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Each article on Ethiopia from the Thomas Kane Pamphlet Collection is identified by a specific number. Within this subject, the articles and pamphlets are organized alphabetically by the author's name. Researchers should submit a call slip with the specific subject and the number assigned. The researcher is advised to take advantage of the alphabetical arrangement of the authors of the pamphlets. Because the pamphlets are kept in a folder with all of the information about the title of the article, name of author and the subject as well as the number assigned to it, please return the article inside the correct folder after each use.
1 | Admassu, Yonas | T’obbiya Revisited: Reflections on Afework’s Lebbwallad Tarik ; | 14 pages | ||
2 | Amborn, Hermann | Concepts in Wood and Stone - Plastic Art of the Konso of Southern Ethiopia | 7 pages | ||
3 | Anfray, F | Ethiopie, Vieille Terre de Civilisation; Le Moyen Age Ethiopien; La Bibliotheque Nationale d’ Ethiopie | 4 pages | ||
4 | Art Gallery of York University | The Rayfield Collection of Ethiopian Art | 20 February - 12 March 1978 | 8 pages | |
5 | Assefa, Taye | A Critical Comment on Some technical Aspects of Birhanu Zaryihun’s Hulatt Ya- Inba Dabdabbewoc | African Language and Culture | 1989 | Pg. 133-147 |
6 | Boavida, Isabel | The Cross brought to Goa and Portugal by Lebna Dengel’s envoy Mathew | 8 pages | ||
7 | Bosc-Tiesse, Claire | The Evangelicae Historiae imagines of Jerome Nadal: Steps of an Encountering between European Art and Ethiopia in the 17th and 18th Centuries | 1999 | 17 pages | |
8 | Chaine, M. | La Poesie Chez Les Ethiopiens | 1920-1921 | 24 pages | |
9 | An Ancient Ethiopian Custom Illustrated by a 15th Century miniature in the Juel-Jensen Collection | 1990 | Pg. 395-405 | ||
10 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | Cultural Heritage, Museums and Tourism | 4 pages | ||
11 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | European Painters in the 15th and Early 16th Century Ethiopia | 1977 | Pg. 1-4 | |
12 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | “Flemish” Painting and its Ethiopian Copy | 1988 | Pg. 51-73 | |
13 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | Note on the Early Imagery of the Virgin Mary In Ethiopia | 1977 | Pg. 5-41 | |
14 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | The Annunication in Ethiopian Art | Pg. 281-351 | ||
15 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | The “Kwer’ata Re’esu”: Its Iconography and Significance | 1985 | 43 pages | |
16 | Chonjnacki, Stanislaw | The Preservation of Ethiopia’s Cultural Heritage | 1969 | ||
17 | Fusella, Luigi | Una Poesia di Afaworq Gabra Iyasus sui Fatti del | December 1977 | 9 pages | |
18 | Fusella, Luigi & Tedeschi, Salvatore & Tubiana, Joseph | Trois Essais Sur la Litteature Ethiopienne | Xii | 1984 | 2 pages |
19 | Grebaut, Sylvain | Littterature Ethiopienne Pseudo-Clementine III | Revue de L’Oreint Chretien; v2 | 1920-1921 | 11 pages |
20 | Haile, Getatchew | A New Ethiopic Version of the Acts of St. Mark | 1981 | Pg. 117-134 |
21 | Haile, Getatchew | Old Amharic Features in a Manuscript from Wollo | Pg. 157-169 | ||
22a | Heldman, Marilyn | An Early Gospel Frontispiece in Ethiopia | Pg. 107-121 * 2 copies |
22b | Heldman, Marilyn | An Early Gospel Frontispiece in Ethiopia | Pg. 107-121 * 2 copies |
23 | Henze, Paul B | Oromo Tomb Architecture and Art | 2nd International Ethiopian Art Conference | 24-29 September 1990 | 9 pages |
24 | Henze, Paul B | The Illuminated Manuscripts of Lake Zway | 1st International Conference on the History of Ethiopian Art | 21-22 October 1986 | 7 pages |
25 | Henze, Paul B | The Monastery of Mertule Maryam In Gojjam: A Major Medieval Ethiopian Architectural Monument | February 1997 | 19 pages | |
26a | Kane, Thomas | Excerpts from the Prison Diary of Ahadu Saboure | 1991 | Pg. 59-71 *6 copies |
26b | Kane, Thomas | Excerpts from the Prison Diary of Ahadu Saboure | 1991 | Pg. 59-71 *6 copies |
