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U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Hawaii to Louisiana

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CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7541-x misc. dates 1
Hilo Hilo Tribune 7541 1802-6/1806 3
Honolulu Honolulu Advertiser 7543 6/23/1959 (Statehood issue) 1
Honolulu Evening Bulletin 7544 3/1904-8/1912 26
Honolulu Ka Hae Hawaii 7547 3/1856-6/9/1858 3
Honolulu Pacific Commercial Advertiser 7551 1858-1860; 1-4/1871 4
Honolulu Polynesian 7552 6/6/1840-12/11/1841; 5/18/1844-5/12/1849; 1854-5/1858 5
Honolulu Sandwich Island Gazette 7553 7/1836-7/27/1839 2
Honolulu Sandwich Island News 7554 9/1846-11/1847; 6-12/1848 2
Honolulu Hawaiian Star 7555 4-12/1902 2
Honolulu Honolulu Star-Bulletin 7558 8/14/1962 1
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7561-X misc. dates 1
Blackfoote The Daily Bulletin 7561 3/27/1956 (Annual progress edition); 3/30/1956 (progress, farm and home edition) 2
Burley The Burley Herald 7563 3/29/1956 (50th anniversary and spring farm edition) 1
Coeur d'Alene The Coeur d'Alene Press 7564 2/28/1958 (50th anniversary edition) 1
Fairfield Camas County Courier 7565 9/1/1955 (50th anniversary issue) 1
Gooding The Gooding Leader 7566 12/25/1985 (50th anniversary edition) 1
Hailey The Hailey Times 7567 6/21/1956 (75th anniversary edition) 1
Jerome The North Side News 7568 6/20/1957 (50th anniversary of settlement of North Side) 1
Oxford The Oxford (Idaho) Enterprise 7569 1879-82 1
Pocatello Pocatello Idaho State Journal 7570 2/21/1958 Progress edition 1
Rupert Minidoka County News 7571 2/27/1958 (second annual soil conservation edition) 1
Wallace North Idaho Press 7573 6/10/1958 (75th anniversary of Wallace edition) 1
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7574-X misc. dates 3
Aledo The Times Record 7574 6/22/1955 1
Alton Telegraph & Democratic Record 7576 1850
Alton Telegraph 7576 1/1851-12/1852 1
Alton Telegraph & Madison County Record 7576 1/1853-12/1854 1
Anna Gazette-Democrat 7577 7/1/1954 1
Belleville Social Democratic Herald 7578 1898-1899 1
Bloomington Daily Pantagraph 7579 2/23/1957 1
Breeze Breeze Journal 7580 6/28/1956 1
Champaign Urbana News Gazette 7581 11/23/1952 1
Charleston Globe 7582 1847; 1849 2
Chicago Chicago American Socialist 7584 1916-9/1917 1
Chicago Chicago Amerika 7585 8/1872-12/1873 1
Chicago Daily Democrat 7590 7-12/1851; 1-6/1852; 7-11/1852 3
Chicago Chicago Weekly Democrat 7592 1846; 1847 2
Chicago Chicago Daily Democratic Press 7593 1-12/1854; 1-6/1855; 7-12/1855; 1-6/1856; 7-12/1856 5
Chicago Chicago Dispatch 7594 5/3,5/1893 1
Chicago Forward Jewish 7598 Vol I, II, III 3
Chicago Chicago Dispatch 7598 Vol I/1919; VolII/1919 2
