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U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress


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Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
102 The Maryland gazette. Weekly Sept. 19, 1727 March (?), 1731 This was the first newspaper published in Maryland. This file consists of photostat copies from originals in the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R.I. The first issue located is that of Dec. 10, 1728., no. 65. The last issue located in this series is Dec. 22, 1730, although it probably continued publication until March 1731. Continued by The Maryland gazette reviv'd, when the publication was revived in December 1732. Sept. 19, 1727, William Parks.
1728 Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31. 1 v. photostats.
Note: Bound with this: 1729, 1730 photostats of The Maryland gazette (1727), photo- stats of The Maryland gazette reviv'd, and photostats of The Maryland gazette (1733).
Mutilated: Dec. 10
V. 185
1729 Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 (p. 1, 2)
Feb. 4, 11, 25 (p. 3, 4).
Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25.
Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
May 6, 20, 27.
June 3, 10, 17, 24.
July 1, 8, 15, 22.
Oct. 28. 1 v. photostats.
Note: Bound with 1728 photostats and 1730 photostats of The Maryland gazette (1727); photostats of The Maryland gazette reviv'd, and photostats of The Maryland gazette (1733).
Mutilated: Jan. 21, Mar. 4.
V. 185
1730 Mar. 3, 17, 31.
May 26.
June 9, 16.
Oct. 20.
Dec. 1, 15, 22. 1 v. photostats.
Note: Bound with 1728 and 1729 photostasts of The Maryland gazette (1727); The Maryland gazette reviv'd photostats; and The Maryland gazette (1733) photostats.
V. 185
103 The Maryland gazette. Weekly Apr. 13(?), 1733 Nov. (?) 1734 Continuation of The Maryland gazette reviv'd, sometime between Mar. 23 and Apr. 13, 1733. The last issue located is that of Nov. 22, 1737. The paper ceased publication either with this issue or soon after. Apr. 13, 1733, William Parks and Edmund Hall.
Between Apr. 20 and Dec. 28, 1733, William Parks.
1733 Apr. 13, Dec. 28. 1 v. photostat.
Note: Bound with The Maryland gazette (1727), 1728- 30 photostats, The Maryland gazette reviv'd, 1733 photostats, and The Maryland gazette (1733), 1734 photostats.
V. 185
1734 Jan. 18, Mar. 15 (p. 1, 2), May 24, July 19, Aug. 2, 9,
Sept. 27, Nov. 1, 22, 29. 1 v. photostats.
Note: Bound with The Maryland gazette (1727), 1728-30 photostats, The Maryland gazette reviv'd, 1733 photostats, and The Maryland gazette (1733), 1733 photostats.
V. 185
104 The Maryland gazette. Weekly Jan. 17, 1745 Dec. 25, 1800+ Between Jan. 17, 1745-Oct. 3, 1765, many issues have the following listed below the title: "Containing the freshest advices foreign and domestic." Some issues contain the words: "In uncertain hopes of resurrection to life again." Other issues contain either the words "expiring," "reviving," or "revived." The publication was suspended for a time in 1765 because of the Stamp Act. Continued by the Maryland gazette, and political intelligencer, starting with the issue of Jan. 28, 1813.
Size Varies: Quarto in 1746; other years folio.
Jan. 17, 1745, Jonas Green.
Oct. 26, 1759, Jonas Green and William Rind.
Jan. 30, 1766, Jonas Green. (Supplements of Oct. 17, 24, 31, 1765 and issue of Dec. 10, 1765, also printed by Jonas Green. He died in 1767.)
Apr. 16, 1767, Anne Catharine Green.
Jan. 7, 1768, Anne Catharine and William Green. (William Green died in 1770.)
Aug. 23, 1770, Anne Catharine Green.
Jan. 2, 1772, Anne Catharine Green and son (Frederick). She died Mar. 23, 1775.)
Mar. 30, 1775, Frederick Green.
Apr. 30, 1779, Fredrick and Samuel Green.
1746 Apr. 22.
Dec. 30.
Mutilated: Apr. 22, Dec. 30.
Box 7, # 5
1747 Jan. 20 (?).
Note: Title and issue date are torn off and the latest date appearing in the text is Jan. 20, 1746/47.
Box 7, # 5
1748 Oct. 26. Box 7, Fol. 5
1752 Apr. 16-Dec. 28. 1 v.
Mutilated: Apr. 30, May 7, Sept. 28.
Missing: May 14, 21, June 4, 11, July 9, Nov. 2, 30, Dec. 21.
V. 186
1753 Jan. 4-Dec. 6. 1 v.
Mutilated: Jan. 18, 25, July 26, Oct. 18.
Missing: Jan. 11, Mar. 1, Apr. 12, 26, May 3, 10, 24, June 7, 14 (p. 3, 4), Aug. 30, Sept. 13, 20, 27, Nov. 22, Dec. 13, 20, 27.
V. 187
1754 Jan. 17-Dec. 26. 1 v.
Bled: Feb. 7.
Mutilated: Jan. 17, Feb. 21, Mar. 28, Nov. 28, Dec. 19, 26.
Missing: Jan. 3, 10, 24, 31, Feb. 7 (p. 1, 2), 28, Mar. 7, June 13, Sept. 19 (p. 1, 2).
V. 188
1755 Jan. 2-Oct. 30. 1 v.
Mutilated: June 12, Aug. 21.
Missing: July 24, 31, Aug. 7, 14.
V. 189
1760 May 1.
June 12.
Aug. 21.
Sept. 11.
Box 7, Fol. 5A
1761 July 9, 16, 23, 30.
Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27.
Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24.
Oct. 1.
Photostat: Sept. 3.
Box 7, Fol. 6
1763 Oct. 6. Box 7, Fol. 7
1764 Jan. 26-Dec. 20. 1 v.
Supplement: May 3, 24.
Mutilated: July 26.
Missing: Jan. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 20 (p. 3, 4), 27.
V. 190
1765 Jan. 3-Dec. 10. 1 v.
(Bound with 1766 and 1767.)
Mutilated: July 4, 11, 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Sept. 5.
Missing: Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14, 28, Mar. 7, 21, 28, Apr. 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2, 16, 23, July 18, Sept. 26 (p. 3, 4).
Bled: Oct. 31.
Note: The newspaper ceased publication for a time in 1765 as a result of the Stamp Act. The issue of Oct. 10, 1765, no. 1066, was headed "Maryland gazette, expiring: In uncertain Hopes of a Resurrection to Life again. On Oct. 17, an unnumbered issue was published, entitled "A Supplement to the Maryland gazette, of last week; on Oct. 24 there appeared another issue entitled "Second before last"; and on Oct. 31 another issue entitled "Third and last supplement to the Maryland gazette, of the tenth instant". On Dec. 10, 1765, an issue was published entitled: "An Apparition of the late Maryland gazette, which is not dead, but only sleepeth", which announced its revival within a few weeks. On Jan. 30, 1766, there appeared "The Maryland gazette, reviving", no. 1067, resuming the former numbering and published by Jonas Green. This was followed by "The Maryland gazette, revived", no. 1068, on Feb. 20, 1766; and "The Maryland gazette", no. 1069, on Mar. 6, 1766, after which publication proceeded regularly.
V. 191
1766 Jan. 30-Dec. 26. 1 v.
Note: Bound with this: 1765.
Extraordinary: May 8, June 19.
Supplement: May 1.
Mutilated: May 1, June 19, extra. June 19, Oct. 30.
Missing: May 22 (p. 1, 2), Oct. 2, 9, Nov. 6.
Note: June 19, 1766, follows July 11, 1765.
V. 191
1767 Jan. 1-Oct. 8. (Bound with this: 1765.)
Mutilated: June 11.
Missing Feb. 19, 26, Mar. 5, 12, 19, Apr. 16, 23, 30, May 7, June 4, 25 (p. 3, 4), July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1.
Bled: Jan. 8.
V. 191
1768 May 19.
June 2, 16.
July 21.
Aug. 4, 18, 25.
Sept. 1, 8, 29.
Oct. 6, 20, 27.
Nov. 10, 17, 24.
Dec. 1.
Supplement: May 19, June 2, Oct. 20.
Mutilated: Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1.
Box 7, Fol. 8
1769 May 11. Box 7, Fol. 9
1771 Mar. 7.
June 27.
July 4.
Oct. 17 (p. 1, 2).
Mutilated: June 27.
Box 7, Fol. 10
1773 Apr. 22-Dec. 23. 1 v.
Supplement: May 6, 27, June 24.
Mutilated: June 10, July 1, 8, Sept. 16, Oct. 7, 14, Nov. 18, Dec. 2, 23.
V. 192
  Dec. 2. Box 7, Fol. 11
1774 May 26. Box 7, Fol. 11
1776 Mar. 28.
May 23.
June 27.
Box 7, Fol. 12
1777 Apr. 10.
Note: Suspended publication with the issue of Dec. 25, 1777; resumed with the issue of Apr. 30, 1779.
Box 7, Fol. 13
1784 Aug. 5, 19, 26. Box 7, Fol. 14
1786 May 25.
July 27.
Aug. 3, 17.
Sept. 28.
Oct. 5 (p. 1, 2), 19, 26.
Nov. 2, 30.
Box 7, Fol. 15
1787 Jan. 4, 18.
Feb. 15, 22.
June 21, 28.
Aug. 2, 9.
Sept. 27.
Oct. 4, 25.
Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
Dec. 6.
Mutilated: Feb. 22, June 28.
Box 7, Fol. 16
1788 May 1. Box 7, Fol. 17
1790 Jan. 7-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Missing: Jan. 7 (p. 3, 4), Feb. 18, Mar. 11, May 20, July 8, Aug. 12, 26, Oct. 21.
Mutilated: Oct. 7.
V. 193
1791 Jan. 20, 27. Box 7, Fol. 18
1792 Feb. 16.
May 17, 24.
Sept. 20.
Supplement: Sept. 27.
Fragment: Feb. 16.
Mutilated: May 17, 24.
Box 7, Fol. 19
1793 Apr. 18 (p. 1,2). Box 7, Fol. 19
1795 May 14-Dec. 31. 1 v. V. 194
1796 Jan. 7-Dec. 29. 1 v. V. 195
1797 Jan. 5-Dec. 28. 1 v. V. 196
1798 Jan. 4-May 10. 1 v.
Mutilated: May 10.
V. 197
1800 Sept. 4.
Nov. 20.
Box 7, Fol. 20
1745-1800+ Jan. 17-Dec. 25+ (microfilm) (#1181)
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
105 The Maryland gazette and Annapolis advertiser. Weekly April 1779 (?) Established in April 1779, judging from the date of the earliest issue located, that of July 9, 1779, vol. 1, no. 15. The only other known issue is an "Extraordinary" no. 17, presumably published July 23, 1779. James Hayes, Jr.
1779 July 9 (vol. 1, no. 15). Box 7, Fol. 21
106 The Maryland gazette reviv'd. Weekly Dec. 1732 Mar. 16 (?), 1733 Continuation of The Maryland gazette (1727). Ceased sometime in March 1733. Continued by The Maryland gazette (1733), sometime between March 23 and April 13, 1733. December 1732, William Parks and Edmund Hall.
1733 Feb. 2, 9, Mar. 16. 1 v. photostat.
Note: Bound with The Maryland gazette (1727), 1728-1730 photostats; and The Maryland gazette (1733) photostats.
V. 185
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
107 American and daily advertiser. Daily May 14, 1799 Dec. 31, 1800+ Continued by the American and Baltimore daily advertiser, starting with the issue Nov. 30, 1801. Alex Martin.
1799-1800. May 16-May 13. (microfilm) (#2292)
1800. June 6-Dec. 31. (microfilm) (#2292)
Title Note
The Baltimore advertiser (1786). See: The Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore advertiser.
The Baltimore daily advertiser (1787). See: The Palladium of freedom, or, The Baltimore daily advertiser.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
108 The Baltimore daily intelligencer. Daily Oct. 28, 1793 Oct. 29, 1794 Continuation of the Baltimore daily repository. Continued by the Federal intelligencer, and Baltimore daily gazette, starting with the issue of Oct. 30, 1794. Leonard Yundt and William Patton.
1793 Oct. 29-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Bled: Oct. 30.
Mutilated: Oct. 29, Nov. 1.
Missing: Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Dec. 6, 7, 17, 19 (p. 1, 2).
V. 198
1794 Jan. 1-Mar. 31. 1 v.
Postscript: Jan. 17.
Missing: Jan. 28.
V. 199
  Apr. 1-June 30. 1 v.
Mutilated: Apr. 5, 7, May 3.
V. 200
  July 1-Oct. 29. 1 v.
Mutilated: Sept. 24.
Extraordinary: Aug. 20.
Broadside: Sept. 27.
V. 201
1793-1794 Oct. 28-Oct. 29. (microprint)
1793-1794 Oct. 28-Oct. 29. (microfilm) #2892
109 The Baltimore daily repository. Daily Oct. 24, 1791 Oct. 19, 1793 The last issue located is that of Oct. 19, 1793, and it probably ceased publication with this issue. Continued by The Baltimore daily intelligencer, starting with the issue of Oct. 28, 1793.
Size Varies: Oct. 1791-Aug. 1792, quarto. Apr.-Oct. 1793, folio.
Oct. 24. 1791, David Graham.
Apr. 29, 1793, David Graham, Leonard Yundt, and William Patton.
1791 Oct. 25-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Supplement: Dec. 3.
Mutilated: Oct. 25.
Missing: Oct. 24.
V. 202
1792 Jan. 2-June 30. 1 v.
Carrier's Address: Jan. 2,
Supplement: Apr. 2, 5, 9, 11, 16, 19, 25,
May 2, 12, 15, 23, 31,
June 8.
V. 203
  July 2-Aug. 30. 1 v. V. 204
  Sept. 4. Box 41, Fol. 35
1793 Apr. 29-Oct. 19. 1 v.
Supplement: Aug. 5.
V. 205
110 The Baltimore evening post. Daily July 13-30, 1792; Oct. 30, 1792 Oct. 1 (?), 1793. For the brief period between July 31-Oct. 29, 1792, title was known as The Baltimore evening post and daily advertiser. With the issue of Oct. 30, 1792, title again became known as The Baltimore evening post. Sometime in October 1793 title continued by Edwards's Baltimore daily advertiser. Philip Edwards.
1792 July 28. Box 7, Fol. 22
1792 July 13-30; Oct. 31- Dec. 31. (microfilm) (#2892)
1793 Jan. 11-14, Mar. 2, Apr. 25, 27, July 18, 19, 20, Sept. 17-21, 24, 27, 28, 30.
Mutilated: Sept. 30.
(microfilm) (#2892)
111 The Baltimore evening post and daily advertiser. Daily July 31, 1792 Oct. 29, 1792 Continuation of The Baltimore evening post. The issues of Oct. 24 and 25 were known as: The Baltimore morning post and daily advertiser. A second issue published on Oct. 25 was also known as The Baltimore evening post and daily advertiser. With the issue of Oct. 30, 1792, title continued by The Baltimore evening post. Philip Edwards.
