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This page lists resources on the Library of Congress website that will be useful for researchers looking for historical information about the Titanic disaster.
This 1912 film from the George Kleine Collection of early motion pictures in the Library of Congress shows E. J. Smith, who was later commander of the Titanic, inspecting the Titanic's sister ship Olympia (i.e., Olympic), which was launched on April 31, 1911. It provides views of the first, second, and third cabin promenade decks. Shows luggage being loaded with an electrical crane, then gives a forward end view of the first, second, and third cabin decks. Last scene of the ship shows it moving from the dock, as hundreds of people wave. Next sequence has jumpy pans showing the Titanic's rescue ship Carpathia, with its captain Arthur H. Rostron, and many young men on the deck mugging in front of the camera. Survivor Stewart (i.e., Stuart) Collett is interviewed by the press.