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U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

South Carolina

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Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
665 The Charleston evening gazette. Daily, Tri-Weekly July 11, 1785 Oct. 18, 1786 The last issue located is that of Oct. 18, 1786. Periodicity varies: July 11, 1785, daily; Aug. 7, 1786, tri-weekly. July 11, 1785, Joseph V. Burd and Robert Haswell. Jan. 12, 1786, Joseph V. Burd. Aug. 7, 1786, Joseph V. Burd and Greenberry Hughes.
1785-1786 July 11-Oct. 18. (microfilm) #3187
666 The Charleston morning post, and daily advertiser. Daily Jan. 18, 1786 Nov. 5, 1787 Continuation of the South Carolina gazette, and the general advertiser. Continued by The City gazette, and the daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Nov. 6, 1787. Jan. 18, 1786, Nathan Childs, Robert Haswell and John M'Iver. July 23, 1787, Robert Haswell and John M'Iver. (Childs died on June 26, 1787.)
1786-1787 Jan. 18-Aug. 26. (microfilm) #2913
667 Charlestown gazette. Weekly Aug. (?), 1778 Jan. 18, 1780 Established late in August 1778, judging from the date of the first issue located, that of Jan. 26, 1779, vol. 1, no. 23. The last issue located is that of Jan. 18, 1780. August 1778, Mary Crouch & Co. Jan. 18, 1780, Mary Crouch.
1778-1780 Nov. 3-Jan. 18. (microfilm) #1468
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
668 The Chronicle of liberty, or, The Republican intelligencer. Weekly Mar. 25, 1783 Mar. 25, 1783 Mar. 25, 1783, is the only issue located. James Mansfield and Joseph Davis.
1783 Mar. 25. Box 29, Fol. 1
1783 Mar. 25. (microprint)
669 The City gazette & daily advertiser. Daily Jan. 2, 1792 Dec. 31, 1800+ Continuation of The City gazette, or, The Daily advertiser. Continued by the City gazette in January 1804. Jan. 2, 1792, John Markland and John M'Iver. Jan. 1, 1794, Markland, M'Iver and company. Jan. 1, 1795, Peter Freneau and Seth Paine.
1793 Sept. 2. Supplement: Aug. 24. Box 29, Fol. 6
1794 Jan. 17. Mar. 26. Apr. 1, 7. Box 29, Fol. 7
1795 Apr. 27. Oct. 12. Supplement: May 28, Aug. 24, Dec. 12. Box 29, Fol. 8
1796 Jan. 1-June 30. Supplement: Jan. 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 20, 25, Feb. 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, Mar. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, Apr. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, May 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 23, June 14. Bled: Apr. 23 supplement. Missing: June 1. 1 v. V. 1502
1796 July 1-Dec. 24. Extra: Dec. 1. Supplement: July 6, Nov. 5, 19, Dec. 1. Mutilated: Dec. 17. Missing: July 8, Dec. 17 (p. 1, 2). 1 v. V. 1503
1797 Apr. 15, 21, 26, 27. May 5, 8, 10, 22, 23, 29. June 22. July 7. Aug. 8. Sept. 26. Bled: June 22. Box 29, Fol. 9
1798 Jan. 20, 22, 26, 27. Box 29, Fol. 10
1798 Feb. 1-Aug. 31. Supplement: Apr. 27, May 24. Mutilated: May 2, 8, 15, July 3, 4, 6, Aug. 29. Missing: Feb. 8, 26, Mar. 28, May 16, 29, June 8, 9, 20, 27, July 2, Aug. 9, 21, 25. 1 v. V. 1504
1798 Oct. 5, 9, 10, 11. Nov. 2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20. Dec. 10, 31. Box 29, Fol. 10
1799 Jan. 1-June 29. Mutilated: Jan. 1, Apr. 6. Missing: Jan. 12, 21, Mar. 26, May 11, June 7, 18, 28. 1 v. V. 1505
1799 July 18, 31. Aug. 1, 2, 6, 23, 24 (p. 1, 2), Sept. 4, 6, 7, 9, 21, Oct. 4, 28, Nov. 22, 23, 25, 26, Dec. 4, 8, 31 (p. 1, 2). Box 29, Fol. 11
1800 Jan. 3, 20. Mar. 1, 5, 7. Apr. 3, 4, 7 (p. 1, 2), 14 (fragment), May 13, 16, June 12, 27, July 9, 26, 29, 30, Aug. 7, 9, 18, 20, Sept. 11, 13 (p. 1, 2), 17, 18, 22, 26, Oct. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 17, 23, Nov. 1, 10 (fragment). Mutilated: Jan. 20, Oct. 2. Box 29, Fol. 12
1792-1800+ Jan. 2-Dec. 31+ (microfilm) #3417
1800+ Jan. 1-Dec. 31+ (microfilm) #3373
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
670 The City gazette, and the daily advertiser. Daily Nov. 6, 1787 Dec. 17, 1787 Continuation of The Charleston morning post and daily advertiser. Continued by The City gazette, or, The Daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Dec. 18, 1787. Rorbert Haswell and John M'Iver.
