Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association Plantation Archives (University of Hawaii at Manoa Library) ExternalIncluded in the Hawaiian Collection Special Collections at UHM, the Library covers the years 1850 to 1991 and contains the archives of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association (HSPA), now known as the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center. HSPA Plantation Archives is organized by plantation and covers: Hamakua Sugar Co., Hilo Coast Processing Co., Honokaa Sugar Co., Kau Sugar Co., Kekaha Sugar Co., Lihue Plantation Co., Mauna Kea Sugar Co., McBryde Sugar Co., Oahu Sugar Co., Pioneer Mill Co., and Puna Sugar Co.. See the Plantations and Finding aid for more details but it organizes company records by corporate records, correspondence, cultivation contracts, financial records, personnel/payroll records, production records, miscellaneous, and other company records.