Chicago Forward 7598 4-6/1927; 7-9/1927; 1-3/1928; 10-12/1926; 4-6/1926; 7-9/1926; 10-12/1927; 10-12/1924; 1-3/1925; 4-6/1925; 7-9/1925; 1-3/1626 12
Chicago Chicago Gem of the Prairie 7599 12/1847-1/1849 1
Chicago Chicago Daily Globe 7600 10/20/1892 1
Chicago Herald 7602 4-12/1882; 7/1881-3/1882; 1-6/1883; 7-12/1883; 1-4/1887; 5-8/1887; 9-12/1887; 1-3/1888; 4-6/1888; 7-9/1888; 10-12/1888 11
Chicago Herald 7602 1-3/1889; 4-6/1889; 7-9/1889; 10-12/1889; 1-3/1892; 7-9/1892; 10-12/1892; 5/2-6/30/1893; 5-8/1893; 9-12/1893; 7-9/1894; 10-12/1894 12
Chicago Hlasatel 7602A KVET.29-CERVEN.1959; CERVEC-PROS.1959; LED-CERBEC 1960; SRP-PROS 1960; LED-CERVEC 1961 5
Chicago Journal 7605 1-12/1851; 1863-1865; 1-12/1866; 1-12/1867 4
Chicago Chicago Evening Journal 7605 4/29/1893,5/3/1893,10/18/1893 1
Chicago Chicago Weekly Journal 7606 8/17/1846 1
Chicago Minature Daily Worker 7607 Vol I, II 1
Chicago Chicago Mail 7608 4/29/1893-5/5/1893 1
Chicago Chicago Daily News ( Morning) 7610 3/21-12/1881; 3/21-12/1881; 1/2/-6/1882; 7/7-6/18/1882; 11-12/1885; 7-8/1885; 5-6/1885; 3-4/1885; 1-2/1885; 1-2; 1886; 3-4/1886; 5-6/1886; 7-8/1886; 9-10/1886; 1-12/1886; 1-2/1887; 3-4/1887; 5-6/1887; 7-8/1887; 9-10/1887; 1-2/1888; 5-6/1888 22
Chicago Chicago Daily News 7611 4/29-5/5/1893 1
Chicago Chicago Record 7618 4-6/1896; 7-9/1896; 10-12/1896; 1-4/1897; 1-4/1898; 9-12/1898; 1-4/1899; 5-8/1899; 9-12/1899; 5-8/1900; 1-4/1900; 9-12/1900 12
Chicago Chicago Social Democratic Herald 7623 1898; 1900-01 2
Chicago Sunday Herald 7630 10/15/1893 1
Chicago Sbornost 7633 10/30/1955 1
Chicago Chicago Times 7634 1-12/1856 1
Chicago Chicago Times & Herald 7634 1-12/1858 1
Chicago Chicago Times 7634 1872 Vol.III; 1876 8-9; 1864-63; 1872 Vol 1; 1872 Vol.II; 1-4 1891; 5-8/1891; 9-12/1891; 1-4/1892; 5-8/1892; 9-12/1892; 1-4 1893; 9-12/1893; 5-8/1893; 1-4/1894; 5-8/1894 16
Chicago Chicago Times Herald 7634 1-3/1895; 3/3/1895; 4-6/1895; 7-9/1895; 10-12/1895; 5-6/1896; 7-8/1896; 1897; 3-4/1897; 5-6/1897; 7-8/1897; 9-10/1897; 11-12/1897; 1-3/1898; 4-6/1898; 7-8/1898; 10-12/1898; 3-4/1899; 5-6/1899; 7-8/1899; 9-10/1899; 11-12/1899; 1-3/1900; 4-6/1900; 7-9/1900; 10-12/1900 26
Chicago Tribune 7635 6-12/1863; 7-12/1865; 1-6/1864; 7-12/1864; 1-6/1865; 7-12/1865; 1-4/1866; 5-7/27/1866; 2-6/1867; 3-7/1870; 1-10/1871; 1-3/1872; 4-6/1872; 1-4/1872; 10-12/1872; 5-8/1873; 9-12/1873; 1-6/1874; 7-12/1874; 1-6/1875; 7-12/1875 21
Chicago Tribune 7635 1-6/1876; 7-12/1876; 1-6/1877; 7-12/1877; 1-6/1878; 7-12/1878; 1-3/1879; 4-6/1879; 7-9/1879; 10-12/1879; 1-3/1880; 7-9/1880; 10-12/1880; 1-3/1881; 4-6/1881; 7-9/1881; 10-12/1881; 1-3/1882; 4-6/1882; 7-9/1882; 10-12/1882; 1-2/1883; 3-4/1883; 5-6/1883; 7-8/1883; 9-10/1883; 11-12/1883; 1-2/1884; 3-4/1884; 5-6/1884; 7-8/1884; 9-10/1884; 11-12/1884; 1-2/1885; 3-4/1885; 5-6/1885; 7-8/1886; 9-10/1886; 11-12/1886; 1-2/1887; 3-4/1887; 5-6/1887; 7-8/1887; 9-10/1887; 1-2/1888; 3-4/1888; 5-6/1888; 7-8/1888; 11-12/1888; 1-2/1889; 3-4/1889; 5-6/1889; 7-8/1889; 9-10/1889; 11-12/1889 54
