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United States Army Field Manuals: A Resource Guide and Inventory

Series 18: Tank Destroyer

The following title links to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

The inventory below lists Field Manuals (FM) found in Series 18 at the Library of Congress

FM # Title Author Date Page Count
18-5 Tank Destroyer Field Manual Organization and Tactics of Tank Destroyer Units War Dept Jun. 1942 101 pages
18-5 Tactical Employment Tank Destroyer Unit War Dept Jul. 1944 132 pages
18-15 Tank Destroyer Field Manual Tank Destroyer Drill and Crew Drill 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10 76-MM Gun motor Carriage T70 3-Inch Towed Gun (Gun M5 and Carriage M1) War Dept Dec. 1943 133 pages
18-17 Tank Destroyer Crew Drill, 3-Inch Towed Gun M5 on Carriage M6 War Dept Aug. 1944 19 pages
18-18 Crew Drill, Gun Motor Carriage, M36 War Dept Dec. 1944 44 pages
18-20 Tank Destroyer Tactical Employment of Tank Destroyer Platoon Self-Propelled War Dept May 1944 78 pages
18-21 Tank Destroyer Towed Gun Platoon War Dept Apr. 1944 103 pages
18-22 Tank Destroyer Reconnaissance Platoon War Dept Nov. 1944 82 pages
18-24 Tank Destroyer Pioneer Platoon War Dept Nov. 1944 99 pages