Ljubljana. Both "Po stanju 20. X. 1952." Includes an insert with additional numbers. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1954 Telefonski imenik direkcije poste, telegrafa in telefona Ljubljana. Both Includes an insert with additional numbers. Also provides listings for other cities in Slovenia. Numerical index. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1955 Telefonski imenik podjetja za PTT promet v Ljubljani. Both "Po stanju dne 31. marca 1955." Fold-out map of the country. Also includes listings for other towns in Slovenia. Numerical index. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1956 Telefonski imenik podjetja PTT promet v Ljubljani. Both "Po stanju dne 20. junija 1956." Numerical index. Also includes listings for other towns in Slovenia. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1958 Telefonski imenik podjetja za PTT promet v Ljubljani. Both "Po stanju dne 1. marca." Includes a color fold-out map and listings for other towns in Slovenia. Numerical index. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1959/60 Spremembe k telefonskemu imeniku za leto 1959-60. Both Additions to the telephone directory for 1959-60. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1961 Telefonski imenik skupnosti PTT podjetij LR Slovenije v Ljubljani. Both "Po stanju dne 15. maja." Includes listings for other cities besides Ljubljana. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1966 Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. Both "Sluzbena izdaja po stanju dne 1. junija 1966." Also includes entries for other cities in Slovenia. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1967 Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. Both "Sluzbena izdaja po stanju dne 10. junija 1967." Also covers other towns in Slovenia. Includes an insert with additions. MRR/GC
Ljubljana  1969/70 Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. Both Organized by city with Ljubljana first. MRR/GC
Ljubljana 1973/74 Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Ljubljana. Obmocje SR Slovenije. Both "Sluzbeno izdaja po stanju 1. avgusta 1973." Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 15; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC