Drafting a will can appear to be a formidable task to someone just beginning their research. Below, find some selected print resources from our collection that can assist researchers who are contemplating drafting a will.
Please keep in mind that these resources are not a substitute for contacting a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction, because not only is the law surrounding wills driven primarily by state law, but also the methods by which you create an estate plan can have significant tax consequences.
The following books can help you get your footing regarding the laws surrounding wills. Simply click on the links below to find fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.
The resources below focus on providing sample wills or clauses that can be used to draft a will.
To locate additional resources that are specific to your state, please use our catalog and browse subject headings. Click “search options,” “browse,” and use the drop-down to select “SUBJECTS beginning with” or “SUBJECTS containing,” and then input a subject heading using one of the examples shown below. Finally, click on a result and you can browse the materials classified under that subject heading.
Some of the subject headings that may be of interest include: