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Thomas Kane Pamphlet Collection on Ethiopia/Eritrea at the Library of Congress


Each article on Ethiopia from the Thomas Kane Pamphlet Collection is identified by a specific number. Within this subject, the articles and pamphlets are organized alphabetically by the author's name. Researchers should submit a call slip with the specific subject and the number assigned. The researcher is advised to take advantage of the alphabetical arrangement of the authors of the pamphlets. Because the pamphlets are kept in a folder with all of the information about the title of the article, name of author and the subject as well as the number assigned to it, please return the article inside the correct folder after each use.


1 Abebe, Berhanu The Haile Sellassie Prize Trust 6th Conference of Michigan State University 18 April 1992 13 pages
2 Abeles, Marc L’organization sociale et le changement a Ochollo   1977 Pg. 1-18
3 Ahmad, Abdussamad H. The Palaces of Gondar Town (Ethiopia) 1632-1769     7 pages
4 Albright, David E. New Trends in Soviet Policy Toward Africa CSIS African Notes; n27 29 April 1984 Pg. 1-10
5 Aregay, Merid W. Millenarian Traditions and Peasant Movements in Ethiopia, 1500-1855 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1982 14 pages
6 Aregay, Merid Wolde Technology in Medieval Ethiopia Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 8 pages
7 Astute Program Information Sheet: Orientation Seminar on the Political Scene in Africa: Its International Implications   4-6 June 1984 6 pages
8 Baker, Johnathan Functional Castes in Feudal Ethiopia Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 8 pages
9 Bard, Kathryn Archaeological Investigations at Bieta Giyorgis (Aksum). Ethiopia: 1993,1994,1995 Seasons     Pg. 1-36
10 Bombaci, A Il Viaggio in Abissinia di Evliya celebi, 1673     Pg. 259-275
11 Bourgoyne, Clarissa Position of Women in Feudal Ethiopia Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 6 pages
12 Caulk, R.A. Harrar Town in the 19th Century and it Neighbors International Congress of Africanists 9-19 December 1973 20 pages
13 Caulk, R.A Minilik’s March to Imbabo: the Route, the Contest, and the Territorial Consequences     30 pages
14 Caulk, R.A. The Pre-Modern Army and Ethiopian Society, 1850-1935     34 pages
15 Cerulli, Enrico Gli Emiri Di Harar Dal Secolo XVI. Alla Conquista Eqiziana (1875)   1942 20 pages
16 Cerulli, Enrico IL Sultanato Dello Scioa Nel Secolo XIII Secondo Un Nuovo Documento Storico   1941 Pg. 5-42
17 Checole, Kassahun The View from the Right: Africa’s Colonial History and American Policy in Southern Africa; An Interview with Professor Peter Duignan   25 March 1982 Pg. 1-13
18 Chojnacki, Stainislaw Third Note on the History of the Ethiopian National Flag Rassegna di Studi 1981 Pg. 23-40
19 Clapham, Christopher Marxism-Leninism in Ethiopia: Retreat or Renewal?     5 pages
20 Cohen, Marcel Documents Ethnographiques d’Abyssinie Revue d’Ethnographi et de Sociologie 1913-1914 35 pages
21 Collins, Robe “The Best laid schemes o’mice and men”: In search for the Waters of the Nile, 1900-2000   1997 Pg. 1-3
22 Collins, Roberts O The Jonglei Canal: Past and Present of a Future   1997 17 pages
23 Comhaire, J.L.L Abyssinian Feudalism     7 pages
24 Crummey, Donald Abyssinian Feudalism Past and Present; n89   Pg. 115-138
25 Crummey, Donald Banditry and Resistance: Noble and Peasant in 19th Century Ethiopia   1982 Pg. 1-39
26 Crummey, Donald Family and Property Amongst the Amhara Nobility Journal of African History; v24 1983 Pg. 207-220
27 Crummey, Donald Initiatives and Objectives in Ethio-European Relations, 1827-1862 Journal of African History, v15,n3 1974 Pg. 433-444
28 Crummey, Donald Missionary Sources and their contribution to our understanding of Ethiopian history, 1830-1868 Rural Africana; no.11 1970 Pg. 37-47
29 Crummey, Donald Tewodros As Reformer and Modernizer Journal of African History; v10, n3 1969 Pg. 457-469
30 Crummey, Donald Women and Landed Property in Gondarine Ethiopia International Journal of African Historical Studies; v14, n3 1981 Pg. 444-465
31 Crummey, Donald Women, Property, and Litigation among the Bagemder Amhara, 1750s to 1850s   1982 Pg. 19-32
32 D’Abbadie, Arnauld Deux Fragments in edits du Tome Second de Douze ans Dan la Haute-Ethiopoie   1961 Pg. 27-85
33 Derat, Marie-Laure & Bertrand Hirsch Recherches sur la Biographie de l’abba Giyorgis de Gasecca (c.1365-1425) 12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 5-10 September 1994 10 pages
34 Edwards, Jon R “And the King Shall Judge”: The Capitulatory Regime in Ethiopia, 1908-1936 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1982 10 pages
35 Egorin, Anatoly Soveity Policy in the Horn of Africa Soveity Policy in the Horn of Africa 27-30 May 1990 24 pages
36 Emperor Haile Selassie I Memorial Foundation All Peace and Justice Loving People     2 pages
37 Emperor Haile Selassie I Memorial Foundation Established Charter     6 pages
38 Erlich, Hagga A Contemporary Biography of Ras Alula. A Manuscript from Manawe: Tambien I   1976 Pg. 1-46
39 Erlich, Hagga A Contemporary Biography of Ras Alula. A Manuscript from Manawe: Tambien II   1976 Pg. 287-327
40 Erlich, Haggai Egypt and Adwa     9 pages
41 Erlich, Haggai Ethiopia and Egypt in the late 19th Century: Facing the West and Each Other 10th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1988 Pg. 1-16
42 Erlich, Haggai Ethiopia and the Middle East – Rethinking History     12 pages
43 Erlich, Haggai Tigre in Modern Ethiopian History 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1982 8 pages
44 Eshete, Aleme A page in the history of Ogaden: Contact and Correspondence between Emperor Menelik of Ethiopia and the Somali Mahdi-Mohamed Abdul Hassan (1907-1908)   1982 31 pages
45 Eshete, Aleme General Examination of Ethiopian Feudalism Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 29 pages
46 Eshete, Aleme General Examination of Ethiopian Feudalism Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 31 pages
47 Firenze L’Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare   1954 Pg. 3-13
48 Fleming, Harold C The Importance of Mao in Ethiopian History     Pg. 1-8
49 Foti, Dottoressa La Cronaca Abbreviata Dei Re D’Abissinia In Un Manoscritto di Dabra Berhan di Gongar   1941 Pg. 87-123
50 Friends of Ethiopia and Eritrea The Battle of Adwa in the American Press   February 1996 Pg. 1-29
51 Friends of Ethiopia Newsletter Momentous Changes in Ethiopia V1, n2 July 1991 Pg. 1-8
52a Fusella, Luigi Le Biografie Del Blatengeta Heruy Walda Sallase Rassegna Di Studi Etiopici 1987 Pg. 23-67 *2 copies
52b Fusella, Luigi Le Biografie Del Blatengeta Heruy Walda Sallase Rassegna Di Studi Etiopici 1987 Pg. 23-67 *2 copies
53 Gadamu, Fecadu Some Thoughts on the Social and Cultural Backgrounds of the Overthrow of the Ethiopian Feudal Regime Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 11 pages
54 Garretson, Peter P Relations between Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Aragon in the 15th Century     Pg. 1-16
55 Garretson, Peter P Some Amharic Sources for modern Ethiopian History, 1889-1935 (with notes by Richard Pankhurst) Bulletin of the Chool of Oriental and African Studies; v41, pt2 1978 Pg. 283-296
56 Garretson, Peter P Some thoughts on Towns and the Naggadras in Fedual Ethiopia in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism 1976 22 pages
57 Gebrekidan, Fikru A Comparative Assessment of Caribbean and African-American Anti-Fascist Protests, 1935-1941 12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1994 27 pages
58 Ghebre, Getatchew Honeymoon Over New African December 1991 1 page
59 Gilkes, P. Conflicts in Ethiopia Roots, Current Status and Prospect   1987 18 pages
60 Gilkes, P. The Restegna of Tigre Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 9 pages
61 Giudice, Barbaro Lo I Preliminari Di Pace di Faras-Mai Del 1896   1942 8 pages
62 Gribbin, R The Horn of Africa (Draft)   8 November 1985 22 pages
63 Haberland, Eike An Amharic Manuscript on the Mythical history of the Adi Kyaz (Dizi, Southwest Ethiopia)   1983 Pg. 240-257
64 Hable-Selassie, Sergrw The Geez Letter of Queen Eleni and Libne Dingil to John, King of Portugal     Pg. 1-20
65 Habtu, Hailu Preliminary Notes on Ancient Ethiopian history   1987 44 pages
66 Hagos, G Some Facts about IROB   1998 12 pages
67 Haile, Getatchew A Look At Some Dates of Early Ethiopian History Le Museon 1982 Pg. 311-322
68 Haile, Getatchew Balambaras Sah Ergat on Ras Makannen Journal of Semitic Studies; v34;n2 1989 Pg. 399-412
69 Haile, Getatchew Empress Tayitu and the Ethiopian Property in Jerusalem Paideuma 35 1989 Pg. 67-81
70 Haile, Getatchew From the Markets of Damot to that of Barara: A Note on Slavery in Medieval Ethiopia Paideuma 27 1981 Pg. 173-180
71 Haile, Getatchew The Ethiopian Ezra as a Source of History 12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 5-10 September 1994 11 pages
72 Haile, Getatchew The Legend of Abgar in Ethiopic Tradition. Orientalia Christiana Periodica 1989 Pg. 375-410
73 Haile, Getatchew The Life of Abuna Yostinos   1983 Pg. 311-325
74 Haile, Getatchew Who is Who in Ethiopia’s Past, Part 1: at the Court of Ase Labna Pangan (1508-1540) Northeast African Studies; v6, n3 1984 Pg. 47-52
75 Haile, Getatchew Who is Who in Ethiopia’s Past, Part 2: The Zagwe Royal Family after Zagwe Northeast African Studies; v7, n3 1985 Pg. 41-48
76 Haile, Getatchew & Wagner, Ewald Die Geschichte Nur b Mugahids van Harar (oder The History of Aze Zar’a Ya’qob)   1989 Pg. 43-92
77 Henze, Paul B. Ethiopia 1981, Impressions and Reflections   August 1982 13 pages
78 Henze, Paul B. Ethiopia and Africa: A Historical Excursus 3rd ‘Orbis Aethiopiaus’ Conference on Ethiopian History and Culture 26-29 September 1997 7 pages
79 Henze, Paul B. Ethiopia: Environment, War and Development   15 March 1990 6 pages
80 Henze, Paul B. Fire and Sword in the Caucasus – The 19th Century Resistance of the North Caucasian Mountaineers   November 1982 63 pages
81 Henze, Paul B. Flexible Persistence Over Four Decades, The USSR and the Horn of Africa Conference on Protracted Welfare 22-24 April 1987 27 pages
82 Henze, Paul B Georgia & Ethiopia: Parallels in the History and Culture of Two Ancient Countries   1999 3 pages
83 Henze, Paul B Glasnost About Building Socialism in Ethiopia: Analysis of a Critical Soviet Article RAND Corp April 1990 Pg. i-333
84 Henze, Paul B New and old in the land of the Wagshums   1999 11 pages
85 Henze, Paul B The Ethiopian Revolution: Mythology and History   July 1989 12 pages
86 Henze, Paul B The Importance of the Medieval Period     6 pages
87 Henze, Paul B The Last Empire Journal of Democracy; v1, n2 Spring 1990 Pg. 27-34
88 Henze, Paul B Traditional Ethiopia and Medieval England. Persistence of Patterns in Rural Life     17 pages
89 Hirsch, Bertrand & Penner, Herve Les Eglises Rupestres du Tchaqata (Wallo) comme lieux de Memoire et Sources d’Histoire 12th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 5-10 September 1994 14 pages
90 Hourani, Albert In Praise of Ancient Virtues The Times Literary Supplement 4 September 1987 3 pages
91 Huntingford, G.W.B. The Wealth of Kings’ and the End of the Zague Dynasty   1965 23 pages
92a Kane, Thomas L. History of Menelik II of Afeworq Gebre-Yesus – an Ethiopian Evaluation Orbis Aethiopicus 1992 Pg. 89-95 *3 copies
