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The South Asia Ephemera Collection contains about 2,000 catalog records of collections of ephemeral materials on microfiche. These materials include pamphlets, booklets, and issues of newspapers, newsletters, and magazines. There are single sample issues as well as multiple issues of magazines, newsletters, newspapers, and pamphlets. This page highlights those collections on subjects related to women’s serials and women’s studies more broadly. All of these materials are available in the Asian Reading Room.
Please note that Pakistan is the only country without a country-specific collection. Materials related to women in Pakistan, as well as some materials related to women in Afghanistan, are included in the collections described in the “Women [in South Asia]” tab.
Most of the catalog records for the ephemera collection have indexes arranged by publisher and title or content lists arranged alphabetically by theme or form of publication. These indexes and content lists are included on this guide as pdf files that are OCR searchable. Links to the titles of ephemera collections listed below will retrieve fuller bibliographic information from the Library of Congress Online Catalog.