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U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Rhode Island

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Title Note
An Occasional paper, containing the most importan;t and authentic advices. See: The Newport mercury.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
646 The Companion; and commercial centinel. Weekly May 2, 1798 Sept. 8, 1798 Continued by the Weekly companion; and the commercial centinel, starting with the issue of Sept. 15, 1798. Havila and Oliver Farnsworth.
1798 May 2 (photostat). Box 27, Fol. 14
1798 May-Sept microfilm #3021
Title Note
Freshest advices, foreign and domestic. See: The Newport mercury.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
647 Gazette francoise. Weekly Nov. 17, 1780 Jan. 2, 1781 A facsimile reprint of a newspaper printed at Newport on the printing press of the French fleet in American waters during the Revolutinary War. New York, Grolier Club, 1926. This is shelved in the newspaper collection, but a second copy is classified as F89.N5G2. There is also a photostat reproduction from the originals in the Rhode Island Historical Society made by the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, 1927, classified as F89.N5G22. In French. The last issue located is that of Jan. 2, 1781. N/A
1780 Nov. 17-Dec. 30.
Note: Facsimile reprint. Bound with this: 1781.
V. 1414
1781 Supplement: Jan. 2 (mutilated).
Note: Facsimile reprint. Bound with 1780.
V. 1414
1780-1781 Nov. 17-Dec. 30. (microprint)
1780 Nov. 17-Dec. 30. Supplement: Dec. 30 (mutilated). (microfilm) #2910
648 The Guardian of liberty. Weekly Oct. 3, 1800+ Dec. 27, 1800+ Continued by Rhode-Island republican, starting with the issue of Oct. 3, 1801. Oliver Farnsworth.
1800 Nov. 1 (photostat).
Dec. 13, 20.
Box 27, Fol. 15
1800+ Oct. 3-Dec. 27. (microfilm) #3021
649 The Newport gazette. Weekly Jan. 16, 1777 Oct. 6, 1779 The last issue located is that of Oct. 6, 1779. The British evacuated Newport, Oct. 25, 1779. John Howe.
1777 Jan. 16-Dec. 26.
Mutilated: Jan. 16.
Missing: Jan. 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, May 22, June 19, July 10, Aug. 28, Oct. 2, 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 4.
1 v. photostat. V. 1415
1778 Jan. 1-Nov. 19.
Missing: Jan. 15, June 4, 11, 18, July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Aug. 6, 13, 20, Sept. 3, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, Nov. 5, 12, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 24, 31.
1 v. photostat. V. 1416
1779 Mar. 25-Oct. 6.
Broadside: By Commodore Sir George Collier, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ship and vessels in North America: and Major General William Tryon, Comanding His Majesty's Land Forces separate expedition. Address to the inhabitants of Connecticut. Newport, July 5.
Extraordinary: July 31.
Mutilated: Aug. 5.
Missing: Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11, 18, Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct. 6 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. photostat. V. 1417
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
650 The Newport herald. Weekly Mar. 1, 1787 Sept. 17, 1791 The last issue located is that of Sept. 17, 1791. Peter Edes.
1787 Mar. 22-Dec. 27.
Bled: May 3.
Mutilated: Oct. 4, Nov. 29.
Missing: Mar. 1, 8, 15, 29, Apr. 12, 19, May 17, 24, 31, July 5, Aug. 23.
1 v. V. 1418
1788 Jan. 3-Dec. 25.
Missing: Feb. 7, 21, 28, Mar. 6, 27, Apr. 3, 24, May 22, 29, June 5, 12, 26, July 10, 24, Aug. 7, 14, 28, Sept. 11, Oct. 2, 23, 30.
1 v. V. 1419
1789 Jan. 1.
Feb. 5
Mar. 5.
Apr. 9, 23.
May 7, 21, 28.
June 4, 11, 25.
July 2, 16.
Aug. 6, 13, 20.
Sept. 3.
Oct. 1.
Nov. 12.
Dec. 10.
Mutilated: June 25.
Box 27, Fol. 16
1790 Jan. 28.
Feb. 4, 11.
Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25.
Apr. 1, 8, 15.
May 20.
June 10.
July 1, 15, 22, 29.
Aug. 5, 12, 26.
Sept. 23.
Nov. 18.
Mutilated: Feb. 4.
Box 27, Fol. 17
1791 Jan. 27 (mutilated). Box 27, Fol. 17
1787-1791 Mar. 1-Sept. 17. (microprint)
1787-1791 Mar. 1-Sept. 17. (microfilm) #2910
651 The Newport mercury. Weekly, Semi Weekly Jan. 30, 1759 Dec. 30, 1800+ Continuation of The Newport mercury, or, The Weekly advertiser, starting sometime between Jan. 30 and Mar. 20, 1759. As a result of the threatened British attack on Newport, Southwick removed part of his printing shop from Newport. During the following periods the paper was printed in reduced size and under the following title: An Occasional paper, Nov. 6, 1775; Freshest advices, foreign and domestic, Nov. 13-27, 1775. Continued by the Newport weekly mercury, starting with the issue of June 14, 1873. Jan. 30(?), 1759, James Franklin, jr. Apr. 27, 1762, Ann Franklin. Aug. 17, 1762, Ann Franklin and Samuel Hall. Apr. 25, 1763, Samuel Hall. Mar. 28, 1768, Solomon Southwich. Jan. 5, 1780, Henry Barber. May 7, 1785, Solomon Southwick and Henry Barber. Jan. 8, 1787, Solomon Southwick. Jan. 28, 1788, Henry Barber (Died Sept. 11, 1800). Sept. 16, 1800, published for Ann Barber.