92b Kane, Thomas L. History of Menelik II of Afeworq Gebre-Yesus – an Ethiopian Evaluation Orbis Aethiopicus 1992 Pg. 89-95 *3 copies
92c Kane, Thomas L. History of Menelik II of Afeworq Gebre-Yesus – an Ethiopian Evaluation Orbis Aethiopicus 1992 Pg. 89-95 *3 copies
93 Kapeliuk, Olga Colonie Africane E Cultura Italiana fra Ottocento E Novecento   1995 1 page
94 Kenny, Nathaniel Ethiopian Adventure National Geographic April 1965 Pg. 548-582
95 Kendie, Daniel The American Stranger in Ethiopia   1986 35 pages
96 Klausberger, F. Production relations in Feudal Ethiopia Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 Pg. 1-14
97a Korn, David A. Ethiopia: Dilemma for the West The World Today January 1986 Pg. 4-7 *2 copies
97b Korn, David A. Ethiopia: Dilemma for the West The World Today January 1986 Pg. 4-7 *2 copies
98 Kraft, Joseph Letter From Addis Ababa The New Yorker 31 July 1978 Pg. 46-63
99 Kropp, Manfred Malasay: Selbstbezeichnung Eines Harariner Offizierskorps und IHR Gebrauch in Athiopischen und Arabischen Chroniken   1990 Pg. 105-113
100 Kropp, Manfred The SER’ATA GEBR: A Mirror View of Daily Life at the Ethiopian Royal Court in the Middle Ages   1984 Pg. 219-232
101 Kuhne, Winrich Die Aktuelle Lage in Athiopien   February 1991 22 pages
102 Labrousse, H. L’Ethiopie et Le Traite de Versaille 5th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1977 15 pages
103 Labrousse, H. Ravalite Entre l’Egypte et l’Ethiopie dans la mer Rouge a la fin du XIX Siecle   March 1982 Pg. 1-51
104 Levine, Donald N. Individualism In Feudal Ethiopia     9 pages
105 Lewis, Herbert S The Origins of the Galla and Somali Journal of African History; v7, n1 1966 Pg. 27-46
106 Lhuillier, M. Th Un Voyageur Officiel Envoye en Ethiopie sous Louis XIV: Correspondance et documents inedits relatifs a Lenoir du roule [1701-1706] La Lumiere Elect 1882 25 pages
107 Littman Per Maris Erythraei     2 pages
108 Loltu, H.Q. The Kindling, Part 13 – On Thinking the Situation is Different     Pg. 1-9
109 Marcus, Harold G Does the Past have any Authority in Ethiopia   1992 15 pages
110 Marrassini, Paolo Marrassini, Paolo   1979 Pg. 173-196
111 Marrassini, Paolo Una Nuova Versione Geez della disputa fra Takla Haymamot e Motalami   1980 Pg. 263-298
112 Mekasha, Getachew Letter to Herman Cohen: Summary of the zreport on the Mission of his Imperial Majesty Amhu Selassie’s Delegation to Ethiopia   April 1991 7 pages
113 Mekouria, Tekle-Tsadik La Propriete Entre Le Sens Propre et Le sen Figure   1977 10 pages
114 Moreno, Martino Moreno, Martino MarioMario Il Regime Terriero Abissino nel Galla-Sidama. Rassegna Economica dell’Africa Italiana October 1937 Pg. 3-15
115 Moreno, Martino Mario La Cronaca Di Re Teodora Attribuita Al Dabtara <Zaneb>   1942 Pg. 143-180
116 Moreno, Martino Mario L’Episodio di Lig Lyasu e di Ras Haylu nelle manifestazi oni letterarie Abissine Oriente Moderno XII November 1932 Pg. 1-9
117 Morin, Didier Remarques sur l’habitation traditionnnelle des Afars   1977 16 pages
118 Musa, Ali Ethiopia’s Mengistu: The Secret of His Success Ethio-Eritrean News and Views; v1, n1 January 1987 8 pages
119 News From Ethiopia Ethiopian Airlines Flight: A Tragic Hijacking, A Heroic Pilot V5, n9 December 1996 Pg. 1-8
120 NY Herald Tribune and New York Times The Battle of Adwa in the American Press     28 pages
121 Ottaway, David & Ottaway, Marina From African Socialism to Marxism-Leninism Afrocommunism 1981 Pg. 13-35
122 Pankhurst, Richard An 18th Century Ethiopian Dynatic Marriage contract between Empress Mentewwab of Gonda and Ras Mika’el Sehul of Tegre. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; v42, pt3 1979 Pg. 457-466
123 Pankhurst, Richard Danqaz: an Early 17th Century Ethiopian Capital, and its Portugese, and Portugese-Indian, Architectural Connections     13 pages
