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Below you will find Subdivisions Used With Names of Ethnic, Racial, and Regional Groups, and With Classes of Persons.
The Prints and Photographs Division uses this list of subdivisions so that large files under names of ethnic, racial, regional groups, and classes of persons can be sub-arranged by broad topic. As appropriate, catalogers should double index with more specific headings. The proper names for ethnic, racial, and regional groups are taken from Library of Congress Subject Headings. When subdivisions listed below are used with such headings, P&P uses the MARC coding of 650 -4 which signifies that the source is not specified. Institutions creating MARC records should check with their networks on how the field should be coded when non-LCSH topical subdivisions are used.
Classes of Persons are limited to the following headings:
When headings for these classes of persons are subdivided, P&P uses MARC code 650 -7 and "lctgm" in subfield 2.
Headings that can be further subdivided geographically include a facet note [country or state]--[city]. For general information on use of subdivisions, see Introduction, Section III.D.
--Antiquities & archaeological sites --[country or state]--[city] |
PN | Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms ANTIQUITIES, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms ANTIQUITIES, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES. |
--Arts & crafts |
PN | For images in which the focus is on objects made by members of the group for aesthetic and utilitarian purposes. Includes images about these objects as well as activities associated with making these objects. Search also under the subdivisions --DANCE, --MUSIC, --SOCIAL LIFE, --SPIRITUAL LIFE for activities in which arts & crafts are featured. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms ART, HANDICRAFT. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms ART, ARTS & CRAFTS, HANDICRAFT. |
--Capture & imprisonment |
PN | Search also under the subdivision --WAR. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms LAW ENFORCEMENT, PRISONERS. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms CAPTURE & IMPRISONMENT, LAW ENFORCEMENT, PRISONERS. |
--Children |
PN | Includes ages 0 to 16. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term CHILDREN. |
CN | Double index under specific age group as appropriate. Not generally used as a subdivision for other "classes of persons" headings. For example, do not use the headings HANDICAPPED PERSONS--CHILDREN or WOMEN--CHILDREN. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term CHILDREN. |
--Civil rights |
PN | Rights having to do with equal opportunity for employment, education, political participation, etc. Search also under the subdivisions --GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, --POLITICAL ACTIVITY. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term CIVIL RIGHTS. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term CIVIL RIGHTS. |
--Clothing & dress |
PN | For images that focus on clothing and dress. Includes adornment, masks, and costumes worn for events. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms CLOTHING & DRESS, COSTUMES. CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term CLOTHING & DRESS, COSTUMES. |
--Commerce |
PN | Large and small business transactions, including commodity exchanges among members of the group and with other groups. Search also under corresponding thesaurus term COMMERCE. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term COMMERCE. |
--Commemoration |
PN | Includes monuments, memorials, anniversaries, and other celebrations intended to commemorate a category of persons. Search also under corresponding thesaurus terms ANNIVERSARIES, COMMEMORATIONS, CELEBRATIONS, MEMORIAL RITES & CEREMONIES, MONUMENTS & MEMORIALS. |
--Communication |
PN | Includes writing systems and other modes of communication shared among members of the group. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term COMMUNICATION. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term COMMUNICATION. |
--Dance |
PN | For images in which the focus is on dance. Search also under the subdivisions --ARTS & CRAFTS, --MUSIC, --SOCIAL LIFE, --SPIRITUAL LIFE. Search also under corresponding thesaurus terms CEREMONIAL DANCERS, DANCERS, DANCE, FOLK DANCING. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms CEREMONIAL DANCERS, DANCE, FOLK DANCING. |
--Domestic life |
PN | Domestic activities and family life; includes activities performed inside and away from the home, e.g., grocery shopping, outdoor laundry, etc. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term DOMESTIC LIFE. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term DOMESTIC LIFE. |
--Dwellings See --Structures |
--Economic & social conditions |
--Education |
PN | For all aspects of education, including activities, structures, and extracurricular activities. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term EDUCATION. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term EDUCATION. |
--Employment |
PN | Work activities or the subject of employment. For employment of children, search under the corresponding thesaurus term CHILD LABOR. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms EMPLOYMENT, OCCUPATIONS. |
CN | Do not subdivide CHILDREN by this subdivision; use CHILD LABOR instead. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms EMPLOYMENT, OCCUPATIONS. |
--Escapes See --Capture & imprisonment |
--Exhibitions |
PN | Exhibitions about the group or class of people. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term EXHIBITIONS. |
--Government relations |
PN | Used only under headings for indigenous peoples for their relations with a state or national government. Search also under the subdivisions --CIVIL RIGHTS, --POLITICAL ACTIVITY. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term GOVERNMENT RELATIONS. |
CN | Prefer the subdivisions --CIVIL RIGHTS, --POLITICAL ACTIVITY, for non-indigenous peoples. Used in a note under corresponding thesaurus term GOVERNMENT RELATIONS. |
--Health & welfare |
PN | Health conditions and actions taken to improve health and welfare of members of a group or to protect members of the group, including health and institutional care. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms DISEASES, HEALTH, HEALTH & WELFARE, INSTITUTIONAL CARE. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms DISEASES, HEALTH, HEALTH & WELFARE, INSTITUTIONAL CARE. |
--History |
PN | For the subject of a group's development over a span of time. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term HISTORY. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term HISTORY. |
--Industries |
PN | Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms INDUSTRY, INDUSTRIES, MINING. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms INDUSTRY, INDUSTRIES, MINING. |
--Meetings |
PN | Search also under the subdivision --ORGANIZATIONS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MEETINGS. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MEETINGS. |
--Men |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MEN. |
--Military service |
PN | Participation in modern, officially organized military units. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MILITARY PERSONNEL, MILITARY SERVICE. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY PERSONNEL, MILITARY SERVICE. |
--Music |
PN | For images in which the focus is on music of members of the group. Search also under the subdivisions --ARTS & CRAFTS, --DANCE, --SOCIAL LIFE, --SPIRITUAL LIFE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MUSIC. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MUSIC. |
--Organizations |
PN | Search also under the subdivision --MEETINGS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms CLUBS, ORGANIZATIONS. |
--Performances & portrayals |
PN | For images that focus on performances by, for, or about a group, including portrayals by those who are not really members of the group. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms ENTERTAINMENT, HISTORICAL REENACTMENTS, IMPERSONATION, THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS. |
--Physical characteristics |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS. |
--Political activity |
PN | Actions relating to politics or government, as well as the effect of politics or government on the group or its members. Includes political activity internal to the group as well as activity between the group and an external entity. Search also under the subdivisions --CIVIL RIGHTS, --GOVERNMENT RELATIONS. Search also under corresponding thesaurus terms POLITICAL ACTIVITY, POLITICAL PARTICIPATION, POLITICS & GOVERNMENT. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms POLITICAL ACTIVITY, POLITICAL PARTICIPATION, POLITICS & GOVERNMENT. |
--Punishment & torture |
PN | For punishment and torture of members of the group. Search also under the subdivisions --CIVIL RIGHTS, --WAR. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term PUNISHMENT & TORTURE. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term PUNISHMENT & TORTURE. |
--Pursuit See --Capture & imprisonment | |
--Social life |
PN | Includes social interactions, customs, and recreational activities. Search also under the subdivisions --ARTS & CRAFTS, --DANCE, --MUSIC, --SPIRITUAL LIFE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS, MANNERS & CUSTOMS, RECREATION. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS, MANNERS & CUSTOMS, RECREATION. |
--Spiritual life |
PN | Includes religion, mythology, rites, and activities of spiritual significance. Search also under the subdivisions --ARTS & CRAFTS, --DANCE, --MUSIC, --SOCIAL LIFE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MYTHS, RELIGION, RITES & CEREMONIES. |
CN | Used in a note under thesaurus terms MYTHS, RELIGION, RITES & CEREMONIES. |
--Sports |
PN | Search also under the subdivision --SOCIAL LIFE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms RECREATION, SPORTS. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms RECREATION, SPORTS. |
--Statues |
PN | Search also under the subdivision --COMMEMORATION. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term SCULPTURE. |
--Structures |
PN | For built works, including dwellings, walls, aqueducts, roads, etc. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms BUILDINGS and DWELLINGS. |
HN | Changed 8/91. Formerly --STRUCTURES may have been indexed with the subdivision --DWELLINGS. |
--Subsistence activities |
PN | Used only with headings for indigenous peoples. Includes agriculture, hunting, and fishing, insofar as the products of the activities are used directly by members of the group rather than for commercial purposes. Search also under the subdivision --EMPLOYMENT. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term EMPLOYMENT. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms EMPLOYMENT, FARMING, FISHING, HUNTING, SUBSISTENCE ACTIVITIES. |
--Transportation |
PN | Includes activities and vehicles. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term TRANSPORTATION. |
CN | Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term TRANSPORTATION. |
--War |
PN | Used for the general subject of the conduct of warfare by a people collectively, individuals' civilian involvement in war, or effect of war on members of the group. Used only when the war depicted cannot be identified. Search also under the names of specific wars, subdivided by the name of the ethnic group or class of persons. Search also under the subdivision --MILITARY SERVICE for participation in modern, officially organized military units. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term WAR. |
CN | Prefer [Name of war]--[name of ethnic group/class of persons] when the specific war is known and such headings are authorized. Used in a note under WAR, WAR WORK. |
--Women |
PN | Includes ages 17 and over. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms WOMEN, YOUNG ADULTS. |
CN | Double index under specific age group as appropriate. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms WOMEN, YOUNG ADULTS. |
--Work See --Employment |