Chicago Tribune 7635 1-3/1890; 3-6/1890; 7-9/1890; 10-12/1890; 1-3/1891; 6-6/1891; 7-9/1891; 10-12/1891; 1-3/1892; 3-6/1892; 7-9/1892; 10-12/1892; 1-3/1893; 4-6/1893; 7-9/1893; 10-11/1893; 11-12/1893; 1-3/1894; 4-6/1894; 7-9/1894; 10-12/1894; 1-3/1895; 4-5/1895; 5-6/1895; 7-9/1895; 10-12/1895; 1-3/1896; 4-6/1896; 7-9/1896; 10-12/1896; 1-3/1897; 4-6/1897; 7-9/1897; 10-12/1897; 1-3/1898; 4-6/1898; 7-9/1898; 10-12/1898; 1-3/1899; 4-6/1899; 7-9/1899; 10-12/1899 42
Chicago Chicago Worker 7638 7-12/1924; 1-6/1927 2
Chicago Zgoda 7638B 7-12/1959-60 1
Collinsville Collinsville Herald 7639 9/2/1937 1
Columbia Columbia Star 7640 5/3/1956 1
Du Quoin Du Quoin Evening Star 7642 9/19/1953 1
Evanston The Evaston Review 7645 6/7/1956 1
Galena Advertiser 7646 1829 1
Galena Galenian 7647 1/1833-12/1834 1
Galena Gazette 7648 1-12/1867 1
Galena Miner's Journal 7649 1828-30 1
Galena North Western Gazette 7650 7/1851-12/1852 1
Galena North Western Gazette 7650 3/1849-6/1851 1
Galva Galva News 7651 7/22/1954 1
Girad Girad Gazette 7652 6/16/1955 1
Glasford Glasford Gazette 7653 9/22/1949 1
Hanna City Hanna City Trivoli Index 7654 11/4/1954 1
Harvard Harvard Herald 7655 5/31/1956 1
Jacksonville Jacksonville Illinoian 7658 1838-41 1
Jacksonville Jacksonville Ill.St. Gazette News 7660 1/1835-12/1837 1
Jonesboro Jonesboro Weekly Gazette 7660 1859-60 1
Kaskaskia Kaskaskia Illinois Intelligencer 7662 1/1819-12/1820 1
Lacon Lacon Home Journal 7663 8/9/1928 1
Lake Forest Lake Forest & Lake Forest News 7664 7/28/1955 1
Mendota Mendota Reporter 7665 8/6/1953 1
McLeansboro The Times Leader 7666 10/20/1955 1
Maroa Private Post 7667 3/27/1958 Vol #1 1
Maywood The Herald 7668 5/24/1956 1
Monticello Piatt County Journal 7669 5/17/1956 1
Oak Park Oak Leaves 7672 6/28/1956 1
Palmyra Weekly Transcript 7673 7/21/1955 1
Pekin Tazwell Mirror 7674 1849 1
Peoria Peoria Register & North Western Gazetteer 7677 6/1841-11/1842 1
Pittsfield Pittsfield Union 7678 7/1852-6/1852 1
Pittsfield Pike County Free Press 7679 4/1846-12/1851 1
Pittsfield Pike County Free Press 7679 1/1852-12/1856 1
Quincy Quincy Weekly Herald 7680 1-12/1854 1
Quincy Quincy Herald 7681 6-12/1867 1
Quincy Wig & Republican 7682 1-12/1863
Rockford The Crusader 7683 11/4/1955 1
Shawnee Illinois Gazette 7686 9/1819-11/1822; 1/1823-12/1826; 2/1823-12/1830 3
Shawneetown Illinois Republican 7687 1/1842-6/1843 1
Skokie The News 7689 2/3/1955(30th anniversary edition) 1
Springfield Springfield Illinois Journal 7690 1849 1
Springfield Sagamo Journal 7691 3/1841-6/1843 1
Springfield Illinois Daily Journal 7692 1-12/1850 1
Springfield Illinois State Journal 7692 1-2/1857 1