124 Pankhurst, Richard Ethiopian Medieval and Post-Medieval Capitals: Their deveoplment and principal features   1979 Pg. 1-19
125 Pankhurst, Richard Ethiopian Royal Seals of the 17th and 18th Centuries 6th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies   28 pages
126 Pankhurst, Richard Indian Reactions to Anglo-Indian Intervention against Emperor Tewodros of Ethiopia (1867-1868) The Quarterly Review of Historical Studies; v19, n3 1979-1980 Pg. 7-39
127 Pankhurst, Richard Indian Reactions to the Ango-Indian Expedition against Emperor Tewodros of Ethiopia: The <<Magdala Campaign>> of 1867-8 AFRICA; v36, n3-4 September-December 1981 Pg. 390-418
128 Pankhurst, Richard The “Banyan” or Indian Presence at Massawa, The Dahlak Islands and the Horn of Africa. Mouvements de Populations dans l’ocean Indien.   1979 Pg. 107-128
129 Pankhurst, Richard The Harar-Dire Dawa Road and the “Road- Construction Association” of 1934 Historical Society of Ethiopia’s Conference 1975 24 pages
130 Pankhurst, Richard The History of Ethiopian-Armenian Relations   1977 Pg. 273-345
131 Pankhurst, Richard The History of Ethiopian-Armenian Relations II   1978-1979 Pg. 258-312
132 Pankhurst, Richard The history of Sawna Towns from the Rise of Menilek to the founding of Addis Ababa 5th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1977 31 pages
133 Pankhurst, Richard The Role of firearms in Ethiopian Culture (16th - 20th Centuries) Journal of Africanistes; v47, pt2 1977 Pg. 131-144
134 Pankhurst, Richard The Saint Simonians and Ethiopia 3rd International Conference of Ethiopian Studies April 1966 87 pages
135 Pankhurst, Richard Wag and Lasta: An Essay in the Regional History of Ethiopia from the 14th Century to 1800.     15 pages
136a Pankhurst, Rita International Conferences of Ethiopian Studies - A Look at the Past 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 26-29 April 1982 8 pages
*2 copies
136b Pankhurst, Rita International Conferences of Ethiopian Studies - A Look at the Past 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 26-29 April 1982 8 pages
*2 copies
137 Pankhurst, Rita The Library of Emperor Tewodros II at Magdala Oriental and African Studies; v36, n2 1973 Pg. 15-45
138 Perlez, Jane Rediscovering the Majesty of Ethiopia New York Times 20 December 1992 Pg. 13-14
139 Petrides, S. P The Empire of Ethiopia in 15th and 16th Centuries Ethiopian Geographical Journal; v2, n2 December 1964 Pg. 15-27
140 Pollock, David Moscow and Aden: Coping with a Coup Problems of Communism May-June 1986 Pg. 50-70
141 Press Digest Interview with Professor Christopher Clapham   16 December 1999 5 pages
142 Remneck, Richard B The Soviet Union and the Quest for Peace in the Horn of Africa Conference on “Peace and Stability in the Horn of Africa” 29 April 1989 Pg. 1-57
143 Ricci, L Conti Rossini Dizionario Biografico degli Italia; v28   Pg. 527-529
144 Ricci, Lanfranco Iscrizioni Paleoetiopiche Semitic Studies 1991 Pg. 1291-1311
145 Ricci, Lanfranco Una Cronaca Breve In Amharico Sul Regno Di Yohannes IV Re d’Etiopia   1947 Pg. 47-59
146 Rossini, C. Conti Aethiopica (11 Serie) Rivista degli Studi Orientali; v10 1923-25 Pg. 481-520
147 Rossini, C. Conti La Fine Di Re Teodoro in un Documento Abissino Nuova Autologia; n381 September – October 1935 Pg. 453-458
148 Rossini, C. Conti Lo’Awda Nagast: Scritto Divinatori o Etiopico   1941 25 pages
149 Rossini, C. Conti Postille Al <Futuh Al-Habasah>      
150 Rouaud, Alain Ras Tafari’s Expedition to Dase (1921)     5 pages
151 Sailio, Emilio Come Impedimmo L’aggressione Ethiopica Del 1914   1935 Pg. 345-357
152 Savigear, Peter France, Djibouti, and the Horn of Africa   December 1990 6 pages
