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South Asian Manuscripts at the Library of Congress

Naqvi Collection


Page with Urdu handwriting from travelogue of Nawab Mukhtar al-mulk Bahadur.
Navvāb Muk̲h̲tār al-mulk Bahādur. Safarnāmah-i Landan. 19th century. Library of Congress Asian Division. View bibliographic record in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.

The Library’s Naqvi Collection contains approximately 275 manuscripts, lithographs, and rare books from the personal library of the scholar and orator Allama Zamir Akhtar Naqvi (1947-2020). The collection contains items in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and other languages, which reflect the Naqvi family’s multilingual history and culture. It was acquired by the Library of Congress in 1999. Additional information on the Naqvi Collection is available in this post from the Library’s 4 Corners of the World Blog, “Highlighting the Treasures of the Naqvi Collection: A Typewritten Urdu Translation of Wajid ‘Ali Shah’s Reply to the Blue Book."

At the Library of Congress, the Naqvi Collection is jointly held by the Asian Division (Urdu items) and the African and Middle Eastern Division (Arabic and Persian items). This page provides a list of the Asian Division’s Urdu-language items, which are part of the South Asian Rare Book Collection. Some items do not have a discernible date of creation. Probable or assumed dates are enclosed in brackets, e.g., [18--?] indicating the item was likely created in the 19th century.