Springfield Illinois State Register 7693B 1-12/1840 1
Springfield Illinois State Register 7693B 4/1844-12/1846; 1847; 1/1848-12/1851; 1852-1854; 1857 5
Vandalia Vandalia Illinois Intelligencer 7695 1/1826-12/1827 1
Vandalia Vandalia Illinois Advocate 7694 1/1833-3/1836 1
Vandalia Vandalia Illinois Intelligencer 7695 1/1821-12/1823; 1/1824-12/1825; 1/1828-12/1829; 1/1830-3/1832 4
Vandalia Vandalia Illinois State Register Advocate 7697 3/1836-12/1837 1
Vandalia Illinois State Register 7697 1838-1839 1
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7701-X misc. dates 3
Brookville Enquirer & Indiana Telegraph 7702 2/1819-12/1820 1
Brookville Enquirer 7702 1/1821-12/1822; 1/1823-10/1825 2
Brookville Franklin Repository 7703 10/1825-9/1826; 1/12/1828 2
Corydon Indiana Gazette 7708 1/1819-12/1820; 1/1821-11/1822; 1/1823-9/1824 3
Evansville Gazette 7711 4/1822-12/1823; 1/1824-8/1825 2
Evansville Journal 7712 1/1860-10/1861 1
Evansville Journal 7712 2-12/1864; 1-12/1869 2
Indianapolis Indiana Democat 7714 1/1833-12/1834; 1/1835-3/1836; 4/1836-12/1837; 1/1838-5/1840; 5/1840-5/1841 5
Indianapolis Gazette (W.) 7715 1829-30 1
Indianapolis Daily Herald 7716 11/1865-8/1866 1
Indianapolis Indiana Journal 7717 1/1825-12/1827; 1/1828-12/1829 2
Indianapolis Indiana Journal (S.W) 7717 1830-31 1
Indianapolis Indiana Journal (W) 7717 1841-42 1
Indianapolis Journal 7718 5/27-12/1854; 7-12/861; 1/12/1863-6/1863; 7-12/1863; 1864-1865; 1-6/1867; 7-12/1867; 1-6/1868; 7-12/1868; 1871; 7-12/1874; 1-6/1875; 7-12/1875; 1-6/1876; 7-12/1876; 1-6/1877; 7-12/1877; 1-6/1878; 7-12/1878; 1-6/1879; 7-12/1879; 1-6/1880; 7-12/1880; 1-6/1881; 7-12/1881; 1-6/1882; 7-12/1882; 1-6/1883; 7-12/1883; 1-6/1884; 1-3/1889 30
Indianapolis Sentinel 7722 1-3/1883; 4-6/1883; 7-9/1883; 10-12/1883; 1-3/1884; 4-5/1884; 7-9/1884; 10-12/1884 6
Indianapolis State Journal (W.) 7725 1849 1
Indianapolis Indiana State Journal 7725 1/1851-6/1852 1
Indianapolis Indiana State Sentinel 7726 6/1845-12/29/1846; 1847; 1/1848-3/1849; 3-12/1853; 1-12/1854; 1-12/1855; 1-12/1856; 1-6/1857; 7-12/1857;1859; 7-11/1861; 1/1864-10/1865 12
Indianapolis Indiana Daily State Sentinel (D) 7726 1859 1
Indianapolis Indiana State (W) Sentinel 7727 1844-45 1
Indianaoplis Indiana State Sentinel (W) 7727 1848-53 1
Indianapolis Indiana State Sentinel 7727 7/2/1872-4/28/1874 1
Indianapolis Indianapolis Times 7728 5/29-30/1959 (Speedway edition) 1
Kokomo The Kokomo Tribune, The Kokomo Dispatch 7731 10/30/1950 (centennial issue) 1
Lafayette Daily Courier 7733 1861 1
Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburgh Indiana Palladium 7738 1-12/1830; 1833; 9/1833-12/1834; 1/1835-12/1836 4
Muncie The Muncie Star 7745 5/29/1949 (50th anniversary edition) 1
Richmond Richmond Palladium 7752 9/1841-12/1842; 3/1852-10/1853 2