153 Scholler, Heinrich German WWI aims in Ethiopia, The Frobenius-Hall-Mission 5th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 19-22 December 1977 23 pages
154 Science A New Human Ancestor?   1999 Pg. 572-635
155 Selassie, Tsehai Brhane Factors that Determined Areas of Resistance International Congress of Africanists 1973 14 pages
156 Six-Hamburg, Veronika Water-The Nile-And the Ta’amra Maryam: Miracles of the Virgin Mary in the Ethiopian Version     13 pages
157 Somigli, P. Teodosio La Francescana spedizione in Etiopia de 1751-54 e la sua Relazione del P. Remedio Prutky di Boenia O.F.M   1913 Pg. 1-75
158 Strelcyn, Stefan Les Ecrits Medicaux EthiopiensPg. 54-84 Journal of Ethiopian Studies; v3, n1 1971 Pg. 82-103
159 Strelcyn, Stefan Les Mysteres des Psaumes, traite Ethiopien sur l’emploi des Psaumes Bullentin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; v44 1981 Pg. 54-84
160 Summer, Claude The Revolutionary Philosophy of work of Walda Haywat in Fedual Ethiopia Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism 29-30 March 1976 7 pages
161 Tafla, Bairu Significance of Oral Tradition in Ethiopian Historigraphy     8 pages
162 Tafla, Bairu The Historical Notes of LIQA-TABBABT ABBABA YERAFU     Pg. 267-300
163 Tamrat, Teddesse Feudalism in Heaven and on Earth: Ideology and Political Structure in Medival Ethiopia 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1982 Pg. 1-14
164 The Proletariat The Struggle of the Proletariat and its Victory Issue 23 February 1976 4 pages
165 Tsegaye, Dereje Ethiopia: The Danger for Africa, the July Addis Abebe Conference and its Aftermath   August 1991 4 pages
166 Tubiana, Joseph La Connaissance des <<Incunables>> Ethiopiens dix ans après la parution de l’ouvrage de Stephen Wright 5th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 19-22 December 1977 Pg. 35-51
167 Uhlig, Siegbert Saga Za-ab: the Earliest Report on Ethiopia in the World     Pg. 3-8
168 Ullendorff, Edward Two Ethiopic dirges on the deaths of Queen Anne (1714) and Queen Mary (1694) Journal of Royal Asiatic Society; v6, pt 1 April 1996 Pg. 1-6
169 Ullendorff, Edward The Glorious Victories of ‘Amda Seyon, King of Ethiopia     12 pages
170 Ullendorff, Edward The Queen of Sheba   1962-63 Pg. 486-504
171 Wendt, K Das Mashafa Berhan und Mashafa Milad; Di alcune Varieta di inni dell a Chiesa Abissina     Pg. 259-305
172 Wilding, R Prehistory and the Study of Social Structures of the Past Conference on Ethiopian Feudalism March 1976 6 pages
173 Winn, Michael A Return to Gondar Adventure Time February 1982 Pg. 48-59
174 Wion, Anais Analyse par Microspectrometrie Raman de Pigments Ethiopiens du XVIIeme siecle   1998 15 pages
175 Zelleke, Kinefe-Regb The Episode of Eyassu Menelik (1896-1935) 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 1982 65 pages
176   Africans: Linguistic Evidence for African History, The Horn of Africa in Early World Agricultural History; Ethiopia, Israel and the Middle East: A Historical Perspective Society of Friends Lecture December 1998 16 pages
177   African Slaves in Portugal – What Descendants did they leave. What descendants were they allowed to leave?     10 pages
178   Bibliografia Review of Ethiopian Studies; v30 1984-1986 p171-208
179   Bibliografia Review of Ethiopian Studies; v39 1995 p211-227
180   Bibliography of the Writings of Professor Edward Ullendorff Journal of Semitic Studies 1988-1999 Pg. 131-136
181   Ethiopia: From Ancient Empire to Revolutionary Socialism     24 pages
182   Hora Boqa Walba     8 pages
183   Major Dodds to Earl Curzon dated November 17, 1919 F.O. Archives   6 pages
184   Friends of Ethiopia Newsletter v1, no.2 July 1991 Pg. 1-8
185   The Empire Reborn: From Tragedy to Triumph     22 pages
186   The Lion of Judah in His Prime     Pg. 34-54
187   Unterwegs im Horn Von Afrika Reve Burcher Betiug   2 pages