Periodicity varies: Jan. 30 (?), 1759-June 17, 1776, weekly. June 20-July 1, 1776, semi-weekly. July 8, 1776-1800+ weekly.
Size varies:Jan. 30 (?) 1759-between June 10 and 17, 1776, folio; from between July 17 and 20- Dec. 2, 1776, octavo; Jan. 5, 1780-1800+, folio.
1759 Mar. 20 (p. 1, 2).
Apr. 10, 17.
May 8, 22.
June 5, 26.
July 3.
Aug. 14.
Oct. 9, 23 (p. 3, 4).
Nov. 20.
Dec. 4.
Note: 1 v. photostat. Bound with 1760-62 photostats.
Bled: Mar. 20.
Mutiated: Oct. 9, 23.
V. 1420
1760 Jan. 1.
Feb. 26.
June 10 (p. 3,4).
Dec. 16 (p. 1, 2).
Note: Photostats.
Mutilated: Dec. 16.
V. 1420
1761 May 19.
June 23.
Nov. 3.
Note: Photostats.
V. 1420
1762 Aug. 10-Dec. 27.
Mutilated: Aug. 10.
1 v. V. 1421
  Mar. 16-Dec. 27.
Note: Photostats. Bound with 1759-1761.
Supplement: Aug. 24.
Mutilated: May 25, Aug. 24 supplement.
Missing: Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 18, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3.
V. 1420
1763 Jan. 3-Dec. 26.
Supplement: Nov. 7.
1 v. V. 1422
1764 Jan. 2-Dec. 31.
Note: Jan. 2, is a photostat.
Missing: Jan. 9, 16, Mar. 5.
1 v. V. 1423
1765 Jan. 7-Dec. 30.
Supplement: Oct. 28.
Mutilalted: Feb. 25, June 3, Sept. 16, Dec. 2.
Note: June 17 issue is a photostat.
1 v. V. 1424
1766 Jan. 6-Dec. 29.
Mutilated: Feb. 3, Apr. 21, Aug. 4.
Note: Issues for Nov. 3 and Nov. 17 are photostats.
1 v. V. 1425
1767 Jan. 12-Dec. 28.
Mutilated: Feb. 2, May 11, Aug. 24.
Missing: Jan. 5.
1 v. V. 1426
1768 Jan. 4-Mar. 21. 1 v. V. 1427
  Apr. 18-Dec. 19.
Mutilated: Apr. 25, June 27, July 11.
Missing: Apr. 18 (p. 1, 2), May 2, Sept. 12, Dec. 26.
1 v. photostat. V. 1428
1769 Jan. 2-Dec. 25.
Supplement: May 1.
Mutilated: Apr. 17, Dec. 25.
Missing: Feb. 20, Mar. 13 (p. 3, 4), 20, 24, 27, Apr. 3, 10, Dec. 18 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. photostat. V. 1429
1770 Jan. 1-Oct. 29.
Postscript: June 7.
Supplement: Jan. 15, Feb. 5.
Mutilated: Mar. 5, May 14, 21, June 11, Aug. 20, Oct. 8, 29.
Missing: Mar. 26 (p. 3, 4), Apr. 9, 16, May 7, June 18, 25, July 2, 16, 30, Aug. 6, 27, Sept. 3, 10, 24, Oct. 1 (p. 3, 4), 15, 22.
1 v. photostat. V. 1430
1771 Nov. 18 (mutilated). Box 27, Fol. 19
  Feb. 25-Dec. 9.
Mutilated: May 20, June 17, 24, Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sept. 16, 23, 30, Dec. 2.
Missing: Mar. 13, 20, 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24, May 6, 13, 27 (p. 3, 4), June 3, 10, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct. 7 (p. 1, 2), 14 (p. 1, 2), Nov. 4, 25.
1 v. V. 1431
1772 Aug. 3 (mutilated). Box 27, Fol. 20
  Jan. 6-Dec. 28.
Supplement: Apr. 27, May 11, June 1, 8, 15, Nov. 9.
Mutilated: Apr. 20, 27 supplement, June 8.
Missing: Jan. 13-Apr. 13, Nov. 16.
1 v. photostat. V. 1432
1773 Jan. 4-Dec. 27.
Extraordinary: Dec. 7.
Supplement: Feb. 15, 22, Mar. 22, May 10, 24, 31, June 7, 14, June 7, 14, July 26, Aug. 8.
Mutilated: May 24, Dec. 13.
Missing: Dec. 20 (p. 1, 2).
1 v. photostat. V. 1433
1774 Aug. 22, Sept. 12, Oct. 3 Nov. 7.
Supplement: July 25.
Mutilated: July 25 supplement, Aug. 22, Sept. 12.
Box. 27, Fol. 21
  Jan. 3-Dec. 26.
Postscript: Apr. 18, May 2.
Supplement: May 30, June 13, July 25, Aug. 22, Sept. 5, Oct. 3.
Act for blocking up the harbour of Boston. 2 p., bound following Mar. 14 issue.
Missing: Feb. 21 (p. 1, 2).
1 v. photostat V. 1434
1775 July 3, 24.
Aug. 14.
Sept. 4.