1787 Nov. 6-Dec. 17. (microfilm) #1473
1787 Nov. 6-Dec. 17. (microfilm) #3417
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
671 The City gazette or, The Daily advertiser. Daily Dec. 18, 1787 Jan. 1, 1792 Continuation of The City gazette, and the daily advertiser. Continued by The City gazette & daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 2, 1792. Dec. 18, 1787, Robert Haswell and John M'Iver. Jan. 1, 1788, John Markland and John M'Iver.
1788 Oct. 20, 22, 23, 31. Nov. 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 29. Dec. 1, 16, 17, 19. Mutilated: Nov. 15. Missing: All of the above issues lack pages 3, 4. Box 29, Fol. 2
1789 Jan. 2, 12. Feb. 3, 14, 16, 18, 21. Mar. 12, 16, 17, 18, 19. Apr. 18, 21, 22, 28. June 22. Aug. 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, Sept. 7, Oct. 8, 13. Fragment: Aug. 5. Mutilated: Feb. 3, Apr. 18, 22, Aug. 7. Missing: All of the above issues, with the exception of Feb. 3, Apr. 22, 28, Aug. 7, and Sept. 7, lack pages 3, 4. Box 29, Fol. 3
1790 Aug. 28 (mutilated). Dec. 31 (p. 1, 2). Box 29, Fol. 4
1791 June 8 (mutilated). Sept. 9 (mutilated). Box 29, Fol. 5
1787-1788 Dec. 18-Dec. 29. (microfilm) #1473
1787-1792 Dec. 18-Jan. 1. (microfilm) #3417
672 The Columbian herald & daily advertiser. Tri-Weekly Sept. 1792 1793(?) Continuation of The Columbian herald, or, The Independent courier of North America. Began in Sept. 1792. Ceased sometime in 1793. Continued by the Columbian herald, and the general advertiser, July 23 (?), 1793. Isaac Silliman.
1792 Sept. 3. (microprint)
1792 Sept. 3. (microfilm) #3187
673 Columbian herald, and the general advertiser. Tri-Weekly 1792(?) July 25 (?), 1793 Continuation of The Columbian herald & daily advertiser. Continued by the Columbian herald, or, The Southern star, starting with the issue of July 27, 1793. Thomas B. Bowen and James Vandle.
1793 July 23, 24. (microprint)
1793 July 23, 24. (microfilm) #3187
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
674 The Columbian herald, or, The Independent courier of North-America. Semi-Weekly, Tri-Weekly Nov. 24, 1785 sometime after June 28, 1791 Continuation of The Columbian herald, or, The Patriotic courier of North-America. Continued by the Columbian herald, and the general advertiser, sometime after June 28, 1791. Periodicity varies: Nov. 28, 1785-fall 1790, semi-weekly; 1790-August 1792, tri-weekly. Nov. 28, 1785, Thomas B. Bowen and John Markland. Nov. 27, 1786, Thomas B. Bowen, James Vandle, and S. Andrews. Jan. 3, 1788, Thomas B. Bowen and James Vandle. Between Sept. 25, 1788 and Feb. 26, 1789, Thomas B. Bowen.
