There are many research collections around the country that contain collections that may be of interest to those studying the industry. This could include collections that look at particular tobacco brands or firms, but also material related to the local stores that sold products, farmers that grew tobacco, and any other related topics. The material here is primarily from the Library of Congress collections but we have included a few sources beyond the Library collections on the Subscription & Internet Resources page of this guide.
The collections included here are those that are specific to the Library of Congress. Some content is accessible though the Library's web page but much of it is not digitized and has to be access via the respective reading rooms.
The following materials link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are provided when available.
Beyond the Library there are many collections around the U.S. that include the companies and crop. The links below will either provide information directly related to tobacco research or will allow you to find additional collections throughout the country.