Box 27, Fol. 22
  Jan. 2-Dec. 25.
Bled: Dec. 11.
Broadside: Apr. 5, Sept. 12.
Extraordinary : Mar. 15.
Lord Camden's speech on the New-England fishery bill. n.d. Broadside. (Bound following May 22.)
Fragment: Apr. 17.
Mutilated: Feb. 6, 27, Mar. 6, 13, 27, Apr. 24, May 8, June 5, 19, 26, July 10, 17, 31, Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4, 25.
Missing: Apr. 3 (p. 1, 2), Oct. 23, Dec. 25 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. photostat. V. 1435
1776 Jan. 1-Nov. 25.
Extraordinary: June 6, July 11, 18, Oct. 11, Nov. 22.
Mutilated: June 24, Nov. 11.
Missing: Jan. 8, 29, Feb. 12, 19, 26, Mar. 4, 11, Apr. 15, June 17, 27, July 8, 15, Aug. 26, Sept. 2, 9, 16, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 18, Dec. 2.
Note: Suspended publication with the issue of Dec. 2, 1776, due to the impending British occupation of Newport; resumed publication Jan. 5, 1780.
1 v. photostat. V. 1436
1780 Jan. 5.
Apr. 5.
July 15, 22.
Aug. 12, 19.
Sept. 2, 9, 25.
Oct. 9.
Nov. 23.
Dec. 14.
Note: 1 v. photostat.
Mutilated: Dec. 14.
V. 1437
1781 Nov. 3. Box 27, Fol. 23
  Jan. 15-Dec. 29.
Extra: Nov. 6.
Mutilated: Apr. 21, Sept. 22, Oct. 6.
Missing: Feb. 3, 10, 17 (p. 1, 2), 24, Mar. 10, 17, 31, Apr. 14.
1 v. photostat. V. 1438
  Oct. 27 (facsimile). Box 27, Fol. 18
  Oct. 27 (facsimile). Box 40, Fol. 10
1782 Feb. 23 (p. 3, 4).
June 29.
Box 27, Fol. 23
  Jan. 5-Dec. 21.
Broadside: May 15.
Mutilated: Feb. 2, 9, 23, May 11, Aug. 10.
Missing: Feb. 16, Nov. 16, 23.
1 v. photostat. V. 1439
1783 Dec. 6 (mutilated). Box 27, Fol. 24
  Jan. 4-Dec. 13.
Mutilated: Jan. 4, July 19, Aug. 23.
Missing: Jan. 18, Feb. 1, 15, 22, Mar. 1, 8, 15, Apr. 5, 12, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 31, June 7, Aug. 2, Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Dec. 6.
1 v. photostat. V. 1440
1784 Feb. 7. Box 27, Fol. 25
  Jan. 31-Dec. 25.
Bled: Sept. 11, 18, Oct. 30.
Supplement: May 29, Aug. 7.
Mutilated: Apr. 24 (p. 3, 4), May 15, July 3, 24, Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4, 18.
Missing: Feb. 4, 14, 28, Apr. 10, 24 (p. 1, 2), May 1, June 19, Sept. 25, Oct. 23.
1 v. photostat. V. 1441
1785 Jan. 1-Dec. 26.
Mutilated: Jan. 1, 15, Mar. 5, Apr. 9, 30, May 28, Sept. 10, Nov. 5, Dec. 12.
Missing: Jan. 8, Feb. 12, 26, Apr. 2 (p. 1, 2), Mar. 19.
1 v. photostat. V. 1442
1786 Jan. 1-Dec. 28.
Mutilated: Jan. 9, 30, Feb. 20, Apr. 10, 17, June 26, July 3, 17, Aug. 21, 28, Dec. 28.
Missing: Feb. 20 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. photostat. V. 1443
1787 Jan. 2-Dec. 22.
Note: Suspended publication from Nov. 8-Dec. 22, 1787. See note in the issue of Dec. 22, p. 2.
Mutilated: Jan. 8, 29, Feb. 12, July 30.
Missing: Jan. 15, May 21, 28, Aug. 20, Sept. 10, Oct. 1.
1 v. photostat. V. 1444
1788 Jan. 28-Nov. 24.
Fragment: Sept. 29.
Mutilated: Feb. 18, 25, Mar. 31, May 26.
Missing: Feb. 11, Mar. 10, 31 (p. 3, 4), Apr. 7, 21, May 5, 12, June 2, 23, July 7, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, Oct. 6, 20, 27, Nov. 3, 10.
1 v. photostat. V. 1445
1789 Apr. 6. Box 27, Fol. 26
  Feb. 2-Dec. 30.
Mutilated: Feb. 9, Mar. 9, Oct. 21, Dec. 30.
Missing: May 25, Nov. 11, Dec. 30 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. photostat. V. 1446
1790 Jan. 6-Dec. 13.
Missing: Jan. 13, 20, Feb. 8, Apr. 3, 17, May 17, 24, Aug. 9, Sept. 27, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, 8, 22, 29, Dec. 6.
1 v. photostat. V. 1447
  Oct. 25. photostat. Box 27, Fol. 27
1791 Mar. 24-Dec. 31.
Mutilated: Mar. 24.
Missing: Apr. 7, 14, 21, May 5, July 2, Sept. 17, Dec. 10, 24.
1 v. photostat. V. 1448
1792 Jan. 14-Dec. 31.
Mutilated: July 16, Sept. 3, Dec. 3.