1789 Apr. 30. (mutilated). Box 29, Fol. 13
1785-1791 Nov. 24-June 28. (microprint)
1785-1791 Nov. 24-June 28. (microfilm) #3187
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
675 Columbian herald, or, The New daily advertiser. Daily Oct. 3, 1795 Dec. 17, 1796 Continuation of the Columbian herald, or, The Southern star. Ceased publication with the issue of Dec. 17, 1796. William Primrose Harrison.
1795-1796 Oct. 3-Dec. 17. (microprint)
1795-1796 Oct. 3-Dec. 17. (microfilm) #3187
676 The Columbian herald, or, The Patriotic courier of North- America. Semi-Weekly Nov. 23, 1784 Nov. 21, 1785 Continued by The Columbian herald, or, The Independent courier of North-America, starting with the issue of Nov. 24, 1785. Thomas B. Bowen and John Markland.
1784-1785 Nov. 23-Nov. 21. (microprint)
1784-1785 Nov. 23-Nov. 21. (microfilm) #3187
677 Columbian herald, or, The Southern star. Tri-Weekly July 27, 1793 September (?), 1795 Continuation of the Columbian herald, and the general advertiser. Continued by the Columbian herald, or, The New daily advertiser, sometime after Aug. 14 and before Oct. 3, 1795. William P. Harrison and Thomas B. Bowen.
1793-1795 July 27-Aug. 14. (microprint)
1793-1795 July 27-Aug. 14. (microfilm) #3187
Title Note
The Daily advertiser. See: The City gazette, or, The Daily advertiser.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
678 The Daily evening gazette and Charleston tea-table companion. Daily Jan. 3, 1795 Feb. 18, 1795 Established Jan. 3, 1795, judging from the date of the earliest issue located, that of Jan. 10, 1795, vol. 1, no. 7. The prospectus, as published in the South Carolina State gazette, of Dec. 16, 1794, announced that the first issue would appear on Jan. 1, 1795. The last issue located with this title is that of Feb. 18, 1795, vol. 1, no. 38. Continued by The Telegraphe, and Charleston daily advertiser. Jan. 3, 1795, James Carey.
1795 Jan. 10-Feb. 18. (microprint)
Title Note
The Evening courier. See: Evening vesper courier.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
679 Evening vesper courier. Semi-Weekly July 31,1798 Nov. 16, 1798 The word "Vesper" in the title is set in a crescent under a star in the center of the title. The publishers refer to their paper editorially as the Vesper, or, The Evening Courier, but it was generally called The Evening Courier. The last issue located is that of Nov. 16, 1798, vol. 1, no. 32. July 31, 1798, Gabriel M. Bounetheau and John J. Evans.
1798 July 31-Nov. 16. (microprint)
680 Federal Carolina gazette. Weekly Jan. 2(?), 1800 Dec. 25, 1800 The last issue located is that of Dec. 25, 1800. Jan. 2, 1800, Benjamin F. Timothy and Thomas Sheppard. Sept. 1800, Benjamin F. Timothy and Andrew M'Farlan.
1800 Nov. 13. Dec. 25. Box 29, Fol. 14
681 The Gazette of the State of South-Carolina. Weekly, Semi-Weekly Apr. 9, 1777 Mar. 24, 1785 A revival of The South-Carolina gazetee, which was suspended in December 1775. Publication suspended in December 1775. Publication suspended Jan. 15- June 17, 1778, because the printing office was destroyed by fire. Continued by The State gazette of South-Carolina, starting with the issue of Mar. 28, 1785. Imprint varies: 1779, Charles-town; July 16-Aug. 13, 1783, Charlestown; Aug. 27, 1783-1785, Charleston. Periodicity varies: Apr. 9, 1777-July 22, 1784, weekly; July 26, 1784-Mar. 24, 1785, semi-weekly. Apr. 9, 1777, Peter Timothy. June 24, 1778, Peter Timothy and Nicholas Boden. July 16, 1783, Ann Timothy and E. Walsh. Aug. 27, 1783, printed for Ann Timothy.
