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American Folklife Center Collections: United Kingdom

Searching the Collections

To research American Folklife Center (AFC) collections, a good place to start is the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Each AFC collection has an individual catalog record. The following link provides sample custom searches in the catalog for United Kingdom materials. Searching for particular regions and ethnic groups limited to "American Folklife" will likely produce the best results:

Search the Library of Congress Finding Aids

Finding aids provide a gateway to a wealth of Library of Congress treasures. These guides provide comprehensive overviews of unique Library resources. Progressively detailed descriptions of a collection's component parts summarize the overall scope of the content, convey details about the individuals and organizations involved, and list box and folder headings. The links below is a customized search of Library of Congress Finding Aids limited to finding aids in the American Folklife Center collections relating to major geographic areas of the United Kingdom. Similar searches could be created for ethnic groups or regions limited to American Folklife collections.

Accessing Ethnographic Collections at the Library of Congress

The following guide offers general research strategies for use of the American Folklife Center collections.