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Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I (TGM): An Introduction

Appendix C: Subdivisions Used With Names of Wars

Below you will find Subdivisions Used With Names of Wars.


Terminology used in this appendix:
PN Public note
CN Catalogers note
HN History note
--[ ] May subdivide

Notes on Usage

The Prints & Photographs Division uses this list of subdivisions so that large files under names of wars can be sub-arranged by broad topic. As appropriate, catalogers should double index with more specific headings.

The proper names for wars are taken from Library of Congress Subject Headings. When subdivisions listed below are used with such headings, P&P uses the MARC coding of 650 -4 or 651 -4. Institutions creating MARC records should check with their networks on how the field should be coded when non-LCSH topical subdivisions are used.

Nationality subdivisions: Includes --Confederate and --Union, and --Axis and --Allied, as appropriate. Code all nationality subdivisions in a subfield "x".

Geographic subdivisions: Headings that can be further subdivided geographically include a facet note [country or state]--[city]. However, do not use a geographic subdivision with headings for wars entered directly under place names. For the effect of a war on a country as a whole or for participation of a particular country in a world war, see --[Geographic facet] below.

For general information on use of subdivisions, see Introduction, Section III.D.

Subdivision List

--Air operations
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]
PN  All aspects of aerial combat; includes bombing action and combat flight training. Search also under the subdivisions --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for images of ground fighting and other military operations. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term AIR WARFARE.
CN Used in a note under AIR OPERATIONS, AIR WARFARE.


--Aircraft  See --Transportation



PN For post-war period events, for example riots, disturbances, and turmoil. Search also under the subdivisions --MILITARY OCCUPATIONS, --PEACE.


--Amphibious operations
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Joint operation of land, air, and sea forces to establish troops on shore as developed in World War II. Includes landing operations. Search also under the subdivisions --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for images of fighting and other military operations. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms LANDING CRAFT, TROOP MOVEMENTS.
CN Prefer the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for images of fighting. Used in a note under AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS, LANDING CRAFT, TROOP MOVEMENTS.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Animals as mascots, transport animals, etc., in any civilian or military activity, alive or dead. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term ANIMALS.
CN Used in a note under ANIMALS.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --PEACE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term ARMISTICES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term ARMISTICES.


 --[nationality of country engaged in atrocities]--[country or state]

PN Search also under corresponding thesaurus terms WAR CRIMES and ATROCITIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms WAR CRIMES and ATROCITIES.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Battle sites after the time of fighting. Search also under the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for scenes during battle. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term BATTLEFIELDS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term BATTLEFIELDS.


--Bridges  See --Transportation


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term CAMOUFLAGE (MILITARY SCIENCE).


--Campaigns & battles
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Combat fighting, troop movements and occupations, and other activities during organized military operations; includes guerrilla warfare and rebellions associated with war. Search also under the subdivisions --AIR OPERATIONS, --AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS, --NAVAL OPERATIONS, --TRENCH WARFARE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES, TROOP MOVEMENTS.
CN Prefer the subdivision --MILITARY TACTICS when the focus is on planning and strategy prior to execution of military operations. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES, TROOP MOVEMENTS.


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Dead and wounded soldiers and civilians. Search also under the subdivision --MEDICAL ASPECTS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term WAR CASUALTIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term WAR CASUALTIES.




 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term CEMETERIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term CEMETERIES.


--Censorship  See --Communications


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Effect of war on children and the involvement of children in war. Search also under the subdivision --SOCIAL ASPECTS for effect of war on classes of persons in general. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term CHILDREN.
CN Use CHILDREN--WAR when the war depicted cannot be identified. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term CHILDREN.


--Civil defense
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes war blackouts, air raid drills, and other activities associated with protection of civilians from enemy attack. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term CIVIL DEFENSE.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term CIVIL DEFENSE.


 --[country or state]

PN Individuals and groups who cooperate with or assist the enemy of their own country.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term TRAITORS.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Activities or items produced, issued, or worn to commemorate a war; includes centennial celebrations, anniversaries, social gatherings, ceremonies, historical reenactments, etc. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms ANNIVERSARIES, CELEBRATIONS, COMMEMORATIONS.
CN Prefer the subdivision --VETERANS when the focus is on that group. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms ANNIVERSARIES, CELEBRATIONS, COMMEMORATION.


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Broadcasting, journalism, censorship, propaganda, and telecommunications activities during a war. Search also under the subdivision --MILITARY TACTICS for planning and strategy in military operations. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms BROADCASTING, CENSORSHIP, COMMUNICATION, PROPAGANDA.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms BROADCASTING, CENSORSHIP, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATIONS, PROPAGANDA.


--Concentration camps  See --Detention facilities


--Confiscations  See --Destruction & pillage


--Covert operations
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Military espionage and sabotage activities. Search also under the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms COVERT OPERATIONS, SPYING, SURVEILLANCE.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms COVERT OPERATIONS, SPYING, SURVEILLANCE.


