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Each article on Ethiopia from the Thomas Kane Pamphlet Collection is identified by a specific number. Within this subject, the articles and pamphlets are organized alphabetically by the author's name. Researchers should submit a call slip with the specific subject and the number assigned. The researcher is advised to take advantage of the alphabetical arrangement of the authors of the pamphlets. Because the pamphlets are kept in a folder with all of the information about the title of the article, name of author and the subject as well as the number assigned to it, please return the article inside the correct folder after each use.
1 | Baylor, Jim | Ethiopia: A list of works in English | 1966-1967 | 58 pages | |
2 | Bell, Pamela | Land Tenures in Ethiopia: Bibliography 1968 | Ethiopian Bibliographical Series #1 | 1968 | 26 pages |
3 | Chojnacki, Stanislaw | List of Ethiopian articles and publications on various topics | 5 pages | ||
4 | Christos, Solomon Gebre | A Decade of Ethiopian Language Publications, 1959-1969 | 1971 | 102 pages | |
5 | Christos, Solomon Gebre | List of Ethiopian Authors | 1971 | 58 pages | |
6 | Cohen, John M. | A Select Bibliography in Rural Ethiopia | 1971 | Pg. 1-82 | |
7 | Leslau, Wolf | List of Publications | 12 pages | ||
8 | Pankhurst, Rita | International Ethiopian Studies Conference I-IV, 1959-1980 | 1982 | 21 pages | |
9 | Rossini, C. Conti | Gli Studi Ethiopia in Halia | Rivista Deqli Studi Ovientali. v5 | 1913 | Pg. 1-24 |
10 | Rossini, C. Conti | Pubblicazioni Etiopistiche Dal 1936 al 1945 | 132 pages | ||
11 | Strelcyn, Stefan | Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscript of the Wellcome Institute of the history of Medicine in London | 29 pages | ||
12 | An Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilming Program | Vanderbilt Divinity School | 1976 | Pg. 1-19 | |
13 | Ethiopian Outline: A Bibliographic Research Guide | African Bibliographic Center, Inc. | 1966 | 14 pages | |
14 | Participants of the 7th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies | University of Lund | 26-29 April 1982 | 6 pages | |
15 | Some Significant Categories of Ethiopian Manuscript | Hill Monastic Library, St. John’s University |