Articles are often a good source for more current and accessible information on the market when access to market research reports is not an option. Check your local public or university library for access to full-text databases to find more information. If you are looking to track local trends also look to location publications.
These are a sampling of articles, if you are looking to do more research check what databases you have access to via your local public or university library. To see what the databases that the Library has access to look at the Subscription Resources link in the left navigation.
If you are interested in researching older information here are a few articles that may be of interest as well. Some of them still may be available if you search online, or try a library with full-text databases.
Consumer magazines devoted to brides are a good source for looking at what is hot in the industry generally as well as reporting on the state of the industry.
Local newspapers and community magazines will also be important resources for those interested in understanding the industry in their particular area because the cover local business, industry, and community events.