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United States Army Field Manuals: A Resource Guide and Inventory

Series 6: Field Artillery

The following title links to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

The inventory below lists Field Manuals (FM) found in Series 6 at the Library of Congress

FM # Title Author Date Page Count
6-91 Field Artillery Field Manual Service of the Piece 8-Inch Howitzer M1 War Dept May 1942 85 pages
6-92 155-MM Howitzer M44 Self-Propelled Dept. of the Army Apr. 1962 174 pages
6-95 Field Artillery Field Manual Service of the Piece 240-MM Howitzer, M1918 War Dept Jan. 1940 85 pages
6-95 Service of the Piece 8-Inch Gun M1 and 240-MM Howitzer M1 War Dept Feb. 1946 233 pages
6-100 Field Artillery Tactics and Technique of Division Artillery and Higher Artillery Echelons War Dept May 1944 84 pages
6-101 Field Artillery Tactics and Technique Battalion and Battery Motorized War Dept Jun. 1944 270 pages
6-110 Field Artillery Field Manual Pack Artillery War Dept Mar. 1940 204 pages
6-120 Field Artillery Target Acquisition Battalion and Batteries Dept. of the Army Mar. 1962 90 pages
6-121 Field Artillery Target Acquisition Dept. of the Army Oct. 1962 139 pages
6-125 Field Artillery Field Manual Examination of Gunners War Dept Jun. 1942 151 pages
6-130 Field Artillery Field Manual Reference Data War Dept Oct. 1940 122 pages
6-135 Field Artillery Forward Observation War Dept Aug. 1944 71 pages
6-162 Radar Set AN/TPS-25 Dept. of the Army Apr. 1962 53 pages