Naqvi Collection: Asian Division Items

Rare Materials Notice: The Naqvi Collection items on this list are part of the Asian Division's South Asian Rare Book Collection and accessible in the Asian Reading Room by advance appointment. To schedule an appointment, contact reference staff through the Asian Division's Ask a Librarian. Some items may not be available for consultation due to ongoing work to catalog and conserve the collection. Additional materials in the Naqvi Collection in Arabic and Persian are accessible in the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room. Contact their staff through Ask a Librarian to learn more. Links to titles of rare books and manuscripts on this page will retrieve fuller bibliographic information from the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
Number Title Language Date
n/a Nayāz Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
n/a Dah Majlis Reḵẖtah/Qaidī Urdu [date undetermined]
n/a Marṡīyah: Dabdabah haidarī pres lakhnau Urdu [1898]
Ms. Fig. i [Fālnāmah] = [فالنامه] Urdu, Arabic [18--?]
Ms. Fig. iii Majarbāt t̤alā-ẓamād-sanūn vag̱ẖairah Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
Ms. Fig. ix Amrāẓ-i nisvān̲, mak̲h̲ṣūṣ = امراض نسواں, مخصوص Urdu [19--?]
Ms. Fig. 8 Majarbāt Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
Ms. 8 Ishāriyah Urdū qadīm manz̤ūm = اشاريه اردو قديم منظوم Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 9 Safarnāmah-i Landan / Navvāb Muk̲h̲tār al-mulk Bahādur = سفرنامه لندن / نوّاب مختارالملك بهادر Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 10 Qiṣṣah Malikah-yi Miṣr = قصّه ملکۀ مصر Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 14 Suqrāt̤ kī meḥfil men̲ ʻadl o z̤ulm : Angrezī se tarjumah =
سقراط کى محفل ميں عدل و ظلم : انگريزى سے ترجمه
Urdu [19--?]
Ms. 17 Hayatiyah-i Arstu Sayyid Yusaf Husain ?/Ghair matbu'ah Urdu, Persian [19--?]
Ms. 18 Tahnīyat-i ʻīd / Aḥmad ʻAlī Shahīd Dihlavī =
تهنيت عيد / احمد على شهيد دهلوى
Urdu [19--?]
Ms. 19 Bayāẓ-i Maʻṣūm ʻAlī Bedār / Maʻṣūm ʻAlī Bedār =
بياض معصوم على بيدار / معصوم على بيدار
Urdu [1881]
Ms. 20 Madḥ, Navvāb Nahīb Yār al-Daulah Bahādur / az Qāʼim Cāndpūrī = مدح، نواب نهيب يار الدوله بهادر / از قائم چاندپورى Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 38 [Title unknown] Urdu, Persian [18--?]
Ms. 40 Isṭaiṭ lāʼibrerī Rāmpūr ke baʻẓ navādir kī fihrist / Ḥakīm Sayyid Muz̤affar Ḥusain =
اسٹيٹ لائبريرى رامپور کے بعض نوادر کى فهرست / حکيم سيّد مظفّر حسين
Urdu [19--?]
Ms. 43 Tibbī-yi bayāz / Tibbī-yi notbūk Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
Ms. 46 Majarbat Salim Ghulam Muhammad Panjabi Marhum Urdu, Persian [19--?]
Ms. 47 Majmū'ah…vag̠h̠airah Urdu, Persian [18--?]
Ms. 49 Advīyāt-i yog / Shankar Bayās Burhānpūrī =
ادويات يوگ / شنکر بياس برهانپورى
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 51 Ṭraining lekcarz / tālīf va kitābat, Misiz Yūsaf Ḥusain =
ٹريننگ ليکچرز / تاليف و کتابت، مسز يوسف حسين
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 55 Shahādat-i Bārī : Sindh kā ek nādir o nāyāb tuḥfah / Bekas G̲h̲aznavī Sindhī =
شهادت بارى : سندھ کا ايک نادر و ناياب تحفه / بيکس غزنوى سندھى
Urdu [19--?]
Ms. 60 Bazm-i suk̲h̲an : Tābān̲ (ʻAbdulḥaʼī), Ḥajjām, Muqbil, Ābrū, Mushtāq, Shāʻir, Tajallī, Kannā Begam, ʻImādulmulk, Nāmī, Fug̲h̲ān, Yaqīn, Sikandar Urdu, Persian [18--?]
Ms. 61 Bazm-i rek̲̲h̲̲tah : āṭh shuʻarāʼ kā namūnah-ʼi kalām : Jūlān, Aimān, Armān, Furṣat, Mirzā Jān ʻAlī ... / kātib, Niyāz Bahādur ʻurf Faz̤l ʻAlī, Khvājah Muʻīnuddīn Cishtī, Z̤āmin ʻAlī Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 68 [Urdu poetry] Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 69 [Pages of classical Urdu poetry] Urdu [date undetermined]
Ms. 74 [Pages of classical Urdu poetry] Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
