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Southeast Asian Collection: Asian Collections at the Library of Congress

Web Archives

The Library of Congress Web Archive manages, preserves, and provides access to archived web content selected by subject experts from across the Library, so that it will be available for researchers today and in the future. Browse all of the collections with archived websites available at the Library of Congress.

Overview of the Southeast Asian Web Archives

The Library of Congress has been active in web archiving for over two decades. Similarly, staff from the Library's regional Southeast Asian office in Jakarta have been creating web archives since 2009. They have developed a special focus on regional elections, capturing elections for every Southeast Asian country which holds them. Given the ever changing nature of websites, this effort has preserved digital ephemera that would have otherwise been lost. The Southeast Asian Web Archives also cover major events such as the founding of Timor-Leste or the death of Thailand's monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Rama IX, and most recently a Library Coronavirus Web Archive. Finally, the staff have web archived sensitive sites as well as sites with a region-wide focus. Some archived material is only available to onsite users. The Southeast Asian web archives are continually growing and evolving to capture and preserve digital Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asian Elections Web Archives

The Library's Web Archives are rich in collections documenting activity surrounding national and international elections. The collections below are arranged by country.

Additional Southeast Asian Web Archives

The follow archives for single sites are particularly useful in researching the Southeast Asian countries and cultures.