1792 July 31-Oct. 29. (microfilm) (#2892)
Title Note
The Baltimore general advertiser. See: Dunlap's Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore general advertiser.
The Baltimore morning post and daily advertiser. See: The Baltimore evening post and daily advertiser.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
112 The Baltimore telegraphe. Daily Mar. 23, 1795 Dec. 19 (?), 1796 Continued by the City gazette & daily telegraphe, sometime between Dec. 19, 1796 and Feb. 11, 1797. Thomas E. Clayland and Thomas Dobbin.
1795 May 11-16.
Aug. 26.
Nov. 9.
Dec. 7-10.
Bled: Aug. 26, Nov. 9.
Mutilated: May 11.
Box 7, Fol. 23.
1796 Mar. 1, 7.
Sept. 22.
Oct. 18.
Mutilated: Mar. 7.
Box 7, Fol. 24
113 Dunlap's Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore general advertiser. Weekly May 2, 1775 Sept. 8, 1778 In May and June 1778, several issues were printed in reduced size because of scarcity of paper, and the title shortened to Dunlaps' Maryland gazette. Continued by The Maryland gazette, and Baltimore general advertiser, starting with the issue of Sept. 15, 1778. John Dunlap.
1775 Oct. 31. Box 8, Fol. 1
1776 July 23.
Aug. 6. Mutilated: Aug. 6.
Box 8, Fol. 1
114 Edwards's Balt. daily advertiser. Daily Nov. 1 (?), 1794 Nov. 20 (?), 1794 Continuation of Edwards's Baltimore daily advertiser, starting the new title sometime between Oct. 5-Nov. 1, 1794. Issues of Nov. 15 and 20, 1794 contain no period after the word "Balt" in the title. Continued by Edwards's daily advertiser, sometime between Nov. 21-Dec. 18, 1794. Philip Edwards.
1794 Nov. 19, 20. Box 8, Fol. 2
114.1 Edwards's Baltimore daily advertiser. Daily Oct. 21 (?), 1793 Oct. 4 (?), 1794 Continuation of The Baltimore evening post, the earliest issue located containing the new title, that of Oct. 21, 1793. Continued by Edwards's Balt. daily advertiser, sometime between Oct. 4- Nov. 1, 1794. Philip Edwards.
1794 July 25.
Sept. 12.
Mutilated: Sept. 12.
Box 8, Fol. 2
115 Federal gazette & Baltimore daily advertiser. Daily Jan. 1, 1796 Dec. 31, 1800+ Continuation of the Federal intelligencer and Baltimore daily gazette, beginning the new title Jan. 1, 1796. Continued by The Baltimore gazette and daily advertiser, July 1, 1825. Leonard Yundt and Matthew Brown.
1796 Jan. 2-Mar. 31. 1 v.
Extra: Mar. 12, 28.
Supplement: Mar. 4, 21.
Mutilated: Jan. 2, 4.
Missing: Jan. 1, 5, 6, Mar. 3.
V. 206
1796 Apr. 1-June 30. 1 v.
Postscript: Apr. 25.
Supplement: Apr. 5, 11, 13, 15, 18, 30, May 6, 9, 11, 28, June 13.
V. 207
1796 July 1-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Oct. 9.
Supplement: Aug. 5, 22, Sept. 2, 20, Oct. 6, 20, 24, 27, Nov. 24, Dec. 26.
Mutilated: Sept. 13, Oct. 7.
Missing: July 5, Dec. 27, 30 (p. 3, 4).
V. 208
1796 Jan. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.
Mar. 3.
Note: 1 binder photostats.
V. 209
1797 Jan. 2-Mar. 31. 1 v.
Supplement: Jan. 14, Mar. 25.
Mutilated: Jan. 10.
V. 210
1797 Apr. 1-June 30. 1 v.
Extra: June 28.
Supplement: Apr. 3, 10, 17, May 26, June 10.
Mutilated: Apr. 15, 24, May 19.
V. 211
1797 July 3-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Extraordinary: July 10, 11, Aug. 4, Oct. 7, Nov. 9, 20, Dec. 11, 22, 25.
Bled: July 15, 20, Aug. 4, 19, Dec. 2.
Mutilated: Dec. 9.
Missing: July 4 (probably not issued: no change in numbering between July 3 and July 5).
V. 212
1798 Jan. 1-Mar. 31. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Jan. 6, Feb. 5, Mar. 5, 8.
Bled: Mar. 24.
Mutilated: Jan. 4.
V. 213
1798 Apr. 2-June 30. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Apr. 2, 9, 11.
Postscript: June 23.
Supplement: Apr. 26, May 7, 12, 21, 26, 29, June 2, 4, 6, 12, 19, 21.
V. 214
1798 July 2-Sept. 29. 1 v.
Bled: July 19.
Missing: July 6, Aug. 1.
V. 215
1798 Oct. 1-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Extra: Oct. 15.
Supplement: Oct. 13, Dec. 12.
Bled: Nov. 21.
Mutilated: Nov. 29, Dec. 31.