--Defeat   See --Peace


--Demobilizations  See --Military demobilizations


--Destruction & pillage
 --[nationality of country causing destruction]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes damage to property and confiscated or captured property. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms CONFISCATIONS, DESTRUCTION & PILLAGE, WAR DAMAGE.
CN Double index under the corresponding thesaurus term WAR DAMAGE if the image shows damage after the fighting is over. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms CONFISCATIONS, DESTRUCTION & PILLAGE, WAR DAMAGE, WAR DESTRUCTION & PILLAGE.


--Detention facilities
 --[nationality of country carrying out the detention]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Prisons, concentration camps, relocation camps. Search also under the subdivision --MILITARY FACILITIES for installations, forts, etc. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term DETENTION FACILITIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term DETENTION FACILITIES.


 --[nationality]--[country or state]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS.


--Economic & industrial aspects
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Cost of war, war relief, effect of war on industrial and commercial activity, manufacture of war equipment. Includes effect on civilian population such as consumer rationing and black market activities. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms ASSISTANCE, ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF WAR, WAR WORK.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms ASSISTANCE, ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF WAR, WAR WORK.


--Engineering & construction
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING.


--Enlistment  See --Recruiting & enlistment


--Entrenchments  See --Trench warfare


--Equipment & supplies
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Military artillery, arms, vehicles, flags, medical supplies, etc.; includes procurement, shipping and transport or shortage of equipment and supplies. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms EQUIPMENT, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES.
CN Prefer the subdivision --ECONOMIC & INDUSTRIAL ASPECTS when the focus is on manufacture of military equipment and supplies. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms EQUIPMENT, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES.


--Espionage  See --Covert operations


--Ethical aspects of war  See --Moral & ethical aspects


--[Ethnic groups], e.g., African-Americans, Japanese Americans, Jews
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Effect of war on a particular ethnic group, reaction to war by members of the group, and civilian involvement in war. Search under the heading for the specific ethnic group as found in Library of Congress Subject Headings.
CN Use [ETHNIC GROUP]--WAR when the war depicted cannot be identified. Headings for specific ethnic groups are taken from Library of Congress Subject Headings.


--Evacuations  See --Campaigns & battles


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Exhibitions about a war. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term EXHIBITIONS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term EXHIBITIONS.


--Field hospitals  See --Medical aspects


--Finance  See --Economic & industrial aspects


--Flags  See --Equipment & supplies


--Fox holes  See --Trench warfare


--[Geographic facet]
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Effect of war on particular country as a whole or for participation of a particular country in one of the world wars.
CN Use only after wars entered directly under their own names, e.g., World War, 1914-1918--Germany--Frankfurt.



PN Images which focus on people. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term GUERRILLAS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term GUERRILLAS.


--Historic sites
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Images depicting sites or structures which are associated with a war but not located on battlegrounds. Search also under the subdivisions --BATTLEFIELDS, --MONUMENTS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term HISTORIC SITES.
CN Prefer the subdivision --BATTLEFIELDS when the focus is on the site of a named battle. Prefer the subdivision --MONUMENTS for structures erected to commemorate a particular war event or person. Used in a note under corresponding thesaurus term HISTORIC SITES.


--Home front  See --Social aspects


--Homecoming  See --Peace


--Industry  See --Economic & industrial aspects


--Invasions See --Campaigns & battles


--Landing operations  See --Amphibious operations


--Medical aspects
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Relief and medical care for casualties and military medicine in general. Search also under the subdivision --CASUALTIES for images that focus on dead and wounded persons. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MEDICAL ASPECTS OF WAR, MILITARY MEDICINE, WAR CASUALTIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms MEDICAL ASPECTS OF WAR, MILITARY MEDICINE, WAR CASUALTIES.


--Military demobilizations
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --PEACE. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY DEMOBILIZATIONS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY DEMOBILIZATIONS.


--Military facilities
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Military camps, bases, installations, forts, headquarters and associated buildings. Includes field sites and temporary structures. Search also under the subdivision --DETENTION FACILITIES for prisons and concentration camps, etc. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY FACILITIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY FACILITIES.


--Military life
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Activities associated with a military person's life in a camp-like setting; includes social activities away from camp, leisure activities. Search also under the subdivision --MILITARY PERSONNEL for portraits of individuals and general views of troops. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY LIFE.
CN Prefer --MILITARY PERSONNEL for portraits and groups. Used in a note under MILITARY LIFE.


--Military mobilizations
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --RECRUITING & ENLISTMENT. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY MOBILIZATIONS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY MOBILIZATIONS.


--Military occupations
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY OCCUPATIONS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY OCCUPATIONS.


--Military personnel
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Individuals and groups; includes drills and general views of troops. Search also under the subdivision --MILITARY LIFE for activities associated with a military person's life. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MILITARY PERSONNEL, SOLDIERS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms MILITARY PERSONNEL, SOLDIERS.