1779 Sept. 15. Note: Suspended publication with the issue of Feb. 9, 1780, until July 16, 1783, because of the British occupation of Charleston. Box 29, Fol. 15
1783 July 16-Dec. 18. Bled: Nov. 6. Missing: Dec. 11, 25. 1 v. V. 1506
1784 Jan. 1-Dec. 30. Extraordinary: July 17. Mutilated: Aug. 23, 26, 30, Sept. 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30. Missing: Jan. 22. 1 v. V. 1507
1777-1780 Apr. 9-Feb. 9. (microfilm) #1468
Title Note
The Independent courier of North-America. See: The Columbian herald, or, The Independent courier of North-America.
The New daily advertiser. See: Columbian herald, or, The New daily advertiser.
The Patriotic courier of North-America. See: The Columbian herald, or, The Patriotic courier of North-America.
The Republican intelligencer. See: The Chronicle of liberty, or, The Repubican intelligencer.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
682 The Royal gazette. Semi-Weekly Mar. 3, 1781 Sept. 28, 1782 Continuation of the South-Carolina & American general gazette. Suspended publication with the issue of Aug. 7, 1782, resuming Sept. 7, 1782. The last issue located is that of Sept. 28, 1782. Robert and John Wells.
1780 June 20. Box 29, Fol. 16
1781 Mar. 3-Dec. 29. Note: Bound with this: 1782. Mutilated: Apr. 14. Missing: Mar. 28. 1 v. V. 1508
1782 Jan. 2-Aug. 7. Note: Bound with 1781. V. 1508
1781-1782. Mar. 3-Sept. 28. (microfilm) #1468
683 The Royal South-Carolina gazette. Twice Weekly, Semi-Weekly June 1(?), 1780 Sept. 12, 1782 Established June 1, 1780, judging from the earliest numbered issue located, that of June 20, 1780, vol. 1, no. IV. The last issue located is that of Sept. 12, 1782. Periodicity varies: the paper was issued initially as a tri-weekly, but sometime in 1781 became a semi-weekly. June 1780, James Robertson, Donald Macdonald and Alexander Cameron. Sometime between May 17, 1782-Jan. 22, 1782, James Robertson.
1782 Mar. 28. Sept. 12. Supplement: Mar. 5. Box 29, Fol. 16
1780-1782 June 8-Sept. 12. (microfilm) #1468
684 The South Carolina and American general gazette. Weekly, Semi-Weekly Apr. 4, 1764 Feb. 28, 1781 Continuation of the South Carolina weekly gazette. Paged continuously. Publication suspended May 31- Aug. 2, 1776, because of the approach of the British fleet, again on Apr. 30-May 29, 1779, and probably also during the first half of 1780. The last issue located is that of Feb. 28, 1781. Continued by the Royal gazette, starting with the issue of Mar. 3, 1781. Periodicity varies: Apr. 4, 1764-Oct. (?), 1780, weekly Oct. (?), 1780-Feb. 28, 1781, semi-weekly. Apr. 4, 1764, Robert Wells and David Bruce. Oct. 31, 1765, Robert Wells. Jan. 6, 1775, Robert Wells and John Wells. May 12, 1775, Robert Wells and Son. Nov. 20, 1777, John Wells, jr.
1772 Oct. 8. Box 29, Fol. 17
1764-1781 Apr. 18-Feb. 28. (microfilm) #1468
685 The South-Carolina gazette. Weekly Jan. 8, 1732 Dec. 18, 1775 Suspended publication with the issue of Sept. 8, 1733; reestablished Feb. 2, 1734, with a new volume numbering. The issue of Dec. 11, 1775, was followed by one other number, probably Dec. 18, 1775. Continued by The Gazette, of the State of South-Carolina, starting with the issue of Apr. 9, 1777. Issues between Mar. 2, 1747-Dec. 18, 1775 lacked a hyphen between "South" and "Carolina" in the title. Jan. 8, 1732, Thomas Whitmarsh. (Died Sept. 1733.) Feb. 2, 1734, Lewis Timothy. (Died Dec. 30, 1738.) Jan. 4, 1739, Elizabeth Timothy, by her son Peter Timothy. 1740, Peter Timothy. May 7, 1772, Thomas Powell, Edward Hughes and Peter Timothy. (Hughes died July 30, 1772.) July 30, 1772, Thomas Powell and company. Nov. 8, 1773, Peter Timothy.
