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Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I (TGM): An Introduction

Appendix D: Subdivisions Used With Corporate Bodies and Named Events

Below you will find Subdivisions Used With Corporate Bodies and Named Events.


Terminology used in this appendix:
PN Public note
CN Catalogers note
HN History note
--[ ] May subdivide

Notes on Usage

The Prints and Photographs Division uses this list of subdivisions so that large files under names of corporate bodies and named events can be sub-arranged by broad topic. As appropriate, catalogers should double index with more specific headings.

The proper names for corporate bodies and named events are taken from the Library of Congress Name Authority File and Library of Congress Subject Headings. The term "corporate bodies" includes organizations and institutions, commercial enterprises, military services, legislative bodies, educational and medical institutions. Named events include conferences and exhibitions. When subdivisions listed below are used with such headings, P&P uses the MARC coding of 61x -24 or 61x -14. Institutions creating MARC records should check with their networks on how the field should be coded when non-LCSH topical subdivisions are used.

Headings that can be further subdivided geographically include a facet note [country or state] [city]. For general information on the use of subdivisions, see Introduction, Section III.D.

Subdivision List

--Anniversaries  See --Commemoration


--Associated objects

PN Includes clothing, furniture, "collectibles," commemorative objects, e.g., medals. Search also under the subdivision --MONUMENTS.


--Branches, chapters, etc.
 --[country or state]--[city]

CN Use when emphasis is on activities of branches, chapters, or divisions. Prefer --PEOPLE for images which focus on members of the organization, eg. portraits and group portraits.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Use when emphasis is on structure, particularly when interior details or exteriors are visible. Search also under the subdivision --FACILITIES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term BUILDINGS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term BUILDINGS.


--Ceremonies  See --Rites & ceremonies


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For anniversaries, birthdays, centennial celebrations, and other events held in honor or memory of the corporate body, its founding, or other notable event. Search also under the subdivision --MEETINGS. Search also under the thesaurus term ANNIVERSARIES.
CN  Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term ANNIVERSARIES.


--Conventions  See --Meetings


--Demonstrations  See --Riots & demonstrations


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For explosions, fires, floods, and other disasters. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term DISASTERS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term DISASTERS.


--Displays  See --Exhibitions & displays


--Employees  See --People


--Equipment & supplies
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes materials used to create the product or service, or used in daily activities of the organization. Search also under the subdivision --PRODUCTS. Search also under corresponding thesaurus term EQUIPMENT.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term EQUIPMENT.


--Exhibitions & displays
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms EXHIBITIONS, MERCHANDISE DISPLAYS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms EXHIBITIONS, MERCHANDISE DISPLAYS.


--Explosions  See --Disasters


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For structures (other than buildings), spaces, furnishings, and services associated with the corporate body or event. Search also under the subdivision --BUILDINGS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term FACILITIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term FACILITIES.


--Fires    See --Disasters



PN For the subject of a corporate body's or named event's development over a span of time. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term HISTORY.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term HISTORY.


--Inmates  See --People


--Interiors  See --Buildings, --Facilities


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes board meetings, annual meetings, and other planned gatherings. Search also under the subdivision --COMMEMORATION. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MEETINGS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term MEETINGS.


--Members  See --People


--Offices  See --Buildings, --Facilities


--Officials & employees  See --People


--Owners  See --People


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For those who make up the organization or institution, including officials, employees, owners, staff, personnel, members, officers and persons in military service, students in educational institutions, and inmates. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MILITARY PERSONNEL, PEOPLE.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms MILITARY PERSONNEL, PEOPLE.


 --[country or state]--[city]

CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term PERFORMANCES.


--Personnel  See --People


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term MERCHANDISE DISPLAYS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms MERCHANDISE DISPLAYS, PRODUCTS.


--Public relations
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN For actions or products of the organization or institution intended to promote goodwill toward itself. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term PUBLIC RELATIONS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term PUBLIC RELATIONS.


--Recruiting & enlistment
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes both military and non-military activities. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNS, RECRUITING & ENLISTMENT.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNS, RECRUITING & ENLISTMENT.


--Riots & demonstrations
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes all civil disorders. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms DEMONSTRATIONS, RIOTS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms DEMONSTRATIONS, RIOTS.


--Rites & ceremonies
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes dedications. Search also under the subdivisions --COMMEMORATION, --SOCIAL ASPECTS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term RITES & CEREMONIES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term RITES & CEREMONIES.


--Social aspects
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Includes social interaction and recreational activities. Search also under the subdivisions --RITES & CEREMONIES, --SPORTS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS, MANNERS & CUSTOMS, RECREATION.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS, MANNERS & CUSTOMS, RECREATION.
HN Changed 4/2004. Formerly --SOCIAL ASPECTS may have been indexed
with the subdivision --SOCIAL LIFE.


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus terms RECREATION, SPORTS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus terms RECREATION, SPORTS.


--Staff  See --People


 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the subdivision --RIOTS & DEMONSTRATIONS. Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term STRIKES.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term STRIKES.


--Students  See --People


--Supplies  See --Equipment & supplies


--Trials, litigation, etc.
 --[country or state]--[city]

PN Search also under the corresponding thesaurus term LAW & LEGAL AFFAIRS.
CN Used in a note under the corresponding thesaurus term LAW & LEGAL AFFAIRS.