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Slovenian Collections in the Library of Congress

Journals & Newspapers

Image of Slovenian journals
Selection of Slovenian journals currently received by the Library of Congress. Library of Congress European Reading Room.

The Library of Congress holds almost 700 journal titles from and about Slovenia. Formats include printed volumes, microfilm reels, and full-text digital titles available via subscription databases. Of the 700 titles, approximately 73 have current subscriptions such as the weekly magazine Mladina [Youth]; religious serials such as Stati inu obstati [Stand and Withstand] and Bogoslovni vestnik [Theological journal]; literary and language journals such as Slavia Centralis from the University in Maribor and Litterae Slovenicae [Slovenian literature] published by the Slovene Writers' Association; science and technology titles such as Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko [Review of mathematics and physics] and the popular science monthly GEA; titles on history and cultural heritage such as Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva [Gazette of the Slovenian Ethnological Society], Zbornik soboškega muzeja [Proceedings of the Museum in Murska Sobota], and Zvon [Bell], a journal from Ljubljana devoted to the study of Slovenes in Carinthia.

The historical journal holdings feature some interesting titles such as complete or near complete runs of the parliamentary proceedings for the interwar Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1918-1941 and for communist Yugoslavia as a nation from the 1940s-1980s. The Library of Congress also holds most volumes of Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje [Review for history and ethnography] and Časopis za slovenski jezik, književnost in zgodovino [Journal of Slovenian language, literature and history], which was edited by the noted Slovenian literary historian France Kidrič. The collection also contains many volumes and series of Glasnik Muzejskega društva za Slovenijo [Bulletin of the Museum Society of Slovenia]. Collection strengths include history, literature, political and cultural life of Slovenia, religion, economics, and law. The majority of the titles are in Slovene with some titles in other languages such as B/C/S (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian) or English.

For the most current information about our journal holdings, it is best to consult the Library of Congress online catalog. Databases containing several full-text journals and newspapers from Slovenia are described in the section of this guide devoted to Onsite Only Electronic Resources.

Unbound issues of currently received journal titles are available in the European Reading Room, but most of the Slovenian journal collection are bound volumes held in the general collections and may be requested in any general reading room.

Gospodarski list. 1869. Library of Congress General Collections.

The Slovenian newspaper collection is modest in size, consisting of approximately 35 titles on microfilm, in print or online. The oldest Slovenian newspaper in the Library of Congress and the only one in Slovenian in the collection from the 19th century is Gospodarski list [Commercial newspaper] published in the Italian city of Gorica (Gorizia). The Library holds volumes for 1869, 1873, and 1874. The majority of the Slovenian newspaper titles in the collection are from the 20th and 21st centuries. For the interwar years of the 1920s-1930s, the Library holds mostly German-language titles published by Balkan and Central European German populations in Slovenia such as Cillier Zeitung [Celje newspaper] and Marburger Zeitung [Maribor newspaper], but the collection contains as well significant holdings from 1936-1943 of the Slovene-language title Slovenec: političen list za slovenski narod [Slovene: political newspaper for the Slovenian nation]. Holdings from the communist and post-communist eras are stronger, with long runs of several important titles such as Delo [Labor] and Slovenski poročevalec [Slovenian reporter].

Today the Library maintains subscriptions to 4 current newspapers from Slovenia and its diaspora - the newspaper of record for the country Delo [Labor] from Ljubljana; the biweekly news magazine Demokracija [Democracy]; and the two Catholic weeklies Družina [Family] from Ljubljana and Novi glas [New voice] from Gorica in Italy. A complete listing of the Library of Congress holdings entitled Slovenian Newspapers at the Library of Congress shows titles, holdings, format and location of the materials. Library of Congress sources for digital newspapers are described in the newspaper guide and in the section of this guide devoted to Onsite Only Electronic Resources.

Preservation of newspapers and serials published on newsprint remains a top priority for the Library of Congress. For Slovenian newspapers we no longer microfilm our holdings, rather we digitize them as the main method of preservation. Digitized titles are available onsite only via Stacks, the primary access system for rights-restricted digital content in the Library’s permanent collection. Fore more information on Stacks, see directly below.


Stacks is the primary access system for rights-restricted digital content in the Library’s permanent collection. In contrast, (a) content that is broadly available is generally on the Library’s public website; and (b) content for which the Library has licensed onsite access is primarily available in the Electronic Resources Catalog (EROC). The Library of Congress is no longer microfilming newspapers or serials on newsprint and instead is digitizing such materials and placing them into Stacks. Slovenian content of interest in Stacks is mainly these digitized newspapers and periodicals, plus a handful of e-books.