Missing: Oct. 29.
1 v. photostat. V. 1449
1793 Feb. 18, June 25. Box 28, Fol. 1
  Jan. 7-June 26.
Mutilated: Jan. 7, 21, Feb. 4, 11.
1 v. photostat. V. 1450
  July 2-Dec. 31.
Mutilated: Dec. 10, 17, 24.
Missing: Dec. 31 (p. 3, 4).
Note: Photostat of Dec. 10, 17, 24, 31 have been inserted in this volume.
1 v. V. 1451
1794 Jan. 7-Dec. 23.
Mutilated: Jan. 14, Apr. 15, Dec. 16.
Missing: May 20, June 3, Aug. 19, Sept. 30, Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Dec. 30.
Note: Photostats of Apr. 15, May 20, and Nov. 4, have been inserted in this volume.
1 v. V. 1452
1795 Jan. 6-Dec. 29.
Bled: Jan. 13, Apr. 7, 14, 28, July 7, 14, Aug. 4, Nov. 17.
Mutilated: Jan. 20, Mar. 17, 24, Apr. 21, June 2, Aug. 25, Dec. 15.
Missing: Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 10, 31, May 5, June 30, Aug. 18, Sept. 8, 15, 22, Oct. 20, Nov. 24, Dec. 1.
1 v. V. 1453
  Jan. 13.
Feb. 10, 17, 24.
Mar. 10, 17, 31.
Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28.
May 5.
June 2, 30.
July 14.
Aug. 4, 18, 25.
Sept. 8, 15, 22.
Oct. 20.
Nov. 24.
Dec. 1, 15.
Note: These photostats complete the volume of originals with the following exceptions: Bled: July 7, Nov. 17; Mutilated: Jan. 20, Mar. 24.
1 v. photostats. V. 1454
1796 Jan. 5-Dec. 27.
Note: Bound following Aug. 9, 2 pages -- "At a convention of delegates from eight towns in the counties of Providence and Bristol, holden by adjournment at the town house in Providence, on the fifteenth day of August, 1796,...the following letters were directed to be printed, and sent to the members of the General Assembly, and the town-councils and town-clerks of several towns, with a request that they may be read in open town meeting." Two pages of letters follow.
"To the people of the United States," G. Washington's resignation address, dated 17 Sept. 1796, and signed by G. Washington. One copy bound following Sept. 6, one following Sept. 13, and one reprinted in the issue of Sept. 27.
Mutilated: Aug. 23, Nov. 22, Dec. 13.
Note: Photostats of Aug. 23, Sept. 6, Oct. 25, Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 13, have been inserted in the volume.
1 v. V. 1455
1797 Jan. 3-Dec. 26.
Bled: Feb. 14.
Mutilated: Jan. 17, Apr. 18.
Note: Photostats of Jan. 17, Feb. 14, Apr. 18, have been inserted in this volume.
1 v. V. 1456
1798 Jan. 9-Dec. 25.
Mutilated: Aug. 28, Oct. 23.
Missing: Jan. 2, Feb. 27, Apr. 17, June 5, 12, July 24, Sept. 4.
Note: Photostats of Jan. 2, Feb. 27, Apr. 17 and supplement, June 5, 12, July 24, Aug. 28, Sept. 4, and Oct. 23, have been inserted in this volume.
1 v. V. 1457
1799 Jan. 1-Dec. 31.
Mutilated: Mar. 19, July 9, 16, Sept. 10, Oct. 8.
Missing: Oct. 1, Nov. 5.
Note: Photostats of Mar. 19, July 9, 16, Sept. 10, Oct. 1, 8, Nov. 5 have been inserted in this volume.
1 v. V. 1458
1800 Jan. 7-Dec. 30.
Extra: Dec. 24.
Supplement: Nov. 15. "To the freemen of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations." Aug. 19, 1800. Broadside.
Mutilated: Jan. 14, Mar. 18, May 6, Nov. 11, Dec. 24 extra.
Missing: Sept. 9, 23.
Note: Photostats of Jan. 14, Mar. 18, May 6, Sept. 9, 23, Nov. 11, Dec. 24 extra, have been inserted in this volume.
1 v. V. 1459
1759-1800+ Jan. 30 (?)-Dec. 30+
Missing: Mar. 12, 1760-May 24, 1762; Mar. 5, 1764, Dec. 3, 1764-Jan. 11, 1767; Mar. 21-Oct. 8, 1775; Oct. 8, 1776-Nov. 22, 1780; Dec. 20, 1785-Aug. 6, 1786, Oct. 17, 1786-Dec. 21, 1787; Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 1790; Dec. 10, 1790; Oct. 29, 1791; May 29-July 29, 1793; Aug. 6-Oct. 13, 1794.
1759-1800+ Jan. 30-Dec. 30. (microfilm) #3283
1759 Mar. 20.
Apr. 10, 17.
May 8, 22.
June 5, 26.
July 3.
Aug. 14.
Oct. 9.
Nov. 20.
Dec. 4.
(microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1760 Jan. 1.
Feb. 26.
Dec. 16.
(microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1761 May 19.
June 23.
Nov. 3.
(microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1762 Mar. 16, 23.
May 11, 25.
Aug. 10, 17, 24, 31.
Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28.
Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26.
Nov. 2, 13, 22, 29.
Dec. 6, 13, 20, 27.
(microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1763 Jan. 3-Dec. 26. (microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1764 Jan. 2-Dec. 31. (microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1765-1766 Jan. 7-Apr. 28. (microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1775 Nov. 6. (microfilm) #3283
1775 Nov. 13-27. microfilm #3283
1775-1800+ Dec. 4-Dec. 31+ (microfilm) #3283
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
652 The Newport mercury, or, The Weekly advertiser. Weekly June 19, 1758 Jan. 23, 1759 Continued by The Newport Mercury, sometime between Jan. 30 and Mar. 20, 1759. James Franklin, jr.
1758 June 19.
Dec. 5 (p. 1, 2), 26.
Bound with The Newport Mercury, 1759-62.
Facsimile: Dec. 19.
Mutilated: Dec. 5.
1 v. photostat. V. 1420
  Dec. 19 (mutilated). Box 27, Fol. 18
  Dec. 19 (facsimile). Box 40, Fol. 10
1759 Jan. 2, 16, 23.
Bound with The Newport Mercury, 1759-62.
Mutilated: Jan. 16.
1 v. photostat. V. 1420
1758-1759. June 19-Jan. 23 (?). (microprint)
1758 June 19.
Dec. 5, 26.
(microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1759 Jan. 2, 16, 23. (microfilm) #1930 R.I.
Na reel 1
1758-1759. June 19-Jan. 23. (microfilm) #3283
Title Note
An Occasional paper. See: The Newport mercury.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
653 The Rhode-Island gazette. Weekly Sept. 27, 1732 Mar. 24, 1733 This was the first newspaper published in Rhode Island. Ceased publication with the issue of Mar. 24, 1733. James Franklin.
1732 Oct. 4-Dec. 21.
Missing: Sept. 27, Nov. 30, Dec. 28.
1 v. photostat. V. 1460
1732-1733 Oct. 4-Mar. 1. (microprint)
1732-1733 Oct. 4-Mar. 1. (microfilm) #2910
Title Note
The Weekly advertiser. See: The Newport mercury, or, The Weekly advertiser.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
654 Rhode Island museum. Weekly July 7, 1794 Dec. 29, 1794 The last issue located is that of Dec. 29, 1794. Henry C. Southwick & Co.
1794 July 7-Dec. 29. (microfilm) #3021
655 Weekly companion. Weekly Apr. 27, 1799 July 20, 1799 Continuation of the Weekly companion; and the commercial centinel. Ceased publication with the issue of July 17, 1799. Oliver Farnsworth.
1799 June 15 (photostat). Box 28, Fol. 2
(1798-1799)   microfilm #3021
656 Weekly companion; and the commercial centinel. Weekly Sept. 15, 1798 Apr. 20, 1799 Continuation of The Companion; and commerical centinel. Continued by the Weekly companion, starting with the issue of Apr. 27, 1799. Sept. 15, 1798, Havila and Oliver Farnsworth.
Apr. 27, 1799, Oliver Farnsworth.
1799 Jan. 26.
Feb. 9, 16, 23.
Mar. 9, 16, 30.
Apr. 13.
Box 28, Fol. 2
(1798-1799)   microfilm #3021
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
657 The American journal and general advertiser. Weekly, Semi-Weekly Mar. 18, 1779 Aug. 29, 1781 Between Oct. 14, 1780-Jan. 24, 1781 the title was: The American journal, and the general advertiser. As of Jan. 31, 1781 title again became known as The American journal and general advertiser. Ceased publication with the issue of Aug. 29, 1781.
Periodicity varies: Mar. 18, 1779-Jan. 24, 1781, weekly. Jan. 31-Aug. 29, semi-weekly.
Mar. 18, 1779, Solomon Southwick and Bennett Wheeler.
Dec. 2, 1779, Bennett Wheeler.
1779 Apr. 15.
May 13.
June 24.
July 1, 8, 15, 22.
Aug. 5, 19, 26.
Sept. 2, 9, 30.
Oct. 21, 28.
Nov. 11.
Dec. 16, 23, 30.
Mutilated: Apr. 15, May 13, Dec. 23.
Box 28, Fol. 3
1780 Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27.
Feb. 3, 10, 17.
Mar. 3 (i.e. #2), 9, 16.
Apr. 6, 19.
May 10, 17, 24, 31.
June 28.
Aug. 16.
Oct. 5.
Mutilated: Mar. 16, Apr. 19.
Box 28, Fol. 4
1781 Jan. 20.
Apr. 21.
Box 28, Fol. 5
1779-1781. Mar. 18-Aug. 29. (microfilm) #3216
658 The Providence gazette. Weekly Jan. 10, 1795 Dec. 27, 1800+ Continuation of The Providence gazette and country journal (1762). Continued by the Providence gazette and country journal, starting with the issue of Jan. 12, 1811. Jan. 10, 1795, John Carter and William Wilkinson.
May 11, 1799, John Carter.
1795 Jan. 10-Dec. 26.
Note: Bound with this: The Providence gazette and country journal, Jan. 3, 1795.
Mutilated: Sept. 12, Nov. 7.
Missing: Aug. 1, Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 17, Dec. 5.
1 v. V. 1478
1796 Jan. 2-Dec. 31.
Mutilated: Jan. 2.
1 v. V. 1479
1797 Jan. 7-Dec. 30.
Extraordinary: May 20.
Fragment: Jan. 21.
Mutilated: Feb. 11, Mar. 11, June 29.