Ms. 79 Shāzādi Nūrjahān̲ Begam va Navvāb Āṣaf al-Daulah kā dilcasp mukālmah : kh̲āṣ alk̲h̲āṣ Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 83 [Pages of classical Urdu poetry] Urdu, Persian [1218 hijri]
Ms. 86 Manz̤ūmāt-i Naṣīr = منظومات نصير Urdu [19--?]
Ms. 99 144 ashʻār kā be nuqṭ madḥiyah va almiyah : manz̤ūm Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 105 Adab-i Bak̲h̲t Yāvar Jang = ادب بخت ياور جنگ Urdu, Persian [18--?]
Ms. 112 [Ẓilaʻ aur jugat] / Shād ʻUfī = [ضلع اور جگت] / شاد عفى Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 113 Muslim shuʻarāʼ-i Hindī = مسلم شعراء هندى Hindi (Arabic script) [18--?]
Ms. 115 Tashrīḥ alāʻẓāʼ : kisī angrezī kitāb kā tarjamah =
تشريح الاعضاء : کسى انگريزى کتاب کا ترجمه
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 117 Tārīk̲h̲-i Bālkunḍah / mūʼallafah, Faqīr Muḥammad =
تاريخ بالکنڈه / مؤلّفه، فقير محمّد
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 118 Bajrang cālīsī = بجرنگ چاليسى Hindi, Sanskrit (Arabic script) [18--?]
Ms. 124 Ek bītī bazm-i suḵẖn / Ek bītī bīs sukhnvr Urdu [date undetermined]
Ms. 130 Sūrah ul-baqrah madīnah Urdu, Arabic [1264 hijri]
Ms. 143 [Urdu poetry] Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 145 [Collection of some poems] Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
Ms. 152 Muk̲h̲talif adʻīyah va aʻmāl fiqh-yi Jaʻfarī =
مختلف ادعييه و اعمال فقۀ جعفرى
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 158 G̲h̲adar, pesh-i naz̤ar / Navāb Sarvar Jang Bahādur kā k̲h̲vudnavisht rīkārḍ =
غدر، پيش نظر / نواب سرور جنگ بهادر کا خودنوشت ريکارڈ
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 163 Kaun, kaisā? : yā, k̲h̲aṣāʼiṣ alaʻvām / az Ibn al-Qirrīyah.
کون، کيسا؟ : يا، خصائص العوام / از ابن القريه
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 164 Vāqiʻāt-i Karbalā : naẓm / Raḥmatullāh Qaidī Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 165 Rubāʻiyāt-i Nuṣratī = رباعيات نصرتى Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 174 Three Sanskrit texts Sanskrit [18--?]
Ms. 175 Muk̠h̠talif majarbāt Urdu [date undetermined]
Ms. 176 Javāb-i ān̲ g̲h̲azal : t̤amācah baruk̲h̲sār-i fal̄ān̲, yaʻnī, Bart̤ānvī Avadh Blīū buk kā javāb / az Navāb Vājid ʻĀlī Shāh =
جواب آں غزل : طماچه برخسار فل̄اں، يعنى، برطانوى اودھ بليو بک کا جواب / از نواب واجد عالى شاه
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 178 Ḣikmat ul-'ast Urdu [date undetermined]
Ms. 182 Mak̲h̲zan alʻajāʼib / tāʼlīf, Munshī Rām Dīn Kamtarīn =
مخزن العجائب / تاليف، منشى رام دين کمترين
Urdu 1873
Ms. 185 Fasanah-yi 'ajaib Urdu [date undetermined]
Ms. 187 [Poem by Hali and other poets] Urdu [1903]
Ms. 188 Muʻālijāt-i surfah : sil va diq / [Ashfāq Aḥmad Barelvī] =
معالجات سرفه : سل و دق / اشفاق احمد بريلوى
Urdu [19--?]
Ms. 208 ‘At̤b hakīm fāzal dakkanī Urdu [1902]
Ms. 214 [Diary of afzal sarkhusht lahauri] Urdu, Arabic [date undetermined]
Ms. 215 Pānc qadmā Urdu [date undetermined]
Ms. 218 Qadīm Urdū shuʻarāʼ: G̲h̲avāṣī, Shaidā, ʻAt̤āʼullah, ʻAbdullāh Qut̤bshāh, Ḥasan, Fatḥī Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 219 Qiblah ul-kitāb Mirzā Sultan 'Ali Shahdī Urdu, Persian [date undetermined]
Ms. 241 Mausamī gīt = موسمى گيت Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 242 Rāg rāgnīyān : Hindi va Sanskrit Braj (Arabic script) [18--?]
Ms. 246 Qadīm shuʻarāʼ-i Urdū, Ibn Nishāt̤ī, G̲h̲aus̲ī, ʻAlī Raḥmatī, Maḥmūd : giyārvīn̲, bārhvīn̲ ṣadī ke nāyāb navādir Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 255/6 Mas̲navī-yi Jhūmar = tarjamah-i Ḥamlah Ḥaidarī / Navvāb Z̲ūlfiqār ʻAlī K̲h̲ān Ṣafā =
مثنوى جھومر = ترجمه حمله حيدرى / نوّاب ذوالفقار على خان صفا
Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 261 [Title unknown] Urdu, Persian [18--?]
Ms. 262 Bayāẓ-i marās̲ī : ḥazīnah-ʼi Karbalā = بياض مراثى : حزينه-ئ کربلا Urdu [18--?]
Ms. 270 Nukāt-i yūgā yā Hindū taṣavvuf = نکات يوگا يا هندو تصوّف Hindi, Persian [18--?]
Ms. 275 Mirās֗ī Mirzā Dabīr Urdu [date undetermined]