1732 Jan. 8-Dec. 30. 1 v. photostat. Mutilated: Jan. 8. V. 1509
1733 Jan. 6-Sept. 8. 1 v. photostat. V. 1510
1734 Feb. 2-Dec. 28. 1 v. photostat. V. 1511
1735 Jan. 4-Dec. 27. 1 v. photostat. V. 1512
1736 Jan. 3-Dec. 24. Mutilated: Aug. 14. Missing: Jan. 10, Mar. 27 (p. 1, 2), May 1, 8, Dec. 4. 1 v. photostat. V. 1513
1737 Jan. 1-Dec. 29. Missing: Sept. 10, 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 12, 19, 24. 1 v. photostat. V. 1514
1738 Jan. 5-Dec. 28. Supplement: Sept. 14. 1 v. photostat. V. 1515
1739 Jan. 4-Dec. 29. Postscript: Oct. 27. Supplement: May 3. 1 v. photostat. V. 1516
1740 Jan. 5-Dec. 25. Postscript: Dec. 25. 1 v. photostat. V. 1517
1741 Jan. 1-Dec. 26. Postscript: Jan. 8, 22, May 21, June 18, 25 (2 editions), July 23, Sept. 19, Oct. 3, 17, Nov. 7. 1 v. photostat. V. 1518
1742 Jan. 2-Dec. 27. Postscript: Jan. 9, Mar. 6, May 1, 8. Supplement: Feb. 13, 20, 27. Note: Not published Jan. 16-Feb. 13. 1 v. photostat. V. 1519
1743 Jan. 3-Dec. 26. Postscript: Feb. 7, 14, May 23, Sept. 19, Oct. 3. Supplement: July 4, Aug. 29, Dec. 19. 1 v. photostat. V. 1520
1744 Jan. 2-Dec. 31. Broadside: Advertisements (Oct. 22). Postscript: Mar. 5, (Aug. 27). Supplement: Dec. 3. Mutilated: Oct. 22. 1 v. photostat. V. 1521
1745 Jan. 7-Dec. 30. Broadside: Advertisement (Apr. 2). Postscript: (Mar. 25). Supplement: Feb. 11. 1 v. photostat. V. 1522
1746 Jan. 6-Dec. 29. Note: Suspended publication after the issue of Aug. 23, resumed with that of Sept. 22. 1 v. photostat. V. 1523
1747 Jan. 5-Dec. 28. Missing: Mar. 16, 23. 1 v. photostat. V. 1524
1748 Jan. 6-Dec. 26. Postscript: July 9, Dec. 19. 1 v. photostat. V. 1525
1749 Jan. 2-Dec. 25. Postscript: Mar. 20, Apr. 7, Oct. 2, 9, Nov. 27, Dec. 4. 1 v. photostat. V. 1526
1750 Jan. 1-Dec. 31. Postscript: June 4, 18, July 9, Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17. Mutilated: Nov. 12, 19, 19 postscript, 26 and post- script, Dec. 3, 10, 17, and 17 postscripts, 24, 31. 1 v. photostat. V. 1527
1751 Jan. 7-Dec. 20. Postscript: Jan. 7, Feb. 18, July 15. Supplement: May 27, Nov. 25, Dec. 6, 13. Mutilated: Feb. 2, 25, July 15, Aug. 5, Oct. 7, 23, Nov. 13, 18, Dec. 6. Missing: Jan. 14, Mar. 25, Aug. 12, 19, Oct. 14, 16. 1 v. photostat. V. 1528
1752 Jan. 1-Dec. 25. Supplement: Jan. 1 (2 editions), Feb. 22. Mutilated: Sept. 1, 19, 27, Oct. 9, Nov. 13, Dec. 4, 18. Missing: Issues between May 28 (no. 939)-Aug. 10 (no. 949). 1 v. photostat. V. 1529
1753 Jan. 1-Dec. 24. Postscript: Feb. 5, 12, 19, June 25, July 2, 11, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12. Supplement: May 14, June 4, 11, 18, Aug. 15, Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1. Mutilated: Jan. 8, May 21, July 30. Missing: Aug. 22. 1 v. photostat. V. 1530
1760 May 3 (mutilated). Box 29, Fol. 18
1732-1775 Jan. 8-Dec. 11. (microfilm) #1468
1732-1775 Jan. 8-Dec. 11. (microfilm) #1930 SC Na. ESR reel 1-4
686 South-Carolina gazette; and country journal. Weekly Dec. 31, 1765 Aug. 1, 1775 Continuation of The South-Carolina gazetteer; and country journal. Ceased publication with the issue of Aug. 1, 1775. Charles Crouch.