South Bend Goniec Polski 7756-A Lip1959-Czew 1961; 1962; 1963; 1964 4
Vinita Vinita (Ind.Ter.)Indian Chieftain 7767 8/1885-2/1888 1
Vincennes Vincennes Indiana Centinel 7763 1/1820-9/1821 1
Vincennes Vincennes Indiana Gazette 7764 8/21/1804-8/14/1805 1
Vincennes Vincennes Western Sun (W.) 7766 1807; 1812; 1/18-12/1821; 1822-1824; 1-12/1826; 1828-1831; 1-12/1837 7
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7768x misc. dates 1
Burlington Hawkeye 7769 4/1849-6/1851; 8/12/1861; 1/12/1862 3
Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye 7769 12/1871-6/1872; 7-12/1872; 1-6/1873; 7-12/1873; 1-5/1874; 6-12/1874 6
Burlington Hawk-Eye & Iowa Patriot 7770 1/1841-12/1842 2
Burlington Daily Iowa State Journal Gazette 7771 1859 1
Burlington Weekly Iowa State Gazette 7772 1854 1
Burlington State Gazette 7772 1/1874-4/1849; 3/1853-6/1854 2
Burlington Iowa Territorial Gazette 7773 7/1838-6/1840 1
Burlington Iowa Territorial Gazette & Advertiser(W) 7773 1840-41 1
Burlington Iowa Territorial Gazette (W) 7774 1838 1
Burlington Wisconsin Territorial Gazette (W) 7774 1837 1
Council Bluffs Frontier Guardian 7777 5/29/1850-6/25/1852 1
Davenport Democrat 7778 1898 1
Davenport Daily Democrat & News 7779 1839 1
Davenport Weekly Democrat & News 7780 11/1/1860 1
Davenport Democratic Banner 7781 2/1854-10/1855 1
Davenport Daily State Democrat 7784 1855-1856; 2-12/1857 2
Davenport Daily Iowa State Democrat 7784 1856 1
Davenport Iowa Sun & Davenport & Rock Island 7785 3/1839-12/1840 1
Davenport Iowa Sun 7785 4/7/1841 1
Dubuque Iowa News (W.) 7789 1837-38; 1837-38 2
Dubuque Visitor 7791 1/5/1837 1
Fairfield Fairfield Sentinel 7792 5/1854-12/1856 1
Iowa City Iowa Capital Reporter 7793 1/1847-12/1849 1
Keokuk Valley Whig & Register 7796 3/1850-4/1851 1
Keokuk Des Moines Valley Whig 7796 1/12/1852 1
Keokuk Weekly Dispatch 7797 1848; 5/1853-9/1855 2
Marshalltown Marshall County Times 7798 1867-69 1
Marshalltown Marshalltown Times/Republican 7799 6/30/1953 (centennial edition) 1
Mason City Mason City Globe Gazette 7800 6/1/1953 (centennial of city) 1
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7803-X misc. dates 1
Oelwein Oelwein Daily Register 7801 12/31/1955 1
Atchison Patriot 7803 1/1876-11/1877 1
Atchison Daily Free Press 7804 5/12/1866; 1-6/1867; 7-8/1867; 9-12/1867; 1-8/1868 5
Atchison Squatter Sovereign 7806 2/1855-4/1857 1
Atwood Citizen/Patriot 7807 8/11/1955 (75th anniversary edition) 1
Burrton Burrton Graphic 7808 9/23/1948 (75th anniversary supplement only) 1
Caldwell Caldwell Messenger 7809 4/30/1956 (Border Queen/Chisholm Trial small edition) 1
Caldwell Caldwell Messenger 7810 5/8/1961 1
Colby Colby Free Press/Tribune 7811 10/4/1939 (50th anniversary edition) 1
Emporia Kansas News 7812 6/6/1857 1
