The North American Industry Classification System is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. Codes start with two-digits at the broadest industry level, and become more specific at the six-digit level. Mexico, Canada and United States data is comparable at the five-digit code level. Other region, country, and organization-specific industry codes exist for data tracking purposes. Knowing how a particular industry or a company within an industry is classified can help when researching, since information is often organized within these codes.
The NAICS code for Telecommunications is 517.
Search other terms in NAICS to acquire the classification numbers for other parts of the telecommunications industry. Then use the numbers you find in the business subscription databases below to acquire information on companies who choose these numbers as their “primary NAICS” business or “secondary NAICS” business activities.
Below are the 2022 NAICS codes for Telecommunications. Some database may use the 2017 or 2012 codes. You can use the link above to search for the older code definitions as well.
Sector | Description |
517 | Telecommunications |
5171 | Wired and Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite) |
517111 | Wired Telecommunications Carriers |
517112 | Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) |
51712 | Telecommunications Resellers and Agents for Wireless Telecommunication Services |
517121 | Telecommunications Resellers |
517122 | Agents for Wireless Telecommunications Services |
5174 | Satellite Telecommunications |
51741 | Satellite Telecommunications |
517410 | Satellite Telecommunications |
5178 | All Other Telecommunications |
51781 | All Other Telecommunications |
517810 | All Other Telecommunications |
For further information on industry classification codes please see Doing Industry Research: A Resource Guide.