1766 Feb. 18. Box 29, Fol. 19
1772 Nov. 24 (mutilated) Box 29, Fol. 20
1774 Sept. 27. Box 29, Fol. 21
1765-1775 Dec. 31-Aug. 1. (microfilm) #1468
687 South-Carolina gazette, and general advertiser. Semi-Weekly, Tri-Weekly Mar. 15, 1783 Oct. 23, 1784 Issues between Aug. 16, 1783-Oct. 23, 1784, lack a hyphen between the words "South" and "Carolina" in the title. Continued by South-Carolina State gazette, and general advertiser, starting with the issue of Oct. 26, 1784. Periodicity varies: Mar. 15-Dec. 30, 1783, semi-weekly (irregular). Jan. 1-Aug. 4, 1784, tri-weekly. Aug. 26 (?)-Oct. 23, 1784, semi-weekly. Printed for John Miller.
1783 Mar. 15-Dec. 27. Extraordinary: Mar. 31, Apr. 8, 9, May 2, 19. Supplement: July 30, Sept. 20, 23, 27, 30, Oct. 4, Nov. 8, 11, 18, 22, 29, Dec. 2, 9, 13, 18, 23, 27. Mutilated: Apr. 26, May 24, July 1, Aug. 2, Sept. 9, 23, Nov. 8, 29 and supplement, Dec. 2 and supplement, 27. Missing: Apr. 22, Oct. 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28, Nov. 1, 4, 25, Dec. 6, 16, 18, 20, 30. 1 v. V. 1531
1784 Jan. 6-June 29. Supplement: Jan. 15, 22, 24, 27, 31, Feb. 28, Mar. 13, Apr. 17, 20, 24, May 8, 22, 29, June 29. Mutilated: Jan. 31, Feb. 5, 26, Mar. 2, 6, 11, Apr. 3, 13, 20, May 6, 15, 18, 20, 25, 27, June 8, 29. Missing: Jan. 1, 3, 8, 13, Feb. 7, June 12 (p. 3, 4). 1 v. V. 1532
1784 July 1-Aug. 24. Mutilated: July 1, 13, 27, Aug. 5, 7. 1 v. V. 1533
1783-1784 Mar. 15-Oct. 23. (microfilm) #2913
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
688 The South-Carolina gazette, and public advertiser. Semi-Weekly Mar. 3, 1784 July 9, 1785 Continuation of South-Carolina weekly gazette. Continued by The South-Carolina gazette and the public advertiser, starting with the issue of July 12, 1785. Mar. 3, 1784, Nathan Childs and Robert Bruce. Mar. 12, 1785, Nathan Childs, Robert Bruce, and John M'Iver.
1784-1785 Mar. 3-July 9. (microfilm) #2913
689 The South-Carolina gazette, and the general advertiser. Semi-Weekly Jan. 7, 1786 Jan. 14, 1786 Continuation of The South-Carolina gazette, and the public advertiser. Continued by The Charleston morning post, and daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 18, 1786. Nathan Childs and John M'Iver.
1786 Jan. 7-14. (microfilm) #2913
690 The South-Carolina gazette and the public advertiser. Tri-Weekly, Semi-Weekly July 12, 1785 Jan. 4, 1786 Continuation of The South-Carolina gazette and public advertiser. Continued by the South-Carolina gazette, and the general advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 7, 1786. Periodicity varies: July 12, 1785-Nov. 19, 1785, tri-weekly; Nov. 23, 1785-Jan. 4, 1786. July 1, 1785, Nathan Childs, Robert Bruce, and John M'Iver.
1785-1786 July 12-Jan. 4. (microfilm) #2913
691 South Carolina State gazette and daily advertiser. Daily Nov. 30, 1784 July 26, 1785 Continuation of South-Carolina State gazette, and general advertiser. The last issue located is that of July 26, 1785. Printed for John Miller.