1 v. V. 1480
1798 Jan. 6-Dec. 29.
Bled: Jan. 27, Oct. 13.
Mutilated: Jan. 6, 13, Feb. 3, Sept. 15, Dec. 15, 29.
1 v. V. 1481
1799 Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26.
Feb. 23.
Mar. 30.
Apr. 6, 13, 27.
May 11, 18, 25.
June 22, 29.
July 13.
Aug. 10.
Sept. 7, 28.
Oct. 5, 19, 26.
Bled: Jan. 5.
Mutilated: Jan. 19, June 29, Oct. 19.
Box 28, Fol. 9
1800 Jan. 4-Dec. 27.
Bled: Jan. 18.
Mutilated: Jan. 4, May 10, 17, Aug. 30, Sept. 6, 13, Oct. 4, 11, 18, Dec. 6.
Missing: Aug. 2.
1 v. V. 1482
1795-1800+ Jan. 10-Dec. 27+ (microprint)
1795-1800+ Jan. 10-Dec. 27+ (microfilm) #2910
659 The Providence gazette, and country journal. Weekly Oct. 20, 1762 Jan. 3, 1795 Continued by The Providence gazette, starting with the issue of Jan. 10, 1795. Oct. 20, 1762, William Goddard.
Aug. 24, 1765, Sarah and William Goddard.
Aug. 9, 1766, Sarah Goddard and company (Samuel Inslee).
Sept. 19, 1767, Sarah Goddard and John Carter.
Nov. 12, 1768, John Carter.
Nov. 9, 1793, John Carter and William Wilkinson.
1762 Oct. 20 (photostat). Box 28, Fol. 6
1763 Box 28, Fol. 7 Box 28, Fol. 7
1764 Feb. 18. Box 28, Fol. 7
1765 Extraordinary: Aug. 24. Box 28, Fol. 7
  Extraordinary: Aug. 24 (photostat).
Note: With the exception of an extraordinary published on Aug. 24, 1765, the paper suspended publication with the issue of May 11, 1765, until Aug. 9, 1766.
Box 28, Fol. 6
1766 Aug. 9 (p. 1 photostat),
16 (p. 1 photostat).
Box 28, Fol. 6
  Nov. 8. Box 28, Fol. 7
1767 Mar. 14. Box 28, Fol. 7
1768 Broadside: May 28 (photostat). Box 28, Fol. 6
1769 Jan. 7 (p. 1, 2),
June 3, July 22.
Box 28, Fol. 7
1771 Mar. 23 (mutilated).
July 27 (mutilated).
Oct. 6.
Box 28, Fol. 7
1772 Sept. 5. Box 28, Fol. 7
1773 Jan. 30.
Aug. 28 (p. 1, 2).
Dec. 18.
Box 28, Fol. 7
1774 Sept. 24.
Oct. 15 (p. 1, 2).
Mutilated: Oct. 15.
Box 28, Fol. 7
1775 Jan. 14.
Mar. 18.
Apr. 1, 8, 22.
May 13.
June 10.
Sept. 2, 9 (p. 1, 4; 2 copies).
Box 28, Fol. 7
1776 Mar. 23.
Apr. 6, 20.
May 4.
Aug. 17, 24.
Sept. 7.
Mutilated: Mar. 23, Apr. 6, 20.
Box 28, Fol. 7
  Jan. 6-Aug. 24.
Missing: Apr. 13.
1 v. Box 28, Fol. 7A
1777 Jan. 18-Dec. 27.
Broadside: Aug. 21, 23, Oct. 14.
Mutilated: Jan. 18, 25, Apr. 5, 12, July 26 (p. 1, 2), Aug. 30, Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29.
Missing: Feb. 1, 15, 22, Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, July 26 (p. 3, 4), Dec. 20 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. V. 1461
1778 Jan. 3-Dec. 26.
Bled: Mar. 7, Sept. 19, Nov. 21, Dec. 5.
Mutilated: Jan. 3, 10, 17, Apr. 25, May 2, 9, 16, June 6, 20, July 4, 11, 18, 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15 (p. 1, 2), 29, Sept. 5, Oct. 10, 31, Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 19.
Missing: May 9 (p. 3, 4), 16 (p. 3, 4), Aug. 15 (p. 3, 4).
1 v. V. 1462
1779 Jan. 2-Dec. 25.
Supplement: Feb. 27, Mar. 20, 27, Apr. 10, Aug. 14.
Bled: Feb. 20, 27, Apr. 10 sup- plement, May 8, 15.
Mutilated: Jan. 2, Feb. 13, 20, Mar. 13, 27, Apr. 10, Aug. 14, 21, 28, Sept. 4.
1 v. V. 1463
1780 Jan. 1-Nov. 1.
Mutilated: Aug. 26.
Missing: Sept. 16, 23 (p. 3, 4), 30, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25.
1 v . V. 1464
1781 Aug. 11, 18, 25.
Sept. 1, 8, 22.
Oct. 20, 27.
Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24.
Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
Broadsides: Official intelligence from Virginaia. Providence, Nov. 8, 1871.
Mutilated: Aug. 11.
Box 28, Fol. 8
1782 Jan. 5-Dec. 28.
Supplement: Oct. 19.
Mutilated: Mar. 16.
1 v. V. 1465
1783 Jan. 4-Dec. 27.
Mutilated: Dec. 27.
