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U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress


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Title Note
Augusta chronicle. See: The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
76 Augusta herald. Weekly July 17, 1799 Dec. 31, 1800+ Probably discontinued in 1823, in which year Bunce established The Constitution. July 17, 1799, Randolph & Bunce.
Jan. 15, 1800, George F. Randolph & Willam J. Bunce.
Aug. 20, 1800, William J. Bunce.
1799 Sept. 18.
Oct. 23.
Nov. 13.
Box 6, Fol. 1
1800 Jan. 15.
June 25.
Sept. 17.
Box 6, Fol. 1
77 The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state. Weekly Apr. 11, 1789 Dec. 27, 1800+ Continuation of The Georgia State gazette, or, Independent register. Continued by the Augusta chronicle, starting with the issue of January 1804. John Erdman Smith.
1789 Apr. 11-Dec. 26. 1 v.
Supplement: Sept. 19 (mutilated).
V. 124
1790 Jan. 23-Dec. 25. 1 v.
Supplement: Sept. 7.
Missing: Jan. 2, 9, 16.
V. 125
1791 Jan. 1-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Supplement: June 4, Dec. 10.
Bled: Dec. 24.
Missing: Mar. 5 (p. 3, 4).
V. 126
1792 Jan. 21-July 14.
Mutilated: Jan. 21, Mar. 24.
Missing: Jan. 7, 14.
V. 127
1795 Mar. 21-Dec. 19. 1 v.
Supplement: Apr. 18, July 18, Aug. 1, Sept. 5.
Missing: May 23 (p. 3, 4), 30, Aug. 15, Sept. 19, Oct. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 7, Dec. 12, 26.
V. 128
1789 Apr. 11-Dec. 26. (microfilm) (#1930)
1790 Jan. 3-Dec. 28. (microfilm) (#1930)
1794 Jan. 1-May 24. (microfilm) (#1930)
78 The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. Weekly Sept. 30, 1786 Apr. 11, 1789 Continued as The Augusta chronicle and gazette of the state, Apr. 11, 1789. John Erdman Smith.
1786 Oct. 21-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Note: Bound with this: 1787.
V. 129
1787 Jan. 6-Dec. 29. 1 v.
Note: Bound with 1786.
Bled.: Oct. 20, Nov. 10, l7, 24.
Mutilated: Apr. 7, 14, Oct. 13, Dec. 29.
Missing: Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, Dec. 8, 15.
V. 129
1788 Jan. 5-Dec. 27. 1 v.
Supplement: Aug. 26, Sept. 9.
Bled: Aug. 23, Sept. 6.
Mutilated: May 3.
V. 130
1789 Jan. 10-Apr. 4. 1 v. V. 131
1786-1789 Oct. 14-Apr. 4. (microfilm) (#1930)
Title Note
Independent register. See: The Georgia State gazette, or, Independent register.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
79 Southern centinel and gazette of the state. Weekly Dec. 5, 1793 Nov. 7, 1799. Alexander M'Millan. Alexander M'Millan.
1795 Oct. 1. Box 6, Fol. 2
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
80 Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. Semi-Weekly Mar. 4, 1796 Dec. 29, 1800+ Paged continuously from Mar. 4, 1796-Feb. 27, 1798. Merged with the Savannah gazette to form the Columbian Museum and Savannah daily gazette, starting with the issue of Feb. 3, 1817. Mar. 4, 1796, Powers & Seymour (Titus Powers and Gurdon I. Seymour; Powers died July 26, 1797).
July 28, 1797, Gurdon I. Seymour.
Dec. 12, 1797, Gurdon I. Seyour and Philip D. Woolhopter.
1796 Mar. 4-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Dec. 27.
Supplement: Nov. 22.
Mutilated: Mar. 4, June 3.
Missing: May 6 (p. 3, 4), 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27 (p. 1, 2).
V. 132
1797 Jan. 3-June 30. 1 v.
Extra: Feb. 3, 10, 17, Mar. 14.
Extraordinary: Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 14, 21, 24, Apr. 21, June 6.
Bled: Dec. 19, 22, 29.
Mutilated: Apr. 7, 21, May 16, 23, June 16.
Missing: Mar. 10, 21, 24, 28, 31, Apr. 11, 14, 18, 25, May 12, 26, June 2, 20, 23, 27.
V. 133
1797 July 4-Dec. 29.1 v.
Mutilated: July 14, 21, 28, Aug. 1, 4, 18, 29, Sept. 1, 8, Oct. 27, Dec. 1, 5.
Missing: July 7, 18, 25, Aug. 11, 15, Sept. 5, 15, 22, Oct. 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 31, Nov. 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, Dec. 8, 12.
V. 133A
1798 Jan. 5-June 29. 1 v. V. 134
July 3, 6, 13.
Aug. 14.
Sept. 14, 18, 25, 28.
Oct. 2, 12, 23.
Nov. 13, 20.
Dec. 18.
Bled: Jan. 5, 23, Sept. 25.
