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World War I Correspondence Collections in the Veterans History Project

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The Veterans History Project archives contain more than 2,700 correspondence collections, including more than 140 from veterans of World War I. Those collections with finding aids can be searched using the Finding Aids Tool. All VHP collections can be searched from the Veterans History Project website.

Serving: Our Voices

Every veteran has his or her own war, and each is custodian of a unique story and memories. At the Veterans History Project, we treasure the personal narratives sent to us by veterans from all wars. Vivid as if they happened yesterday, these heartfelt accounts make us laugh, cry and remember. The stories are not a formal history of war, but a treasure trove of individual feelings and personal recollections. The following presentations focus on World War I veterans and their stories.

Collection Finding Aids for World War I Correspondence Collections

Finding aids provide a gateway to this wealth of Library treasures, helping you discover and navigate through the thousands of boxes and folders that house each collection. These guides provide comprehensive overviews of unique Library resources. Progressively detailed descriptions of a collection's component parts summarize the overall scope of the content, convey details about the individuals and organizations involved, and list box and folder headings. Special service conditions are noted, including terms under which the collection may be accessed or copied. Links are provided to digitized content, when available.

Library of Congress finding aids are XML documents created using the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), an international standard maintained by the Library of Congress in partnership with the Society of American Archivists.

The following finding aids describe Veterans History Project collections for World War I veterans whose collections include correspondence.

Folklife Today Blog

Folklife Today is a blog for people interested in folklore, folklife, and oral history. The blog features brief articles on folklife topics, highlighting the unparalleled collections of the Library of Congress, especially the American Folklife Center and the Veterans History Project.

The following blog posts focus on Veterans History Project collections relevant to World War I veterans and their correspondence.

Library of Congress Exhibition