V. 216
1799 Jan. 1-June 29. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Mar. 18, 27, Apr. 5, 19, 24, June 26, 28.
Missing: Feb. 2.
V. 217
1799 July 1-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Extraordinary: July 11, 16, 22, 29, Sept. 14, 18.
Supplement: Sept. 30, Oct. 8, 19, Dec. 11.
V. 218
1800 Jan. 2-Feb. 17. 1 v.
Supplement: Jan. 11, 30.
Bled: Jan. 28, 29, 30, Feb. 14.
Missing: Jan. 4, 7, 13 (p. 3, 4), Feb. 12.
V. 219
1800 July 1-Dec. 31. 1 v.
Supplement: Nov. 1, 8, 12, 19, 24.
Bled: Sept. 24.
Mutilated: Dec. 29.
Missing: Aug. 26.
V. 220
1800 April 12 (supplement). Box 8, Fol. 3
1796-1800+ Jan. 1-Dec. 31+ (microfilm) (#3390)
116 Federal Intelligencer and Baltimore daily gazette. Daily Oct. 30, 1794 Dec. 30, 1795 Continuation of the Baltimore daily intelligencer, beginning the new title Oct. 30, 1794. Continued by the Federal gazette & Baltimore daily advertiser, Jan. 1, 1796. Leonard Yundt and Matthew Brown.
1794 Oct. 30-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Extra: Nov. 15, 17, 22, Dec. 10, 27.
Missing: Dec. 26.
V. 222.
1795 Jan. 1-Mar. 31. 1 v.
Mutilated: Jan. 3, Mar. 20.
Missing: Mar. 19.
V. 223
1795 Apr. 1-June 30. 1 v.
Extraordinary: Apr. 4.
Supplement: June 15.
V. 224
1795 July 1-Sept. 30. 1 v.
Supplement: July 3, Sept. 21.
Mutilated: Aug. 12, Sept. 3, 12.
Missing: Sept. 2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 17, 18.
V. 225
1795 Oct. 3-Dec. 21. 1 v.
Supplement: Oct. 26, 28, Nov. 2.
Missing: Oct. 2, 9, 16, 29, 30, Nov. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, Dec. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
V. 226
117 The Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore advertiser. Semi-Weekly, Weekly Jan. 10, 1786 Jan. 6, 1792 Continuation of The Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore general advertiser. Ceased publication with the issue of Jan. 6, 1792.
Periodicity varies: Jan. 10, 1786, semi-weekly. May 23, 1786, weekly. Feb. 27, 1787, semi-weekly.
Apr. 9, 1784, John Hayes.
1786 Jan. 27, 31.
Mar. 14, 24, 31.
Apr. 25.
Mutilated: Mar. 24, 31, Apr. 25.
Box 8, Fol. 5
  May 23-Dec. 26.
Supplement: June 20, Nov. 14.
1 v. V. 230
1787 Jan. 2-June 29.
Postscript: Feb. 6.
Mutilated: June 12.
1 v. V. 231
  July 3-Dec. 28.
Mutilated: July 10, 24.
Missing: Aug. 3, Oct. 19.
1 v. V. 232
1788 June 24 (p. 1, 2).
Dec. 2, 16, 19, 26 (p. 1, 2).
Mutilated: June 24, Dec. 2, 19.
Box 8, Fol. 6
1789 Jan. 2-June 30.
Mutilated: Apr. 10, 14, June 2, 19.
Missing: Feb. 13 (p. 3, 4), Apr. 17, 21, 24, 28, May 1
1 v. V. 233
  July 3-Dec. 22.
Fragment: Dec. 22.
Mutilated: July 10, Aug. 18, 28, Nov. 24, 27, Dec. 1, 8, 11, 15, 18.
Missing: Nov. 17, 20, Dec. 18 (p. 3, 4), 25, 29.
1 v. V. 234
1790 Aug. 13.
Oct. 8.
Dec. 28.
Supplement: Apr. 27.
Mutilated: Oct. 8, Dec. 28.
Box 8, Fol. 7
118 The Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore general advertiser. Weekly, Semi-Weekly May 16, 1783 Jan. 4, 1786 Revival of The Maryland gazette, and Baltimore general advertiser. Continued by The Maryland gazette, or, The Baltimore advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 10, 1786.
Periodicity varies: May 16, 1783-May 20, 1785, weekly. May 24, 1785-Jan. 4, 1786, semi-weekly.
May 16, 1783, John Hayes.
Oct. 31, 1783, John Hayes and Jacob A. Killen.
Apr. 9, 1784, John Hayes.
1783 June 27-Dec. 26.
Postscrit: Aug. 1.
Supplement: June 20, July 11, 25, Oct. 3, Nov. 28, Dec. 5.
Missing: Aug. 15.
1 v. V. 227
1784 Jan. 2-Dec. 31.
Postscript: Mar. 5, May 7, Aug. 13.
Supplement: Apr. 23, 30, May 14, June 4, Oct. 22.
Mutilated: Apr. 16, July 23.
1 v. V. 228
1785 Jan. 7-May 13.
Mutilataed: Apr. 22, May 6, 13.