Emporia Emporia News 7813 1/14/1876-11/23/1877 1
Great Bend Great Bend Daily Tribune 7814 5/7/1961 1
Holton Holton (Kans) Express 7815 1872-75 1
Horton Horton Headlight 7816 9/18/1961 1
Hugoton Hermes 7817 8/17/1961 (centennial edition) 1
Hutchinson Hutichinson News 7818 4/27/1962 (annual farm edition) 1
Junction City Junction City Republic 7819 6/25/1953 (Fort Riley centennial and reprint of coverage of 7/19/1951 flood) 1
Junction City Junction City Republic 7820 6/8/1961 1
Junction City Junction City Union 7821 6/7/1961 1
Wyandott City Weekly Western Argus 7982 1/1859-8/1860 1
Kanas City Wyandott Herald 7823 1876-77 1
LaCrosse Rush County News 7824 5/19/1949 (75th anniversay edition) 1
LaCrosse Rush County News 7825 9/28/1961(centennial edition) 1
Lakin Lakin Independent 7826 8/27/1948(75th anniversary of Lakin edition) 1
Larned Tiller and Toiler 7827 4/24/1964 (Larned State Hospital 50th anniversary edition) 1
Lawrence Herald of Freedom 7828 1857-1859 1
Lawrence Republican Daily Journal 7829 3-12/1869 1
Lawrence Lawrence Republican (W.) 7830 1861 1
Lawrence Lawrence Kansas Tribune 7833 1-12/1866; 7-12/1874 2
Lawrence Lawrence Western Home Journal 7834 3/1871-73 1
Leavenworth Leavenworth Herald (W) 7838 9/1854-9/1855; 9/1855-12/1857; 1858-1859; 5/1859-7/1860 4
Leavenworth Leavenworth Journal (W.) 7839 1857 1
Leavenworth Leavenworth Times and Bulletin 7841 4/2-5/5/1871 1
LeCompton LeCompton National Democrat (W) 7842 1857; 1/18/1859-3/1861 2
Leon The Leon News 7843 9/22/1955(75th anniversary edition) 1
Liberal The Southwest Daily Times 7844 3/18/1961(Kansas cenennial Futurama edition) 1
Louisburg Louisburgh Herald 7845 7/15/1951 (75th anniversary) 1
Luray Luray Herald 7846 8/28/1952 (50th anniversary edition) 1
Manhattan Manhattan Kansas Express 7848 5/1859-7/1860 1
Manhattan Manhattan Western Kansas Express 7848 9/1860-10/1862 1
Manhattan Manhattan Nationalist 7849 1879; 1873-74 2
Manhattan Manhattan Standard 7850 1868-69
Marysville Marysville Advocate 7851 8/12/1954 (Marysville Century of Progress Edition) 1
Medicine Lodge Barber County Index 7852 10/5/1961 (Indian Peace Treaty edition) 1
Osawatonie Oswatonie Graphic News 7853 10/2/1954 (centennial edition) 1
Pittsburg Pittsburg Sun 7855 5/14/1961 1
Russell Russell Daily News 7856 6/3/1961( Prairiesta Souvenir edition) 1
Salina Salina Journal 7857 4/24/1962 (8th annual farm edition) 1
Topeka Advocate and Tribune 7858 1894; 1895 2
Topeka Topeka Daily Blade 7859 6-11/1876; 11/1876-5/1877 2
Topeka Topeka Daily Capital 7860 5-6/1928 1
Topeka Topeka Daily Capital 7861 6/6/1954 (75th anniversary edition) 1
Topeka Topeka Capital-Journal 7862 1/28/1961 1
Topeka Capital Commonwealth 7863 11-12/1888 1
Topeka Democrat (D) 7867 7/1887-1/1888; 7/1888-8-1892 2
Topeka Democrat (D) 7868 1893-1896 1