Mutilated: Jan. 9, Mar. 16, 23, Apr. 3, 24, 27, May 8, June 1, 12, 22, July 3, 6, Oct. 2, 23, Nov. 13, 20, Dec. 18.
Missing: Jan. 2, 16, 30, Feb. 6, 9, 13, 27, Mar. 2, 6, 9 (p. 3, 4), Apr. 10, May 4, 22, 25, 29, June 5, 15, 19.
Box 6, Fol. 3
1799 Jan. 8-June 28. 1 v.
Supplement: Jan. 22.
Bled: Mar. 19, 29, Apr. 2, May 24, June 4, 14, 21.
Mutilated: Feb. 1, 19, Mar. 19, 29, Apr. 5, May 21.
Missing: Jan. 1, 4, June 25.
V. 135
1799 July 2-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Bled: July 9, 16, 19, 26, 30, Aug. 13, 27, Sept. 10, 17, 20, 24, 27, Oct. 1, 8, 11, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 8, 19, 26, 29.
Mutilated: July 5, 23, Nov. 1, Dec. 13.
V. 136
1800 June 13.
July 11, 18, 22, 29.
Aug. 5, 8, 12, 15, 29.
Mutilated: June 13, July 11, June 25.
Box 6, Fol. 4
81 The Gazette of the state of Georgia. Weekly Jan. 30, 1783 Oct. 16, 1788 A revival of The Georgia gazette of 1763, with new numbering. Continued as the Georgia gazette, Oct. 23, 1788. James Johnston.
1783 Feb. 27-Dec. 25. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Mar. 17.
Bled: July 3.
Mutilated: Mar. 20, May 1, 22, 29, June 12, 19, 26, July 17, 24, Oct. 2.
Missing: Jan. 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, Mar. 27, May 15, June 5, July 10, Aug. 7, 21, 28, Sept. 25, Oct. 23 (p. 1, 2), Dec. 4, 11, 18.
V. 137
1784 Jan. 1-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Mutilated: Jan. 1, 8, Feb. 12, 26, Mar. 11, 18, May 13, 20, 27, June 3, Aug. 26, Sept. 9, 16, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11.
Missing: June 17, Sept. 30, Oct. 7.
V. 138
1785 Jan. 6-Dec. 22. 1 v.
Mutilated: Mar. 24, May 26, June 23, July 7, 21, 28, Sept. 8, 29, Oct. 6, 20, 27, Dec. 8, 15, 22.
Missing: June 16 (p. 3, 4), Sept. 22, Dec. 29.
V. 139
1786 Jan. 19. 1 v.
Oct. 19.
Dec. 14.
Mutilated: Dec. 14.
Box 6, Fol. 5
1787 Mar. 15.
May 24, 31.
July 26.
Sept. 13, 20.
Oct. 25.
Nov. 1.
Mutilated: Mar. 15, Sept. 20.
Box 6, Fol. 6
1788 Feb. 7 (p. 3, 4).
Sept. 18.
Box 6, Fol. 6
1783-1786 Jan. 30-Oct. 26. (microfilm) (#1930)
1787-1788 Jan. 4-Oct. 16. (microfilm) (#1930)
82 The Georgia gazette. Weekly Apr. 7, 1763 Feb. 7, 1776 This was the first newspaper published in Georgia. It ceased publication because of the war in 1776. The last issue located is that of Feb. 7, 1776. Revived Jan. 30, 1783 with the title, Gazette of the state of Georgia. Size varies: Apr. 7, 1763-Nov. 21, 1765, quarto; May 21, 1766-1776, folio. James Johnston.
1763 Apr. 7-Dec. 29. 1 v. photostat. V. 140
1764 Jan. 5-Dec. 27. 1 v. photostat. V. 141
1765 Jan. 3-Nov. 21. 1 v. photostat.
Mutilated: Nov. 21.
Note: Suspended publication with the issue of Nov. 21, 1765, as a result of the Stamp Act; resumed with the issue of May 21, 1766.
V. 142
1766 May 21-Dec. 31. 1 v.photostat. V. 143
1767 Jan. 7-Dec. 30. 1 v. photostat. V. 144
1768 Jan. 6-Dec. 28. 1 v. photostat.
Supplement: Apr. 6.
Bled: June 1, Aug. 3, 17, Nov. 2, 16, 23, Dec. 14.
Mutilated: Dec. 7.
V. 145
1769 Jan. 4-Dec. 27. 1 v. photostat.
Supplement: Aug. 30, Dec. 13.
Bled: Jan. 18, 25, Mar. 1, 8, 22, Apr. 19, June 7, 14, July 12, Aug. 16.
V. 146
1770 Jan. 3-May 23. 1 v. photostat.
Bled: Jan. 10, 24, Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14, 21, Apr. 11, 18, May 2, 9, 16, 23.
Missing: May 23 ( p. 3, 4).
V. 147
1774 July 27.
Aug. 10, 31.
Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28.
Oct. 12.
Mutilated: July 27, Aug. 10.