1 v. V. 229
119 The Maryland journal, and Baltimore advertiser. Weekly, Semi-Weekly Aug. 28 (?), 1776 Dec. (?), 1794 Continuation of The Maryland journal, and the Baltimore advertiser, starting the new title sometime between July 17 and Aug. 28, 1776. Merged with Edward's' Baltimore daily advertiser to form the Maryland journal, and Baltimore universal daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 1, 1795.
Periodicity varies: Aug. 28 (?), 1776-Mar. 11, 1783, weekly.
Mar. 14, 1783-Oct. 29, 1793, semi-weekly.
Nov. 1, 1793-Oct. 15, 1794, tri-weekly.
Oct. 17-Dec. (30?), 1794, semi-weekly.
Aug. 28 (?), 1776, Mary K. Goddard.
Jan. 2, 1784, William Goddard and Mary K. Goddard.
Jan. 6, 1784, William Goddard.
Jan. 25, 1785, William Goddard and Edward Langworth.
Jan. 31, 1786, William Goddard.
Aug. 7, 1789, William Goddard and James Angell.
Feb. 22, 1793, James Angell.
Nov. 1 1793, James Angell & Paul J. Sullivan.
June 11, 1794, James Angell (Oct. 1-24 lacks publisher's name).
Oct. 31, 1794, Francis Brumfield & Co.
1776 Aug. 28 (p. 1, 2).
Dec. 11.
Box. 8, Fol. 11
1777 Feb. 4-Dec. 30.
Supplement: May 6.
Mutilated: May 27, Oct. 28.
Missing: Feb. 11, 18, 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25.
1 v. V. 235
1778 Jan. 6-Dec. 15.
Extraordinary: Oct. 19, Nov. 9.
Supplement: Apr. 14, 21, 28.
Missing: May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2, 9, 23, 30, July 7, 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 27, Nov. 3, 10 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. V. 236
1779 July 6, 20, 27.
Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24.
Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28.
Oct. 5, 12 (p. 3, 4), 19, 26.
Nov. 2, 16, 23.
Mutilated: Oct. 12, 19.
Box 8, Fol. 12
1780 Feb. 1, 8.
Mar. 14.
June 12, 13, 20.
July 4 and supp., 11, 18.
Aug. 1.
Oct. 17, 24.
Extraordinary: June 12, 20.
Supplement: July 4.
Mutilated: June 13.
Box 8, Fol. 13
1781 Feb. 6, 27.
Apr. 24.
May 8.
June 19.
Oct. 2, 23.
Mutilated: Oct. 2.
Box 8, Fol. 14
1782 Apr. 30.
May 7.
July 9.
Sept. 10, 17.
Oct. 1, 29.
Nov. 5, 12, 26.
Dec. 3, 10, 31.
Supplement: Sept. 17, Nov. 26.
Mutilated: Sept. 10.
Box 8, Fol. 15
1783 Jan. 14-Dec. 30.
Extraordinary: June 17, July 22.
Supplement: Jan. 14, 21, Feb. 11, Mar. 4, 11, Apr. 22, 29, Dec. 19, 30.
Missing: Jan. 7, Mar. 14, 18, 28, Apr. 11, June 6, July 4, 11, 18, Sept. 5, Oct. 3, 7, Dec. 2.
1 v. V. 237
1784 Apr. 27.
July 23.
Dec. 28.
Box 8, Fol. 16
1785 Feb. 25.
Apr. 8, 12.
May 20.
Aug. 9, 26.
Sept. 20.
Oct. 4, 7, 28.
Nov. 4, 18, 25.
Dec. 6, 23.
Mutilated: Apr. 8, 12, Aug. 26, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, 18, 25, Dec. 23.
Box 8, Fol. 17
1786 Jan. 24-Dec. 29.
Extraordianry: Nov. 15.
Fragment: May 5, 16.
Mutilated: Jan. 31, Feb. 3, 7, 10, 21, Mar. 7, 14, 24, 31, Apr. 4, 7, 14, 18, 21, 25, May 9, 12, 19, June 9, 13, 27, Aug. 4, 18, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, Dec. 12.
Missing: Jan. 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, July 11, Aug. 15.
Note: Two editions of Dec. 12.
1 v. V. 238
1787 Jan. 2-Dec. 28.
Extraordinary: Jan. 23, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 3, 17, May 8, 18, 25, June 15, July 31, Aug. 3, 14, 31, Sept. 25, Oct. 23, 26, Nov. 2, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30, Dec. 4, 7, 14, 18, 21.
Postscript: July 24.
Supplement: July 13.
Bled: Jan. 12, Oct. 9.
Mutilated: Feb. 13, 27, Mar. 13, 23, May 11, 25 extraordinary, June 5, 12, 22, 26, Aug. 3 extra- ordinary, Sept. 11, Oct. 30, Nov. 16 extraordinary, 27, Dec. 4, 11.
Missing: Jan. 9, 19, Feb. 6, Mar. 6, Apr. 10 (p. 3, 4), 17, June 19 (p. 1, 2), July 3, 6, Aug. 21, 24.