26c | Kane, Thomas | Excerpts from the Prison Diary of Ahadu Saboure | 1991 | Pg. 59-71 *6 copies |
26d | Kane, Thomas | Excerpts from the Prison Diary of Ahadu Saboure | 1991 | Pg. 59-71 *6 copies |
26e | Kane, Thomas | Excerpts from the Prison Diary of Ahadu Saboure | 1991 | Pg. 59-71 *6 copies | |
26f | Kane, Thomas | Excerpts from the Prison Diary of Ahadu Saboure | 1991 | Pg. 59-71 *6 copies |
27 | Kapeliuk, Olga | A Novel About the Red Terror in Ethiopia | Northeast African Studies | 1982 | Pg. 57-64 |
28 | Kidane, Girma | Contemporary Art in Ethiopia | 1977 | Pg. 1-27 | |
29 | Krafft, Walter | Talk on Ethiopian Rock Churches held in Deutsche Gesell Schaft | November 1969 | Pg. 2-15 | |
30 | Langmuir, Elizabeth Cross & Stanislaw Chojnacki & Peter Fetchki | Ethiopia: The Christian Art of an African Nation | 1998 | Pg. v-30 |
31 | Lindahl, B | Ancient Architecture and Art In Ethiopia | 13 pages | ||
32 | Mercier, Jacques | La Peinture Abyssine: Art et Feodalite | 9 pages | ||
33 | Mercier, Jacques | Les Peintures des Rouleaux Protecteurs Ethiopiens | Journal of Ethiopian Studies; v12, n2 | July 1974 | Pg. 107-146 |
34 | Meskel, Dejazmach Berhane | Autobiography | 7 pages | ||
35 | Pankhurst, Richard | The Genesis of Photography in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa | 6 pages | ||
36 | Pankhurst, Richard | The Genesis of Photography in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa | 22 October 1976 | Pg. 933-935 | |
37 | Pankhurst, Richard | The History of the Kwer’ata Re’esu: An Ethiopian Icon | African Affairs; v81, n322 | January 1982 | Pg. 117-125 |
38 | Pankhurst, Richard | Pushkin’s African Ancestry: A question of Roots | 1980 | Pg. 44-46 | |
39 | Petrides, S. Pierre | The Wonderful World of Ethiopian Crosses | 20 pages | ||
40 | Phillipson, David | Aksum: Antiquity’s last Great Civilization | The Art Newspaper; n47 | April 1995 | Pg. 19-22 |
41 | Phillipson, David W. | An Ivory throne from Aksum | Pg. 1-5 | ||
42 | Phillipson, Laurel | The Autochthonous Foundations of Aksumite Material Culture | October 1999 | 4 pages | |
43 | Ricci, Lanfrano | La “Komidiya” di Takla Hawaryat | 1986 | Pg. 193-203 | |
44 | Ruphael, Yohannes | A Chat with a Renown Painter | Addis Tribune | 2000 | 2 pages |
45 | Sengal, Elena | Note Sulla Letteratura Moderna Amarica | Pg. 291-302 | ||
46 | Shiawl, Teferra | Athiopiens Zeitgenossische Liturature | Journal Afrika Heute | 15 December 1965 | 4 pages |
47 | Silverman, Raymond | Ethiopia Traditions of Creativity | Spring 1995 | 10 booklets; 40 pages |
48 | Society of Friends of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Haile Selassie I University | Ethiopian Paintings: 16th and Early 17th Centuries | 1971 | 10 pages | |
49 | Strelcyn, S | Quelques Inscriptions Ethiopiennes | Bibliotheca Orientalis; v36, n3-4 | 1979 | Pg. 37-156 |
50 | Sugar, James A. | Ethiopia’s Artful Weavers | National Geographics; v143, n1 | January 1973 | pp125-144 |
51 | The British Institute in Eastern Africa | Annual Report 1994-1995 (Aksum Project) | 5 pages |
52 | Ullendoff, Edward s | To Lanfranco Ricci: an Ethiopic Inscription in Westminster Abbey | 1992 | Pg. 167-173 | |
53 | Ullendoff, Edward s | Review of S. Strelcyn: Catologue des Manuscrits Ethiopiens | 2 pages | ||
54 | Wendt, K | Das Mashafa Berhan und Mashafa Milad | Pg. 1-30 &147-173 | ||
55 | Zanon, Fernando | Aspettidella Letteratura Popolare Fra le Genti Dell’ Ethiopia | Africa vol.56 | 1938 | Pg. 183-186 |
56 | Handicraft Producers’ Co-operatives | ADDIS ZEMEN | 1971 | 17 pages | |
57 | Modern Amharic Literature | The Ethiopian Herald | 24 June 1981 | 2 pages | |
58 | Monumente auf Pergament | 1987 | Pg. 11-14 | ||
59 | Negative. Art Pictures | 5 Negatives | |||
60 | The Twelve Apostles in Ethiopian Art | 6th International Conference on the History of Ethiopian Art | October 1999 | 6 pages | |
61 | The Art Newspaper | Vol.9 no. 80 | April 1998 | 3 pages | |
62 | United Ethiopian Artists Association First Anniversary | 1976 | 1 page | ||
63; Still Missing |
Ethiopian Manuscript Painting - 15 Slides with Commentary | The British Museum | 1968 |