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United States Army Field Manuals: A Resource Guide and Inventory

Series 21: Individual Soldier

The following title links to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

The inventory below lists Field Manuals (FM) found in Series 21 at the Library of Congress

FM # Title Author Date Page Count
21-5 Military Training War Dept Jul. 1941 76 pages
21-5 Military Training Dept. of the Army Sep. 1950 204 pages
21-5 Military Training Dept. of the Army Jan. 1957 234 pages
21-6 List of Publications for Training Field Manuals, Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, War Department Lubrication,Guides, Mobilization Regulations, Mobilization Training Programs, War Department Pamphlets War Dept Feb. 1944 348 pages
21-6 List of Publications for Field Manuals, Firing Tables, Lubrication Orders, Mobilization Training Programs, Technical Bulletins, Technical Manuals, Technical Circulars War Dept Oct. 1944 149 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications War Dept May 1945 385 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications War Dept Jun. 1945 399 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications War Dept Jan. 1946 469 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications War Dept Apr. 1946 471 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications War Dept Oct. 1946 507 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications War Dept Jul. 1947 500 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications Dept. of the Army Jan. 1948 531 pages
21-6 List and Index of War Department Publications Dept. of the Army Apr. 1948 48 pages
21-6a List of Publications for Training War Dept Oct. 1940 128 pages
21-6b List of Publications for Training War Dept Sep. 1941 186 pages
21-6c List of Publications for Training, Including Training Films and Film Strips War Dept Feb. 1942 186 pages
21-6c List of Publications for Training, Including Training Films and Film Strips War Dept Jul. 1942 186 pages
21-7 List of Training Films, Film Strips, and Film Bulletins War Dept Jan. 1943 280 pages
21-7 List of War Department Films, Film Strips, and Recognition Film Slides War Dept Jan. 1945 329 pages
21-7 List of War Department Films, Film Strips, and RecognitionmFilm Slides War Dept Jan. 1946 416 pages
21-7 List of War Department Films, Film Strips, and Recognition Film Slides War Dept Apr. 1945 370 pages
21-8 Military Training Aids War Dept Feb. 1944 various pages
21-8 Military Training Aids Dept. of the Army Sep. 1950 175 pages
21-10 Basic Field Manual Military Sanitation and First Aid War Dept Jul. 1940 192 pages
21-10 Military Sanitation War Dept Jul. 1945 249 pages
21-10 Military Sanitation Dept. of the Army May 1957 304 pages
21-11 First Aid for Soldiers War Dept Apr. 1943 119 pages
21-11 First Aid for Soldiers War Dept Aug. 1946 68 pages
21-11 First Aid for Soldiers Dept. of the Army Mar. 1954 118 pages
21-13 The Soldier's Guide Dept. of the Army Jun. 1952 240 pages
21-13 The Soldier's Guide Dept. of the Army Aug. 1961 294 pages
21-15 Equipment, Clothing, and Tent Pitching War Dept Oct. 1940 58 pages
21-15 Individual Clothing and Equipment War Dept Apr. 1945 88 pages
21-15 Care and Use of Individual Clothing and Equipment Dept. of the Army Aug. 1961 101 pages
21-15 Care and Use of Individual Clothing and Equipment Dept. of the Army Jan. 1966 124 pages
21-17 Evasion and Escape Dept. of the Army Nov. 1965 121 pages
21-18 Foot Marches Dept. of the Army

Jul. 1958

104 pages
21-20 Physical Training War Dept Mar. 1941 211 pages
21-20 Physical Training Dept. of the Army Nov. 1950 343 pages
21-20 Physical Training Dept. of the Army Oct. 1957 216 pages
21-22 Watermanship War Dept Apr. 1944 151 pages
21-22 Survival at Sea Dept. of the Army and Air Force Jun. 1950 149 pages
21-25 Elementary Map and Aerial Photograph Reading War Dept Apr. 1941 100 pages
21-26 Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading War Dept Sep. 1941 190 pages
21-26 Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading War Dept Dec. 1944 141 pages
21-26 Map Reading Dept. of the Army Mar. 1956 253 pages
21-26 Map Reading Dept. of the Army Oct. 1960 222 pages
21-26 Map Reading Dept. of the Army Mar. 1965 134 pages
21-26 Map Reading Dept. of the Army Jan. 1969 various pages
21-30 Military Symbols Dept. of the Army Jun. 1951 59 pages
21-30 Military Symbols Dept. of the Army May 1961 66 pages
21-30 Military Symbols Dept. of the Army Jun. 1965 104 pages
21-30 Basic Field Manual, Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations War Dept Aug. 1939 75 pages
21-30 Basic Field Manual, Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations War Dept Nov. 1941 159 pages
21-30 Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations War Dept Oct. 1943 151 pages
21-30 Manuel de Service en Campagne Signs Conventionnels, Symboles et Abbreviations Militaires War Dept Mar. 1944 various pages
21-31 Topographic Symbols Dept. of the Army Jan. 1952 111 pages
21-31 Topographic Symbols Dept. of the Army Jan. 1961 102 pages
21-35 Basic Field Manual Field Service Pocketbook Sketching War Dept Jun. 1939 various pages
21-35 Basic Field Manual Field Service Pocketbook Sketching War Dept 1943 118 pages
21-40 Basic Field Manual Defense Against Chemical Attacks War Dept May 1940 154 pages
21-40 Basic Field Manual Defense Against Chemical Attacks War Dept Sep. 1942 282 pages
21-40 Defense Against Chemical Attacks War Dept Sep. 1946 292 pages
21-40 Soldier's Manual for Defense Against CBR Attack Dept. of the Army Apr. 1953 149 pages
21-40 Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Defense Dept. of the Army Sep. 1966 93 pages
21-45 Basic Field Manual Protective Measures, Individuals and Small Units War Dept Mar. 1942 154 pages
21-50 Basic Field Manual Military Courtesy and Discipline War Dept Jan. 1941 40 pages
21-50 Basic Field Manual Military Courtesy and Discipline War Dept Jun. 1942 44 pages
21-60 Visual Signals Dept. of the Army Jan. 1962 200 pages
21-60 Visual Signals Dept. of the Army Dec. 1966 93 pages
21-75 Scouting, Patrolling, and Sniping War Dept Feb. 1944 192 pages
21-75 Combat Training of the Individual Soldier and Patrolling Dept. of the Army Jun. 1957 220 pages
21-75 Survival Dept. of the Army Oct. 1957 285 pages
21-75 Combat Training of the Individual Soldier and Patrolling Dept. of the Army Jan. 1962 352 pages
21-77 Evasion and Escape Dept. of the Army Nov. 1965 121 pages
21-100 Basic Field Manual Soldier's Handbook War Dept Dec. 1940 253 pages
21-100 Basic Field Manual Soldier's Handbook War Dept Jul. 1941 251 pages
21-100 Basic Field Manual Soldier's Handbook Dept. of the Army Feb. 1953 93 pages
21-105 Basic Field Manual Engineer Soldier's Handbook War Dept Mar. 1941 90 pages
21-105 Basic Field Manual Engineer Soldier's Handbook War Dept Jun. 1943 163 pages
21-150 Basic Field Manual Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier War Dept Jun. 1942 315 pages
21-150 Hand-to-Hand Combat Dept. of the Army Jun. 1954 191 pages