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South Manchuria Railway Company Publications

Periodicals Collectively Cataloged

In addition to monograph volumes, the South Manchuria Railway Company (SMRC) also printed many research findings and reports in the form of serial or periodical publications. Due to the limited and sporadic nature of the Library’s holdings, SMRC periodicals have been sorted into thematic groupings and cataloged according to the conventions of “collection-level cataloging”, or CLC (for more information, see link below). Each issue has been assigned a number within its CLC grouping.

Bibliography of Periodicals Published by the South Manchuria Railway Company

These seventeen CLC groupings can all be found with a conventional online catalog search, but a listing has been provided here for more convenient browsing and comparing of titles.

A majority of the periodicals in these CLC groupings have been microfilmed, as indicated by the microfilm serial numbers in parentheses (e.g., MOJ 3067). In principle, microfilm versions will be served as surrogate copies for the sake of preserving the originals. However, inquire via Ask a Librarian (link from box in left navigation) if you have a compelling reason to consult an original copy for research purposes.  For full bibliographic details, please follow each title's link to view its online catalog record.