1785 Mar. 11. Box 29, Fol. 22
1784-1785 Nov. 30-July 26. (microfilm) #2913
692 South Carolina State gazette, and general advertiser. Tri-Weekly Oct. 26, 1784 Nov. 27, 1784 Continuation of The South-Carolina gazette, and general advertiser. Continued by the South Carolina State gazette and daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Nov. 30, 1784. Printed for John Miller.
1784 Oct. 26-Nov. 27. (microfilm) #2913
693 South-Carolina State-gazette & Timothy & Mason's daily advertiser. Daily Jan. 1, 1794 Dec. 31, 1797 Continuation of . The issue of Jan. 1, 1795 was known as: State gazette of South Carolina. With the issue of Jan. 2, 1795, title again became South-Carolina State-gazette & Timothy & Mason's daily advertiser. Continued by South-Carolina State gazette, and Timothy's daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 1, 1798. Benjamin F. Timothy and William Mason.
1795 Jan. 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15. Feb. 4, 5, 17, 18, 21, 23, 27. July 17. Aug. 1. Supplement: Jan. 6 Feb. 22, 23. Mutilated: Feb. 4. Box 29, Fol. 23
1796 July 2-Sept. 30. Mutilated: July 4, 16, 18, 23, 28, 29, Aug. 13, 19, Sept. 6, 10, 14, 22. Note: This was the publisher's file. Because it was originally mounted on nails, most of the issues are mutilated near the folded edge -- many of them badly. 1 v. V. 1534
1796 Oct. 1-Dec. 31. Bled: Oct. 18. Mutilated: Dec. 1, 6, 21, 22, 23, 31. Note: Most issues mutilated near the folded edge -- see note under July-Sept., 1796. 1 v. V. 1535
694 South-Carolina State gazette, and Timothy's daily advertiser. Daily Jan. 1, 1798 Dec., 31, 1800+ Continuation of South-Carolina State-gazette & Timothy & Mason's daily advertiser. Ceased publication with the issue -- or shortly after -- of Sept. 20, 1802. Benjamin Franklin Timothy.
1798 Jan. 1-Mar. 31. Supplement: Feb. 5. Mutilated: Jan. 8, 12, 16, Feb. 3, 14, Mar. 5, 31. Missing: Mar. 22. Note: This was the publisher's file, stored on spiked nails: most issues are mutilated near the folded/ edge. 1 v. V. 1536
1798 Apr. 2-June 30. Mutilated: Apr. 3, 11, June 28. Missing: Apr. 10 (?). Note: Most issues mutilated near folded edge -- see note above. There are two editions of Apr. 25, 1798, one containing news items, the other, a two-page issue with advertisements. 1 v. V. 1537
1798 Aug. 20, 23 (mutilated). Box 29, Fol. 24
695 The South-Carolina gazetteer; and country journal. Weekly Dec. 17, 1765 Dec. 24, 1765 Title retained for only two numbers. Continued by South-Carolina gazette; and country journal, starting with the issue of Dec. 31, 1765. Charles Crouch.
1765 Dec. 17-24. (microfilm) #1468
696 The South-Carolina weekly advertiser. Weekly Feb. 19, 1783 Apr. 23, 1783 The last issue located is that of Apr. 23, 1783. Elizabeth Boden.
1783 Feb. 19-Apr. 23. 1 v. Box 29, Fol. 25
1783 Feb. 19-Apr. 23. (microprint)
697 The South-Carolina weekly gazette. Weekly Nov. 22 (?), 1758 Mar. 28, 1764 Continued by The South-Carolina and American general gazette, starting with the issue of Apr. 4, 1764. Robert Wells.
1759 Oct. 31 (mutilated). Box 29, Fol. 26
1759-1760 Oct. 31-Dec. 10. (microprint)
698 South-Carolina weekly gazette. Weekly Feb. 15, 1783 Feb. 27, 1784 Continued by South-Carolina gazette and public advertiser, starting with the issue of Mar. 3, 1784. Feb. 15, 1783, Nathan Childs. Mar. 29, 1783, Nathan Childs and Robert Bruce.
