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To liberate German-occupied Europe, the Allies started by invading Africa in November 1942, fighting the Germans in French Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. As the German and Italian armies retreated eastward, the Allies gained a launching pad for their invasion of Sicily and then Italy.
By September 1943, the U.S. Fifth Army had landed at Salerno, just south of Naples, and after initial heavy resistance, the Americans moved inland to join British forces.
"They invited all of the troops—American British, French—to march in full uniform."
"Yesterday German planes bombed the rear command post hitting two fellows in headquarters company."
"I avoided looking at the dead GI that I passed on the way to the slit trench."
"And the Germans wired back, 'Do you realize you're gassing us?'"
"There was rumor that we were going home but General Terry Allen made a speech..."
"I'm proud of one thing ... I didn't lose any lives."
"It's hard to work on a piece of equipment when you're being shot at."
"You're happy you're home, but you're sad for your brother and your friends that you left over there ..."
"On my 16th mission, May 11th, 1943, my luck almost ran out. Catania, Sicily, was the target."
"...he said, ‘Lieutenant, we don't make mistakes.’ And I said, ‘Thank you, sir.’"