1 v. V. 239
1788 Jan. 1-Dec. 30.
Extraordinary: Feb. 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29, Mar. 4, 14, 18, 25, Apr. 1, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 16, 20, 27, June 3, 10, 17, 24, July 4, 11, 15, 25, Aug. 1, 5, 26, Sept. 5, 12, 26, 30, Oct. 4.
Postscript: Jan. 25.
Supplement: Mar. 18, Apr. 4, 8, 15.
Fragment: June 20.
Mutilated: Jan. 1, 25, 29, Feb. 5, Mar. 25, Apr. 25, May 13, 27, June 17 extraordinary; 20, 24, July 25 extraordinary; Aug. 5 and extraordinary; 12, 26, Sept. 19, 23, 26 extraordinary; Oct. 4 extraor- dinary; 31, Nov. 25.
Missing: Jan. 11, June 6, July 18, 22 (p. 1, 2), Oct. 4, Nov. 4, 7, Dec. 30 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. V. 240
1789 Jan. 2-Dec. 29.
Extra: May 22,, 26, 29, June 5, 9, 16, 19, 23, 26, July 3, 7, 17, 24, Aug. 4, 18, Sept. 22, Oct. 13, 20, 27, Nov. 13, 20.
Mutilated: Sept. 15.
1 v. V. 241
1790 Jan. 1-Dec. 31.
Extra: Jan. 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar. 2, 9, 16, 19, 23, 30, Apr. 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 7, 11, 18, 21, 28, June 1, 4, 11, 15, 18, 22, 29, July 9, 16, Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24, Sept. 3, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 19, 22, 26, Nov. 2. Supplement: Sept. 28.
Mutilated: Jan. 8 extra; Apr. 2, June 1 extra.
1 v. V. 242
1791 Jan. 4-Dec. 30.
Extra: Mar. 18, 22, Apr. 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 10, 13, 17, 24, 27, 31, June 3, 17, 21, 28, July 5, 19, 29, Aug. 9, 23, 29, Dec. 17.
1 v. V. 243
1792 Jan. 3-Dec. 25.
Extra: Mar. 23, 30, Apr. 6, 13 (2 editions), 17, May 1, 11, June 5, 15, Sept. 28.
Supplement: Feb. 24.
Bled: June 5 (extra); 29, July 6.
Mutilated: Mar. 6, Apr. 17 extra; 24, 27, Nov. 9, 16, 30.
Missing: Jan. 6, 10, 13, Feb. 10, June 8, 22, Nov. 20, Dec. 28.
1 v. V. 244
1793 Jan. 1-June 28.
Extra: Feb. 19.
Bled: Apr. 26.
Missing: Jan. 8, 18, 26, 29, Feb. 1, 5, 12, 19 extra; May 10, 14, June 25.
1 v. V. 245
  July 2-Dec. 23.
Extra: Nov. 4.
Bled: Oct. 8.
Mutilated: July 30, Oct. 29, Nov. 1, 4, 4 extra; Dec. 23.
Missing: July 12, 23, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 22, 25, 27, Dec. 13, 25, 27, 30.
1 v. V. 246
1794 Jan. 29-June 27.
Bled: Apr. 25.
Missing: Jan. 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, Feb. 19, Mar. 5, 7, 17, 19, Apr. 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 28, 30, May 2, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, June 30.
1 v. V. 247
  July 7-Dec. 30.
Bled: Oct. 21.
Missing: July 2, 4, Sept. 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, Oct. 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 28, Nov. 21, 28, Dec. 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30.
1 v. V. 248
120 Maryland journal & Baltimore daily advertiser. Daily Aug. 2, 1796 Feb. 28, 1797 Continuation of the Maryland journal & Baltimore advertiser (1795). Continued by the Maryland journal, starting with the issue of Mar. 21, 1797, after suspending publication between Mar. 1-20, 1797. Aug. 2, 1796, Philip Edwards and William C. Smyth.
Sept. 8, 1796, Philip Edwards.
Jan. 2, 1797, D. Finchete Freebairn.
1796 Sept. 23 (mutilated). Box 8, Fol. 19
121 Maryland journal, and Baltimore universal daily advertiser. Daily Jan. 1, 1795 Oct. 25, 1795 Formed by the merger of the Maryland journal, and Baltimore advertiser with Edwards's Baltimore daily advertiser. Continued by the Maryland journal & Baltimore advertiser (1795), starting with the issue of Oct. 26, 1795. Jan. 1, 1795, Philip Edwards & Co.
June 18, 1795, Philip Edwards and John W. Allen.
1795 Jan. 15.
Oct. 13.
Box 8, Fol. 18
122 The Maryland journal, and the Baltimore advertiser. Weekly Aug. 20, 1773 July 10 (?), 1776 Continued by The Maryland journal, and Baltimore advertiser, the new title starting sometime between July 10 and Aug. 28, 1776. Aug. 20, 1773, William Goddard.
Feb. 13-May 3, 1775, no publisher given.
May 10, 1775, Mary Katherine Goddard.
1773 Aug. 20 (facsimile).
Dec. 18 (facsimile).
Box 8, Fol. 8
  Aug. 20.
Note: Folder consists of 28 facsimile cop- ies.
Box 36, Fol. 32.