1783-1784 Feb. 15-Feb. 27. (microfilm) #2913
Title Note
The Southern star. See: Columbian herald, or, The Southern star.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
699 The State gazette of South-Carolina. Semi-Weekly, Tri-Weekly Mar. 28, 1785 Dec. 31, 1793 Continuation of The Gazette of the State of South- Carolina. Continued as South-Carolina State-gazette & Timothy & Mason's daily advertiser, starting with the issue of Jan. 1, 1794. Periodicity varies:Mar. 28, 1785-Oct. 28, 1792, semi-weekly; Oct. 30, 1792-Dec. 31, 1793, tri-weekly. Mar. 28, 1785, printed for Ann Timothy. Sept. 20, 1792, Benjamin F. Timothy for the representatives of the late Mrs. Ann Timothy. Apr. 5 or 12, 1793, Benjamin Franklin Timothy. May 27, 1793, Benjamin F. Timothy and William Mason.
1786 Jan. 2-May 29. Mutilated: Jan.-May. Missing: Mar. 6, 30, Apr. 3, 6. 1 v. V. 1538
1786 June 1-Oct. 30. Mutilated: June-Oct. Missing: July 6, 10, 13, Sept. 25, 28, Oct. 23, 26. 1 v. V. 1539
1786 Dec. 23 (p. 3. 4). Note: Issue mutilated. Box 29, Fol. 27
1788 Jan. 28, 31 (p. 1, 2). Feb. 4, 14 (p. 1, 2). Apr. 10, 14 (p. 1, 2), 17, 21 (p. 1, 2), 24 (p. 1, 2), 28 (p. 1, 2). May 1 (p. 1,2), 5 (p. 1, 2), 8, 19 (p. 1, 2), 22 (p. 1, 2), 26, 29 (p. 1, 2). June 2 (p. 1,2), 5 (p. 1, 2), 9, 26 (p. 1, 2), 30 (p. 1, 2). Aug. 18 (p. 1, 2), 21 (p. 1, 2), 28 (p. 1, 2). Sept. 4, 11, 29 (p. 1, 2). Oct. 13 (p. 1, 2), 16 (p. 1, 2), 20 (p. 1, 2). Mutilated: Apr. 10, May 8, Aug. 18. Box 29, Fol. 28
1789 Feb. 26 (p. 1, 2). May 18 (p. 1, 2). Sept. 17 (p. 3, 4). Box 29, Fol. 29
1785-1786 Mar. 28-Dec. 28. (microfilm) #3373
700 The Telegraphe, and Charleston daily advertiser. Daily Mar. 16, 1795 Mar. 20, 1795 A continuation, without change of volume numbering of The Daily evening gazette and Charleston tea-table companion. The last issue located is that of Mar. 20, vol. 1, no. 62. James Carey.
1795 Mar. 16-Mar. 20. (microprint)
Title Note
Vesper, or, The Evening courier. See: Evening vesper courier.
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
701 The Columbia gazette. Weekly Jan. 28, 1794 Dec. 9, 1794 Established Jan. 28, 1794, with a preliminary issue dated Jan. 14, 1794. The last issue located is that of Dec. 9, 1794. Continued by The State gazette, in January 1795. William P. Young and Daniel Faust.
1794 Jan. 14-Dec. 9. Missing: July; Aug. 9-Dec. 8. (microprint)
702 South Carolina gazette. Weekly Mar. (?), 1792 Sept. 3, 1793 Established in March 1792, judging from the date of the earliest issue located, that of July 10, 1792, vol. 1, no. 18. The last issue located is that of Sept. 3, 1793. Daniel Constable.
1792-1793 July 10-Sept. 3. (microprint)
Number Title Frequency Start Date End Date Note Publisher LC File Contains
703 The South-Carolina independent gazette; and Georgetown chronicle. Weekly Apr. 2, 1791 1796(?) Established Apr. 2, 1791, judging from the date of the earliest issue located, that of May 21, 1791, vol. 1, no. 8. The last issue located is that of Sept. 15, 1792, vol. 2, no. 76. Continued by The Georgetown chronicle, and South-Carolina weekly advertiser, sometime between 1792 and 1796. James Carson.
1791-1792 May 21-Sept. 15. (microprint)