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Thomas Kane Pamphlet Collection on Ethiopia/Eritrea at the Library of Congress


Each article on Ethiopia from the Thomas Kane Pamphlet Collection is identified by a specific number. Within this subject, the articles and pamphlets are organized alphabetically by the author's name. Researchers should submit a call slip with the specific subject and the number assigned. The researcher is advised to take advantage of the alphabetical arrangement of the authors of the pamphlets. Because the pamphlets are kept in a folder with all of the information about the title of the article, name of author and the subject as well as the number assigned to it, please return the article inside the correct folder after each use.

1 Berry, La Verles & Smith, Richard Churches and Monasteries of Lake Tuna, Ethiopia 1972   1979 38 pages
2 Cerulli, Enrico Glia Atti Di Zena   1962 Pg. 191-212
3a Cohen, Marcel Dabra-warq   1923 Pg. 143-162 *2 copies
3b Cohen, Marcel Dabra-warq   1923 Pg. 143-162 *2 copies
4 Cowley, Roger A Geez Prologue Concerning the Work of Mamher Kefla Giyorgis on the Text and Interpretation of the Book of Ezekiel Ethiopian Studies   Pg. 99-114
5 Cowley, Roger Excerpts from “the Traditional Interpretation of the Apocalypse of John in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church   1979 11 pages
6 Cowley, Roger Ludolf’s fragmentum Piquesii: An Old Amharic tract about Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet. Journal of Semitic Studies; v28, n1 Spring 1983 Pg. 1-47
7 Cowley, Roger Patristic Introduction in the Ethiopian Andamta Commentary Tradition   1980 Pg. 40-49
8 Crummey, Donald Orthodoxy and Imperial Reconstruction in Ethiopia, 1854-1878 Journal of Semitic Studies; v28, n1 1978 Pg. 427-442
9 Doresse, J Les Premiers Monuments Chretiens De L’Ethiopie Et L’Eglise Archaique de Yeha Novum Testamentum ; vl, n3 1956 Pg. 209-224
10 Euringer, Sebastian Biblische Ratsel Zeitshrift d. Semitistik;v6 1926 14 pages
11 Euringer, Sebastian Das Netz Salomons     18 pages
12 Euringer, Sebastian Das Netz Salomons Zeitshrift d. Semitistik;v6 1926 32 pages
13 Forman, Gail The Triumph of Tradition: Beta Israel’s Enduring Efforts to keep Faith Alive Washington Post 7 September 1988 3 pages
14 Gerster, Georg Searching out Medieval Churches in Ethiopia’s Wild National Geographic; v138, n6 December 1970 Pg. 856-884
15 Goricke, Fred, & Heyer, Friedrich The Orthodox Church of Ethiopia as a Social Institution International Yearbook for Sociology of Knowledge and Religion 1976 Pg. 181-241
16 Grebaut, Sylvain Apercu Sur Les Miracles de Jesus Revue de L’Oreint Chretien ;v2 1919 6 pages
17 Grebaut, Sylvain Calculs et Tables Relatifs au Comput Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 30 October 1920 5 pages
18 Grebaut, Sylvain La Legende du Parfum de Marie- Madeleine Melanges 1919 4 pages
19 Grebaut, Sylvain La Pentecote et la Mission des Apotres Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 1919 Pg. 204-213
20 Grebaut, Sylvain La Pentecote et la Mission des Apotres [suite et fin] Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 3 May 1920 5 pages
21 Grebaut, Sylvain Les Manuscrits Ethiopien de M.E. Delorme Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 1919 11 pages
22 Grebaut, Sylvain Litterature Ethiopienne Pseudo-Clementine   1919 Pg. 246-252
23 Grebaut, Sylvain Manuscrits Ethiopiens Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 2 January 1922 11 pages
24 Grebaut, Sylvain Rituel Ethiopien de Prise d’habit   1940 Pg. 225-255
25 Grebaut, Sylvain Sentences D’Evagrius Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 30 June 1921 3 pages
26 Grebaut, Sylvain Tables des Levers de la Lune pour Chaque mois de L’annee & Variations de la Duree de de jours et des nuit pour chaque mois de l’annee. Revue de L’Oreint Chretien 1; n3 1918-1919 11 pages
27 Grebaut, Sylvain Un Fragment de Menologe Ethiopien Revue de L’Oreint Chretien;v2 14 September 1920 8 pages
28a Grebaut, Sylvain Saint Sebastien Protecteur du Seuil Aethiopica January 1935 1 page *2 copies
28b Grebaut, Sylvain Saint Sebastien Protecteur du Seuil Aethiopica January 1935 1 page *2 copies
29 Guidi, I. Due Nuovi Manoscritti Della “Cronaca Abbreviata” Di Abissinia Ferie Accademiche- Lugi October 1926 Pg. 357-421