Box 6, Fol. 7
1775 June 21.
Aug. 23, 30.
Sept. 6, 20.
Box 6, Fol. 8
1763-1768 Apr. 7-May 23. (microprint)
1763-1768 Apr. 7-June 7. (microfilm) (#1930)
1768-1770 June 22-May 23. (microfilm) (#1930)
1774-1776 Jan. 5-Feb. 7. (microfilm) (#1930)
1763-1770 Apr. 7-May 23. (microfilm) (#2891)
83 Georgia gazette. Weekly Oct. 23, 1788 Dec. 25, 1800+ Continuation of The Gazette of the state of Georgia. Suspended with the issue of Nov. 24, 1796, because of the great Savannah fire, but revived on Sept. 2, 1797. The last issue was that Nov. 25, 1802. Oct. 23, 1788, James Johnston.
Jan. 7, 1790, James and Nicholas Johnston.
Sept. 2, 1797, N. Johnston & Co.
1789 June 4. Box. 6, Fol. 9
1790 Jan. 7-Dec. 30. l v.
Supplement: Nov. 11.
Mutilated: Mar. 25, Apr. 15, Oct. 28.
V. 148
1791 Jan. 6-Dec. 29. l v.
Mutilated: Jan. 20, Apr. 7.
V. 149
1792 Supplement: no.505. Box 6, Fol. 9
1793 Dec. 26.
Supplement: no. 539, no. 557.
Box 6, Fol. 10
1794 Mar. 6, 20.
May 22, 29.
Sept. 25.
Oct. 30.
Nov. 27.
Mutilated: Mar. 6, 20, Sept. 25.
Box 6, Fol. 11
1795 Apr. 16.
Nov. 19, 26.
Dec. 3, 10, 24.
Mutilated: Apr. 16, Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 24.
Box 6, Fol. 11
1796 Oct. 13.
Note: Publication suspended with the issue of Nov. 24, 1796, because of the great Savannah fire, but was revived on Sept. 2, 1797.
Box 6, Fol. 11
1797 Sept. 2-Dec. 29. l v.
Note: Bound with this: Jan. 5-Dec. 28, 1798.
Bled: Sept 2, 9, 16, Dec. 15, 22, 29.
Missing: Nov. 10.
V. 150
1798 Jan. 5-Dec. 27. l v.
Note: Bound with Sept. 2-Dec. 29, 1797.
Supplement: Dec. 27.
Bled: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, 16, Mar. 2, 16, May 18, June 1, 29, July 6, Aug. 16, 23, Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Dec. 13.
Mutilated: Feb. 2, May 4, Aug. 23, Dec. 6.
Missing: Jan. 19, 26, Mar. 9, 23.
V. 150
1799 Jan. 3-Nov. 7. l v.
Supplement: Jan. 10, Mar. 14, 28, Apr. 25, Nov. 21.
Bled: Jan. 10, 17, Mar. 14 supp., Apr. 11, 25, May 2, 9, Aug. 29.
Mutilated: Aug. 29, Oct. 17, Nov. 7, 21 supp.
Missing: Mar. 21, Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 24, 31, Nov. 14, 21.
V. 151
1800 Jan. 9-Dec. 25. l v.
Supplement: Apr. 10, 17.
Mutilated: Jan. 9, Feb. 6, Mar. 13.
Missing: Jan. 2, 23, 30, Feb. 13, 27, Mar. 6, Apr. 24, July 24, Aug. 21, Oct. 9.
V. 152
1788-1796 Oct. 23-Nov. 24. (microfilm) (#1930)
84 The Royal Georgia gazette. Weekly Jan. 21, 1779 June 6, 1782 The last issue located is that of June 6, 1782. The paper evidently ceased publication during that year. James Johnston revived The Gazette of the state of Georgia in January 1783. Jan. 21, 1779, John Daniel Hammerer.
Between Mar. 18, 1799 and Jan. 4, 1781, James Johnston.
1779 Feb. 11.
Mar. 11.
Mutilated: Mar. 11.
Box 6, Fol. 12
1779 Aug. 12, 19.
Note: Photographic reproduc- tions.
V. 153
1780 July 27.
Aug. 3, 31.
Sept. 7, 28.
Oct. 12.
Note: Photographic reproductions.
Bled: July 27, Sept. 7.
V. 153
1780 July 27.
Aug. 3, 31.
Sept. 7, 28.
Oct. 12.
Note: Negatives.
V. 153A
1782 Jan. 3, 24.
Mar. 14, 21.
Apr. 25.
May 23, 30.
June 6.
Box. 6, Fol. 12
1779 Feb. 11.
Mar. 11.
Aug. 12, 29.
(microfilm) (#1930)
1780 July 27.
Aug. 3, 31.
Sept. 7, 28.
Oct. 12.
(microfilm) (#1930)
1781 Jan.-Dec. (microfilm) (#1930)
1782 Jan. 3, 24.
Mar. 14, 21.
Apr. 25.
May 23, 30.
June 6.
(microfilm) (#1930)