Topeka Democrat (D) 7869 1880 1
Topeka North Topeka Mail 7870 10/1882-10/1883; 10/18/1883-10/9/1884; 1/13/1888-12/27/1889; 1890-1891; 1/1/1892-12/30/1892 5
Topeka North Topeka Times 7871 6/8/1876-2/16/1877; 2/23/1877-2/23/1880 2
Topeka Kansas State Record 7876 10/1859-12/1860; 1/1861-8/1862; 4/1871-10/1872; 2-8/1873; 9/24/1873-6/24/1874; 7/1874-4/1875 6
Topeka Topeka Times (W) 7877 1874-1/1876 1
Topeka Topeka Kansas Tribune 7879 1856 1
Topeka Topeka Tribune 7879 1860 1
Troy Troy Kansas Chief 7880 9/25/1873-7/12/1874 1
Wakeeny Western Kansas World 7881 3/4/1954 (75th anniversary edition) 1
White Cloud White Cloud Kansas Chief 7883 7/1866-6/1867; 7/1867-6/1868; 7/1868-6/1870; 6/1870-6/1871; 6/1871-6/1872 5
Wichita Wichita Eagle 7884 7-12/1898 1
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7885-X misc. Dates 9
Ashland Independent 7885 11/1881-6/1884 1
Clinton Hickman County Gazette 7886 4/30/1953 (centennial edition) 1
Frankfort Argus of Western America 7888 1808; 1819-1821; 1822-1824; 1825-11/1827; 1828-1830; 1831-1833; 1834-1836; 1837-4/1838 8
Frankfort Commentator 7889 1/1819-12/1820; 1/1821-11/1823; 1825; 1826-1828; 1/1829-3/1831 5
Frankfort Commonwealth 7890 1-2/12/1845; 1861; 1863; 1864; 1/1865-9/1866; 4/2/1867-7/9/1869 6
Frankfort Commonwealth 7891 3/1841-11/1842; 1849 2
Frankfort Kentucky Yeoman 7892 1/1859-12/1861 1
Frankfort Frankfort State Journal 7894 11/26/1954-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955 3
Henderson Columbian (W.) 7898 1824 1
Hickman Commercial Standard 7900 1/1846-11/1848 1
Lexington Gazette 7901 1/1819-12/1821; 1/1822-12/1824; 1825; 1/1826-11/1828; 1/1833-12/1835; 1/1836-12/1838; 1/1839-11/1841 7
Lexington Lexington Herald 7902 4/15/1926 1
Lexington Lexington Reporter 7907 3/12-12/1808; 1811; 1812; 1813; 1814; 1816; 1818; 1-10/1819; 1820; 3-12/1825; 1826; 1827-1828; 1829-1830; 1831 14
Lexington Statesman 7908 4/1853-12/1854; 1855; 1860 3
Louisville Louisville Courier 7912 3-12/1849; 1-12/1850; 1-12/1851; 1-10/1852; 2-12/1858; 1-12/1859; 1-6/1860; 7-12/1860 8
Louisville Courier-Journal 7913 11/20/1960 (supplement only; The Civil War in Kentucky) 2 copies 1
Louisville Louisville Democrat 7914 1-12/1857;1-9/1858; 9-12/1858; 1-6/1859; 6/29-12/1859;1-5/1860; 1-12/1867; 3/23-8/19/1868; 1-3/22/1868; 8/20-12/1868 10
Louisville The Examiner 7915 6/19/1847-12/8/1849 1
Louisville Louisville Herald 7918 1-4/1903; 5-8/1903; 9-12/1903; 1-4/1904; 5-8/1904; 9-12/1904; 1-4/1905;5-8/1905; 9-12/1905; 1-3/1906; 4-6/1906; 7-9/1906;10-12/1906; 1-3/1907; 4-6/1907; 7-8/1907; 9-10/1907; 11-12/1907;1-2/1908; 3-4/1908; 5-6/1908; 7-8/1908; 9-10/1908; 11-12/1908; 1-2/1909; 3-4/1909; 5-6/1909 27
Louisville Louisville Journal 7919 4-12/1841; 3-12/1849; 1/1850-1/1851; 1-6/1851; 1-6/1852; 7-12/1852; 4-12/1865; 2-12/1867; 1-6/1868; 7-11/1868 11