--Military retreats
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY RETREATS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY RETREATS.


--Military tactics

PN Planning and strategy for execution of military operations, includes reconnaissance. Search also under the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for images of fighting. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY ART & SCIENCE.
CN Prefer --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for images of fighting and other activities during execution of military operations. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MILITARY ART & SCIENCE, MILITARY TACTICS.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Structures erected to commemorate a war; includes memorials, sculpture, plaques, and monuments to soldiers. Search also under the subdivisions --COMMEMORATION, --HISTORIC SITES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MONUMENTS & MEMORIALS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MONUMENTS & MEMORIALS.


--Moral & ethical aspects

PN Moral and ethical questions about war practices, specific events such as war crimes, war atrocities, public protests and demonstrations against war. Search also under the subdivision --RELIGIOUS ASPECTS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MORAL ASPECTS OF WAR.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MORAL ASPECTS OF WAR.


--Music  See --Songs & music


--Naval operations
 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN All aspects of naval operations and marine combat; includes training. Search also under the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES for images of ground fighting and other military operations. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term NAVAL WARFARE.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term NAVAL WARFARE.


--Partisans  See --Guerrillas


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For peace negotiations and the ending and aftermath of war, including homecomings, victory celebrations, paying of reparations, etc. Search also under the subdivisions --ARMISTICES, --COMMEMORATION, --MILITARY DEMOBILIZATIONS, --SURRENDERS, --VETERANS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms ARMISTICES, PEACE, PEACE CONFERENCES, PEACE NEGOTIATIONS, PEACE TREATIES, VICTORY CELEBRATIONS.


--Political aspects
 --[country or state]


--Prison camps  See --Detention facilities


 --[nationality]--[country or state in which prisoners held]--[city]

PN The taking of prisoners during wartime, or captured soldiers taken as part of war action, during their captivity. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms PRISONERS, PRISONERS OF WAR.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms PRISONERS, PRISONERS OF WAR.


--Propaganda  See --Communications


--Protest movements
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For opposition in regard to particular wars. See --UNDERGROUND MOVEMENTS for resistance movements and guerilla warfare.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term PROTEST MOVEMENTS.


--Provisions  See --Equipment & supplies


--Railroads  See --Transportation


--Relocation camps  See --Detention facilities


--Resistance movements  See --Underground movements


--Recruiting & enlistment
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --MILITARY MOBILIZATIONS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term RECRUITING & ENLISTMENT.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term RECRUITING & ENLISTMENT.


 --[nationality]--[country or state in which taking refuge]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term REFUGEES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term REFUGEES.


--Religious aspects
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivisions --MORAL & ETHICAL ASPECTS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term RELIGIOUS ASPECTS OF WAR.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term RELIGIOUS ASPECTS OF WAR.


--Repatriation  See --Refugees


--Retreats  See --Military retreats


--Social aspects
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Social activities and the home front during war; effect of war on social programs and classes of persons, other than women and children. Search also under the subdivisions --CHILDREN, --VETERANS, --WOMEN for effect of war on members of these groups and civilian involvement of women and children in war.
CN Prefer the subdivisions --CHILDREN, --VETERANS, --WOMEN when the focus is on members of these groups.


--Songs & music

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MUSIC, SONGS,
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms MUSIC, SONGS.


--Supplies  See --Equipment & supplies


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --PRISONERS for capture or surrender of individual soldiers and troops. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term SURRENDERS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term SURRENDERS.


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Land, air, or sea transportation; includes activities, vehicles, and structures, such as bridges, canals, railroads. Search also under the subdivision --EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term TRANSPORTATION.
CN Prefer the subdivision --EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES when the focus is on procurement of military vehicles or aircraft. Prefer the subdivision --ECONOMIC & INDUSTRIAL ASPECTS when the focus is on manufacture of military vehicles or aircraft. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term TRANSPORTATION.



PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term TREATIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term TREATIES.


--Trench warfare
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes combat and training activities. Search also under the subdivision --CAMPAIGNS & BATTLES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term TRENCH WARFARE.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term TRENCH WARFARE.


--Troop movements  See --Campaigns & battles


--Troops  See --Military personnel


--Underground movements
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Resistance movements and guerrilla warfare. Search also under the subdivision --GUERRILLAS for images that focus on people. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms GUERRILLAS, UNDERGROUND MOVEMENTS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term UNDERGROUND MOVEMENTS.


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Portraits of veterans; effect of war on veterans. Search also under the subdivision --SOCIAL ASPECTS for effect of war on other classes of persons. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term VETERANS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term VETERANS.


--War work  See --Economic & industrial aspects


 --[nationality]--[country or state]--[city]

PN Civilian involvement of women in war. Search also under the subdivision --SOCIAL ASPECTS for effect of war on classes of persons in general. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term WOMEN.
CN Use WOMEN--WAR when the war depicted cannot be identified. Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term WOMEN.