1 v. V. 1466
1784 Jan. 3-Dec. 25.
Mutilated: July 3, 17.
Missing: Jan. 24, 31, Feb. 7 (p. 3, 4), Mar. 20.
1 v. V. 1467
1785 Jan. 15-Dec. 31.
Fragment: Mar. 26.
Mutilated: Jan. 15, Feb. 12, 19, May 21, June 18, July 2, 9, Aug. 6, 13, Nov. 5, Dec. 17.
Missing: Jan. 1, 8, 22, 29, Mar. 5, 12, 19, Apr. 16, 23, 30, July 23, 30, Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 29, Nov. 12, 19, 26, Dec. 10.
1 v. V. 1468
1786 Jan. 7-Dec. 9.
Mutilated: Jan. 7, Feb. 11, May 20, July 22, Aug. 26, Sept. 23, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, 11.
Missing: Jan. 14, 21, Feb. 4, 25, July 8, 15, Aug. 5, 19, Sept. 2, 9, Oct. 7 (p. 3, 4), 14, 21, Nov. 25, Dec. 16, 23, 30.
1 v. V. 1469
1787 Jan. 13-Dec. 22.
Mutilated: Jan. 13, Apr. 14, June 23, July 7.
Missing: Jan. 6, 20, 27 (p. 1, 2), Feb. 3, 10, 17, Mar. 17, Apr. 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19, June 2, July 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11, 18, 25, Sept. 1, 15, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, Dec. 29.
1 v. V. 1470
1788 Jan. 5-Dec. 27.
Missing: Nov. 29.
1 v. V. 1471
1789 Jan. 3-Dec. 26.
Mutilated: Feb. 14, July 18.
Missing: Dec. 26.
1 v. V. 1472
1790 Jan. 9-Dec. 25.
Mutilated: July 24.
Missing: Jan. 2.
1 v. V. 1473
  Aug. 21. (3 facsimiles) Box 40, Fol. 11
1791 Jan. 1-Dec. 31.
Missing: Oct. 22.
1 v. V. 1474
1792 Jan. 7-Dec. 29. 1 v. V. 1475
1793 Jan. 5-Dec. 21.
Extraordinary: Apr. 30.
Mutilated: Sept. 7, Nov. 16.
Missing: Dec. 28.
Note: There are two editions of May 4, 1793.
1 v. V. 1476
1794 Jan. 4-Dec. 27.
Mutilated: Jan. 4, 18.
1 v. V. 1477
1795 Jan. 3.
Note: Bound with The Providence gazette, Jan. 10-Dec. 26, 1795.
1 v. V. 1478
1762-1795. Oct. 20-Jan. 3.
Missing: Oct. 31, 1778.
1762-1795. Oct. 20-Jan. 3.
Missing: Oct. 31, 1778.
(microfilm) #2910
660 The Providence journal, and town and country advertiser. Weekly Jan. 2, 1799 Dec. 31, 1800+ Ceased publication with the issue of Dec. 30, 1801. John Carter, jr.
1799 Jan. 2-Dec. 25.
Acts passed at the third session of the fifth Congress of the United States. p. 1-8, 17-56, 65-120, 129-192 (bound at the back of the volume).
1 v. V. 1483
1800 Jan. 1-Dec. 31.
Mutilated: June 18, Nov. 5, Dec. 31.
Missing: July 30, Oct. 22, 29.
1 v. V. 1484
1799-1800+. Jan. 2-Dec. 31+ (microfilm) #2909
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
661 State gazette, and town and country advertiser. Semi-Weekly Jan. 4, 1796. July 2, 1796. Paged continuously. The last issue located is that of July 2, 1796. Publication ceased with that issue. Joseph Fry.
1796 Jan. 21, 28.
Feb. 1, 11.
Apr. 14, 23, 27, 30.
May 4, 7, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28.
June 4, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25.
Bled: June 11, 18.
Mutilated: Jan. 21, June 4, 22, 25.
Box 28, Fol. 10
1796 Jan. 4-July 2. (microfilm) #2909
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
662 The United States chronicle. Weekly Feb. 21, 1793 Dec. 25,1800+ Continuation of The United States chronicle: political, commercial, and historical. Ceased publication with the issue of May 17, 1804. Bennette Wheeler.
1793 Feb. 21-Dec. 26.
Note: Bound with this: The United States chronicle: political, commercial, and historical, Jan. 3- Feb. 14, 1793.
Supplement: Mar. 21.
Bled: Mar. 7, July 11.
Mutilated: May 16, June 6, July 18, Nov. 21.
Missing: Feb. 7, May 9, June 20, Sept. 5, 26, Oct. 31, Nov. 14.
1 v. V. 1494
1794 Jan. 9-Dec. 25.
Bled: July 10, Nov. 13, 27.
Mutilated: Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 18, Oct. 2, 9, 23, 30, Nov. 6.
Missing: Jan. 2, May 29, June 26, Sept. 25, Dec. 11.
1 v. V. 1495
1795 Jan. 1-Dec. 24.
Mutilated: Jan. 15, Sept. 24, Dec. 10.
Missing: Dec. 17, 31.
1 v. V. 1496
1796 Jan. 28-Dec. 16.
Mutilated: Mar. 31, May 5, 26, July 7, Aug. 18, Oct. 27, Nov. 3.
Missing: Jan. 7, 14, 21, Feb. 11, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28, May 19, June 23, July 14, 28, Aug. 4, 11, Sept. 1, 22, Nov. 10, 24, Dec. 22, 29.