Louisville Louisville Weekly Journal 7920 11/24/1852-10/19/1853 1
Louisville Louisville Public Advertiser 7923 1-6/1830;1-5/1841 2
Louisville Louisville Public Advertiser 7924 4-12/1819;1/1820-9/1821 2
Louisville Louisville Public Advertiser 7924 5/12/1819; 1820-9/1821; 9/1821-12/1822; 1-12/1823; 1-12/1824; 1-12/1825; 1/1827-8/1828; 8/1828-9/1829; 9/1829-6/1830 9
Louisville Louisville Times 7925 3-12/1852; 1853; 1854; 1855; 1-12/1856; 5-6/1919 6
Louisville Union Press 7927 1-12/1865 1
Maysville Eagle 7928 5/1825-11/1826; 11/1826-12/1828; 1829 3
Maysville Monitor 7930 1/1838-9/1841 1
New Maysville Republican 7931 1/1882-12/1884 1
Middlesboro Middlesboro Daily News 7932 7/2/1959 (Cumberland Gap National Historic Park Dedication Issue 1
Owensboro Inquirer 7933 5/29/1924 1
Murray Calloway County Gazette 7934 1/6/1911 1
Paducah Paducah Sun-Democrat 7939 7/22-27,30-8/1,3/1956 2
Paris Western Citizen 7940 1828; 1829-1830; 1863-1864 3
Russellville Russellville Messenger (W) 7942 1819; 1820; 1822-1823; 1824-1826; 1828 5
CITY TITLE Control # Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 7946-x misc. 6
Alexandria Louisiana Herald 7946 1820-10/1822; 1823-8/1825 2
Alexandria Louisiana Messenger & Alexandria Advertiser 7947 1826 1
Alexandria Red River Republican 7948 1847-1848; 1850-10/1853; 1854; 1856-1857 4
Baton Rouge Weekly Advocate 7951 1856-1857 1
Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Gazette 7952 2/1826-11/1827 1
Baton Rouge Republic 7954 1822-8/1823 2
Bonnet Carre Le Meschacebe 7956 2/22/1879-7/20/1889; 6/13/1891-12/28/1901 3
Convent Le Louisianais 7957 10/7/1865-5/7/1881 3
Natchitoches Natchitosches Times 7962 3/13/1953 1
New Orleans L'Abeille de la Nouvelle Orleans 7964 4-12/1841; 3/1849-1851; 10/1901-1923 57
New Orleans Commercial Bulletin 7967 5-9/1836; 8/1839-4/1840; 1841-1842; 1846-1848; 2/1849-6/1857; 1858-1860 32
New Orleans Le Courrier de la Louisiana 7969 1824-1825; 7-11/1827; 3/1829-1833; 1836; 1840-1849; 3/1853-1858; 1-11/1860 29
New Orleans Daily Crescent 7972 6-12/1850; 7-11/1860; 12/1866-12/1867; 1876 8
New Orleans Weekly Delta 7974 5/1848-10/1849 1
New Orleans Sunday Item-Tribune 7979 1/31/1937; 2/26/1939 3
New Orleans Moniteur de la Louisiane 7984 1803-1804 1
New Orleans New Orleans Republican 7985 1-6/1872; 7-12/1872 2
New Orleans Picayune 7988 8/1845-1853; 1856-1858; 7/1859-1862 29
New Orleans Weekly Picayune 7990 1846-2/1848; 3/1848-1849 2
New Orleans Republican 7992 4-12/1867; 10-12/1872; 2-9/1873; 7/1874-1875; 1-6/1877 7
New Orleans New Orleans Times 7997 4-9/1876 2
Opelousas Opelousas Daily World 7999 11/2/1955 1
St. Francisville Asylum 8002 11/1821-7/1825 1
St. Francisville Louisiana Journal 8003 3/1825-1826 1
Vidalia Concordia Intelligencer 8005 7/1849-6/1850 1