30 Haile, Getatchew A Christ for the Gentiles: The Case of Za-Krestos of Ethiopia Journal of Religion in Africa; v15, n2 1985 Pg. 86-95
31 Haile, Getatchew An Ethiopic Letter of Timothy II of Alexandria Concerning the Death of Children Journal of Theological Studies; v38, pt1 April 1987 Pg. 34-57
32 Haile, Getatchew FEKKARE HAYMANOT or the Faith of Abba Giyorgis Saglawi   1981 Pg. 235-258
33 Haile, Getatchew From Strict Observance to Royal Endowment: the Case of the Monastery of Dabra Halle Luya   1980 Pg. 163-172
34 Haile, Getatchew Homily in Honour of Saturday   1982 Pg. 185-231
35 Haile, Getatchew Materials on the Theology of Qab’at or unction 6th International Conference on Ethiopian Studies 14-17 April 1980 PG. 205-250
36 Haile, Getatchew On the Identity of Silondis and the Compostion of the Anaphora of Mary Ascribed to Harayaqos of Bahansa Orientalia Christiana Periodica 1983 Pg. 366-389
37 Haile, Getatchew Recensioni Annali Dell’Istituto Universiario Orientale; v44 1984 Pg. 689-695
38 Haile, Getatchew Religious Controversies and the Growth of Ethiopic Literature in the 14th and 15th Centuries Oreins Christianus 1981 Pg. 102-136
39 Haile, Getatchew The Cause of the Estifanosites: A Fundamentalist Sect in the Church of Ethiopia Paideuma 29 1983 Pg. 93-119
40 Haile, Getatchew The End of a Deserter of the Established Church of Ethiopia 6th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 14-17 April 1980 Pg. 193-203
41 Haile, Getatchew The History of the Tabot of AtronEsa Maryam In Amhara Paideuma 34 1988 Pg. 13-22
42 Haile, Getatchew The Homily of Abba Eleyas, Bishop of Aksum, on Matta Analecta Bollandiana, 108 1990 Pg. 29-47
43 Haile, Getatchew The Homily of Luleyanos on the Holy Fathers Analecta Bollandiana 1985 Pg. 385-391
44 Haile, Getatchew The Homily of Zar’a Ya’aqob in Honor of St.John the Evangelist, EMML* 1480, ff. 48r-52v Oriens Christianus 1983 Pg. 144-166
45 Haile, Getatchew The Life of Abuna Yostinos Analecta Bollandiana 1983 Pg. 311-325
46 Haile, Getatchew The Martyrdom of St. Peter Archbishop of Alexandria   1980 Pg. 87-92
47 Haile, Getatchew The Monastic Genealogy of the line of Takla Haymanot of Shoa. Rassegna di Studi Etiopic; v29 1982/83 Pg. 7-38
48 Henze, Paul B Consolidation of Christianity in the Region of the Source of the Blue Nile: Traditions, History and Hypotheses Conference on The Nile: Civilization, History, myths 19-22 May 1997 19 pages
49 Heyer, Friedrich To the Ethiopian Reader   April 1976 2 pages
50 Kane, Thomas An Amharic Version of the Origin of the Cross Bulletin of the School or oriental and African Studies;
v44, Pt2
1981 Pg. 273-289
51 Kapeliuk, Olga Some Common traits in the Evolution of Neo-Syriac and of Neo-Ethiopian Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam   1989 Pg. 294-320
52 Leslau, Wolf A Monophysite Epistle Orientalia Christiana Periodica 1964 Pg. 447-484
53 Littman, Enno Abyssinian Apocalypses American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature; v29 1903 Pg. 83-95
54 Littman, Enno Arde’et: The Magic Book of Disciplines Journal of the American Oriental Society; v25 1904 48 pages
55 Mittwoch, Eugen Ein Amharischer Text Uber Muhammed und die Ausbreitung des Islams in Abessinien   1915 Pg. 444-451
56 Petrides, S.P. Essai sur l’Evangelisation de l’Ethiopie sa date et son protagoniste     28 pages
57 Rossini, C. Conti Gadla Takla Hagmonot   1896 Pg. 97-143
58 Stitz, Volker Distribution and Foundation of Churches in Ethiopia. Part I     10 pages
59 Stitz, Volker Distribution and Foundation of Churches in Ethiopia. Part II     13 pages
60 Ullendorff, Edward Emperor Yohannes IV of Ethiopia and the Building of the Ethiopian Church of Dabra Gannat at Jerusalem Ethiopian Studies 1983 Pg. 351-354
61 Ullendorff, Edward The Bawdy Bible Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; v42, pt3 1979 Pg. 425-456
62 Ullendorff, Edward The Confessio Fidei of the King Cladius of Ethiopia Journal of Semetic Studies; v32,n1 1987 Pg. 159-176
63 Wagner, Ewald Political and Religious Authorities International Congress of Africanists 9-19 December 1973 Pg. 1-7
64 Zettersteen, K.V. Eine Homilie des Amphilochius von Iconium etc.     Pg. 225-247
65   Some Precursors of Addis Ababa: Towns in Christian Ethiopia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Revised Version)   1980;1985 42 pages