1 v. V. 1497
1797 Jan. 5-Dec. 28.
Bled: Apr. 27, June 15.
Mutilated: Jan. 5, 12, Feb. 2, 16, Aug. 10, Sept. 21, Oct. 12, Dec. 28.
Missing: June 29, Aug. 24, 31, Sept. 28, Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 9, 30, Dec. 21.
1 v. V. 1498
1798 Jan. 4-Dec. 27.
Mutilated: Nov. 1, 15.
Missing: Mar. 29, Apr. 26, July 5, 12.
1 v. V. 1499
1799 Jan. 3-Dec. 12.
Bled: Jan. 24.
Mutilated: Mar. 21, July 11, Dec. 5.
Missing: Jan. 31, Feb. 21, June 20, Sept. 19, Nov. 7, Dec. 19, 26.
1 v. V. 1500
1800 Jan. 2, 23, 30.
Feb. 13, 20, 27.
Mar. 6, 13, 27.
Apr. 10, 24.
May 1.
June 5, 12.
Sept. 18.
Oct. 23.
Nov. 13, 20.
Dec. 4, 11.
Mutilated: Apr. 10, June 12, Sept. 18, Dec. 4.
Box 28, Fol. 11
1793-1800+ Feb. 21-Dec. 25.
Missing: Nov. 9, 1797.
1793-1800+ Feb. 21-Dec. 25. (microfilm) #2910
663 The United States chronicle: political, commercial, historical. Weekly Jan. 1, 1784 Feb. 14, 1793 Continued by The United States chronicle, starting with the issue of Feb. 21, 1793. Bennett Wheeler.
1784 Jan. 8-Nov. 3.
Bled: June 10.
Mutilated: Mar. 11, 25, May 6, 20, Oct. 7, 20, 27.
Missing: Jan. 1, 15, 22, Feb. 26 (p. 1, 2), Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 13, June 3, 24, July 8, Aug. 26, Nov. 10, 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
1 v. V. 1485
1785 Jan. 13-Dec. 22.
Mutilated: Jan. 13, 27, Mar. 17, 24, 31, Apr. 14, May 5, 19, July 14, Aug. 4, 18, Sept. 8, 29, Nov. 3.
Missing Jan. 6, Feb.3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 10, Apr. 7, 28, May 12, June 2, 16, Oct. 13, 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 29.
1 v. V. 1486
1786 Jan. 19-Dec. 21.
Mutilated: Jan. 19, Mar. 9, May 18, June 22, July 6, 13, Aug. 10, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, 9.
Missing: Jan. 5, 12, 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, Apr. 13, 20, May 4, July 27, Aug. 3, 17, Sept. 21, Nov. 2 (p. 1, 2), Dec. 21 (p. 3, 4), 28.
1 v. V. 1487
1787 Jan. 4-Dec. 27.
Mutilated: Jan. 4, Apr. 5, 12.
Mutilated: Jan. 11, 18, 25, Mar. 15, 29, May 31, June 14, July 12, 19, 26, Aug. 2, 16, Oct. 11, Nov. 15.
1 v. V. 1488
1788 Jan. 3-Dec. 25. 1 v. V. 1489
1789 Jan. 1-Dec. 31. 1 v. V. 1490
1790 Jan. 7-Dec. 30. 1 v.
Duplicated: Jan. 28.
V. 1491
1791 Jan. 6-Dec. 29.
Mutilated: Mar. 24, Oct. 27.
Missing: Feb. 3.
1 v. V. 1492
1792 Jan. 5-Dec. 27.
Bled: Sept. 13.
Mutilated: Apr. 19, May 17, July 12, 19, Sept. 27. Missing: May 31.
1 v. V. 1493
1793 Jan. 3-Feb. 14.
Note: Bound with The United States chronicle, Feb. 21- Dec. 26, 1793.
Supplement: Jan. 17.
Mutilated: Jan. 3.
Missing: Jan. 10, Feb. 7.
1 v. V. 1494
1783-1793. Nov. 26-Feb. 14.
Broadside-prosptectus: Nov. 26, 1783.
1783-1793. Nov. 26-Feb. 14. (microfilm) #2910
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
664 Herald of the United States. Weekly Jan. 14, 1792 Dec. 26, 1800+ Paged continuously. The last issue located is that of Dec. 12, 1812. Nathaniel Phillips.
1794 Feb. 15. Box 28, Fol. 12
1795 Sept. 12, 19 (mutilated). Box 28, Fol. 12
1796 Nov. 5, 19.
Dec. 3, 17.
Box 28, Fol. 13
1797 Jan. 21.
Feb. 4, 11.
May 6, 13.
July 1.
Aug. 5, 12, 19.
Sept. 30.
Oct. 7, 27.
Nov. 3.
Mutilated: Feb. 11.
Box 28, Fol. 14
1798 May 25.
June 15.
Dec. 15.
Box 28, Fol. 15
1799 Jan. 5, 12.
Apr. 13.
May 11. 25.
June 1, 8, 29.
July 20.
Sept. 7, 14.
Mutilated: May 11, June 1, 29.
Box 28, Fol. 17
1800 Feb. 1, 8. Box 28, Fol. 17
  July 18-Dec. 26.
Missing: July 25, Aug. 8, Sept. 19, Oct. 17.
1 v. V. 1501