1774 Nov. 7 (mutilated). Box 8, Fol. 9
1775 May 3, 10.
July 19.
Aug. 9.
Nov. 1.
Mutilated: Nov. 1.
Reprint: May 3, 10.
Box 8, Fol. 10
1776 Apr. 24.
July 10.
Box 8, Fol. 11
123 The Palladium of freedom, or, The Baltimore daily advertiser. Daily Aug. 2 (?), 1787 (?) Established Aug. 2, 1787, judging from the first and only issue located, that of Aug. 8, 1787, vol. 1, no. 6. Probably continued only a few weeks before ceasing publication. Maurice Murphy and Richard Bowen.
1787 Aug. 8. (microprint)
124 The Telegraphe and daily advertiser. Daily June 1, 1797 Dec. 31, 1800 Continuation of the City gazette & daily telegraphe, which was formerly The Baltimore telegraphe. The last issue located is that of Feb. 6, 1807. June 1, 1797, Thomas E. Clayland & Thomas Dobbin.
Jan. 1, 1799, Thomas Dobbin (Clayland died Dec. 4, 1797, but his name appeared in the imprint until Jan. 1, 1799.)
1797 June 28. Box 8, Fol. 20
1798 July 4, 6.
Aug. 1, 7.
Box 8, Fol. 21
1799 Mar. 12.
Dec. 17.
Box 8 Fol. 22
Title Note
Eastern Shore political luminary. See: Republlican star, or, Eastern Shore political luminary.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
125 Herald and Eastern Shore intelligencer. Weekly Nov. 5 (?), 1799 Dec. 30, 1800+ Continuation of The Maryland herald, and Eastern Shore intelligencer, the new title starting on Oct. 29 or Nov. 5, 1799. Ceased publication with the issue of Nov. 13, 1804. James Cowan.
1790 Nov. 19. Box 8, Fol. 23
1800 Sept. 2.
Dec. 16.
Box 8, Fol. 24
Title Note
The Maryland herald, & c. See: The Maryland herald, and Eastern Shore intelligencer.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
126 The Maryland herald, and Eastern Shore intelligencer. Weekly May 11, 1790 Oct. 29 (?), 1799 Continued as the Herald and Eastern Shore intelligencer, on Oct. 29 or Nov. 5, 1799. The issue of Aug. 26, 1794 has the shortened title: The Maryland herald & c. James Cowan.
1791 Dec. 7 (mutilated). Box 8, Fol. 25
1792 July 24. Box 8, Fol. 25
1794 Aug. 26. Box 8, Fol. 25
1796 Apr. 5. Box 8, Fol. 25
1798 Aug. 7, 21, 28.
Sept. 4, 25.
Oct. 2.
Nov. 20, 27.
Dec. 11.
Mutilated: Nov. 20.
Box 8, Fol. 26
1799 July 30. Box 8, Fol. 26
127 Republican star, or, Eastern Shore political luminary. Weekly August (?), 1799 Dec. 30, 1800+ Established in late August 1799, judging from the date of the first issue located, that of Feb. 11, 1800, vol. 1, no. 25. Continued by the Republican star, or, Eastern Shore general advertiser, with the issue of Sept. 7, 1802. Thomas Perrin Smith.
1800 Dec. 23. Box 8, Fol. 27
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
128 Bartgis's federal gazette, or, The Frederick County weekly advertiser. Weekly Aug. 30, 1797 Apr. 23 (?), 1800 Continuation of Bartgis's federal gazette, or, The Frederick-town and County, weekly advertiser. The last issue located is that of Apr. 23, 1800. Continued by Bartgis's republican gazette, sometime after Apr. 23 and before the end of 1800. Matthias Bartgis.
1798 Sept. 5. (facsmile, mutilated). Box 8, Fol. 28
1798 Sept. 5-Dec. 26.
Supplement: Sept. 20, 26.
Mutilated: Sept. 5.
Box 8, Fol. 30
1799 Jan. 2-Dec. 25.
Extraordinary: Apr. 10-Sept. 11.
Missing: May 29.
Box 8, Fol. 30
1799 Dec. 25.
Note: Facsimile.
Box 8, Fol. 28
1800 Jan. 1-Apr. 30.
Mutilated: Mar. 5, Apr. 30.
Missing: Apr. 23.
Box 8, Fol. 30
129 Bartgis's Marylandische zeitung. Bi-Weekly Oct. 1785 (?) The only copy located is that of Feb. 18, 1789, no. 89. Ceased publication in 1789. In German; some notices in English. Matthias Bartgis.
1789 Feb. 18. (microprint)
Title Note
The Frederick County weekly advertiser. See: Bartgis's federal gazette, or, The Frederick County weekly advertiser.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
130 The Maryland gazette, and Frederick weekly advertiser. Weekly Feb. 1790 1791 (?). Established in February 1790, judging from the date of the first issue located, that of Dec. 11, 1790, vol. 1, no. 43. Continued by The Maryland gazette, and Frederick-Town weekly advertiser, sometime during the first half of 1791. John Winter.
1790 Sept. 11.
Note: Both positive and negative photstats.
Box 8, Fol. 29